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kerala psc part 419 (IT,English question paper )

                            MODEL QUESTION PAPER
Time: 1⁄2 Hour
1.Choose the most suitable one from the given answers (1⁄2 score each for question Nos. 1 to 8)
a. Coral pictures
b. Dia
c. Jimp
d. Inkscape

2. Choose the right type of mouse from the following that works using the reflection of light it produces.
a. Scroll Mouse
b. Optical Mouse
c. Wireless Mouse
d. Ball Mouse

3. Name the file system in Gnu/Linux used for storing data temporarily?
b. Ext 4
c. Swap
d. FAT 32

4. What is the first frame when the motion begins and the last one when the motion finishes in an animation picture?
a. First & Last Frame
b. Selected Frame
c. Key Frame
d. Duplicate Frame

5. Which among the following is not the data provided to the server computer by other computers?
a. IP address of the server computer.
b. User password in the server computer.
c. IP address of the computer that is being used.
d. User name of the server computer.

6. Choose the file name of a website’s home page from the following.
a. home.html
b. index.html
c. source.html
d. local host.html

7. Choose the right order for making the ecliptic line of earth around the sun in the stellarium software.
a. View →Sky →Ecliptic line
b. View →Landscape→ Ecliptic line
c. View →Markings→ Ecliptic line
d. View→ Starlore →Ecliptic line

8. What is the use of ‘trace on’ technique in geogebra software?
a. To make changes in geometrical figures.
b. To include a text.
c. To make the path formed when a geometrical figure is in motion.
d. To construct circles of different radii

Choose the most suitable answers
(Question No.9 to 12 carry 1 mark each)
9. Which among the following are not matching to inkscape softwares?
a. The pictures drawn using this are raster pictures
b. The pictures drawn using this are vector
c. This is an open source software
d. This pictures drawn using this are considered as a collection of pixels.

10. Which among the following interfaces are used in mouses now a days?
a. USB
b. DIN
d. PS2

11. Given below are the statements relating to the application of ‘Disk utility’
A. To provide information about storage devices
B. To create file systems in storage devices
a. ‘A’ is correct
b. Only ‘B’ are correct
c. ‘A’ and ‘B’ are correct
d. A’ and ‘B’ are not correct

12. Choose the correct statements alone while including pictures in a webpage created using
a. Position of the picture can be adjusted using a mouse
b. The size of the picture can be adjusted using the tag<img src=”file” size=width=> as well as by using a mouse.
c. Position of the picture can be adjusted by using the tag<img src=”file” size= width => or a mouse
d. Position of the picture cannot be adjusted using a mouse.

13. Prepare Short Note- Ink Scape (Finish the note choosing the most appropriate from the set (A),(B),©,(D) given below
(A) (a) This is the software for constructing rastor pictures.
(b) This is the software for constructing a vector picture
© This is a 3D animation software
(d) This is an Atlas construction software
(B) (a) In this, click in the order’Open→New Canvas’ in order to create a canvas of a particulardimension.
(b) In this click in the order ‘File→Document Properties’ in order to create a canvas of a particular dimension.
© In this click in the order ‘Layer→Add layer’ in order to create a canvas of a particular dimension.
(d) In this, click in the order ‘Create→New Document’ in order to create a canvas of a particular dimension.
© (a) In this, the position and size of pictures are adjusted using Move Tool
(b) In this, the position and size of pictures are adjusted using’select and Transform object Tool’
© In this, the position and size of pictures are adjusted using ‘Edit path by Node Tool’
(d) In this, the position and size of pictures are adjusted using ‘Zoom in or out Tool’
(D) (a) Original file format of the pictures created using this software is ‘jpg’.
(b) Original file format of the pictures created using this software is ‘xcf’.
© Original file format of the pictures created using this software is ‘svg’.
(d) Original file format of the pictures created using this software is ‘gif’

                                      ANNUAL EXAMINATION-2012
Class:X                                                                                             Time:21⁄2Hours
Question 1 to 4:                                                                                    Score:80

Read the excerpt from the story ‘The Blue Bouquet’ and answer the questions that follows:
Without turning my head I asked, ‘What do you want?’
‘Your eyes, senor’. His voice was strangely gentle, almost embarrassed.
‘My eyes? What are you going to do with my eyes? Look, I’ve got a little money on me. Not much, but
it’s got a little money on me. Not much, but it’s something. I’II give you everything. I’LL give you
everything I’ve got if you’ll me go. Don’t kill me.’
You shouldn’t be scared, senor. I’m going to kill you. I just want your eyes.
‘But what do you want them for?’
It’s sweetheat’s idea. She’d like to have a bouquet of blue eyes. There aren’t many people around here
that have them’.
Mine won’t do you any good. They aren’t blue, they’re light brown’.
1.Which word/words in the excerpt tells you that the stranger was not at all confident in placing
his demand? (1)
2.Would you agree to the statement that the stranger is a passionate lover? (2)
3.How does the narrator try to save himself from the stranger? (2)
4.Read the piece of conversation between the narrator and the stranger and answer the questions hat follow:
Narrator: ‘What do you want my eyes for?’
Stranger: ‘it’s my sweetheart’s idea.’
(a) What did the narrator ask the stranger?
(b) What was the stranger’s replay? (2)

Question 5 to 8:
Read the lines from the poem ‘Cactus’ and answer the questions that follow.
One thorn for each rare drop of water.
I don’t tempt butterflies.
No bird sings my praise.
I create another beauty
beyond the moonlight,
this side of dreams,
a sharp, piercing,
parallel language.
5.Who does ‘I’ stands for? (1)
6.‘I don’t tempt butterflies.
No bird sings my praise’.
What do these lines signify? (1)
7. Pick out the line that states that cactus is a tough fighter. (1)
8. What does the expression ‘parallel language’ imply? (1)

Question 9 to 12:
Read the lines from the poem’ Once upon a Time’ and answer the questions that follow.
But believe me, son.
I want to be what I used to do
when I was like you. I want
to unlearn all these muting things.
Most of all, I want to relearn
How to laugh. For my laugh in the mirror
Shows only my teeth like a snake’s bare fangs!
So show me, son,
I used to laugh and smile
Once upon a time when I was like you.
9.Who is the poet speaking to? (1)
10.How does the poet intends to ‘unlearn’ and ‘relearn’ things (1)
11.List the ways, the poet intends to ‘unlearn’ and ‘relearn’ things? (2)
12.What does the poet want his son to show him? (1)

Question 13 to 17:
Read the passage given below and answer the question that follow.
There was once a young man who was strong and healthy. He enjoyed his work. In every way he
felt on top of the world. He had little attention to it and became dangerously ill. When he
recovered he could only move slowly. He was easily tired. Life became difficult for him. When he
was well enough to go to work he found the journey very tiring. He looked at the strong young
men sitting comfortably in the train or bus, and noticed how tired some of the older people
standing beside him were. Gradually, he got strong again. When he was in a train or bus he now
looked around to see if there was any older person in need of a seat. And if there was, he gave
up his. I’ve got back my strength now,’ he said to himself,’ these older people will never have
their strength again.’
13. The central idea of the passage you have read is: the need for being________
Which word will you select from the ones given below? (1)
(disinterested, considerate, self-confident, polite)
14. Pick out the sentences from the passage which means’ the man felt that he had everything he wished for in life’. (1)
15.What was the attitude of the healthy young man towards other people? (1)
16.Why did life become difficult for the young man soon after his illness? (1)
17.‘He found the journey trying.’ What does the word ‘trying’ mean-‘attempting’ or ‘difficult’? (1)

Question 18:
Answer any one of the following in about 120 words. (9)
(A) In connection with the seminar organized in your school, you are asked to deliver a speech on the topic ‘Film: not a mere entertainer’. Prepare the speech in about 120 words. [Hints: films-loved by all age groups provides entertainment to the masses- portrays society’s beliefs, customs, food habits, dress codes, practices etc.- film songs help to ease tensions and pains]
(B)Imagine that swami tells you how he put himself into troubles by telling lies one after the other, to escape from attending the school. What would he tell you? Narrate the incident inSwami’s own words. You may begin like this:
[It was Monday morning. I was _________)
[Hints: reluctant to go to school- father writes letter to Head master- doesn’t give the letters
in the morning- tries to provoke Samuel- Samuel punishes him-goes to the Head-master-
finds he is on leave]

Question 19: (5)
At the end of the day the man in the story’ The Blue Bouquet’ makes an entry in his diary on
the strange experiences he had in the street, What would be the diary entry like? Write it.

Question 20: (5)
Write a short profile of Anita Desai making use of the hints given below:
Name : Anita Mazumdar Desai
Birthday : 24 June 1937
Place of birth : Mussoorie, India
Occupation : Author and Professor
Major Works : Cry The Peacock, Fire on the Mountain, Clear Light of Day, The village By
The Sea, In Custody
Awards : Sahithya Academy Award in 1978, Benson Medal of Royal Society of
Literature (2003), shortlisted thrice for Booker Prize for Fiction.
Employed as : Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of

Question 21: (5)
Pepe is thankful to Balthazar for the cage gifted by him. He expressed his thanks to
Balthazar writing a letter. Draft the likely letter.

Question 22: (5)
The movie club of your school had decided to organize a Film Festival. “ Taare Zameen Par’.
‘Dreams’, ‘The Sound of Music’ and ‘The Kid’ will be screened at the festival. Renowned
screenplay writer and filmmaker. M.T. Vasudevan Nair will inaugurate the festival. Prepare a
notice with all details and inviting students to participate in the festival.

Question 23: (6)
Imagine that you meet the beggar who was coming out of the palace after his encounter
with the King. Construct the likely conversation between you and the beggar. Write at least
six exchanges.

Question 24 to 28:
Read the newspaper headlines given below and answer the questions that follow.
24.Which headline is related to the field of sports? (1)
25.The headline which speaks of nature’s fury is _________. (1)
26.Identify the headline that hints at superstitious belief. (1)
27.The headline that talks of a road mishap is _________. (1)
28.The headline that can be categorized as educational news is _________. (1)
Question 29:                         (1)
There are a few errors in the given passage. They are given in bold letters. Edit the passage.
The city police has decided to took stern action against drivers which attempt to overtake in
the left side on city roads. All driver who violate this rule will be punish.

Question 30:
Nizam and his mother are having an argument about keeping his room clean. Complete the
conversion suitably.
Mother : __________ (a) __________?
Nizam: Not yet. I’ll clean it up.
Mother : _________ (b) ___________?
Nizam : After dinner.
Mother : You said so the last time also,
   ________© ____________?
Nizam : Yes, but this time I mean it.
Mother : If you don’t keep your word, I
    _______ (d) ____________?
Nizam : Father never gets angry that easily.
Mother : You should always keep your room neat and tidy.
Nizam : OK. Mom ________ (e) __________?

Question 31: (5)
Complete the following note using phrasal verbs in brackets. (4)
The king could not _______ (a) _________ the loud cry food from the beggar. The beggar-
________ (b) ________crying in a horrible voice. The King ordered the servant to
__________© _________ the cry by driving the beggar away. The wise servant __________
(d) __________ a plan to stop the beggar’s cry.
(Out forward, put up with, went on, put an end to, put in)
Question 32:
Supply the missing word in the following passage choosing the right one from the box
below.                               (4)
Basketball is a sport/ (a) can be played/ (b) Men, women and children. It is usually played/
© a court. There is backboard and a hoop, called a basket, at the end of the court. The rim
of the basket is 3m/ (d) the floor. The diameter of the rim is 46cm.
By - from - out - that - and - in

Question 33:
Look at the following sentences:                     (1×3=3)
(a) My mother baked the cake and I ate it.
(b) The teacher was strict but gentle.
© The girls went to the hall and practiced their skit.
In the first sentences, two sentences are combines using the linker ‘and‘ in the second
sentence two adjentives are linked using’ but’. In the third, two verb phrases are linked
using ‘and’.
Frame three sentences of the similar pattern.

1. “His voice was gentle, almost embarraessd”.
2. Yes. He is ready to do anything for the sake of his beloved.
3. The narrator said that he had got some money with him and he would give everything
he had to the stranger.
4. (a) The narrator asked the stranger what did he want his eyes for.
5. (b) The stranger replied that it was his sweetheart for the cactus.
6. The lines signify the neglected condition of the cactus.
7. “I don’t yield to droughts”.
8. The beauty of cactus, eventhough neglected by poets, is quite significant.
9. The poet is speaking to his son.
10. The poet wants to change his present condition.
11. The poet wants to unlearn his manner of laugh and smile.
12. The poet wants his son to show him he used to laugh and smile when he was young.
13. Considerate
14. “In every way he felt on top of the world”.
15. He had no sympathy for the common people around him.
16. After his recovery, the young man could only move slowly. He easily got tired.
17. “Trying’ here means ‘difficult”.
18. (A) Respected teachers and my dear friends,
Today I stand before you to say a few words about the value of films. Films
give us a lot of pleasure. But films are more than that. They are an effective medium for
conveying social messages. Films give a true picture of the society around us. They
portray the beliefs, customs, food habits, dress codes and social practices around us.
Films examine and often criticize social evils. We love film heroes because they can do
heroic deeds in films which we are unable to do in ordinary life. Thus films are vehicles
of social change. They teach us many things along with pleasing us. We should all realize
this value of films.
                               Thank you

(B)Swami was unwilling to go to school. He said that he had headache. But his father did
not allow him to miss the classes. The Swami explained that his teacher Samuel was a
cruel person. He would punish children mercilessly if they turned up late for the class.
Swami’s father grew very angry when he heard this. He believed his son’s words and
wrote a letter of complaint to the headmaster. But Swami knew that he was lying. So he
didn’t give the letter to the headmaster in the morning. Instead during the classes he
tried to provoke Samuel. At last Samuel got angry and punished Swami. Swami was
happy. He ran to the headmaster had gone on leave for a week. So he returned home
with the letter. Father said that he was a coward and tore off the letter.
19. Lacton Vilage
I can’t even recollect properly what had happened to me out in the street! Why was that
Stranger trying to pluck out my eyes! He said it was a gift for his sweet heart. Can a
Woman be so cruel as to ask for eyes as gift? Anyway, thank God, he spread me after
examining the eyes. I shiver even now thinking about it. I should get out of this horrible
village tomorrow itself.
20. Anita Mazumdar Desai, the famous Indian novelist and short story writer, was born on
24th June 1937 at Mussorie, India. Her first novel is ‘Cry, the peacock’ (1963). Her other
major works include ‘Fire on the Mountain’, ‘Clear Light of Day’, ‘The village by the sea’
and ‘In custody’. She is the winner of Sahitya Academi Award in 1978. She also received
the Benson Medal of Royal Society of Literature (2003). She was shortlisted thrice for
Booker Prize for fiction. She now works as a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in the USA.
21.                          House 31
                          Lacton Street
Dear Balthazar,
  I am really pleased by the gift you gave me today. It is a real work of art. I had
seen such cages only in my dreams. You have realized the dreams for me. What shall I
give you in return? I am sorry that my Papa didn’t give you any money. I never thought
he would be such a miser about beautiful things.
        I will be thankful to you always.
                               With love
Two Day Film Festival
The movie club of Govt. Higher Secondary School, Malayinkizhu has decided to
organize a film festival at Public Hall, Poojappura on 12th and 13th August 2013. The
films ‘Terre Zameen Par’ and ‘Dreams’ will be screened on 12th August and ‘The sound
of Music’ and ‘The Kid’ on 13th August. Renowned writer and screen play writer
M.T.Vasudevan Nair will inaugurate the film festival. All students are invited.
                             The Movie Club
23. You: How are you beggar?
Beggar: fine. Thank you. Give me some food.
You: Why do you go about crying for bread?
Beggar: You see I am always hungry. There’s no one who would give me food.
You: Why don’t go to a poor home?
Beggar: Where can I find one?
You: Enquire in the collector’s office. You will get information about the poor homes
from there.
24. (b) India Clinches Series Against West Indies.
25. (d) Cyclone kills over Twenty
26. © Frogs Married off in Hope Rain
27. (a) 20 killed in Road Accidents
28. © MBA classes to begin on Sept. 20th
29. The city police has decided to take stern action against drivers who attempt to
overtake through the left side on city roads. All drivers who violate this rule will be
30.Mother : Nizam, Have you arranged your room properly?
Nizam: Not yet. I’ll clean it up.
Mother : When will you do it ?
Nizam : After dinner.
Mother : You said so the last time also.
But you didn’t keep your word.
Nizam : Yes, but this time I mean it.
Mother : If you don’t keep your word, I
Will complain to your father.
Nizam : Father never gets angry that easily.
Mother : You should always keep your room neat and tidy.
Nizam : OK. Mom. I will try my best to do so.
31.(a) put up with (b) went on
© put on end to (d) put forward
32. (a) that (b) by
© in (d) from
33.(a) My brother ironed the shirt and I wore it.
(b) The doctor was busy but patient.
© The begger walked to the street and asked for alms.

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