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Boiler Manufacturing Enterprise Resource Planning - Printable Version

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Boiler Manufacturing Enterprise Resource Planning - rakhichandran - 08-16-2017

Boiler Manufacturing Enterprise Resource Planning


The project entitled Enterprise Resource Planning deals with resource planning for a Boiler manufacturing company. This project has been designed and developed using Visual Basic as front end and Ms-Access as a back end.


There are eight different modules in this project. Modules are

Product Details
Order Form
Order Transaction Form
Raw Material Required
Stock Entry
Manufacturing Form
Manufacturing Status
Assembly line
Report generation
Product Details:
This module contains a product in the company. The details entered are product code, product name, specification, dimension, weight. If the user clicks add commands then automatically generated product code. The input store in the table prod. Here separate options for updating and deletion are provided. Necessary validations are done.
Order Form:
This module contains a order form in the company. The details entered are order number ,buyer name, specification, order date ,capacity ,ibr /non ibr. If the user clicks the add button then the order number automatically generated .The inputs are stored in a table name order form. Here separate options for updating and deletion are provided and validations are done.
Order Transaction Form:
This module contains a order of transaction form in the company. The details entered are order no, delivery date, start of the work, name of the engineers. The input stored in the table name traction. The separate options for updating and deletion are provided. Necessary validations are done.
Raw Material Required:
This module contains a input screen where all the details about the raw materials are entered. The details entered are product Number, product Name, Specification, Dimension, and Weight. If the user clicks the add button then the product number is automatically generated by the system to avoid redundancy. The inputs are stored in a table name Raw met. The separate options for updating and deletion are provided. Necessary validations are done.
Stock Entry:
This module deals with the various items available in the company. This contains a stock inventory form. The stock available on a particular date can be viewed. When the raw materials are used for manufacturing, the Quantity available will be reduced automatically. Necessary validations are done.
Manufacturing Form:
This module deals with the requirement of raw materials for manufacturing a particular kind of boiler. Here a transaction is carried out according to the end product manufactured. If the available stock is not adequate, an order report is generated for reordering of necessary materials. Necessary validations are done.

Manufacturing Status:
Manufacturing involves several processes like shaping, cutting, molding and welding etc., the percentage of work completed so far is entered date wise. This module helps the user to identify the amount of work carried out so far and gives a clear idea regarding the completion date of the product. Necessary validations are done.
Assembly Line:
Once the manufacturing process is completed the various sub product or equipments are fitted together. In assembly level various processes like fitting, joining, and plating are involved. Here the percentage of assembling work carried out so far is entered and this module enables the user to find the total amount of work carried out in the assembly level. Necessary validations are done.
The boiler is tested thoroughly for a efficient and accurate operation. Testing involves various processes namely

Testing of meters
Material flaws
Steam flow
Pressure checking
Meters Temperature, Steam and pressure are tested and the necessary operation is performed.
Seven different reports are generated in this project. Reports are

Raw Material Required
Product Entry
Stock Available
Stock Required
Manufacturing Line
Assembling Line

System Analisys

Early system:

In the early system, needed more workers to planning the resource. Time delay to every operation. Cost is not convenient manufacturing, because to complete need to more resource. There is no reliability.
Proposed system:
This project is user friendly, easily find out errors in the operation using by chart as well as testing. The testing is used to each and every process of resource plan. A single person can maintenance the whole process of resource plan using this project .If it will be implemented can have save the money to resource plane by reduce the workers.

Future Enhancement

There is always a room for improvement in any software package however good and sufficient. But the important thing is that the system should be flexible enough for further modification.
Similarly this project ENTERPRISES RESOURCE PLANNING can also be developed further to provide a better mechanism for planning activities. Keeping in this mind this important aspect, the system is designed in such a way, that mechanism can also be made without affecting the system in anyway.
This project can be designed and developed in some of high end technologies like .NET, J2EE to cope up with the present evolving trend.
The system can be developed in Net oriented technology to make it possible for user to keep a perpetual vigil on quality from any remote place.


Processor : PIV
Processor Speed : 1.6GHZ
RAM : 256 MB RAM
Hard Disk : 40GB
Monitor : SVGA 14 SAMSUNG color
Keyboard : SAMSUNG 104 Key
Mouse : Logitech mouse
Printer : LASER Printer


Front-End : Visual Basic6.0
Back-End : Ms-Access7.0
Operating System : Windows 9x,2000