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Computer Resource Management System


Computer Resource Management System (CRMS) is a total management and informative system, which provides the up-to date information of all the computer resources in the company. CRMS helps the company to overcome it s difficulty in tracking the resources of the company by presenting the customized reports, which helps in effective and timely utilization of the hardware and the software resources.

CRMS is a web-based application using the three-tire architecture. The ability to handle the multi-user environment and the maintaining the highest security for the access are some of the features of this application.

CRMS uses SQL Server as the back end for the database and uses all its features offered in the web based technology for its transactions.


Computer Resource Management System (CRMS) is a total management and informative system, which provides the up-to date information of all the computer resources in the company. CRMS helps the company to overcome it s difficulty in tracking the resources of the company by presenting the customized reports, which helps in effective and timely utilization of the hardware and the software resources.

Computer Resource Management System uses the ASP.NET; it s the component model for the enterprise applications. ASP.NET combines server-side components with distributed object technologies to greatly simplify the task of application development.

Computer Resource Management System uses SQL Server as the back-end RDBMS. SQL Server is actually a fully Internet supported database system. SQL Server perfectly handles the ACID Transactions. A transaction is the execution of a unit-of-work that accesses one or more shared resources, usually databases. A unit-of-work is a set of activities that relate to each other and must be completed together. The ACID properties are nothing but (Atomic Consistent Isolated Durable) properties
A transaction to be atomic, it must execute completely or not at all. Consistency refers to the integrity of the underlying data store, consistency is ensured by seeing that a transaction is atomic, isolated and durable. Isolated refers to allowing a transaction to execute without interference from other processes or transactions, i.e., the data that a transaction accesses can not be affected by any other part of the system until the transaction or unit-of work is completed. Durability means that all the data changes made during the course of a transaction must be written to some type of physical storage before the transaction is successfully completed. This ensures that the changes are not lost if the system crashes. And apart from handling the ACID properties SQL Server has higher security level and web compatibility features.

The computer resource management system mainly consists the following:
1. Components
2. Computers
3. Bin
4. Recycle Bin
5. Status
6. Search / View

1. Components:
Whatever the component that is either software or hardware will be assigned a unique number and entered into the shelf. Whatever goes out will be deducted from the shelf and must be entered either to bin, recycle bin or to a computer. For every component appropriate entry should be made.
2. Computers:
Computers will be assembled using the shelf parts. Every computer should be given a unique number. The details of the computer will be entered including its hardware and software profiles with their parts. The computers may be servers, standalone s and clients etc.

3. Bin:
The damaged components, which are not repairable or replaceable, will be sent to this bin.

4. Recycle Bin:
The repairable and replaceable parts will be kept here. A time report is given like when a part is submitted for repairs or replacement and expected back time and able to give warnings of delays etc.

5. Status:
The status gives the statistics of the shelf, bin, recycle bin, computers. The status gives the present position of the component where it is situated in the organization. Basing on the status the components are used in different transactions.

6. Search / View:
The users can search or view the information of different resources based on their unique number given to them.


As of now the resource management in Laila Infotech is done manually. If an employee intends to know the information regarding the resources pertaining to computers or components and their present and accurate information in the organization, as of now it is being done manually which consumes a great bit of manpower and the process is time consuming. The problem of maintaining the bulk database can be solved by atomizing the resources in the organization, which can be of great help to all the administrators, employee and the management members.

Some of the frequent occurring problems in the present manual system are as follows:

Finding the current status or position of a component in the organization is a time-consuming process.
The Manager has to wait for the manual reports from the development dept. to know the current status of the resources.
In the present system there is no security for the details of the resources as any user who is not authenticated to view the records may see them.
To view the details of a computer and to know what are the components that are assigned to it, can be done only by a manual checking of that computer for the hardware and software components is a tedious process.
The users of the organization require various reports to be generated in an easy format, which is not so easy when done manually.
The Manager may get problems in finding out a user details in hundreds of records.

Maintaining the information regarding all employees, components and computers at single or multiple locations give raise to many problems like :
Difficulty in retrieval of data in desired manner.
Checking the uniqueness wherever it is required.
Availability of information in this manner is subjected to damage.
Providing security is also difficult.

One way to overcome all these difficulties is so store all the information in the computer. The computerization helps the users a lot. The user can get information in desired manner. Data retrieval is also easy and fast. This also restricts the users to enter invalid data and reduces the burden on the user.

A computer based information system is usually needed for the following purposes.
Greater Processing Speed:
Using computers inherent ability to calculate, sort, retrieve data with greater speed than that of the human doing we can get results in less time. Visual Basic guaranties for the faster query processing thus we are satisfied with Visual Basic itself supporting in this direction.
Better Accuracy and Improved Consistency:
The computer carries out computing steps including arithmetic accurately and consistently from which really human is escaped which yields more fatigue and boredom.
Cost Reduction:
Using computerization we can do the required operations with lower cost than any other methods. Hence by computerization we can reduce the cost drastically.

4.2.2. Software and hardware requirements Development Environment

Operating System: Windows 2000 Pro\NT\98
The system will be built on windows compatible environment. The application will be web based using Java technology
Web Server:
IIS Internet Information Services
Server side Application Software: Active Server Pages.NET (ASP.NET)
Client Side Application Software: Java Script, HTML
Data Base: SQL Server 2000
The system requires SQL Server as a database, however the system will be ODBC complaint to work on any standard database.
Client Browsers:
Internet Explorer 5.0 or Netscape Navigator 4.7
The system requires Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator browser for client side.
Hardware: Pentium PCs with 128 MB RAM/ 20 GB HDD. Production Environment

Operating System: Windows 2000 Pro/NT/98
The system will be built on windows compatible environment. The application will be web based using ASP.NET technology.
Web Server:
IIS Internet Information Services.
Server side Application Software: ASP.NET
Client Side Application Software: Java Script, HTML.
Data Base: SQL Server 2000
The system requires SQL Server as a database, however the system will be ODBC complaint to work on any standard database.

Client Browsers:
Internet Explorer 4.0 and above
Netscape Navigator 4.0 and above
The system requires Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator browser for client side.
Hardware: Pentium PCs with 128 MB RAM/ 20 GB HDD.

Computer Organization

Hardware and Software

Computing Systems

Computers have two kinds of components:

Hardware, consisting of its physical devices (CPU, memory, bus, storage devices, ..)
Software, consisting of the programs it has (Operating system, applications, utilities, ..)
Hardware: CPU

Central Processing Unit (CPU):

the brain of the machine
location of circuitry that performs arithmetic and logical ML statements
measurement: speed (roughly) in megahertz (millions of clock-ticks per second)
examples: Intel Pentium, AMD K6, Motorola PowerPC, Sun SPARC,
Hardware: RAM

Random Access Memory (RAM)

main memory, which is fast, but volatile..
analogous to a person s short-term memory.
many tiny on-off switches: for convenience
on is represented by 1, off by 0.
each switch is called a binary digit, or bit.
8 bits is called a byte.
210 bytes =1024 bytes is called a kilobyte (1K)
220 bytes is called a megabyte (1M).
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hai please post the project regarding computer resource management systems.. please its very urgent.. havng a seminar on saturday.. pleasee do frwd

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iam usha tumma. i need literature survey on computer resource management system.i know regarding the modules

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