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Fuzzy Logic (Download Seminar Report)

fuzzy logic


Condition monitoring of induction motors is a fast emerging technology for online detection of incipient faults. It avoids unexpected failure of a critical system. Approximately 30 40% of faults of induction motors are stator faults. This project uses fuzzy logic to diagnose various stator faults. A fuzzy logic approach may help to diagnose induction motor faults. In fact, fuzzy logic is remembers of human thinking processes and natural language enabling decisions to be made based on vague information. Therefore, this project applies fuzzy logic to induction motors fault detection and diagnosis. The motor condition is described using linguistic variables. Fuzzy subsets and the corresponding membership functions describe stator current amplitudes. A knowledge base, comprising rule and databases, is built to support the fuzzy inference. The induction motor condition is diagnosed using a compositional rule of fuzzy inference.

Induction motor, which is the important workhorse of all industries. Now days this machines are protected by oldest method that is protection is done by relay and circuit breakers. This type implemented in both static and electromagnetic type. These types of protection are done for protecting the machine for over current and over voltage .the main disadvantage is accuracy and reliability. It would sense the fault after few mille seconds; at that short period there is chance for damage in winding and other motor parts. Therefore there is need for accuracy and reliability of operation; therefore it is necessary for implementing new technique in order to protecting the machine due to high cost. There fore we go for the new method for diagnosing the fault occur in the induction motor. Fuzzy logic based fault identification system is one of recent technique with high accuracy and able to identify fault before it would damage the motor.

The various fault that incurred in the three phase induction motor are identified and diagnose in the initial stage itself .due to involvement of fuzzy logic concept, the accuracy of fault detection get increased. The various fault that are occurred in the three-phase induction motor are unbalanced voltage, single phasing, blocked rotor, overload, over voltage, under voltage. The fault, which is above described, would damage the motor, which would occur in short period. Therefore fuzzy logic based algorithm are used to detect the fault and it is done with the help of micro controller PIC 16f877a.

The motor characteristics during several fault conditions are predicted using mat lab and the simulation result are shown below. The supply before fed to the three-phase induction motor is initially checked by the relay, which is micro controller fed relay. If there is no problem occurred in the supply it will fed to the motor.

The basic block diagram for this analysis is shown above. The supply initially fed to the motor is measured by the measuring circuit .The measuring circuit consist of the current transformer and potential transformer and the regulating circuit. From the regulating circuit it is connected to the micro controller the micro controller check the condition of the supply if there is any fault occurs it will give signal to the relay. Then the relay will automatically cut down the supply. The micro controller that has been incorporate here is the PIC 16f877a.

The Sensing Circuit Which Consist of CT&PT, measuring circuit and regulating circuit. Which initially senses and regulate the supply voltage and current and it give necessary input to the micro controller circuit .The micro controller execute the fuzzy logic algorithm based program which is to detect the various fault that has going to be occurred and it will sense, it will give necessary input to the LCD and relay circuit.

The fault which going to be occurred is initially detected and the corresponding fault are displayed in the LCD display, which is connected to the controller. Therefore this method of fault diagnosis is accurate way of control compare to the Past method and would avoid the damage of the motor

Fuzzy Logic



Fuzzy logic has rapidly become one of the most successful of today's technologies for developing sophisticated control systems. The reason for which is very simple. Fuzzy logic addresses such applications perfectly as it resembles human decision making with an ability to generate precise solutions from certain or approximate information. While other approaches require accurate equations to model real-world behaviors, fuzzy design can accommodate the ambiguities of real-world in human language and logic. Although genetic algorithms and neural networks can perform just as well as fuzzy logic in many cases , fuzzy logic has the advantage that the solution to the problem can be cast in terms that human operators can understand, so that their experience can be used in th design of the controller. This makes it easier to mechanize tasks that are already successfully performed by humans.

In a broad sense, fuzzy logic refers to fuzzy sets - a set with unsharp boundaries. Examples of fuzzy sets are hot, tall, medium, etc. In a narrow sense, fuzzy logic is a logical system that aims to formalize approximate reasoning .In fuzzy logic a fuzzy symbol can take any truth values from the closed set [0, 1] of real numbers thus generalizing the Boolean truth values. As the technology was further embraced, fuzzy logic was used in more useful applications.

In 1987, the first fuzzy logic-controlled subway was opened in Sendai in northern Japan. Here, fuzzy-logic controllers make subway journeys more comfortable with smooth braking and acceleration. Best of all, all the driver has to do is push the start button! Fuzzy logic was also put to work in elevators to reduce waiting time. Since then, the applications of Fuzzy Logic technology have virtually exploded, affecting things we use everyday.Take for example, the fuzzy washing machine . A load of clothes in it and press start, and the machine begins to churn, automatically choosing the best cycle.

What do you mean fuzzy ??!!

Before illustrating the mechanisms which make fuzzy logic machines work, it is important to realize what fuzzy logic actually is. Fuzzy logic is a superset of conventional(Boolean) logic that has been extended to handle the concept of partial truth- truth values between "completely true" and "completely false". As its name suggests, it is the logic underlying modes of reasoning which are approximate rather than exact. The importance of fuzzy logic derives from the fact that most modes of human reasoning and especially common sense reasoning are approximate in nature.

Fuzzy Sets

Fuzzy Set Theory was formalised by Professor Lofti Zadeh at the University of California in 1965. What Zadeh proposed is very much a paradigm shift that first gained acceptance in the Far East and its successful application has ensured its adoption around the world. A paradigm is a set of rules and regulations which defines boundaries and tells us what to do to be successful in solving problems within these boundaries. For example the use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes is a paradigm shift - likewise the development of Fuzzy Set Theory from conventional bivalent set theory is a paradigm shift. Bivalent Set Theory can be somewhat limiting if we wish to describe a 'humanistic' problem mathematically. For example, Fig 1 below illustrates bivalent sets to characterise the temperature of a room.

Fuzzy Set Operations.
The membership function of the Union of two fuzzy sets A and B with membership functions and respectively is defined as the maximum of the two individual membership functions. This is called the maximum criterion.

Fuzzy Logic


Fuzzy logic has rapidly become one of the most successful of today's technologies for developing sophisticated control systems. The reason for which is very simple. Fuzzy logic addresses such applications perfectly as it resembles human decision making with an ability to generate precise solutions from certain or approximate information. While other approaches require accurate equations to model real-world behaviors, fuzzy design can accommodate the ambiguities of real-world in human language and logic. Although genetic algorithms and neural networks can perform just as well as fuzzy logic in many cases , fuzzy logic has the advantage that the solution to the problem can be cast in terms that human operators can understand, so that their experience can be used in th design of the controller. This makes it easier to mechanize tasks that are already successfully performed by humans.

What do you mean fuzzy ??!!

Before illustrating the mechanisms which make fuzzy logic machines work, it is important to realize what fuzzy logic actually is. Fuzzy logic is a superset of conventional(Boolean) logic that has been extended to handle the concept of partial truth- truth values between "completely true" and "completely false". As its name suggests, it is the logic underlying modes of reasoning which are approximate rather than exact. The importance of fuzzy logic derives from the fact that most modes of human reasoning and especially common sense reasoning are approximate in nature.

Fuzzy Sets

Fuzzy Set Theory was formalised by Professor Lofti Zadeh at the University of California in 1965. What Zadeh proposed is very much a paradigm shift that first gained acceptance in the Far East and its successful application has ensured its adoption around the world. A paradigm is a set of rules and regulations which defines boundaries and tells us what to do to be successful in solving problems within these boundaries. For example the use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes is a paradigm shift - likewise the development of Fuzzy Set Theory from conventional bivalent set theory is a paradigm shift. Bivalent Set Theory can be somewhat limiting if we wish to describe a 'humanistic' problem mathematically. For example, Fig 1 below illustrates bivalent sets to characterise the temperature of a room.

Fuzzy Set Operations.
The membership function of the Union of two fuzzy sets A and B with membership functions and respectively is defined as the maximum of the two individual membership functions. This is called the maximum criterion.

With the advent of modern computer technology, the field of Artificial Intelligence is showing a definite utility in all spectrum of life. In the field of control, there is always a need for optimality with improved controller performance. In this paper, the feasibility of Fuzzy Logic as an effective control tool for DC motors is dealt with.

This Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is showing a better performance than conventional controllers in the form of increased robustness.

In this paper, the role of Fuzzy Logic as a controller and its implementation is studied.

Fuzzy logic is a powerful problem solving methodology introduced by Lotfi Zadeh in 1960 s.
It provides tools for dealing with imprecision due to uncertainty and vagueness, which is intrinsic to many engineering problems.
It is a superset of Boolean or Crisp logic.
It emerged into mainstream of information technology in late 1980 s and early 1990

Fuzzy logic


With the advent of modern computer technology, the field of Artificial
Intelligence is showing a definite utility in all spectrum of life. In the
field of control, there is always a need for optimality with improved
controller performance. In this paper, the feasibility of Fuzzy Logic as
an effective control tool for DC motors is dealt with.
This Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is showing a better performance
than conventional controllers in the form of increased robustness.
In this paper, the role of Fuzzy Logic as a controller and its
implementation is studied.

to get information about the topic Fuzzy logic controller full report ,ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow

to get information about the topic fuzzy logic full report ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow


Prepared by:
Shane Warren
Brittney Ballard


Definition of fuzzy:

Fuzzy not clear, distinct, or precise; blurred

Definition of fuzzy logic:

A form of knowledge representation suitable for notions that cannot be defined precisely, but which depend upon their contexts


Fuzzy Logic (Download Seminar Report)

Shane Warren
Brittney Ballard


What is Fuzzy Logic?
Where did it begin?
Fuzzy Logic vs. Neural Networks
Fuzzy Logic in Control Systems
Fuzzy Logic in Other Fields

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