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NANOMOTORS-The Future Gear World - Anoop C.A - 08-16-2017



Working of a Nanomotor
At the nanoscale, surface forces dominate over inertia and can be harnessed to move small objects.
A large number of metals and metal complexes catalyze reactions that can be used to generate chemical gradients at the surface of nano objects.
Depending on the shape of the object and the placement of the catalyst, different kinds of motion can be achieved.
The resulting nanomotors can, in principle, be tethered or coupled to other objects to act as the engines of nanoscale assemblies

Thermal nanomotor
Researchers are able to control these movements by applying different temperatures at the two ends of the long nanotube
million times smaller than the eye of a needle

This ability to control objects at nanometre scale can be extremely useful for future applications in nanotechnology
e.g. in designing nanoelectromechanical systems with great technological potential in the fields in biomedicine and new materials.
Future Scope of Nanomotors
Nanomotors lead to nano robos
other modern methods of construction nanotube nanomotor Nanopumps more efficient nano tubes Applications of nanomotors
managed to operate them only within a very narrow range of environments

nanomotors lack the sophisticated functionality of biomotors and are limited to some fuels
Scientists are trying to imitate the action of the sunflower at nanoscale right now. It is no less than a miracle but scientists are the greatest magicians on this earth

motors are autonomous
input energy is supplied locally and chemically
Depending on the shape of the object and the placement of the catalyst . different kinds of motion can be achieved
act as the engines.

NANOMOTORS-The Future Gear World - [email protected] - 08-16-2017


Working of a Nanomotor
At the nanoscale, surface forces dominate over inertia and can be harnessed to move small objects.
A large number of metals and metal complexes catalyze reactions that can be used to generate chemical gradients at the surface of nano objects.
Depending on the shape of the object and the placement of the catalyst, different kinds of motion can be achieved.
The resulting nanomotors can, in principle, be tethered or coupled to other objects to act as the engines of nanoscale assemblies

Thermal nanomotor
Researchers are able to control these movements by applying different temperatures at the two ends of the long nanotube
million times smaller than the eye of a needle

This ability to control objects at nanometre scale can be extremely useful for future applications in nanotechnology
e.g. in designing nanoelectromechanical systems with great technological potential in the fields in biomedicine and new materials.
Future Scope of Nanomotors
Nanomotors lead to nano robos
other modern methods of construction nanotube nanomotor Nanopumps more efficient nano tubes Applications of nanomotors
managed to operate them only within a very narrow range of environments

nanomotors lack the sophisticated functionality of biomotors and are limited to some fuels
Scientists are trying to imitate the action of the sunflower at nanoscale right now. It is no less than a miracle but scientists are the greatest magicians on this earth

motors are autonomous
input energy is supplied locally and chemically
Depending on the shape of the object and the placement of the catalyst . different kinds of motion can be achieved
act as the engines.