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PHP-Mysql Form Builder

Basic commands in MySQL

Create, List, Use and Delete Databases Commands
create database
This command is used to create a Database on the sql server..
Syntax: create [db name];

create employees;

show databases
This command id used to list all databases on the sql server.
Syntax: show databases;

use database
This command is used to switch to a database.
Syntax: use [db name];
drop database
This command is used to delete a database.
Syntax: drop [db name];

Creating tables and working with it
create tabe
This command is used to create tables in a database.

CREATE TABLE [table name] (firstname VARCHAR(20), middleinitial VARCHAR(3), lastname VARCHAR(35),suffix VARCHAR(3),officeid VARCHAR(10),userid VARCHAR(15),username VARCHAR(8),email VARCHAR(35),phone VARCHAR(25), groups
VARCHAR(15),datestamp DATE,timestamp time,pgpemail VARCHAR(255));

show tables
This command is see all the tables in the database.

describe table
To see database's field formats.
describe [table name];
drop table
To delete a table.
drop table [table name];
Show all data in a table.
SELECT * FROM [table name];
Returns the columns and column information pertaining to the designated table.
show columns from [table name];
Show certain selected rows with the value "something".
SELECT * FROM [table name] WHERE [field name] = "something";
Show all records containing the name "Telson" AND the phone number '2255'.
SELECT * FROM [table name] WHERE name = "Telson" AND phone_number = '2255';
Show all records not containing the name "Telson" AND the phone number '2255' order by the phone_number field.
SELECT * FROM [table name] WHERE name != "Telson" AND phone_number = '2255' order by phone_number;
Show all records starting with the letters 'Tel' AND the phone number '2255'.
SELECT * FROM [table name] WHERE name like "Tel%" AND phone_number = '2255';
Use a regular expression to find records. Use "REGEXP BINARY" to force case-sensitivity. This finds any record beginning with a.
SELECT * FROM [table name] WHERE rec RLIKE "^a$";
Show unique records.
SELECT DISTINCT [column name] FROM [table name];
Show selected records sorted in an ascending (asc) or descending (desc).
SELECT [column1],[column2] FROM [table name] ORDER BY [column2] DESC;
Return number of rows.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [table name];
Sum column.
SELECT SUM(*) FROM [table name];
Join tables on common columns.
select lookup.illustrationid, lookup.personid,person.birthday from lookup left join person on lookup.personid=person.personid=statement to join birthday in person table with primary illustration id;

Title of the project
PHP-Mysql Form Builder

Abstract of the project
This Form Builder is very much useful in administration part of any website where it generates forms and their field validations as per the admin user inputs along with the database to capture the data entered through the forms to the system by the normal users

to get information about the topic PHP-Mysql Form Builder full report refer the page link bellow


Pls can I get a page link to download d php/mysql form builder seminars..Thanks

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