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embedded system in automobiles seminars report


Most of the microprocessors in the world are not in pcs, they are embedded in devices which control traffic for highways, airspace, railway tracks, and shipping lanes to manufacturing systems with robots. An embedded system is any device controlled by instructions stored on a chip. These devices are usually controlled by a microprocessor that executes the instructions stored on a read only memory (ROM) chip. This the topic of my seminars. Embedded systems can be used to implement features ranging from the way pacemakers operate and mobile phone that can be worn as jewellery to adaptive cruise control(ACC). In this seminar I will explain one such technology that uses the embedded systems- The Adaptive Cruise Control.

We read in newspapers that a doctor had successfully transplanted a cardiac pacemaker in his patient s chest by sitting around 200kilometres away. Also we know about driverless cars that could take us to the destiny by using its inbuilt navigation systems. Embedded microprocessors or micro controllers are the brain behind these.
An embedded system is any device controlled by instructions stored on a chip. These devices are usually controlled by a micro processor that executes the instructions stored on a read only memory(ROM) chip.

The software for the embedded system is called firmware. The firmware will be written in assembly language for time or resource critical operations or using higher level languages like C or embedded C. The software will be simulated using micro code simulators for the target processor. Since they are supposed to perform only specific tasks, these programs are stored in read only memories(ROMs).Moreover they may need no or minimal inputs from the user, hence the user interface like monitor, mouse and large keyboard etc,may be absent.
Embedded systems are computer systems that monitor, respond to, or control an external environment. This environment is connected to the computer system through sensors, actuators, and other input-output interfaces. It may consist of physical or biological objects of any form and structure. Often humans are part of the connected external world, but a wide range of other natural and artificial objects, as well as animals are also possible.

Embedded systems are also known as real time systems since they respond to an input or event and produce the result within a guaranteed time period. This time period can be few microseconds to days or months. The computer system must meet various timing and other constraints that are imposed on it by the real-time behavior of the external world to which it is interfaced. Hence comes the name real time. Another Name for many of these systems is reactive systems, because their primary purpose is to respond to or react to signals from their environment. A real time computer system may be a component of a larger system in which it is embedded; reasonably such a computer component is called an embedded system.
Embedded systems control engine management systems in automobiles, monitor home heating systems and regulate the quiet operation and the even distribution of laundry in washing machines. They are the heart of toys like Furby and Tamagotchi, of golf balls that cannot get lost and of gas pumps at gasoline stations that advertise nearby restaurants on video. Above all, state-of-the art communications equipment like WAP mobile telephones, MP3 players, set-top boxes and Net devices would not be possible without these powerful miniature brains.
Applications and examples of real time systems are ubiquitous and proliferating, appearing as part of our commercial, government, military, medical, educational, and cultural infrastructures. Included are:
Vehicle systems for automobiles, subways, aircraft, railways and ships.
Traffic control for highways, airspace, railway tracks and shipping lanes.
Process control for power plants, chemical plants and consumer products such as soft drinks and beer.
Medical systems for radiation therapy, patient monitoring and defibrillation
Military uses such as firing weapons, tracking and command and control.
Manufacturing systems with robots.
Telephone, radio and satellite communications.
Computer games.
Multi media systems that provide text, graphic, audio and video interfaces.
House holds systems for monitoring and controlling appliances.
Building managers that controls such entities as heat, light, Doors and elevators.


There are several tasks in which real time OSs beat their desktop counterparts hands-down. A common application of embedded systems in the real world is in automobiles because these systems are cheap, efficient and problem free. Almost every car that rolls off the production line these days makes use of embedded technology in one form or the other.RTOSs are performed in this area due to their fast response times and minimal system requirements.
Most of the embedded systems in automobiles are rugged in nature, as most of these systems are made up of a single chip. Other factors aiding their use are the low costs involved, ease of development, and the fact that embedded devices can be networked to act as sub modules in a large system. No driver clashes or system busy condition happen in these systems. Their compact profiles enable them to fit easily under the cramped hood of a car.

Embedded systems can be used to implement features ranging from adjustment of the suspension to suit road conditions and the octane content in the fuel to anti lock braking systems (ABS) and security systems. Speaking of the things nearer home the computer chip that control fuel injections in a Hyundai Santro or the one that controls the activation of air bag in a Fiat in a weekend in nothing but an embedded system. Right from brakes to automatic traction control to air bags and fuel/air mixture controls, there may be upto 30-50 embedded systems within a present-day car. And this is just a beginning.

Imagine a time when body transplants like cardiac pacemakers will be able to monitor and manage themselves remotely. These systems will be so compact that the patient wouldn t even be aware that they are embedded in his body. Another point in favor of RTOSs is their stability, instantaneous
response and efficiency. No OS crashes or delay in responding, as in the case with most desktop OSes. After all, which patient can rest easy with the thought of his life literally hanging by a thread due to the time taken by the OS to load!

Embedded technology advances are pointing towards the use of pace makers that can be transplanted in or near the heart itself. The pacemaker will be able to monitor parameters like blood pressure, blood flow, pulse rate, temperature, etc, using micro sensors planted in various parts of the body. This capability will enable the pace maker to automatically vary its operation to suit the changing body conditions. It will also transmit data using wireless transmission, thus enabling a doctor to constantly monitor its operation. In most cases, wireless transmitter implanted near the surface of the skin. In case any abnormality is detected the doctor will be able to take remedial actions even from a remote location.


A mobile phone in the form of a ring or an ear ring? What about cool sunglasses with streaming video displays built into them? All these can soon be a reality. Embedded systems have a small foot print and consume very little power which makes them ideal for wearable computing applications.The minimal system requirements of these devices ensure that the hardware is almost microscopic.

IBM is already working on the prototype of a mobile phone that can be worn as jewellery.The components of the phone will be distributed among different pieces of jewellery ear ring, necklace, ring and bracelet.
The phone is likely to have blue tooth capability built into it. The ear rings will have embedded speakers and will act as the receiver. The necklace will have embedded micro phones that will act as a mouth piece user can talk into. IBM called the ring part of the phone the decoder ring. Light emitting diodes (LEDs) will flash to indicate an incoming call. The ring will also have features that will enable it to be programmed to flash different colors for a particular user or to indicate the importance of a call. A video graphics array (VGA) will be built into the bracelet, which will display the name and phone number of the caller. The bracelet will also integrate the keypad and the dialing functions in it. IBM plans to incorporate voice recognition technology for dialing a number. The phone may also have features to indicate new email.
Embedded systems can also make driverless vehicle control a reality. Major automobile manufacturers are already engaged in work on these concepts. One such technology is Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC).
ACC allows cars to keep safe distances from other vehicles on busy highways. The driver can set the speed of his car and the distance between his car and others. When traffic slows down, ACC alters vehicle speed using moderate braking. This ensures that a constant distance is maintained between cars. As soon as traffic becomes less, ACC moves up to the desired cruise speed that has been set by the driver. The driver can over ride the system any time he wants to be breaking.
Each car with ACC has a micro wave radar unit or laser transceiver fixed in front of it to determine the distance and relative speed of any vehicle in the path. The ACC computer (What else but an embedded system or a grouped system of embedded system) constantly controls the throttle and brakes of the car. This helps to make sure that the set cruise speed or adapted speed of traffic at that time is not exceeded.
As already mentioned each car with ACC have a micro wave radar unit fixed in front of it to determine the distance and relative speed of any vehicle in it s path. The principle behind the working of this type of radar is- the Doppler Effect.
Doppler Effect:
Doppler Effect is the change in frequency of the waves when there is a relative motion between the transmitting and receiving units. The two figures below clearly show the Doppler Effect.
1. Higher Pitch Sound

In this case the vehicle is speeding towards the stationary listener. The distance between the listener and the car is decreasing. Then the listener will hear a higher pitch sound from the car, which means the frequency of sound, is increased.
2. Lower pitch sound

In this case the vehicle is moving away from the listener. The distance between and the car is increasing. Then the listener will hear a lower pitch sound from the car, which means the frequency of sound, is decreased. So that is the Doppler Effect in case of sound waves.
Similarly the radar unit in ACC will be continuously transmitting radio waves. They will be reflected and echo singles (reflected waves) will be having the same frequency or different frequency depending on speed/position of the object due to which the echo singles originate. If the echoes singles have the same frequency it is clear that there is no relative motion between the transmitting and receiving ends. If the frequency is increased it is clear that the distance between the two is decreasing and if the frequency is decreased it means that the distance is increasing.

The figure below shows a car having ACC transmitting and receiving radio waves.

In the above case, the gun transmits the waves at a given frequency toward an oncoming car. Reflecting waves return to the gun at a different frequency, depending on how fast the car being tracked is moving. A device in the gun compares the transmission frequency to the received frequency to determine the speed of the car. Here, the high frequency or the reflected waves indicate the motorist in the left car is speeding.

The embedded system is connected to the radar unit and its output will be sent to breaking and accelerating unit as early mentioned the embedded system is a device controlled by instructions stored in a chip. So we can design the chip or ACC having an algorithm such that it will give output only when the input signals are less than the corresponding safe distance value. So only when the between the car and the object in front of it is less then the same distance value the embedded system will give output to the breaking and the accelerating units. Thus the safe distance will be kept always. That s how the ACC works.
As the driver in the next lane swerves in front of you, you feel that gas back off and the brakes grab in the car you re driving- a Mercedes Benz S-class luxury vehicle, the first passenger car equipped with a technology called adaptive cruise control. The technology makes these adjustments even though you haven t touched the brake or gas pedal.
At a safe distance behind, your Mercedes settles to a speed matching that of the driver in front of you. That s too slow, so after a look in your rear view mirror you pull into the empty outside lane and feel the acceleration as your car speeds up to the preset cruising speed. You still haven t press the accelerator pedal. That s the beauty of this racing star of the auto industry, a millimeter- wave radar technology that promises not only to make driving easier, but to ignite a market for gallium arsenide and other compound semi conductor components.
Although grey hound buses and some heavy- goods vehicles have been fitted with automotive radar systems, the Mercedes is reckoned to be the first passenger automobile to sport this advanced use of electronics, and observers say it is likely to lead a proliferation of the technology. The Mercedes Benz system uses a 77-GHz Doppler radar linked into the electronic control and braking system to maintain a safe distance between a car with the system and the vehicle in front of it. Daimler Benz Aero space has completed the design of a hybrid 77-GHz radar, called Tempo mat, which is being considered for deployment.

Holger Meinel, senior researcher at Daimler Benz Aerospace AG (Ulm, Germany), was quick to make a point stressed by all the companies working in this field. This is not anti- collision radar he said. It s not a safety feature, it s a comfort feature.

The source of this distinction is concerned that if adaptive cruise control is marketed as a safety feature, the first accident that occurs involving a vehicle equipped with millimeter- wave radar will bring a damaging liability suit. That s why companies are at great pains to point out that the driver retains control and responsibility.


Most of the microprocessors in the world are not in pcs, they are embedded in devices which control traffic for highways, airspace, railway tracks, and shipping lanes to manufacturing systems with robots. An embedded system is any device controlled by instructions stored on a chip. These devices are usually controlled by a microprocessor that executes the instructions stored on a read only memory (ROM) chip. This the topic of my seminars. Embedded systems can be used to implement features ranging from the way pacemakers operate and mobile phone that can be worn as jewellery to adaptive cruise control(ACC). In this seminar I will explain one such technology that uses the embedded systems- The Adaptive Cruise Control.


I express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to
PROF: AGNISHARMAN NAMBOODIRI , Head of Department of Information Technology and computer science , for giving me an opportunity to present this seminars. I also express my sincere thanks to ASSISTANT PROF: SANGEETHA for providing the expert guidance and help needed for successfully presenting the seminar and for the completion of this report there after. I also thank profoundly, the services of Miss. Deepa .S.S. , coordinator of seminar activities. I also thank Ms Anees Philip, Mr.Lino Varghese, Mrs.Shajila Beegam, Department of Information Technology , for their guidance in the presentation of this seminars.

Last but not least, I thank all of my friends who helped me for the successful presentation of the seminars.

1. What are embedded systems? 1
2. In the driving seat 4
3. The doctor will see you now 6
4. Wired wearables 8
5. Don t keep your eyes on the road 9
6. The working principle of Adaptive cruise control 10
7. About the beauty of Adaptive Cruise Control 13
8. Conclusion 15

Embedded System in Automobiles

Each day, our lives become more dependent on 'embedded systems', digital information technology that is embedded in our environment. This includes not only safety-critical applications such as automotive devices and controls, railways, aircraft, aerospace and medical devices, but also communications, 'mobile worlds' and 'e-worlds', the 'smart' home, clothes, factories etc. All of these have wide-ranging impacts on society, including security, privacy and modes of working and living. More than 98% of processors applied today are in embedded systems, and are no longer visible to the customer as 'computers' in the ordinary sense. New processors and methods of processing, sensors, actuators, communications and infrastructures are 'enablers' for this very pervasive computing. They are in a sense ubiquitous, that is, almost invisible to the user and almost omnipresent. As such, they form the basis for a significant economic push.
These applications are 'vision driven', as in the following examples:
Automotive: Accident free driving
Aerospace: A free, safe sky for all
Medical Devices: Robotic surgeon
Communications: Seamless connectivity
e-Life: ubiquitous/pervasive computing.

We read in newspapers that a doctor had successfully transplanted a cardiac pacemaker in his patient s chest by sitting around 200kilometres away. Also we know about driverless cars that could take us to the destiny by using its inbuilt navigation systems. Embedded microprocessors or micro controllers are the brain behind these.

An embedded system is any device controlled by instructions stored on a chip. These devices are usually controlled by a micro processor that executes the instructions stored on a read only memory (ROM) chip.

The software for the embedded system is called firmware. The firmware will be written in assembly language for time or resource critical operations or using higher level languages like C or embedded C. The software will be simulated using micro code simulators for the target processor. Since they are supposed to perform only specific tasks, these programs are stored in read only memories (ROMs).Moreover they may need no or minimal inputs from the user, hence the user interface like monitor, mouse and large keyboard etc,may be absent.

Embedded systems are computer systems that monitor, respond to, or control an external environment. This environment is connected to the computer system through sensors, actuators, and other input-output interfaces. It may consist of physical or biological objects of any form and structure. Often humans are part of the connected external world, but a wide range of other natural and artificial objects, as well as animals are also possible.

Embedded systems are also known as real time systems since they respond to an input or event and produce the result within a guaranteed time period. This time period can be few microseconds to days or months. The computer system must meet various timing and other constraints that are imposed on it by the real-time behavior of the external world to which it is interfaced. Hence comes the name real time. Another Name for many of these systems is reactive systems, because their primary purpose is to respond to or react to signals from their environment. A real time computer system may be a component of a larger system in which it is embedded; reasonably such a computer component is called an embedded system.

Embedded systems control engine management systems in automobiles, monitor home heating systems and regulate the quiet operation and the even distribution of laundry in washing machines. They are the heart of toys like Furby and Tamagotchi, of golf balls that cannot get lost and of gas pumps at gasoline stations that advertise nearby restaurants on video. Above all, state-of-the art communications equipment like WAP mobile telephones, MP3 players, set-top boxes and Net devices would not be possible without these powerful miniature brains.

Applications and examples of real time systems are ubiquitous and proliferating, appearing as part of our commercial, government, military, medical, educational, and cultural infrastructures. Included are:

Vehicle systems for automobiles, subways, aircraft, railways and ships.
Traffic control for highways, airspace, railway tracks and shipping lanes.
Process control for power plants, chemical plants and consumer products such as soft drinks and beer.
Medical systems for radiation therapy, patient monitoring and defibrillation
Military uses such as firing weapons, tracking and command and control.
Manufacturing systems with robots.
Telephone, radio and satellite communications.
Computer games.
Multi media systems that provide text, graphic, audio and video interfaces.
House holds systems for monitoring and controlling appliances.
Building managers that controls such entities as heat, light, Doors and elevators.

The fig below shows all the systems that is employed on the basis of embedded technology.


There are several tasks in which real time OSs beat their desktop counterpart s hands-down. A common application of embedded systems in the real world is in automobiles because these systems are cheap, efficient and problem free. Almost every car that rolls off the production line these days makes use of embedded technology in one form or the other.RTOSs are performed in this area due to their fast response times and minimal system requirements.

Most of the embedded systems in automobiles are rugged in nature, as most of these systems are made up of a single chip. Other factors aiding their use are the low costs involved, ease of development, and the fact that embedded devices can be networked to act as sub modules in a large system. No driver clashes or system busy condition happen in these systems. Their compact profiles enable them to fit easily under the cramped hood of a car.

embedded system in automobiles seminar report


presented by:-


An embedded system is a computer system designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions[1][2] often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts. By contrast, a general-purpose computer, such as a personal computer (PC), is designed to be flexible and to meet a wide range of end-user needs. Embedded systems control many devices in common use today.[3]

Embedded systems are controlled by one or more main processing cores that are typically either microcontrollers or digital signal processors (DSP).[4] The key characteristic, however, is being dedicated to handle a particular task, which may require very powerful processors. For example, air traffic control systems may usefully be viewed as embedded, even though they involve mainframe computers and dedicated regional and national networks between airports and radar sites (each radar probably includes one or more embedded systems of its own).

Since the embedded system is dedicated to specific tasks, design engineers can optimize it to reduce the size and cost of the product and increase the reliability and performance. Some embedded systems are mass-produced, benefiting from economies of scale.

to get information about the topic embedded systems full report,ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow page

Presented by:
Rahul Raj



-An embedded system is any device controlled by instructions stored on a chip. These devices are usually controlled by a micro processor that executes the instructions stored on a read only memory (ROM) chip.
-The software for the embedded system is called firmware
-Embedded systems are also known as real time systems since they respond to an input or event and produce the result within a guaranteed time period

i want to the embedded system in automobile report & ppt as soon as possible
ppt of embedded system in automobile as soon

the first post is report and the second and third posts are ppt. you please download

i want a saminar report about emdedde system in early as possible pls

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