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latest computer science projects topics and ideas

1. An Instructional Strategy Selection Model Based on Agent and Ontology for an Intelligent Tutoring System
2. Hide and Seek in the Cloud
3. A Hybrid Integrated Architecture for Language Service Composition
4. The Dartmouth Cyber Security Initiative
5. Designing Host and Network Sensors to Mitigate the Insider Threat
6. Propagation Modeling of PeertoPeer Worms
7. A MIMO Based Crosslayer Approach to Augment the Security of Wireless Networks
8. WSOTF An Automatic Testing Tool forWeb Services Composition
9. Practical Threshold OneTime Proxy Signature Scheme
10. A Multilayer Fault Localization Framework for IP over AllOptical Multilayer Networks
11. InnoDB Database Forensics
12. CyberThreat Proliferation Todays Truly Pervasive Global Epidemic
13. Delay Analysis for Wireless Networks With Single Hop Traffic and General Interference Constraints
14. Towards a Unifying View of QoSEnhancedWeb Service Description and Discovery Approaches
15. Dynamic Web Service Composition: A New Approach in Building Reliable Web Service
16. A Generic Local Algorithm for Mining Data Streams in Large Distributed Systems
17. Closing the Loop in Webpage Understanding
18. Contextaware Campaigns in Social Networks
19. LargeScale IP Traceback in HighSpeed Internet: Practical Techniques and Theoretical Foundation
20. New Approach to Quantification of Privacy on Social Network Sites
21. MagicNET: The Human Immune System and Network Security System
22. SideChannel Attacks on Cryptographic Software
23. LargeScale Collection and Sanitization of Network Security Data: Risks and Challenges
24. mTracker: A Mobile Tracking Application for Pervasive Environment
25. Mapping the Blogosphere with RSSFeeds
26. CAPTCHA Using Strangeness in Machine Translation
27. Bickering InDepth Rethinking the Composition of Competing Security Systems
28. Robust synchronization of absolute and difference clocks over networks
29. A Proposal of an Associating ImageBased Password Creating Method and a Development of a Password Creating Support System
30. The Reaction Time to Web Site Defacements
31. Batch Mode Active Learning with Applications to Text Categorization and Image Retrieval
32. AWorkflow Fragmentation Framework for Enterprise GridWorkflow Systems
33. Controlling IP Spoofing through Interdomain Packet Filters
34. Knowledge sharing effectiveness measurement
35. Lord of the Links: A Framework for Discovering Missing Links in the Internet Topology
36. A Tree Graph Model Based on Mobile Environment
37. KnowledgeBased Linguistic Annotation of Digital Cultural Heritage Collections
38. Multiple Routing Configurations for Fast IP Network Recovery
39. A Proposal of an Associating ImageBased Password Creating Method and a Development of a Password Creating Support System
40. Enriched Cyberspace through Adaptive Multimedia Utilization for Dependable Remote Collaboration
41. Risk assessment of national security Infrastructure
42. Using Recommendation to Limit Search Space in Web Services Discovery
43. Managing Primary Context through Web Services
44. Towards Trust Establishment for Spectrum Selection in Cognitive Radio Networks
45. Symbolic Routing for Locationbased Services in Wireless Mesh Networks
46. Using Ontology for Personalized Mobile Message Computation
47. Traffic Modeling and Proportional Partial Caching for peer to peer systems
48. A hybrid technique for efficient Medium Access Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
49. SimilarityProfiled Temporal Association Mining
50. A Communication Perspective on Automatic Text Categorization
51. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Personalized Web Search
52. Trustworthiness among Peer Processes in Distributed Agreement Protocol
53. Reputationbased Systems within Computer Networks
54. An Authentication and Authorization protocol using Ticket in Pervasive Environment
55. A Mobile Biometric Systemon Token System for Signing Digital Transactions
56. Coupling RDFRSS, WSRP and AJAX for Dynamic Reusable Portlets: An Approach and a Use Case
57. CommunityAware Scheduling Protocol for Grids
58. Performance Analysis and Multichannel Coordinated Access Points
59. Android, Java ME and Windows Mobile interplay
60. Deployment of a Secure Wireless Infrastructure oriented to Vehicular Networks
61. On the time synchronizing the log files in networks with local broad cast media
62. Cloud Analyst: A CloudSimbased Visual Modeller for Analyzing Cloud Computing Environments and Applications
63. The Next Malware Battleground Recovery After Unknown Infection
64. Efficient and secure content processing and distribution by corporate intermediaries
65. Security Verification for Authentication and Key Exchange Protocols, Revisited
66. Experimental Analysis of a Wireless Sensor Network Setup Strategy Provided by an Agentoriented Middleware
67. IMine: Index Support for Item Set Mining
68. Separating Operational and Control Behaviors
69. Towards Near RealTime Data Warehousing
70. A Promotion Mechanism for Scalable Stealth DHT
71. One Bit Is Enough
72. A Dynamic HiddenID Authentication Scheme Based On Dimensional Construction
73. Google Android: A Comprehensive Security Assessment
74. Fairness as a QoS Measure for Web Services
75. Security Decision Support Challenges in Data Collection and Use
76. Key Parameters in Identifying Cost of Spam
77. Compression and Aggregation for Logistic Regression Analysis in Data CubesOLAP
78. Personalized Ontology for Web Search Personalization
79. MARS: Multistage Attack Recognition System
80. Resist Intruders Manipulation via Contextbased TCPIP Packet Matching
81. Web Spambot Detection Based on Web Navigation Behaviour
82. EnergyRobustness Tradeoff in Cellular Network Power Control
83. Mining Projected Clusters in HighDimensional Spaces
84. Distributed Throughput Maximization in Wireless Mesh Networks via PrePartitioning
85. A CostBased Approach to Adaptive Resource Management in Data Stream Systems
86. Hierarchical distributed peer to peer document cluster cluster summarizations
87. Separating Operational and Control Behaviors
88. Personalized ServiceOriented ELearning Environments
89. Robust Runtime Optimization of Data Transfer in Queries over Web Services
90. Energyefficient packet scheduling algorithms for realtime communications in a mobile wimax system
91. SimilarityProfiled Temporal Association Mining
92. A Semantic Search Agent Approach: Finding Appropriate Semantic Web Services Based On User Request Terms
93. SLAbased Online Charging Model in Mobile Environment
94. Rough setsbased search engine for grid service discovery
95. Generating Optimum Number of Clusters using Median Search and Projection Algorithms
96. XTS: A Mode of AES for Encrypting Hard Disks
97. Key Agreement in PeertoPeer Wireless Networks
98. The Taming of the Shrew: Mitigating LowRate TCPTargeted Attack
99. Logging in the Age of WebserviceSecure and privacy
100. Network Traffic using Joint Security
101. An Adaptive Approach to Detecting Black and Gray Hole Attacks in Ad Hoc Network
102. A Framework for Mitigating Attacks Against MeasurementBased Adaptation Mechanisms in Unstructured Multicast Overlay Networks
103. Secure and PolicyCompliant Source Routing
104. Adaptive Clustering Protocol for Wireless Networks
105. Network monitoring for Video Quality over IP
106. A Global knowledge for Information Retrieval in PP Networks
107. Traffic Modeling and proportional Partial caching for Peer to peer Systems
108. Virtual Database Technology for Distributed Database
109. Securing AndroidPowered Mobile Devices Using ELinux
110. Building Accountability Middleware to Support Dependable SOA
111. Automatic Application Signature Construction from Unknown Traffic
112. Towards a Unified Trust Model in Pervasive Systems
113. Towards an XML AdaptationAlteration Control Framework
114. Swing: Realistic and Responsive Network Traffic Generation
115. Improvement and Its Evaluation of Workers Motion Monitor System in Automobile Assembly Factory
116. Coupling RDFRSS, WSRP and AJAX for Dynamic Reusable Portlets: An Approach and a Use Case
117. Increasing TCP Throughput and Fairness in Cognitive WLAN over Fiber
118. TRIC An Infrastructure for Trust and Reputation Across Virtual Communities
119. The Web Service Modeling Framework WSMF
120. Analyzing Human Behavior using CaseBased Reasoning with the help of Forensic Questions
121. ResidualBased Measurement of Peer and Link Lifetimes in Gnutella Networks
122. Continuous Flow Wireless Data Broadcasting for HighSpeed Environments
123. Network Security Based On Pattern Matching: An Overview
124. A Semantic Search Agent Approach: Finding Appropriate Semantic Web Services Based On User Request Terms
125. Energy Constrained Dominating Set for Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks
126. Analysis of Anonymity in PP Anonymous Communication Systems
127. Detecting Insider Theft of Trade Secrets
128. Securing UserControlled Routing Infrastructures
129. Grid of Segment Trees for Packet Classification
130. Exploiting Clustering Techniques for Web Usersession Inference
131. Improved Gait Recognition Performance Using Cycle Matching
132. Ranking and suggesting popular items
133. An Adaptive Routing Protocol for Bus Networks
134. Controlling File Distribution in The Share Network Through Content Poisoning
135. Predictive Ensemble Pruning by Expectation Propagation
136. Ondemand Dynamic Locationbased Services Using Web Services
137. Accountability Computing for eSociety
138. Traffic Modeling and Proportional Partial Caching for PeertoPeer Systems
139. Transaction based QoS web service
140. Minimizing Execution Costs when using Globally Distributed Cloud Services
141. Closing the Loop in Webpage Understanding
142. Learning Peer Selection: A Query Routing Approach for Information Retrieval in PP Systems
143. Acquisition and Management of Semantic Web Service Descriptions
144. High Time for Trusted Computing
145. A Calculus Approach to Minimum Energy Transmission Policies with Quality of Service Guarantees
146. A Novel Cache Management Using Geographically Partial Matching for Locationbased Services
147. Voice Over Internet Protocol
148. Improving Performance of Declarative Query Execution in DHTbased Systems
149. Extending the Bayesian Classifier to a ContextAware Recommender System for Mobile Devices
150. Towards a Generic ContextAware Framework for SelfAdaptation of ServiceOriented Architectures
151. Efficient and Secure Content Processing and Distribution by Cooperative Intermediaries
152. On the Time Synchronization of Distributed Log Files in Networks with Local Broadcast Media
153. Intrusion Tolerant Services Through Virtualization: a Shared Memory Approach
154. Schedule Distributed Virtual Machines in a Service Oriented Environment
155. Computation of Efficient Multicast Key Distribution
156. A DSLbased Approach to Software Development and Deployment on Cloud
157. A Highly Decoupled Frontend Framework for High Trafficked Web Applications
158. PrivacyPreserving Collaborative Filtering Protocol based on Similarity between Items
159. MultiModal CBIR Algorithm based on Latent Semantic Indexing
160. Predicting the missing items in the shopping cart
161. Design of network based software
162. Quality Metrics for Software Process Certification based on Kmodel
163. Routing based on Message Attraction
164. Dominant Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
165. PAWS:Managing Primary Context through Web Services
166. Nontraditional Approach to XML Web Services Interactions
167. A Solution Model and Tool for Supporting the Negotiation of Security Decisions in EBusiness Collaborations
168. HealthPass: Finegrained Access Control to Portable Personal Health Records
169. A Practical PasswordBased TwoServer Authentication and Key Exchange System
170. The SHIP Validator: An Annotationbased ContentValidation Framework for Java Applications
171. Requirements for Distributed Eventbased Awareness in PP Groupware Systems
172. A Secure Key Management Model for Wireless Mesh Networks
173. BPE Acceleration Technique for SW Update for Mobile Phones
174. HiTrust: A Hybrid Tree based Trust Negotiation Service
175. Adaptive Scheduling for Staged Applications: The Case of Multiple Processing Units
176. Tradeoffs among Delay, Energy and Accuracy of Partial Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
177. A Novel Cross Layer Intrusion Detection System in MANET
178. Voice Over Internet Protocol
179. Handling Very Large Numbers Of Messages In Distributed Hash Tables
180. Empirical Analysis of Attackers Activity on MultiTierWeb Systems
181. Applying TCPFriendly Congestion Control to Concurrent Multipath Transfer
182. Contextaware Mobile Services Transactions
183. Trust worth computing under down policy
184. A Highly Decoupled Frontend Framework for High Trafficked Web Applications
185. MultiTierbased Global Awareness
186. Detecting Unauthorized Modification of HTTP Communication with Steganography
187. Global Topk Aggregate Queries Based on Xtuple in Uncertain Database
188. Risk Mitigation for Cross Site Scripting Attacks Using Signature Based Model on the Server Side
189. PAWS:Managing Primary Context through Web Services
190. Performance Evaluation of Database Designs
191. SAMI: The SLA Management Instance
192. Using Ontology for Personalized Mobile Message Computation
193. Improving Personalization Solutions through Optimal Segmentation of Customer Bases
194. An Adaptive Service Selection Approach to Service Composition
195. Making Smart Cards Truly Portable
196. A CrossLayer Approach for PerStation Fairness in TCP over WLANs
197. Secure Ubiquitous House and Facility Control Solution
198. Personalized ServiceOriented ELearning Environments
199. PassiveLogging Attacks Against Anonymous Communications Systems
200. UserExcentric Service Composition in Pervasive Environments
201. Mining nonderivable frequent item sets over data stream
202. Watermarking relational database using optimization based techniques
203. Fair ClassBased Downlink Scheduling with Revenue Considerations in Next Generation Broadband Wireless Access Systems
204. Deadline Aware Virtual Machine Scheduler for Grid and Cloud Computing
205. Casual Multiuser Web Collaboration by Lowering Communication Barriers
206. PRoPHET: An Adaptive PRoPHETBased Routing Protocol for Opportunistic Network
207. Towards more Trustable Log Files for Digital Forensics by Means of Trusted Computing
208. Evenly Distributing Combinatorial Tasks in a PeertoPeer System
209. Stream Switching Resilience In PP Streaming
210. A reference architechture for scientific workflow management systems the view SOA solutions
211. Design and Implementation of the Locationbased Personalized Social Media Service
212. The Significance of Instant Messaging at Work
213. Analytical Temporal Specification Issues for Industrial Control Systems
214. Bounded Fano Decoders over Intermediate Hops Excluding Packet Retransmission
215. The Emerging Field of Semantic Scientific Knowledge Integration
216. A Visual Semantic Service Browser Supporting UserCentric Service Composition
217. SContextAware Interaction Models in CrossOrganizational Processes
218. Traffic modelling and proportional partial caching for peer to peer networks
219. Clustering and Sequential Pattern Mining of Online Collaborative Learning Data
220. Pitcher: Enabling Distributed Parallel Computing with Automatic Thread and Data Assignments
221. Semantic Technology for Capturing Communication Inside an Organization
222. Kinematics Analysis, Design, and Control of an Isoglide Parallel Robot IGPR
223. Detecting Unauthorized Modification of HTTP Communication with Steganography
224. A Traffic Engineering Approach for Placement and Selection of Network Services
225. Web Service Derivatives
226. Probabilistic proactive routing with active route traceback for highly mobile Ad Hoc Networks
227. A Solution Model and Tool for Supporting the Negotiation of Security Decisions in EBusiness Collaborations
228. RuleBased Coordination of Distributed Web Service Transactions
229. Tsunami Early Alert and Evacuation Support System for Fishery Workers by Mobile Phones
230. Against Spyware Using CAPTCHA in Graphical Password Scheme
231. Application Layer Traffic Optimization in the eMule System
232. SAGe: Sensor Advanced Gateway for Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks and Internet
233. IDSec: an Identification Layer Security Model
234. Secure Communication For Internet Payment In Heterogeneous Networks
235. A Photonics Based Intelligent Airport Surveillance and Tracking System
236. Configurable Composition and Adaptive Provisioning of Web Services
237. Data mining over peer to peer networks
238. WSOTF: An Automatic Testing Tool for Web Services Composition
239. MultiModal CBIR Algorithm based on Latent Semantic Indexing
240. PeertoPeer Overlay Gateway Services for Home Automation and Management
241. Detecting Suspicious Motion with Nonimaging Sensors
242. AACK: Adaptive Acknowledgment Intrusion Detection for MANET with Node Detection Enhancement
243. Performance Study on Locationassisted and Bluetoothassisted Session Transfer for VoIP Application
244. AjaxScope: A Platform for Remotely Monitoring the ClientSide Behavior of web Applications
245. Environmental Sustainability and Improved Quality of Life Through Service Convergence Technologies
246. Collusion Attack Resistance and PracticeOriented Threshold Changeable Secret Sharing Schemes
247. Effect of Virtual Techniques in Data Storage Access
248. Man in the middle attack
249. Configurable Composition and Adaptive Provisioning of Web Services
250. Knowledge sharing effectiveness measurement
251. Service oriented Security indications for use
252. The Emerging Field of Semantic Scientific Knowledge Integration
253. Communities and Emerging Semantics in Semantic Link Network
254. Personalized Ontology for Web Search Personalization
255. Fast Query Point Movement Techniques for CBIR
256. Daios: Efficient Dynamic Web Service Invocation
257. Autonomic Policy based Management using Web Services
258. Evaluating the effectiveness of the personalized web search
259. A Context Conflict Resolution with Optimized Mediation
260. A Quadratic, Complete, and Minimal Consistency Diagnosis Process for Firewall ACLs
261. NonInteractive Information Reconciliation for Quantum Key Distribution
262. Distributed Robust Optimization DRO
263. A way to boost the data transfer speed in control and information systems
264. BlogMiner: Web Blog Mining Application for Classification of Movie Reviews
265. Energy Constrained Dominating Set for Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks
266. A Dynamic NormalizedWeighting based Context Reasoning in Homebased Care
267. Publishing composition of atomicity equivalent service of the collaboration
268. Smart Phone Interaction with Registered Displays
269. Failures of TamperProofing in PIN Entry Devices
270. A Communication Perspective on Automatic Text Categorization
271. Global SOA: RSSbased Web Services Repository and Ranking
272. Sinkinitiated Geographic Multicasting Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
273. A refernce architechture for scientific workflow management systems the view SOA solutions
274. RiskBased DeIdentification of Health Data
275. An Improvement in Apriori algorithm Using Profit And Quantity
276. Analysis of Shortest Path Routing for Large MultiHop Wireless Networks
277. The Economics of Click Fraud
278. RuleBased Coordination of Distributed Web Service Transactions TRIC:An Infrastructure for Trust and Reputation Across Virtual Communities
279. A CrossLayer Decision for Mobile IP Handover
280. Algorithms for Reducing the Total Power Consumption in Data Communicationbased Applications
281. Change Scheduling Based on Business Impact Analysis of ChangeRelated Risk
282. Text document clustering based on neighbors
283. A qos control mechanism to provide service differentiation overload protection to internet scalable servers
284. Advanced Collage CAPTCHA

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