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3D PASSWORD FOR MORE SECURE AUTHENTICATION full report - madhavikumar22 - 08-16-2017


The main scope of this paper is to detect the lost mobiles. Each and every day thousands of mobiles get misplaced or lost, though effective way for the blocking of the lost mobile to prevent unauthorized person from making and receiving the calls has been done by the manufacturers of the mobile with the help of International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI) has been done but however there has been no development or very little progress for the detection of the misplaced mobile phone.

For the detection of lost mobile SNIFFER plays a vital role .The sniffer device has to be designed precisely and size should be reduced for easy mobility for the purpose of detection .The device can be called as a mobile Base station that includes Sniffer Base station, Unidirectional antenna , Tracking software. The sniffer is a small base station that includes transceiver section.It should operate at a frequency which is much different from the frequency of the current cell in which the operation of detection is being carried out. The directional antenna is an important device that is to be designed and used as it plays a major role.

There are certain boundary conditions that have to be qualified for the identification of lost mobile like the power of the mobile should be good enough, the mobile phone should not be in the shadow region but however this method using modern technologies and devices.
Our paper seems to be a bit costlier for initial setup but the cost is gradually reduced when effectively and efficiently utilized for the purpose of detection.


One of the most interesting things about cell phone is that it is really a radio an extremely sophisticated radio, which uses some band of frequency that has the basic working similar to the ordinary cordless phone. The mobile cellular communication has been appreciated since its birth in the early 70 s and the advancement in the field of VLSI has helped in designing less power, smaller size but efficient transceiver for the purpose of communication.

But however the technology has not yet answered the loss or misplacement of the lost mobile phone which is significantly increasing. In this paper we discuss the problem and the probable solution that could be done. The IMEI number is a unique number that is embedded in the mobile phone the main purpose of which is the blocking of calls that is made by unauthorized person once the mobile is reported as stolen but here we use it effectively for the purpose of detection.


The GSM MoU s IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) numbering system is a 15 digit unique code that is used to identify the GSM/DCS/PCS phone. When a phone is switched on, this unique IMEI number is transmitted and checked against a data base of black listed or grey listed phones in the network s EIR (Equipment ID Register). This EIR determines whether the phone can log on to the network to make and receive calls. To know the IMEI number the *#06# has to be pressed, the number will be displayed in the LCD screen; it is unique to a mobile phone. If the EIR and IMEI number match, the networks can do a number of things.

For example grey list or blacklist a phone:
1. Grey listing will allow the phone to be used, but it can be tracked to see who has it (via the SIM information).
2. Black listing the phone from being used on any network where there is an EIR match.


This paper explores the various techniques used to authenticate the visual data recorded by the automatic video surveillance system. Automatic video surveillance systems are used for continuous and effective monitoring and reliable control of remote and dangerous sites. Some practical issues must be taken in to account, in order to take full advantage of the potentiality of VS system. The validity of visual data acquired, processed and possibly stored by the VS system, as a proof in front of a court of law is one of such issues. But visual data can be modified using sophisticated processing tools without leaving any visible trace of the modification. So digital or image data have no value as legal proof, since doubt would always exist that they had been intentionally tampered with to incriminate or exculpate the defendant. Besides, the video data can be created artificially by computerized techniques such as morphing. Therefore the true origin of the data must be indicated to use them as legal proof. By data authentication we mean here a procedure capable of ensuring that data have not been tampered with and of indicating their true origin.


Automatic Visual Surveillance system is a self monitoring system which consists of a video camera unit, central unit and transmission networks.(figure)

A pool of digital cameras is in charge of frame the scene of interest and sent corresponding video sequence to central unit. The central unit is in charge of analyzing the sequence and generating an alarm whenever a suspicious situation is detected. Central unit also transmits the video sequences to an intervention centre such as security service provider, the police department or a security guard unit. Somewhere in the system the video sequence or some part of it may be stored and when needed the stored sequence can be used as a proof in front of court of law. If the stored digital video sequences have to be legally credible, some means must be envisaged to detect content tampering and reliably trace back to the data origin


Authentication techniques are performed on visual data to indicate that the data is not a forgery; they should not damage visual quality of the video data. At the same time, these techniques must indicate the malicious modifications include removal or insertion of certain frames, change of faces of individual, time and background etc. Only a properly authenticated video data has got the value as legal proof. There are two major techniques for authenticating video data. They are as follows

1. Cryptographic Data Authentication

It is a straight forward way to provide video authentication, namely through the joint use of asymmetric key encryption and the digital Hash function.

Cameras calculate a digital summary (digest) of the video by means of hash function. Then they encrypt the digest with their private key, thus obtaining a signed digest which is transmitted to the central unit together with acquired sequences. This digest is used to prove data integrity or to trace back to their origin. Signed digest can only read by using public key of the camera.

2. Watermarking- based authentication

Watermarking data authentication is the modern approach to authenticate visual data by imperceptibly embedding a digital watermark signal on the data.

Digital watermarking is the art and science of embedding copyright information in the original files. The information embedded is called watermarks . Digital watermarks are difficult to remove without noticeably degrading the content and are a covert means in situation where copyright fails to provide robustness.

Mounting concern over the new threats to privacy and security has lead to wide spread adoption of cryptography. Cryptography is the science of transforming documents. It has mainly two functions


The purpose of encryption is to render a document unreadable by all except those who authorize to read it. Cryptographers refer to the content of the original document as plain text. Plain text is converted in to cipher form using an algorithm and a variable or key. The key is a randomly selected string of numbers.

Only after decoding the cipher text using the key the content of the document is revealed to the common people. Encryption schemes are classified in to

1. Symmetric encryption

In which the same key is used to both encode and decode the document.

2. Public key or asymmetric encryption

It requires a pair of keys: one for encrypting the plain text and the other for decrypting the cipher text. A file encrypted with one key of a pair can be decrypted with other key of the same pair.


To authenticate visual data each video camera is assigned a different public or private key pair, with private key hardwired within the cameras. A document encrypted with the private key of any particular camera can be decrypted with its own public key. This property is used to provide center authentication that is to trace back to the true origin of the data.

Before sending the video sequence to the central unit, cameras calculate a digital summary or digest of the video by means of a proper hash function. The digest is then encrypted with their private key. Encryption is done by considering the digitized value of the brightness of each pixel. Digital signal is a sequence of zeros and ones and it is encrypted with the private key using a proper algorithm. The signed digest thus obtained is then transmitted to the central unit together with the acquired visual sequence.

Later the signal digest is used to prove data integrity or to trace back to their origin. The signed digest is read using the public key of the camera which produce the video and check if it corresponds to the digest derived from the decrypted video content using the same hash function.

Any manipulation of the data will change the calculated image digest derived from the decrypted data. Any discrepancy between the decrypted digest and calculated image digest indicate that the data has been tampered, with identical digest indicates that the data is genuine.

Value of the visual data can be added by tying each frame to the particular label of the instant the frame has been produced yet. This can be achieved by printing date and time of creation of each frame. Any modification of either the date or time could be easily revealed since it would change the locally calculated image digest.


Even though cryptographic data authentication is highly resistant to content tampering, it suffers from few drawbacks. They are as follows:

1. Knowledge of private key

If the manipulator knows the private key of the camera, he can change the digest to involve the modifications he had made on the actual sequence. But the possibility of such a thing is very small because the private key is hardwired within the camera.

2. Impossible to distinguish between malicious and innocuous modification

It is difficult to distinguish between malicious and innocuous manipulations if cryptography is used. Innocuous modifications include compression of the video sequences. These modifications are usually performed by the central unit whereas digest is calculated on the basis of the uncompressed data by the camera. So on compression the correspondence between the digest and data would be lost.

3. High requirements of video camera

To avoid the above discussed problem, the video camera should perform the compression of the video sequences prior to digest calculation. This requires the video camera to have high computation as storage requirements.

4. Delay in transmission

Digest calculations and encryption introduces a delay in transmission of video documents. This is harmful in system where the timely generation of alarm is critical.

5. Protecting privacy is difficult

A part of the program cannot be removed for privacy reasons since it will alter the calculated digest.


A digital watermark is a signal that is imperceptibly embedded within digital data. This signal can be detected or extracted by means of computations to make some assertions about the host data.

Digital watermark is a signal which added to a document to authenticate it and to prove the ownership. A commonly encountered digital watermark is the logo most television channels display on the top of the television screen. Not only does it advertise the channel but also provides the legal benefit of having a source signature persist during video recording. Watermark task consists of two main steps

1. Watermark casting:-in which the signal represented by the watermark is transmitted over the channel, that is in watermark casting an encoder function takes a host image f and a watermark w and generate a new image
Fw= (f, w)

2. Watermark detection:-in which the signal is received and extracted from possibly corrupted image.


This paper explores the various techniques used to authenticate the visual data recorded by the automatic video surveillance system. Automatic video surveillance systems are used for continuous and effective monitoring and reliable control of remote and dangerous sites. Some practical issues must be taken in to account, in order to take full advantage of the potentiality of VS system. The validity of visual data acquired, processed and possibly stored by the VS system, as a proof in front of a court of law is one of such issues. But visual data can be modified using sophisticated processing tools without leaving any visible trace of the modification. So digital or image data have no value as legal proof, since doubt would always exist that they had been intentionally tampered with to incriminate or exculpate the defendant. Besides, the video data can be created artificially by computerized techniques such as morphing. Therefore the true origin of the data must be indicated to use them as legal proof. By data authentication we mean here a procedure capable of ensuring that data have not been tampered with and of indicating their true origin.


Automatic Visual Surveillance system is a self monitoring system which consists of a video camera unit, central unit and transmission networks.(figure)

A pool of digital cameras is in charge of frame the scene of interest and sent corresponding video sequence to central unit. The central unit is in charge of analyzing the sequence and generating an alarm whenever a suspicious situation is detected. Central unit also transmits the video sequences to an intervention centre such as security service provider, the police department or a security guard unit. Somewhere in the system the video sequence or some part of it may be stored and when needed the stored sequence can be used as a proof in front of court of law. If the stored digital video sequences have to be legally credible, some means must be envisaged to detect content tampering and reliably trace back to the data origin


Authentication techniques are performed on visual data to indicate that the data is not a forgery; they should not damage visual quality of the video data. At the same time, these techniques must indicate the malicious modifications include removal or insertion of certain frames, change of faces of individual, time and background etc. Only a properly authenticated video data has got the value as legal proof. There are two major techniques for authenticating video data. They are as follows

1. Cryptographic Data Authentication

It is a straight forward way to provide video authentication, namely through the joint use of asymmetric key encryption and the digital Hash function.

Cameras calculate a digital summary (digest) of the video by means of hash function. Then they encrypt the digest with their private key, thus obtaining a signed digest which is transmitted to the central unit together with acquired sequences. This digest is used to prove data integrity or to trace back to their origin. Signed digest can only read by using public key of the camera.

2. Watermarking- based authentication

Watermarking data authentication is the modern approach to authenticate visual data by imperceptibly embedding a digital watermark signal on the data.

Digital watermarking is the art and science of embedding copyright information in the original files. The information embedded is called watermarks . Digital watermarks are difficult to remove without noticeably degrading the content and are a covert means in situation where copyright fails to provide robustness.

Mounting concern over the new threats to privacy and security has lead to wide spread adoption of cryptography. Cryptography is the science of transforming documents. It has mainly two functions


The purpose of encryption is to render a document unreadable by all except those who authorize to read it. Cryptographers refer to the content of the original document as plain text. Plain text is converted in to cipher form using an algorithm and a variable or key. The key is a randomly selected string of numbers.

Only after decoding the cipher text using the key the content of the document is revealed to the common people. Encryption schemes are classified in to

1. Symmetric encryption

In which the same key is used to both encode and decode the document.

2. Public key or asymmetric encryption

It requires a pair of keys: one for encrypting the plain text and the other for decrypting the cipher text. A file encrypted with one key of a pair can be decrypted with other key of the same pair.


To authenticate visual data each video camera is assigned a different public or private key pair, with private key hardwired within the cameras. A document encrypted with the private key of any particular camera can be decrypted with its own public key. This property is used to provide center authentication that is to trace back to the true origin of the data.

Before sending the video sequence to the central unit, cameras calculate a digital summary or digest of the video by means of a proper hash function. The digest is then encrypted with their private key. Encryption is done by considering the digitized value of the brightness of each pixel. Digital signal is a sequence of zeros and ones and it is encrypted with the private key using a proper algorithm. The signed digest thus obtained is then transmitted to the central unit together with the acquired visual sequence.

Later the signal digest is used to prove data integrity or to trace back to their origin. The signed digest is read using the public key of the camera which produce the video and check if it corresponds to the digest derived from the decrypted video content using the same hash function.

Any manipulation of the data will change the calculated image digest derived from the decrypted data. Any discrepancy between the decrypted digest and calculated image digest indicate that the data has been tampered, with identical digest indicates that the data is genuine.

Value of the visual data can be added by tying each frame to the particular label of the instant the frame has been produced yet. This can be achieved by printing date and time of creation of each frame. Any modification of either the date or time could be easily revealed since it would change the locally calculated image digest.


Even though cryptographic data authentication is highly resistant to content tampering, it suffers from few drawbacks. They are as follows:

1. Knowledge of private key

If the manipulator knows the private key of the camera, he can change the digest to involve the modifications he had made on the actual sequence. But the possibility of such a thing is very small because the private key is hardwired within the camera.

2. Impossible to distinguish between malicious and innocuous modification

It is difficult to distinguish between malicious and innocuous manipulations if cryptography is used. Innocuous modifications include compression of the video sequences. These modifications are usually performed by the central unit whereas digest is calculated on the basis of the uncompressed data by the camera. So on compression the correspondence between the digest and data would be lost.

3. High requirements of video camera

To avoid the above discussed problem, the video camera should perform the compression of the video sequences prior to digest calculation. This requires the video camera to have high computation as storage requirements.

4. Delay in transmission

Digest calculations and encryption introduces a delay in transmission of video documents. This is harmful in system where the timely generation of alarm is critical.

5. Protecting privacy is difficult

A part of the program cannot be removed for privacy reasons since it will alter the calculated digest.


A digital watermark is a signal that is imperceptibly embedded within digital data. This signal can be detected or extracted by means of computations to make some assertions about the host data.

Digital watermark is a signal which added to a document to authenticate it and to prove the ownership. A commonly encountered digital watermark is the logo most television channels display on the top of the television screen. Not only does it advertise the channel but also provides the legal benefit of having a source signature persist during video recording. Watermark task consists of two main steps

1. Watermark casting:-in which the signal represented by the watermark is transmitted over the channel, that is in watermark casting an encoder function takes a host image f and a watermark w and generate a new image
Fw= (f, w)

2. Watermark detection:-in which the signal is received and extracted from possibly corrupted image.

3D PASSWORD FOR MORE SECURE AUTHENTICATION full report - rashmi j - 08-16-2017

This article is presented by:Fawaz A. Alsulaiman and Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, Senior Member, IEE
Three-Dimensional Password for More
Secure Authentication

Current authentication systems suffer from many weaknesses. Textual passwords are commonly used; however, users do not follow their requirements. Users tend to choose meaningful words from dictionaries, which make textual passwords easy to break and vulnerable to dictionary or brute force attacks. Many available graphical passwords have a password space that is less than or equal to the textual password space. Smart cards or tokens can be stolen. Many biometric authentications have been proposed; however, users tend to resist using biometrics because of their intrusiveness and the effect on their privacy. Moreover, biometrics cannot be revoked. In this paper, we present and evaluate our contribution, i.e., the 3-D password. The 3-D password is a multifactor authentication scheme. To be authenticated, we present a 3-D virtual environment where the user navigates and interacts with various objects. The sequence of actions and interactions toward the objects inside the 3-D environment constructs the user s 3-D password. The 3-D password can combine most existing authentication schemes such as textual passwords, graphical passwords, and various types of biometrics into a 3-D virtual environment. The design of the 3-D virtual environment and the type of objects selected determine the 3-D password key space.

THE DRAMATIC increase of computer usage has given rise to many security concerns. One major security concern is authentication, which is the process of validating who you are to whom you claimed to be. In general, human authentication techniques can be classified as knowledge based (what you know), token based (what you have), and biometrics (what you are). Knowledge-based authentication can be further divided into two categories as follows: 1) recall based and 2) recognition based [1]. Recall-based techniques require the user to repeat or reproduce a secret that the user created before. Recognitionbased techniques require the user to identify and recognize the secret, or part of it, that the user selected before [1]. One of the most common recall-based authentication schemes used in the computer world is textual passwords. One major drawback of the textual password is its two conflicting requirements: the selection of passwords that are easy to remember and, at the same time, are hard to guess. Klein [2] collected the passwords of nearly 15 000 accounts that had alphanumerical passwords, and he reached the following observation: 25% of the passwords were guessed by using a small yet well-formed dictionary of 3 106 words. Furthermore, 21% of the passwords were guessed in the first week and 368 passwords were guessed within the first 15 min. Klein [2] stated that by looking at these results in a system with about 50 accounts, the first account can be guessed in 2 min and 5 15 accounts can be guessed in the first day. Klein [2] showed that even though the full textual password space for eight-character passwords consisting of letters and numbers is almost 2 1014 possible passwords, it is easy to crack 25% of the passwords by using only a small subset of the full password space. It is important to note that Klein s experiment was in 1990 when the processing capabilities, memory, networking, and other resources were very limited compared to today s technology. Many authentication systems, particularly in banking, require not only what the user knows but also what the user possesses (token-based systems). However, many reports [3] [5] have shown that tokens are vulnerable to fraud, loss, or theft by using simple techniques. Graphical passwords can be divided into two categories as follows: 1) recognition based and 2) recall based [1]. Various graphical password schemes have been proposed [6] [8], [10] [12]. Graphical passwords are based on the idea that users can recall and recognize pictures better than words. However, some of the graphical password schemes require a long time to be performed. Moreover, most of the graphical passwords can be easily observed or recorded while the legitimate user is performing the graphical password; thus, it is vulnerable to shoulder surfing attacks. Currently, most graphical passwords are still in their research phase and require more enhancements and usability studies to deploy them in the market. Many biometric schemes have been proposed; fingerprints, palmprints, hand geometry, face recognition, voice recognition, iris recognition, and retina recognition are all different biometric schemes. Each biometric recognition scheme has its advantages and disadvantages based on several factors such as consistency, uniqueness, and acceptability. One of the main drawbacks of applying biometrics is its intrusiveness upon a user s personal characteristic. Moreover, retina biometrical recognition schemes require the user to willingly subject their eyes to a low-intensity infrared light. In addition, most biometric systems require a special scanning device to authenticate users, which is not applicable for remote and Internet users.

3D PASSWORD FOR MORE SECURE AUTHENTICATION full report - Makarand - 08-16-2017

Tushar V.Nagarkar
Yatin Mahajan
Sagar Shinde



Normally the authentication scheme the user undegoes is paticularly very lenient or very strict.Throughout the yeras authentication has been a very interesting approach.With all the means of technology developing ,it can be very easy for 'others' to fabricate or to steal identity or to hack someones password.Therefore many algorithms have come up each with an interesting approach toward calculation of a secret key.The algorithms are such based to pick a random number in the range of 10^6 and therefore the possbilities of the sane number coming is rare.

Users nowadays are provided with major password stereotypes such as textual passwords,biometric scanning,tokens or cards(such as an ATM) etc.Mostly textual passwords follow an encryption algorithm as mentioned above.Biometric scanning is your "natural" signature and Cards or Tokens prove your validity.But some people hate the fact to carry around their cards,some refuse to undergo strong IR exposure to their retinas(Biometric scanning).Mostly textual passwords, nowadays, are kept very simple say a word from the dictionary or their pet names,grilfriends etc.Ten years back Klein performed such tests and he could crack 10-15 passwords per day.Now with the technology change,fast processors and many tools on the Internet this has become a Child's Play.

Therefore we preset our idea, the 3D passwords which are more customisable, and very interesting way of authentication.


Now the passwords are based on the fact of Human memory.Generally simple passwords are set so as to quickly recall them.The human memory,in our scheme has to undergo the facts of Recognition,Recalling,Biometrics or Token based authentication.

Once implemented and you log in to a secure site,the 3D password GUI opens up.This is an additional textual passwords which the user can simply put.Once he goes through the first authentication, a 3D virtual room will open on the screen.In our case, lets say a virtual garage.

Now in a day to day garage one will find all sorts of tools, equipments ,etc.each of them having a unique properties.The user will then interact with these properties accordingly.Each object in the 3D space, can be moved around in an (x,y,z) plane.Thats the moving attribute of each object.This property is common to all the objects in the space.Suppose a user logs in and enters the garage.He sees and picks a screw-driver(initial position in xyz coordinates (5,5,5)) and moves it 5 palces to his right (in XY plane ie (10,5,5).That can be identified as an authentication.

Only the true user understands and recognizes the object which he has to choose among many.This is the Recall and Recognition part of human memeory coming into play.Interestingly,a password can be set as approaching a radio and setting its frequency to number only the user knows.

Security can be enhanced by the fact of including Cards and Biometric scanner as input.There can be levels of authentication a user can undergo.More the confidentiality more the complexity.In that scenario a virtual environment can be developed as a globe,a city or simply a garage.


1.The user can decide his own authentication schemes.If he's comfortable with Recall and Recognition methods then he can choose the 3d authentication just used above.

2.The authentication can be improved since the unauthorised persons will not interact with the same object as a legitimate user would.We can also include a timer.Higher the security higher the timer.Say after 20 seconds a weak password will be thrown out.

3.The 3D environment can change according to users request.

4.It would be difficult to crack using regular techniques.Since all the algorithms follow steps to authenticate,our project has no fixed number of steps.Hence to calculate all those possibilites and decipher them is not easy.

5.Can be used in critical areas such as Nuclear Reactors,Missile Guiding Systems etc.

6.Added with biometrics and card verification,the scheme becomes almost unbreakable.


IEE paper:3D passwords for more secure authentication-Fawaz A.Alsulaiman and Abdulmotaleb El Saddik

3D PASSWORD FOR MORE SECURE AUTHENTICATION full report - vinod_rajendran - 08-16-2017



Normally the authentication scheme the user undergoes is particularly very lenient or very strict. Throughout the years authentication has been a very interesting approach. With all the means of technology developing, it can be very easy for 'others' to fabricate or to steal identity or to hack someone s password. Therefore many algorithms have come up each with an interesting approach toward calculation of a secret key. The algorithms are such based to pick a random number in the range of 10^6 and therefore the possibilities of the sane number coming is rare.

Users nowadays are provided with major password stereotypes such as textual passwords, biometric scanning, tokens or cards (such as an ATM) etc .Mostly textual passwords follow an encryption algorithm as mentioned above. Biometric scanning is your "natural" signature and Cards or Tokens prove your validity. But some people hate the fact to carry around their cards, some refuse to undergo strong IR exposure to their retinas(Biometric scanning).Mostly textual passwords, nowadays, are kept very simple say a word from the dictionary or their pet names, girlfriends etc. Years back Klein performed such tests and he could crack 10-15 passwords per day. Now with the technology change, fast processors and many tools on the Internet this has become a Child's Play.
Therefore we present our idea, the 3D passwords which are more customizable and very interesting way of authentication. Now the passwords are based on the fact of Human memory. Generally simple passwords are set so as to quickly recall them. The human memory, in our scheme has to undergo the facts of Recognition, Recalling, Biometrics or Token based authentication. Once implemented and you log in to a secure site, the 3D password GUI opens up. This is an additional textual password which the user can simply put. Once he goes through the first authentication, a 3D virtual room will open on the screen. In our case, let s say a virtual garage. Now in a day to day garage one will find all sorts of tools, equipments, etc.each of them having unique properties. The user will then interact with these properties accordingly. Each object in the 3D space, can be moved around in an (x,y,z) plane. That s the moving attribute of each object. This property is common to all the objects in the space. Suppose a user logs in and enters the garage. He sees and picks a screw-driver (initial position in xyz coordinates (5, 5, 5)) and moves it 5 places to his right (in XY plane i.e. (10, 5, 5).That can be identified as an authentication. Only the true user understands and recognizes the object which he has to choose among many. This is the Recall and Recognition part of human memory coming into play. Interestingly, a password can be set as approaching a radio and setting its frequency to number only the user knows. Security can be enhanced by the fact of including Cards and Biometric scanner as input. There can be levels of authentication a user can undergo.

3D PASSWORD FOR MORE SECURE AUTHENTICATION full report - sukesh - 08-16-2017

to get information about the topic 3D Password full report ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow

3D PASSWORD FOR MORE SECURE AUTHENTICATION full report - dmax - 08-16-2017

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3D PASSWORD FOR MORE SECURE AUTHENTICATION full report - tejus2608 - 08-16-2017

you can refer these pages to get the details on 3D passward

3D PASSWORD FOR MORE SECURE AUTHENTICATION full report - enggpoojajain - 08-16-2017

To get full information or details of 3D PASSWORD FOR MORE SECURE AUTHENTICATION please have a look on the pages

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3D PASSWORD FOR MORE SECURE AUTHENTICATION full report - milindbhamawat - 08-16-2017

you can refer these pages to get the details on 3D passward

3D PASSWORD FOR MORE SECURE AUTHENTICATION full report - debabrata - 08-16-2017

hey can any one send me a ppt or documentation on following topics.:-

Blue Ray
Tablet PC
Smart Card Standards
Molecular Keypad Lock
VOIP Over Wireless LAN
Cyber Crime and Security
Acid rains
Ethical Hacking
Plasma Displays
Micro Mouse
Virtual Keyboards
Stealth Virus
Samba Fileserver(38
Sand Box Technology
SALT (Speech Application Language Tags