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A Linux Device Driver for USB to USB Direct Link Device - Printable Version

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A Linux Device Driver for USB to USB Direct Link Device - sreekuttan - 10-06-2017

A Linux Device Driver for USB to USB Direct Link Device

The first version of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) specification was released in January 1996. In April 2000, version 2.0 of the USB specification, which supports transfer rates up to 480 Mbps, was released. Because of its low cost, high data-transfer rate, ease of use, and flexibility, USB has gained wide acceptance in the computer industry. Today, many peripherals and devices connect to computers through USB interfaces. Currently, most general-purpose operating systems provide support for USB devices.In Linux, one cannot transfer data between 2 systems using a regular USB cable. The USB to USB cable is a special cable that connects 2 PC s and makes file transfers in a snap without the networking adjustments and connected hassle. Linux operating system does not provide remote access through USB between different machines .Here we utilize its high band width to transfer files between machines without using any network cables. However such data transfer is possible in Windows operating system. But considering the bloom of the Linux operating system it is of utmost importance to enable such a transfer.
Though it may seem to use USB for data transfer between a computer and an external device much like a serial cable, it is much more than that. To understand the difference, consider what is required to get a serial connection to work on a computer. All that is needed, is a driver for the serial port installed and that would make our serial port functional. Much concern is not about the device that is hooked up at the other end of the serial cable. With the driver installed, the only other utility that maybe required is a serial client application like Hyperterm (Windows) or Minicom ( Unix/Linux). That is one is only concerned about our end of things. But USB is a bus, like a PCI bus. Since the bus is part of the computer's datapath, it follows that all devices connected the USB cable, by virtue of being 'on the bus', are part of the computer. So, apart from being interested in just putting the bits on the wire - as was the case with the serial page link - now we are also concerned about the devices on the other end.
Serial tells us that data transmission on the wire is serial (as opposed to parallel) one bit at a time Universal clarifies that the standard is portable across devices and platforms.
The USB remote access allows transferring files between two machines . This project contains two parts
1.Kernel module(USB driver)
2.User interface
1. Kernel Module
In this part we create a device driver for usb direct page link cable which is used to connect between two systems. The driver designed in such a way that it should be efficient and simple to the Linux operating system. The files are transmitting using file transmission protocol. The low level system call and device accessing will provide reliable ,efficient,fast transferring of files between machines
2. User Interface
After the kernel module driver became a part of the operating system user can use this driver for remote access. An interactive user interface will provide smooth and transparent to the user. We implement client server architecture in user side program. So it contains 3 modules.
1.Server side program.
2.Client side program.
3.GUI using QT.
Hardware Requirements:-
USB direct page link cable, intel p4 processor, 128 RAM
Software Requirements :-
Linux kernel 2.6, GCC, QT.
