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microcontroller based car parking monitoring system abstract - abhimanyu_thakur18 - 08-16-2017

microcontroller based car parking monitoring system abstract

1) Objectives of Project:
Now days in many multiplex systems there is a severe problem for car parking systems .There are many Lanes for car parking, so to park a car one has to look for the all lanes. Moreover there is a lot of men Labor involved for this process for
which there is lot of investment. So the need is to develop a system which indicates directly which lane is vacant? So the project objective is to develop a system to indicate the vacant lane. The project involves a system Including infrared transmitter and receiver in every lane and a led display outside the car parking gate conventionally, car parking systems does not have any intelligent monitoring system. Parking lots are monitored by human beings. All vehicles enter into the parking and waste time for searching for parking slot. Sometimes it creates blockage. Condition become worse when there are multiple parking lanes and each lane have multiple parking slots. Use of automated system for car parking monitoring will reduce the human efforts. Display unit is installed on entrance of parking lot which will show LEDs for all Parking slot and for all parking
lanes. Empty slot is indicated by the respective glowing LED.

Automatic car parking system is very good substitute for managing car parking area. Since in modern world, where space has become a very big problem and in the era of miniaturization it s become a very crucial necessity to avoid the wastage of space in modern, big companies and apartments etc. In space where more than 100 cars need to be parked, it s a very difficult task to do and also to reduce the wastage of area, this system can be used. This Automatic Car Parking enables the parking of vehicles-floor after floor and thus reducing the space used. Here any number of cars can be park according to requirement. These makes the systems modernized and even a space-saving one. Automatic Car Parking System here we work on the thought of display the number of parking available at parking site. In this when you at parking site , you see the number of parking slots and available parking slots at the entry gate. If parking is available, the gate is open for few seconds and that particular slot is marked as unavailable. When you exit from this same process is followed and particular slot is made available for next customer.

Now days in many multiplex systems there is a severe problem for car parking systems. There are many lanes for car parking, so to park a car one has to look for the all lanes. Moreover there is a lot of men labor involved for this process for which there is lot of investment. So the need is to develop a system which indicates directly which parking slot is vacant in any lane. The project involves a system including infrared transmitter and receiver in every lane and a LED & LCD display outside the car parking gate. So the person entering parking area can view the LED display and can decide which lane to enter so as to park the car.

Conventionally, car parking systems does not have any intelligent monitoring system. Parking lots are monitored by human beings. All vehicles enter into the parking and waste time for searching for parking slot. Sometimes it creates blockage. Condition become worse when there are multiple parking lanes and each lane have multiple parking slots. Use of automated system for car parking monitoring will reduce the human efforts. Display unit is installed on entrance of parking lot which will show LEDs for all Parking slot and for all parking lanes. Empty slot is indicated by the respective glowing LED.

microcontroller based car parking monitoring system abstract - arunchandrabose - 08-16-2017

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is suresh. I am working at Singapore and study here part time degree course(BE-EE).My native place in Tamilnadu,India.

My Project Title- "Micro controller based monitoring system for car occupants such as toddles,pets or other people staying in the car".

Project Description:
We have seen several accidents where car driver often forgets their toddles, kids, or pets inside the car and went away to run errands. Car being an enclosed system poses a danger to their health and lives were lost on many occasions. This system will monitor car occupants based on motion sensors, car seat sensors, or sound sensor etc, and track car interior temperature, oxygen concentration etc. if occupants are present, then sensor may do specified actions such as turn on internal fan, open car windows or car air con, or just warn the user. This last part of alarming the driver or saving the occupant may vary depending on the time, and skills we have. First part is easy and can be implemented based on current skills of students.

Please advise to me .Can I purchase and collect above project.