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Total Computerization of the IRecruit


With the total automation of IRecruit, the manual dependency is minimized to a large extent. It inherits all the properties of computerizing a system which includes quick response, less processing time, non-diligence, fast recovery, robustness, flexibility, reliability, scalability.

Today s trend demands high rate of automation for the IRecruit as the organizations are growing in exponential form and maintaining employment records in a consistent format. To satisfy the needs of clients, today s organization need more and more of workforce. The IRecruit system takes care of this by taking in resumes from new aspirants and allowing the HR to view them in and do selections there upon.

Retrieving information like Job details, Resumes details, candidate details etc,.generating reports like Use Reports, Job Reports, Transaction Reports, Usage Reports, and Skill Reports. For Candidate there is a creation of new login, searching for a new job, etc. The system also enables the HR personnel to view the resumes of new aspirants and select them based on the selection criteria.


The system uses a very user-friendly interface developed using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), which most users are acquainted with and is broadly used on the world wide web(WW). The controls are placed on the forms in an easily accessible manner so that user strain is minimized to the maximum extent.
Whenever a user enters any form the system also states the action to be performed in an easily understandable and pleasant speech. The navigation of the user form one area of the system to another is very easy using easy to access and properly placed hyperlinks which user can access on the click of a button.
The system also poses a unique format for each type of users; this ensures that user is presented with options he has access to. This ensures a great deal of security to the system and to the organization as an employee is not given an option to carryout unauthorized activity.

General Description

The system has Four major modules:
Candidate module
Employee module
Recruiter module
Administrator module

The welcome form of the Candidate module displays the options to a person. It has options for him to post his/her resume, searching the job, and manage Candidate. Or he/she can sing-up new account. The sign-in form is the entry point of an candidate to the site through he/she has to login everyday. When we select Candidate page link in form it displays the information about the candidate. From this page candidate can manage candidate information and can post resumes.
From the search job option candidate can search the jobs posted using several criteria s like search words, function, location, time span.
The Employee Welcome page have the following links home, Job Postings, Resumes, People, Companies, other. Through this employee of the company nothing but the recruiter or Hr manager can see the resumes of the different candidates, can create new job etc.
The Administrator page have the following links like home, Job Postings, Resumes, People, Companies, other. With this he can manage all the details about the companies, people, JobPostings etc.
Description about the sub modules in this system

Job Postings

1. Job Maintenance

a. PDF Report: Exports the report of the jobs to the pdf format about the job which is selected
b. Edit Job: Editing the job details which is selected
c. Candidate: Edit the candidate details
d. Refresh post date: Change post date to today s date
e. Activate: Activate the job to view the candidates
f. Required skills: Select the skills for the job
g. Job history: View the transactions that are made to the job

2. Job Search: Search and manage the job details by using some search criteria like search words, functions, location, Time span, active status, companies.

3. Create Job : Create new job


1. Manage All: Manage all the people nothing but candidates, employee, applicant details. It contains following sub options

a. Edit User: Edit the user information like username and password
b. Edit Person: Edit person details like name, address, qualification etc.
c. Evaluations: Can create new evaluations or modify existing evaluations
d. Resumes: Can upload resumes, enter text resumes or remove resumes
e. Candidate info: View the candidate info with the jobs that are applied
f. Interviews: Can view and manage the interview schedule

2. Manage Candidates: Can manage the above options a-f for the specified candidates.

3. Manage Employees: Can manage the above options a-f for the specified Employee.

4. Manage Applicants: Can manage the above options a-f for the specified applicant.

5. Search for Person : Can search a person and manage the person by using the above a-f options

6. Create Person : Create a new Person and assign the roles to the persons like admin, recruiter, employee, candidate etc.


1. Manage Companies
Can manage companies by selecting given below options
a. Edit Company
Edit company details like name, address, reference id, etc.
b. Add Division
Adds new Division to the company
c. Company Jobs
View Jobs and edit job details
d. Add job
Adds new Job to the company
e. Remove
Remove company
f. Associates
Edit associates for the company

2. Create Company
Creates new company


1. Scan Resumes
Scans resumes with the criteria
2. Manage Resumes
Manages resumes received from the candidates
3. Emailed Resumes
Manages emailed resumes


1. Reports
It contains the following reports types
a) User Reports
1) User List Report
A complete list of users including all employees and all candidates.
2) Candidate List Report
A report listing all candidates registered.
3) Employee List Report
A report listing all employees
b) Job Reports
1) Active Jobs
A list of active jobs and their current status.
2) All jobs (Active + Inactive)
A list of all jobs and their current status.
3) Active Jobs (Company Grouping)
A list of all active jobs grouped by companies/divisions.
4) All Jobs Company Grouping
A list of all jobs grouped by companies/divisions.
c) Transaction Reports
1) Transactions for past 3 days
Report all transaction past 3 days
2) Transactions for past 30 days
Report all transaction over the past 30 days.
d) Usage Reports
1) Usage over past 3 days
Report all usage requests in past 3 days.
2) Usage over past 30 days
Report all usage requests in past 30 days.
e) Skill Reports
1. Skills setup
A report showing the current skills assessment configuration.
2. Manage Locations
Manage Locations like remove etc
3. Run Job Agents
Lists the information like Active jobs, Scheduled interviews, Job Applicants, Resume Scans, etc.

Candidate Module

This is a very useful candidate through this he can search the jobs that are posted by the companies. And then he can post their resume to the selected companies.
This module mainly contains three functionalities.
Job Search

Home : By selecting Home he can access the home page of the candidate Home page. It contains the links like home, candidate, job search, login details or sign-up link.

Candidate : By selecting candidate page link in home page . He can view the details. He/she can manage their details like updating information like personal details, upload resume, enter text resume, update profile, search agents, remove profile etc.

Job Search : By selecting JobSearch page link in home page. He/She can search the jobs posted by giving information like search word, function, location, time span.

Employee Module

This module focuses on the basic employee of the company. The employee is given a login form wherein he enters the login details user id and password. The employee has to maintain details about job postings, people, companies, resumes, other reports.

The options given to a basic employee are
Job Postings
1. Job Maintenance
2. Job Search
3. Create Job

1. Manage Candidates
2. Manage Applicants
3. Search for Person
4. Create Person

1. Manage Companies
2. Create Company

1. Scan Resumes
2. Manage Resumes
3. Emailed Resumes

1. Reports
2. Manage Locations
3. Run Job Agents

Employee is nothing but the user of the application in the company that is maintained this project. He has the ability to manage all the above tasks.

Employee Module

This module focuses on the recruiter of the company. The recruiter given a login form wherein he enters the login details user id and password. The recruiter has to maintain details about job postings, companies, resumes, other reports.

The options given to a basic employee are
Job Postings
1. Job Maintenance
2. Job Search
3. Create Job
1. Manage Candidates
2. Manage Applicants
3. Search for Person
4. Create Person

1. Scan Resumes
2. Manage Resumes
3. Emailed Resumes

1. Reports
2. Manage Locations
3. Run Job Agents

Employee is nothing but the user of the application in the company that is maintained this project. He has the ability to manage all the above tasks.

Administrator Module

This module focuses on the basic employee who acts as administrator of the system. Each employee is given a user id and password, which identifies him uniquely. The employee is given a login form wherein he enters the login details user id and password. The administrator has the ability to maintain everything in the system. He can create users and given permission to the user like System Administration, recruiter, employee, candidate etc.
As he is a basic employee the system shows his form with his/her select options
.The options given to a basic employee are
Job Postings
1. Job Maintenance
2. Job Search
3. Create Job

1. Manage All
2. Manage Candidates
3. Manage Employees
4. Manage Applicants
5. Search for Person
6. Create Person

1. Manage Companies
2. Create Company

1. Scan Resumes
2. Manage Resumes
3. Emailed Resumes
1. Reports
2. Manage Locations
3. Run Job Agents

The administrator has the abilities to do all the above tasks.

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