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Moving Embedded Systems onto FPGAs - Printable Version

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Moving Embedded Systems onto FPGAs - hairsh1224 - 10-06-2017



FPGA Architecture

-The FPGA is like a chess board with every square being a "CELL"
-Elements inside FPGAs are combin- ational cell and sequential cells.
-Through specific configuration of internal structures the FPGA can realize different circuits.
-The programmable logic blocks are the central elements.
-Circuit structures are implemented using hardware description languages such as VHDL to configure the new soft hardware.

Moving Embedded Systems onto FPGAs - jishad - 10-06-2017


FPGA Architecture

-The FPGA is like a chess board with every square being a "CELL"
-Elements inside FPGAs are combin- ational cell and sequential cells.
-Through specific configuration of internal structures the FPGA can realize different circuits.
-The programmable logic blocks are the central elements.
-Circuit structures are implemented using hardware description languages such as VHDL to configure the new soft hardware.