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Student Records System Design


Project Title: Student Records System Design

Category: Application Development, Enterprise.


The future of the student information system has to be seen as one of continuous change, where the information that is stored is of increasing complexity and quantity. The student information system is required to provide a useable and well managed interface for student, academic and administrator users to view and manipulate the data for which it is responsible. For each it must allow the rapid formulation and resolution of queries related to the student information. There is also a requirement for the system to interact with other information sources and required, both as an information source and as a consumer of related information during the resolution of queries.


The Student Record System maintains records of students, the courses and modules on which they are registered and the outcome of their studies.

The system maintains personal information for each student registered at the University. This information consists of the student s registration number, forename, surname, gender, home address, term-time address and date of birth. There are two distinct categories of student within the University under Graduate Students and Post Graduate Students. For each undergraduate student the system must also maintain a record of the name of the student s Local Education Authority and an indication of whether they have taken out a student loan. For each post graduate student the system must maintain a record of the name of their sponsor and a flag which indicates whether they are European or International student.

The future of the existing system has to be seen as one of continuous change, where the information that is stored is of increasing complexity and quantity. The existing system is required to provide a useable and well managed interface for student, academic and administrator users to view and manipulate the data for which it is responsible. For each it must allow the rapid formulation and resolution of queries related to the student information. There is also a requirement for the system to interact with other information sources as required, both as an information source and as a consumer of related information during the resolution of queries.
The development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach. User Friendliness is provided in the application with various controls provided by system Rich User Interface. The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible. It can be accessed over the Intranet. The student information can be stored in centralized database which can be maintained by the system. This can give the good security for user information because data is not in client machine. Authentication is provided for this application only registered students can access. There is no risk of data management at any level while the project development is under process.
The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:
1. Administration
2. Students
3. Staff
4. Modules Registration
5. Results Announcement
6. Search
7. Reports
8. Authentication
The Student Record System maintains records of students, the courses and modules on which they are registered and the outcome of their studies.
The system maintains personal information for each student registered at the university. The information consists of the student s registration number, forename, surname, gender, home address, term-time address, and date of birth. There are two distinct categories of student within the University
Undergraduate Students
Postgraduate Students
For regulatory reasons all students must be categorized into one of these two categories. For each undergraduate student the system must also maintain a record of the name of the student s Local Education Authority and an indication of whether they have taken out a student loan. For each postgraduate student the system must maintain a record of the name of their sponsor and a flag which indicates whether they are a European or International Student.
Each student registers for a Program of Study. Every program of study has a name, a program code and a credit tariff which is the number of credits a student must attain in order to successfully complete the program. The basic unit of credit attainment is 20 credits and the credit tariff is always a multiple of 20.
A module is a separately taught and assessed element of a program of study. If a student studies and successfully completes a module they will be awarded 20 credits. If a student studies but does not successfully completed a module they will be awarded zero credit. Every module has a title and a module code.
A program of study is made up of one or more distinct levels of study. An undergraduate program has three levels of study, one for each year of the course. A postgraduate program is taught within a single year and thus has only one level of study. Each level of a course defines the set of core modules and optional modules which can be studied in that year of study.
Every level has two sets of modules associated with it. The core modules are those modules which every student taking the course of study. The optional modules are a set of modules from which students may freely chose a certain number of modules that they wish to study. This number of optional modules is referred to as the optional credit tariff and is a fixed value of zero or more credits for each level of study.
Each student has a course registration record which defines their registration for a particular program of study. A student s course registration record consists of an indicator of the student s current level of study and a set of level registration records, one for each level in the program of study for which they have registered, i.e. Three Levels of under Graduate Program and One Level for a Post Graduate Program.
A level registration record consists of a weighted average mark for the level of study and a set of module registration records, one for each module that the student will study or has studied in that level of the program. Module registration records exist for both core and optional modules and record the student s attendance of that module, the marks they gained in the examination, the marks they gained in the course work, an overall mark for the module and a pass/fail indicator.
Administrator is a super user treated as a owner of this site. He can have all the privileges. Administrator can register user directly, and delete the information of a registered users.
Administrator can register students as well as faculties, after approving the registration a student or a faculty having authority to log into the system. He can add new courses based the Program of study. Different modules are added by administrator on different courses.
User is nothing but a registered Student. A registered student directly sees his personal information, registered modules, and marks details updated by faculties for different modules.
A module is taught by a faculty in the university. The major responsible of a faculty is giving credits to students. Based on the modules faculties need to correct the exam papers and giving results.
The system has a process of registration. Every user need to submit his complete details in the form of registration. Whenever a user registration completed automatically user can get a user id and password. By using that user id and password user can log into the system.

Different kind of search available to users as well as administrator. A user can search is personal queries like student search their personal information, results, modules they are registered, and credit information.

Authentication is nothing but providing security to the system. Here every must enter into the system throw login page. The login page will restrict the UN authorized users. A user must provide his credential like user Id and password for log into the system. For that the system maintains data for all users. Whenever a user enters his user id and password, it checks in the database for user existence. If the user is exists he can be treated as a valid user. Otherwise the request will throw back.

Generic Technology Keywords: Database, User Interface, Programming
Specific Technology Keywords: Asp.Net 2.0, C#.Net, MS SqlServer-05
Project Keywords: Presentation, Business Object, Data Access Layer
SDLC Keywords: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing
Operating System: Windows XP or later
Database: Microsoft SQL Server-2005
Client: Microsoft Internet Explorer
Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .Net-2005
User Interface: Asp.Net with Ajax
Code Behind: VC#.Net

Hardware Specification:
Processor: Intel Pentium or More
RAM: 512 MB Ram
Hard Disk: PC with 20GB


Student Information system


Name:Ashutosh Gupta
SectionBig Grin6911
Submitted to : Respected Mr.Gour Sundar Mitra Thakur


# Introduction

# Class Hierarchy

# C++ coding

# Output

# Future scope and enhancement


My program on Student Management System has been designed for maintaining student records. There are following section in the program :
1. Record entry section: In this section the datas of the student has been entered and saved.
2. Searching record section: In this section the record of the following student has been searched by entering the rollno or by name.
3. Display section: In this section the record of the student has been displayed at a glance.
4. Modify section: In this section if any detail of the particular student has been entered wrong , that has been corrected.
5. Delete record: In this section the record of the student has been deleted permanentely.
The framing of the program has been designed using Switchcase and some graphic functions like textcolor(color),textbackground(color),textcolor(BLINK) and using gotoxy( row, column) ;

Class hierarchy

The only main class student has been declared having following data member and function :
Private data members are name(for entering Student name),rollno(for student rollno),admin_no(for student admission no),dd(for day date of student date of birth),mm(for monthof student date of birth),yy(for the year of student date of birth),fname(father s name of student),mname(for mother name of student).
Public data members and function : void getdata() for inputing the details of the student(like name,rollno,date of birth) . void putdata for displaying the datas of the student, void modifydata() for editing the details of the student.The record of the student can be searched and deleted but function has been declared for it in the class,direct coding has been done in the main() .
Other information about variable has been written in the non-compiled statement (in source code ).


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