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genetic algorithm tcl code in ns2 - Printable Version

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genetic algorithm tcl code in ns2 - nijesh.m.t - 10-06-2017

# genetic_alg.tcl --
# Package for implementing simple genetic algorithms
# (Tcl-only version)
# Notes:
# This package is shamelessly modelled after a publically
# available program by Scott Robert Ladd (
# Version information:
# version 0.1: initial implementation, february 2002

package provide GeneticAlgorithms 0.1

namespace eval ::GeneticAlgorithms {
variable crossover 0.5
variable mutation 0.1
variable elitism 1
variable quadweight 0

variable best_guess {}
variable population {}
variable child_pop {}

namespace export setting optimise optimiseStep

# limitvalue
# Limit the argument between two bounds
# Arguments:
# value New value (if not present, return current value)
# minimum Minimum bound
# maximum Maximum bound
# Result:
# Value or one of the bounds
proc limitvalue {value minimum maximum} {
if { $value < $minimum } {
return $minimum
if { $value > $maximum } {
return $maximum
return $value

# setting
# Set/get the settings
# Arguments:
# name Name of a variable to set or get
# value New value (if not present, return current value)
# Result:
# New value for given variable
# Side effects:
# Sets given variable to new value
proc setting {name {value NONE} } {
variable $name
if { $value != "NONE" } {
switch -- $name {
"crossover" { set $name [limitvalue $value 0.0 1.0] }
"mutation" { set $name [limitvalue $value 0.0 1.0] }
"elitism" { set $name [expr $value!=0] }
"quadweight" { set $name [expr $value!=0] }
default { error "setting: unknown parameter $name" }
set $name

# optimise --
# Optimise the given function using a genetic algorithm
# Arguments:
# pop_size Size of the population
# max_gen Maximum number of generations
# no_genes Number of "genes" - degrees of freedoms
# fitness Function of the degrees of freedom, returns the fitness
# of the solution (as a non-negative number!)
# Result:
# Best guess of degrees of freedom, as a list
proc optimise { pop_size max_gen no_genes fitness } {
variable best_guess

optimiseInit $pop_size $no_genes

for { set i 0 } { $i < $max_gen } { incr i } {
optimiseStep $pop_size $no_genes $fitness
puts "$best_guess - [$fitness $best_guess]"

return $best_guess

# optimiseInit --
# Initialise the population
# Arguments:
# pop_size Size of the population
# no_genes Number of "genes" - degrees of freedoms
# Result:
# None
# Side effects:
# Initialised list variable population
proc optimiseInit { pop_size no_genes } {
variable population
variable child_pop

set population {}

for { set i 0 } { $i < $pop_size } { incr i } {
set member {}
for { set j 0 } { $j < $no_genes } { incr j } {
lappend member [expr {int(2147483000.0*rand())}]
lappend population $member

set child_pop $population

# optimiseStep --
# Perform a single step in the optimisation
# Arguments:
# pop_size Size of the population
# no_genes Number of "genes" - degrees of freedoms
# fitness Function for determining the fitness
# Result:
# None
# Side effects:
# New population, best_guess set
proc optimiseStep { pop_size no_genes fitness } {
variable population
variable child_pop
variable best_guess
variable mutation
variable crossover
variable quadweight
variable elitism

# Copy the child population
set population $child_pop

# Determine the fitness per member
set high_fit -1
set tot_fit 0.0
set pop_fit {}
foreach member $population {
set fit [eval $fitness $member]
if { $high_fit < $fit } {
set high_fit $fit
set best_guess $member

lappend pop_fit $fit
set tot_fit [expr {$tot_fit+$fit}]

# Scale the fitness (quadratic weight)
# PM

# Elitism: keep the best in any case
set child_pop {}
set no_child $pop_size
if { $elitism } {
lappend child_pop $best_guess
incr no_child -1

# Breed the children
for { set i 0 } { $i < $no_child } { incr i } {
set selection [expr {$tot_fit*rand()}]
set father 0
set father_fit [lindex $pop_fit $father]
while { $selection > $father_fit } {
set selection [expr {$selection-$father_fit}]
incr father
set father_fit [lindex $pop_fit $father]

set selection [expr {$tot_fit*rand()}]
set mother 0
set mother_fit [lindex $pop_fit $mother]
while { $selection > $mother_fit } {
set selection [expr {$selection-$mother_fit}]
incr mother
set mother_fit [lindex $pop_fit $mother]

set child [combineGenes [lindex $population $mother] \
[lindex $population $father] ]
set child [mutateGenes $child]
lappend child_pop $child

#puts $population
#puts $pop_fit

# combineGenes --
# Combine the genes of the two parents (using cross-over)
# Arguments:
# mother Genes of the first parent
# father Genes of the second parent
# Result:
# Genes of the child
proc combineGenes { mother father } {
variable crossover

set all_bits_set -2147483647

set child {}
foreach first $mother second $father {
set bit_no [expr int(32.0*rand())]
set bitmask [expr {($all_bits_set>>$bit_no)<<$bit_no}]
set newgene [expr {$first&$bitmask $second& $bitmask}]

lappend child $newgene

return $child

# mutateGenes --
# Mutate the genes of a child (flip a bit)
# Arguments:
# child Genes of the child to be mutated
# Result:
# Mutated genes
proc mutateGenes { child } {
variable mutation

set newgenes {}
foreach gene $child {
if { [expr {rand()}] < $mutation } {
set bit_no [expr {int(32.0*rand())}]
set bitmask [expr {1<<$bit_no}]
set bitset [expr {($gene&$bitmask) != 0}]
if { $bitset } {
set newgene [expr {$gene& $bitmask}]
} else {
set newgene [expr {$gene $bitmask}]
} else {
set newgene $gene

lappend newgenes $newgene

return $newgenes

} ;# End of namespace

#namespace import ::GeneticAlgorithms::*

proc testFunc { var } {
expr {1.0-abs($var/2147483647.0-0.5)}

puts [::GeneticAlgorithms::optimise 100 40 1 testFunc]

genetic algorithm tcl code in ns2 - Ann - 10-06-2017

Respected Sir/Madam,
Im studying ME(CSE) II year.I need NS2 codings for cluster head selection using genetic algorithm in wireless sensor network for my project.please help me to complete my project.


genetic algorithm tcl code in ns2 - kiranmai - 10-06-2017

I request you to send the Genetic Algorithm tcl code in ns2 to me.

[email protected]