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Centralized Hospital Drip Monitoring System - Printable Version

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Centralized Hospital Drip Monitoring System - [email protected] - 10-04-2017

Centralized Hospital Drip Monitoring System

This project is a part of the hospital automation system which is very common in many super specialty hospitals. Automation makes the management of the hospital system easier and convenient. In this project we are designing a centralized hospital drip management system for managing and monitoring the patient with drip connected. In this system we use a type of sensor to measure the liquid level in the drip bag which is continuously read by the microcontroller. When the liquid level is below the set limit the sensor gives an interrupt to the microcontroller which in turn sends an immediate alert to the nursing station via a RF based communication system.

The communication system is designed using an RF TX/ RX, Encoder/Decoder. The data from the microcontroller is encoded by the encoder and is transmitted via an RF module. The data eiver section. At the receiver side an LCD display and an alarm is set to make the alert. The receiver section can be placed at the nursing station in the same floor.
In a general ward the system can be used to monitor the drip level status of different patients with separate sensors and can be monitored separately at the nursing station.

Component Description

The microcontroller is a set of digital logic circuits integrated on a single silicon chip whose connections and behavior can be specified and later alter when required, by the program in its memory. The great advantage of this is that in order to change the circuit s structure and operation, all that is needed is a change in the program very little, if any, circuit hardware modifications are necessary.
The microcontroller unit used here is a PIC16f877A .The core controller is a mid-range family having a built-in SPI master. 16F877A have enough I/O lines for current need. It is capable of initiating all intersystem communications. The master controller controls each functions of the system with a supporting device.
The 2^12 encoders are a series of CMOS LSIs for remote control system applications. They are capable of encoding information which consists of N address bits and 12_N data bits. Each address/ data input can be set to one of the two logic states. The programmed addresses/data are transmitted together with the header bits via an RF or an infrared transmission medium upon receipt of a trigger signal. The capability to select a TE trigger on the HT12E or a DATA trigger on the HT12A further enhances the application flexibility of the 2^12 series of encoders. The HT12A additionally provides a 38 kHz carrier for infrared systems.
The 2^12 decoders are a series of CMOS LSIs for remote control system applications. They are paired with Holtek_s 212 series of encoders (refer to the encoder/decoder cross reference table). For proper operation, a pair of encoder/decoder with the same number of addresses and data format should be chosen.
The decoders receive serial addresses and data from a programmed 212 series of encoders that are transmitted by a carrier using an RF or an IR transmission medium. They compare the serial input data three times continuously with their local addresses. If no error or unmatched codes are found, the input data codes are decoded and then transferred to the output pins. The VT pin also goes high to indicate a valid transmission.


LCD is the commonly used output device. Here we are using 2x16 Matrix LCD display, that means that it consists of two rows each of them can able to display 16 characters. It consists of two modes of operation, command mode and data mode. In command mode all the data given to the LCD are taken as commands, this mode is used to initialize the LCD. During data mode LCD displays all the data that are given to the LCD data pins.