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remote desktop viewer full report - chinnu thomas - 08-16-2017

"REMOTE DESKTOP VIEWER AND CONTROLLER" is a tool to access another system's desktop at your machine. The Server module runs on the Remote machine and the Client module runs at your machine. This tool helps to invoke the application at desktop of Remote machine using the interface at the your machine. The tool has feature of providing the colour mode to view the desktop at different color setting. In order to provide the quick data transfer rate to the client machine the data send from the Remote Server machine is compressed. Remote Desktop Viewer and controller System is mainly intended for those scenarios, which runs on a client/server, Internet and Intranet worked environment.
The tool is implemented using TCP/IP network protocol, the server on the remote host machine initiate the connection, and wait for the Client request. The client machines specify the remote host address. When the connection is established the Client get the View of the Remote host desktop. The activities at the remote machine are refreshed at the client at regular intervals. The information send over the network is compressed to enable quick data transfer. For this the Client can select various compression modes. This includes the Huffman's algorithm for data compression.
Ample options are there in now a day s operating systems it to execute applications at the remote end. The basic services used by these operating systems today promote executions of the applications at the remote end with just restricted access. 2.1.1 PROBLEMS
> Administrator is not having full control
> There is no provision to reboot or shutdown
> Supports only one remote command on the remote machine at the same time
> Never gets the feeling that we are using the remote machine
> We cannot capture the remote systems Desktop
Utilities like Telnet and remote control programs like Symantec's PC anywhere let you execute programs on remote systems, but they can be a pain to set up and require that you install client software on the remote systems that you wish to access. By using this users can save time by accessing data from remote systems. But using this all the users are not able to access the desktop of the remote machine The user will never get the feeling that they are working in the remote machine. Other problems are-Administrator is not having full control over the systems in the LAN. There is no provision to shutdown or reboot remote system. There is no way to use the processor of the remote machine directly
Remote Desktop Viewer And Controller System is a tool to access the desktop of another system in the LAN. It consists of two parts, the Server & the client. Server module runs on the Remote machine and the Client module runs at user's machine. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) technology provides uniform access to management information. The proposed system is based on this technology for basic functions like getting information on the processes etc.
Primarily it displays the desktop and enables the system to allow the user to manipulate it as though he has logged in to the other machine. It allows the user to view the remote desktop in various view modes. Scaled mode lets you see the remote screen in a window on your monitor scaled to the remote screen's defined size.
By using mouse activities at interface window the client can invoke the applications at the remote host. This enables the remote invocation of application at the Remote host's desktop. The mouse activity of the client can be suspended so multiple clients' accessing the same remote host does not create chaos at the remote server's Desktop. The Client's View is refreshed at regular time intervals enough to keep the desktop fresh.
2.3.1 AIM
o It aims at providing facility to execute applications on remote systems
without installing client software o It also aims at simplifying the controlling and monitoring functions of the
network administrator in .net platform, o It is possible to view Services, Processes, Drives and even start
processes on the remote machines.
o This project gives information about the hardware, operating
systems of the remote machine, o The administrator can execute files in the remote machine and
also he can shutdown and reboot the remote machine, o Can use the processor of the Remote Machine o Gets the feeling that we are using the remote machine
> The Remote host (Server).
> The User (Client). REMOTE HOST: -
The Remote host is the Server, which could be any machine on a network. This machine runs the Server module and opens a TCP/IP socket connection. The Server machine will be polling at this socket connection looking for the client to connect. When the connection is established the server starts a thread and start sending the information of the desktop in Bitmap format. THE USER: -
User, the Client module, requests for a connection. When the connection is established the remote desktop is displayed at the client module interface. The user can specify the compression ratio of the data displayed at his interface. The color modes and the girding can be specified for specialized effect of the display at the interface.
The goal of this step is recognition of basic problem elements by the customer. Analysts study the system specification. In this step analysts must define all externally observable objects, evaluate flow and control of the information, define and elaborate all software functions, understand software behavior and design constraints etc. Evaluation and synthesis continues until both analyst and customer field confident about the product
First suggested system include two modules
The Remote Host
The User
Personal Computer with a Pentium 3 Processor, 450 (MHz)
Operating system Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Memory 128 MB of RAM
Hard Disk 2.5 GB
Drive CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
Display Super VGA (800 x 600) or high-speed resolution monitor with 256 colors Mouse Microsoft Mouse
The main objective of this study is to determine whether the proposed system is feasible or not. Mainly there are three types of feasibility study to which the proposed system is subjected as described below.
Three key considerations are involved in the feasibility.
Economic feasibility Technical feasibility Social feasibility
The proposed system must be evaluated from a technical viewpoint first, and if technical feasibility, their impact on the organization must be assessed. If compatible, behavioral system can be devised. Then they must be tested for economical feasibility.
Justification of any capital outlay is that it will reduce expenditure or improve the quality of service or goods, which in turn may be expected to provide increased profits. The technique of cost benefit analysis is often used a basis for assessing economic feasibility. In the existing system, high time consumption takes place. Service can inter operate with other. NET compatible language. So the proposed system "REMOTE DESKTOP VIEWER AND CONTROLLER " satisfies economical feasibility.
The assessment of technical feasibility must be based on an outline design of system requirements in terms of input, output, files, programs, and procedures. This can be qualified in terms of volumes of data, trends, frequency of updating, cycles of activity etc in order to give an introduction of technical system." REMOTE DESKTOP VIEWER AND CONTROLLER" satisfies technical feasibility because this Service can be implemented as a stand-alone application or as a series of applications linked together by an application integration infrastructure
The new proposed system, "REMOTE DESKTOP VIEWER AND CONTROLLER" uses ordinary customers. On the other hand the users of the system are accessing this system through network without interfering the client machine's jobs. Also it does not provide any workload to the server machine. Handling this software by people is easy. So the proposed system is socially feasible.
The data flow diagram is a way of expressing system requirements in a graphical form. This led to the modular design. A data flow diagram also known as a "Bubble Chart" has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformations that will become program in system design.
A DATA FLOW DIAGRAM (DFD) or a BUBBLE CHART describes the flow of data and processes that change, or transform, data through out the system. This network is constructed by using a set of symbols that do not imply a physical implementation .It is a graphical tool for structured analysis of the system requirements. DFD models a system by using external entities from which data flows to a process, which transforms the data and creates, output-data-flows which go to other processes or external entities or files. Data in files many also flow to processes as inputs.
DFD's can be hierarchically organized, which help in partitioning and analyzing large systems. As a first step, one Data Flow Diagram can depict an entire system. Which gives the system overview. It is called Context Diagram of level 0 DFD. The Context Diagram can be further expanded. The successive expansion of a DFD from the context diagram to those giving more details is known as leveling of DFD. Thus a top down approach is used, starting with an overview and then working out the details.
The main merit of DFD is that it can provide an overview of system requirements, what data a system would process, what transformation of data is done, what files are used, and where the results flow.
Data flow is a route, which enables data to travel from one point
to another. Data may flow from a source to a data store or process. An arrow line depicts the flow, with arrowhead pointing in the direction of the flow.
A process represents transformation where incoming data flows are changed into outgoing data flows.
A data store is a repository of data that is to be stored for use by a one or more process may be as simple as buffer or queue or sophisticated as relational File, they should have clear names. If a process merely uses the content of store and does not alter it, the arrowhead goes only from the store to the process. If a process alters the details in the store then a double -headed arrow is used.
A source or sink is a person or part of an organization, which enters or receives information from the system, considered to be outside the contest of data flow model.
Send Request
Desktop client Information
Client Information
Fig 3.1: Context Level Diagram

IP Address
Level One DFD -Client Side
Initializing 1 SERVER SIDE
Level One DFD -Server Side
System design is a transition from a user-oriented document towards a programmer or a database personal. It is of mainly two phases
> Logical Design
> Physical Design
User requirements are formulated
Formulation was made how the requirements are translated in terms of hardware and software
A description of each function required to solve the problem is presented in the functional description. Specifies which output is produced from the given inputs
Input design is one of the most expensive phases of the operation of computerized system and is often the major problem of a system. A larger number of problems with a system can usually be traced back to fault input design and method. Needless to say, therefore that the input data is the life block of a system and has to be analyzed and designed with the most consideration.
Input design is the process of converting a user-oriented description of the inputs to a computer based business system into a programmer-oriented specification.
Input design consists of developing specification and procedures for data preparation, those steps necessary to put transactions data into usable form for processing, and data entry, the activity of putting the data into computer for processing. As obvious data entry can be achieved by instructing the computer to reads data from a written or printed document or it can occur by having people key data directly into the system. Five objectives guiding the design of input focus on:
> Making data entry easy and logical.
> Controlling the amount of input required.
> Alluding delays.
> Controlling errors and keeps steps simple
System analysts decide the following input design details like, what data item to input, what medium to use, how the data should be arranged or coded data items and transaction needing validations to detect errors and at last the dialogue to guide users in providing input.
Input data of a system may not be necessarily is raw data captured in the system form scratch. These can also be the output of another system or
sub-system. The design of input covers all phases of input from the certain of initial data to actual entering the data to the system for processing. The design of inputs involves identifying the data needed, specifying the characteristics of each data item, capturing and preparing data for computer processing and ensuring correctness of data.
A system user interacting through the workstation must be able to tell the system whether to accept the input, to produce a report or end processing. The collection of input data is considered to be most expensive part of the system design.
The inputs in the system are of three types. They are,
External: -which are prime inputs for the system and that which
comes from various users.
Internal: -which are basically the users communications with the
Interactive: -which are inputs entered during a dialogue with the
> Login Form.
> Password change Form.
> Remote system selection Form.
> Remote Desktop selection Form. 4.3 OUTPUT FORM DESIGN
Output design generally refers to the results and information that are generated by the system. For many end-users, output is the main reason for developing the system and the basis on which they evaluate the usefulness of application.
The objective of a system finds its shape in terms of the output. The analysis of the objective of a system leads to determination of outputs. Outputs of a system can take various forms. The most common are reports, screens displays, printed form, graphical drawing etc. the output also vary in terms of their contents, frequency, timing and format. The users of the output, its purpose and sequence of details to be printed are all considered. The output from a system is the justification for its existence. If the outputs are inadequate in any way, the system itself is inadequate. The basic requirements of output are that it should be accurate, timely and appropriate, in terms of content, medium and layout for its intended purpose. Hence it is necessary to design output so that the objectives of the system are met in the best possible manner. The outputs are in the form of reports.
External outputs are those, whose destination will be outside the organization and which require special attention as the project image of the organization. Internal outputs are those, whose destination is within the
organization. It is to be carefully designed, as they are the user's main interface with the system. Interactive outputs are those, which the user uses in communication directly with the computer
The output forms of Remote Desktop Viewer And Controller system are: -
> View Remote System's Current Processes.
> View Remote System's Current Sen/ices.
> View Remote System's desktop.
Code is an ordered collection of symbols designed to provide unique identification of an attribute. Codes can be used for various purposes. They can specify object's physical or performance characteristics and they can be used to give operational instructions. They also can show inter relationships and may sometimes used to achieve secrecy or confidentiality. Codes are designed for optimum human-oriented use and machine efficiency. Codes posses uniqueness, expandability, conciseness, uniform size and format, simplicity, portability, stability, meaningfulness and operability.
Sufficient effort and time is spent in the preliminary study of the problem to design an efficient code. Active server scripting is object oriented. The source code is designed so that it can do transaction efficiently. It is the code that does all the updating, modifications, etc. For all object used in the project there exist an associated source code, which explains the work of that object. It also describes the flow of the project.

User name Password admin
Login Close
<Q Udfty Took Window Hafe
RemoteMachine Name: [l27 0 Q.l
r tkrib r CoWrf
Set Machine Refresh Close
Database design is required to manage the large bodies of information. The management of data involves both the definition of structure of the storage information and provisions of mechanism for the manipulation of information. In addition the database system must provide for the safety of information handled, despite the system crashes due to attempts art unauthorized access.
The data design transforms the information domain model created during analysis into the data structures that will be required to implement the software. The data objects and relationships defined in the entity relationship diagram and the detailed data content depicted in the data dictionary provide the basis for the data design activity. Part of data design may occur in conjunction with the design of software architecture. More detailed data design occurs as each software component is designed.
4.6.1 TABLES
Table Name: Login
Uses: To store User Name and Password
SI.No Fields DataType
1 UserName Varchar(50)
2 Password Varchar(50)
Normalization is the process of simplifying the relationship between data elements in a record. Through normalization, a collection of data in a record structure is replaced by successive record structures that are simple and more predictable. There are several normal forms. Normalization avoids the redundancy and inconsistency in the data. Normalization is carried out for four reasons.
To structure the data so that any pertinent relationship between entities can be represented.
To permit simple retrieval of data in response to query and report request.
a To simplify the maintenance of the data through updates, insertions and
Architectural design begins with data design and then proceeds to ine derivation of one or more representations of the architectural structure of the svstftm. An architecture model encomDassina data architecture and program structure is created during architectural design. In addition, component orooerties and relationships are described.
JL 9. r*i T riinTinfJi^FJY
SI Mo Code Description
1 user
UserName identification
2 . Password secuerity
Remote Desktop Viewer And Controller is a tool to access and control the desktop of another system in the LAN. It consists of two parts, the Server & the client. Server module runs on the Remote machine and the Client module runs at user's machine. It allows the user to view the remote desktop in various view modes. It allows the user to list the installed EXE's in the other machine. Remote Desktop Viewer System is mainly intended for those scenarios, which runs on a client/server, Internet and Intranet worked environment.
1 The Remote host (Server).
2 The User (Client). REMOTE HOST: -
The Remote host is the Server, which could be any machine on a network. This machine runs the Server module and opens a TCP/IP socket connection. The Server machine will be polling at this socket connection looking for the client to connect. When the connection is established server starts a thread and start sending the information of the desktop in Bitmap format. THE USER: -
User, the Client module requests for a connection. When the connection is established the remote desktop is displayed at the client module interface. The user can specify the compression ratio of the data displayed at his interface. The color modes and the girding can be specified for specialized effect of the display at the interface.
When User Program is executing, the user will get the IP address of all the working systems on the network. The user can select the IP address and view the desktop, services or processes of the specified system.
Microsoft is the company that developed this language. C#. Net is a good and powerful language. The main features of the C#. Net are
> Object Oriented Language.
> Powerful language for development of application programs.
> More security.
> Multithreading and multitasking.
> Internet programming.
> Intranet programming.
> Interpretability.
> Easily understanding coding.
Web services are arguably the most exciting and innovate features of Microsoft's .NET initiative and they are likely to profoundly affect the way business interact using computer application. List of possible Web services varies with the list of possible business opportunities. Web service would typically perform a core business service such as user authentication, credit card validation, pricing a derivatives security, placing a purchase order for a stock or pricing a same-day shipment
1 Web services are small units of code built to handle a limited task
2 Web services are small units of code.
3 Web services are designed to handle a limited set of tasks
4 Web services uses XML based communicating protocols
5 Web services are independent of operating systems
6 Web services are independent of programming languages
7 Web services connect people, systems and devices.
Web services use the standard web protocols HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDl.TechnoIogies run over the HTTP based network Web service enable application to invoke business services using a standards based mechanism using XML and HTTP. Therefore, they are developed on a Web Server and their URL is advertised so that" internet" clients can discover and make use of their services. Even though that Web server can be Microsoft IIS, or Apache, or any other such server, at this point in time, the .NET framework only supports development on Microsoft IIS
Web services as a web site that interacts with programs, rather than people. Instead of delivering web pages, a Web Service take a request formatted as XML, performs a particular function and then returns a response to the requester as an XML message. The Web service model also includes protocol that enables application to find Web services available across a LAN or the Internet, this protocol also enables application to explore the Web service and determine how to communicate with it, as well as how to exchange information. To enable Web service discovery the UDDI was established. This allows Web service to be registered and searched, based on key information such as company name, type of service and geographic location.
Using object references to communicate between server objects and clients is the heart of remoting. The remoting architecture, however, presents to the programmer an even simpler procedure. If you configure the client properly, you need only create a new instance of the remote object using new (or the instance-creation function from your managed programming language). Your client receives a reference to the server object, and you can then call its methods as though the object were in your process rather than running on a separate computer. The remoting system uses proxy objects to create the impression that the server object is in the client's process. Proxies are stand-in objects that present themselves as some other object. When your client creates an instance of the remote type, the remoting infrastructure creates a proxy object that looks to your client exactly like the remote type. Your client calls a method on that proxy, and the remoting system receives the call, routes it to the server process, invokes the server object, and returns the return value to the client proxy, which returns the result to the client.
Program design language also called pseudo code isa pidgin language in that it uses a vocabulary of one language and the overall syntax of another
Processl- when server is on, BEGIN the server program. Process2- If Server started Then
Listening for client's request. Process3- if client's request came then
Check for the option Process4- if option is one Then
Compress the desktop and send it to Client program. Process5- If option is two Then
Analyses current processes running and sent it to the Client
Program. Process6- if option is three Then
Analyses current services running and sent it to the Client
Processl - if user-ID and password is same as in file then Valid User Else
Invalid User Process2- If User is valid then
Select the System using IP Address. Process3- If IP Address matches with any system in LAN Then
Connect to that system
Process4- if connection established Then
Decide the needed Option from the three possible. Process5- If the option is one Then
Access the compressed desktop of the connected system and
then decompress it. Process6- If option is two Then
Access the process running at the selected system. Process7- If option is three Then
Access the services running at the selected system.
System testing is a critical element of quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of analysis, design and coding. Test case design focuses on a set of techniques for the creation of test cases that meet overall testing objective. When a system is developed it is hoped that it performs properly. The main purpose of testing an information system is to find the errors and correct them. The scope of system testing should include both manual and computerized operations. System testing is comprehensive evaluation of the programs, manual procedures, computer operations and controls.
System testing is the process of checking whether the developed system is working according to the objective and requirement. All testing is to be conducted in accordance to the test conditions specified earlier. This will ensure that the test coverage meets the requirements and that testing is done in a systematic manner.
The strategy for system testing integrates system test cases and design techniques into a well-planned series of steps that result in the successful construction of software. The testing must co-operate with test planning, test case design, test execution and the resultant data collection and evaluation. A strategy for software testing must accommodate low level test and that are necessary to verify that a small code segment has correctly implemented as well as high level test that validate major system functions
against user requirements. Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification design and coding. A series of testing is performed for the proposed system before the system is ready for acceptance testing.
In unit testing different modules are tested against the specification produced during the design of modules. Unit testing is essential for verification during the coding phase. The aim is to test the internal logic of the modules. The tests are carried out during the programming stage itself.
Integration testing focuses on the design and the construction of the software architecture. The data can be lost across the interface or one module can pose an adverse effect on another. The sub functions when combined may not produce the major function. Integration testing is a systematic technique for the program structure, while at the same conducting test to uncover errors associated with the interface.
At the culmination of integration testing, software is completely assembled as a package; interfacing errors have been recovered and corrected and a final series of a software tests-validation tests begin. Validation testing can be defined in many ways but a simple definition is that validation succeeds when the software functions in a manner that can be reasonably expected by the customer.
After performing validation testing, the next step is output testing of the proposed system. Since the system cannot be useful if it does not produce the required output. Asking the user about the format in which the system is required tests the output displayed or generated by the system under consideration. Here the output format is considered in two ways. One is on screen format and another one is printed format. The output format on the screen is found to be corrected as the format was designed in the system phase according to the user needs. As for the hard copy the output comes according to the specification requested by the user. Here the output testing does not result in any correction in the system.
User acceptance testing of the system is the key factor for the success of any system. The system under consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch with prospective system at the time of development and making change whenever required. This is done with regard to the input screen design and output screen design.
Conducted both static and dynamic testing .For dynamic testing uses the sample data. The performances of all the modules are separately tested. The log files are also tested.
All the system tested Using automated tools tests the system. Testers and mock users conduct the tests
The system provides the error messages and warnings like the
1 "Invalid User Name"
2 "Invalid Machine Name"
3 "Need to Run server Launcher on Remote Machine"
1 "User Data Updated"
Processor Intel Pentium II
Hard Disk Space 2.5 GB
Display 14" Color Monitor
Memory 64 MB
Keyboard 104 Keys
Components Mouse Attached
Processor Intel Pentium 3
Hard Disk Space 40 GB
Display 15" Color Monitor
Memory 256 MB
Keyboard 104 Keys
Components Logitech Scroll Mouse
Front End Back End Tools
Microsoft Windows XP professional Microsoft Windows 2000 professional Microsoft Windows 2000 server C#. Net
MS SQL Server 7.0 Visual Studio.Net
Remote Desktop Viewer And Controller

Client Proaram
f i
Server Program
System implementation is the final phase i.e., putting the utility into action. Implementation is the state in the project where theoretical design turned into working system. The most crucial stage is achieving a new successful system and giving confidence in new system that it will work efficiently and effectively. The system is implemented only after thorough checking is done and if it is found working in according to the specifications. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and constraints on implementation, design of methods to achieve. Two checking is done and if it is found working according to the specification, major task of preparing the implementation are educating, training the users.
The major implementation procedures are,
Test Plans
Equipment Installation Conversion TEST PLANS
The implementation of a computer-based system requires that test data be prepared and that the system and its elements be tested in a planned, structured manner. The computer program component is a major subsystem of the computer-based information system, and particular attention should be given to the testing of these system elements as it is developed.
User Training
After the system is implemented successfully, training of the user is one of the most important subtasks of the developer. Even well designed and technically elegant systems can succeed or fail, because of the way they are Operated and used. For this purpose user manuals are prepared and handled over to the user to operate the developed system. Thus the users are trained to
Operate the developed system. Both the hardware and software securities are made to run the developed systems successfully in future. In order to put new application system into use, the following activities were taken care of:
1 Preparation of user and system documentation
2 Conducting user training with demo and hands on
3 Test run for some period to ensure smooth switching over the system
The users are trained to use the newly developed functions. User manuals describing the Procedures for using the functions listed on menu and circulated to all the users. It is confirmed that the system is implemented up to users need and expectations. INSTALLATION
Equipment vendors can provide the specifications for equipment installation. They usually work with the project's equipment installation team in planning for adequate space, power, and light, and a suitable environment. After a suitable site has been completed, the computer equipment can be installed. Although equipment normally is installed by the manufacturer, the implementation team should advice and assist. Participation enables the team to aid in the installation and, more importantly, to become familiar with the equipment.
Conversion is the process of performing all of the operations that result directly in the turnover of the new system to the user. Conversion has
two parts:
1 The creation of a conversion plan at the start of the development phase and the implementation of this plan throughout the development phase.
2 The creation of a system changeover plan t the end of the development Phase and the implementation of the plan at the beginning of the Operation, phase.
In the networking environment the Administrator have to control the whole thing. So efficient computing capabilities are therefore made.
The project "REMOTE DESKTOP VIEWER AND CONTROLLER" after being tested and was found to be achieving what is meant for. Security is the main consideration in this project. The system is protected from any unauthorized access by giving user name and password during log in process the system is made in such a way that it can be modified with very less time. This is also very user-friendly. The software which I developed was implemented and tested with real data and were found to be error free. Also, it is found that the system will work successfully.
All the necessary validations are carried out in this project, so that any kind of users can make use of this software and necessary messages makes them conscious of the error they have made It does not provide a complete solution for the entire problem in the user point of view. The system is found 100% error free and is ready for implementation.
The Technology is growing very fast and in the Networking environment the administrator had to control the whole thing. Remote system controlling has huge potential in the Internet-based and service-oriented architectures To survive from the competition each system has to produce some modifications to it in the future. New features will provide the system a new fresh look, by which it can attract a lot of Administrators. Due to this reason it's necessary that the system need to be modified according to the users requirements. Some of the future enrichments are as follows
> The utility at present meant for intranet environments and has a wide range of application areas like virtual classrooms
> Next generation of this utility package is supposed on internet
based applications
> Further variations aim to include added capabilities such as controls and more user controls on Remote Machines
1. C# Basics by Vijay Mukhi.
2. C# Nuts & Bolts by Vijay Mukhi.

remote desktop viewer full report - NARAYANA - 08-16-2017

Remote Desktop Viewer
The Remote Desktop Viewer is a system to remotely monitor desktop activity. This system is designed to view a remote desktop's activity. Remote Desktop viewer is the system which is developed for the purpose of viewing the desktops of the different systems in the LAN network. Normally even if we are in the network also then there is no chance of viewing the other systems desktop in the network. This problem is avoided by our Remote Desktop Viewer system.
In any network one system sends request for any information which is called as client and the other system gives response to that request and gives the information which is called as server. The client and the server are plays very important role in our Remote Desktop viewer.
In our system first the receiver prepares for the receiving files, and then we have to give the IP address of the particular system for viewing the desktop of that system. The address goes to the client s information list. The receiver selects the client and then it shows the desktop of that client s system. Our system was designed by using VB.NET wind

PII 500MHZ or above
100MB Free Hard disk space
STD Color Monitor

WINDOWS NT 4 2000 98 ME XP
Visual Studio .Net 2005 Enterprise Edition
Visual Studio .NET Frame Work

remote desktop viewer full report - pooja mehta - 08-16-2017

thanks for the project report ..
can i get the whole project with source code..
if possible mail me it on [email protected].
u can contact me on 07588488553.

remote desktop viewer full report - julu123kalyani - 08-16-2017

thanks for the project report ..
can i get the whole project with source code..
if possible mail me it on [email protected].

remote desktop viewer full report - diyaaishu - 08-16-2017

plz send the source code to my mail plz urgent email id: [email protected] or [email protected]

remote desktop viewer full report - aarthi mk - 08-16-2017

plz sennd me the source code at [email protected],plzits urgent