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In today s world when technology has taken over all industries from automobile, food processing and even production houses, how the education system can remain untouched. In the absence of any such software, there are too many difficulties in keeping records manually. This project handles all the student s records and other related things of computer centers such as Faculty, different courses, their fees, duration and batch related information. Hence resulting in better record keeping facility and efficient usage of time and money. The project mainly undertakes almost all the proceedings of any educational systems. The basic working of the project is as follows. The user selects an option out of:
1. Student
2. Course
3. Batch
4. Faculty
Student: --It contains following field: -
Add student
Display students
Student detail
Modify detail
Course: --It contains following fields: -
Add course
Display courses
Course detail
Modify detail
Faculty: --It contains following fields: --
Add faculty
Display faculty
Faculty detail
Modify detail


One must know what the problem is before it can be solved. The basis for a candidate system is recognition of a need for improving an information system or a procedure. for example, a supervisor may want to investigate the system flow in purchasing. or a main user has been getting complaints about the long lines in the drive-in. this need leads to a preliminary survey or an initial investigation to determine whether an alternative system can solve the problem. it entails looking into the duplication of effort bottlenecks, inefficient existing procedures, or whether parts of the existing system would be candidates for computerization.

If the problem is series enough, management may want to have analyst look at it. Such an assignment implies a commitment, especially it the analyst is hired from the outside. In larger environments, where formal procedures are the norm, the analyst s first task is to prepare a statement specifying the scope and objective of the problem. He/she then reviews it with the user for accuracy. At this stage, only a rough ball park estimate of the development cost of the project may be reached however, an accurate cost of the next phase- the feasibility study can be produced.


Projects management is technique used by a manager to ensure successful completion of a project. It includes the following function
Estimating resource requirements
Scheduling tasks and events
Providing for training and sites preparation
Selecting qualified staff and supervising there work
Monitoring the projects program
Periodic evaluating
Contingency planning

From these functions, we can see that project management is a specialized area. It involves application of planning, organization, and control concepts to critical, one of the kind projects. Its also uses tools and software packages for planning and managing each project. Managing projects also require the following: -

Top management commitment to setting project priorities and allocating resources to approved projects.
Active user participation to identify information needs, evaluate proposed improvements on a cost/ benefit basis, provide committed resources, and be receptive to training when scheduled.
A long range plan that includes general project priorities, objectives, schedules, and required resources

Included in this is pressure from users who require the systems department to accept impractical tasks or deadlines. The result is rushed, compromised projects, contrary to good system development practices. A further difficulty found in many organizations occurs when individual departments acquire microcomputers without knowing about their requirements or consulting with the centralized computer facility. The result is often uncoordinated confusion that makes it difficult to plan or control project.

This step involves collection, recording, verification and analysis of how the operations are being carried out presently. System analysis is carried out with the objective of developing an effecting computers-based procedure, which will create benefits far excess of those available from others means.
System analysis is the activity, which is used to sort out the area prospective for computerization and then determining the data volume and information requirement for each selected application. There are two approaches to conduct the information analysis.
Decision analysis approach: -
Identify objectives and/ or current decision or processes.
Identify or formulate a decision making process.
Identify the data necessary for the decision model or the process model.
Specify the accuracy any availability of limits for the needed.
Identification of need
In an era where the computers are becoming immensely a necessity among corporate and public sectors, it is important that a system should be in place which can take care of processes that an termed as tedious and time consuming. Computerization of different departments, location, offices etc. are being done. Apart from improving the work environment, It also ensures that the outdated methods of working a done away with new technical ways.
The department of finance, which is undoubtedly one of the most important department and its functioning too have realized long before that computers are necessary components in an office environments. The various departments had not only welcomed but also embraced the changes that are essential and they are continuing to do so by converting most of there spread sheets and paper work to a computer based one. The need of a computer application or program is of the foremost necessity to many departments who still are using the old techniques for their procedure. The successful transition from paper file based to computer-based process can be witnessed in many departments and it acts as a good reference to those who wants to follow the suit. The manual means of keeping records of each and every student along with their bio-data and necessary details has resulted in: -
Errors in Calculations
Poor Reproduced of record.
Loss of money
Decrease in Efficiency.
This project has removed these problems by computerizing the calculations and hence removing any scope of errors. The project handles all kind of problem by all kind of problem by computerizing all records and other related areas about the student such as there register no., fee structures, different courses and all others type of details. Hence resulting in better record keeping facility along with efficient usage of time.

Needs of computerization
Computerization is needed to remove the bottlenecks and limitation of the existing system. Some of the important merits of computerizations are:-
Better customer services
Improved staff efficiency and reduced workload.
Fast access of information
Increase the capability of handling data
Increasing the organizational revenue
Higher reliability
Provide security aspects.

Benefits of Computerization
After the computerization of billing system the problem can be removed to a great extent, for example: -
Response time will be reduced i.e. time to generate a bill is just a time a user will take to click a button.
The work load of the staff is currently very high, will be reduced
Improved customer satisfaction
Easy accessing of records
Security of records

Feasibility study: -
Security is the keyword of the big institution. They have their own document very confidential and need that authorized users only be able to access the document. Further document generally passes through many persons, so security is must which can be provided by software. So, for this, software must be feasible according to different aspects.
In the Feasibility study the system is tested for the following aspects: -
1) Technical Feasibility
2) Financial/Economical Feasibility
3) Operational feasibility
Technical Feasibility: -
1) With the concept of checkout, document security is increased a lot, because only the users who have checked out the document can modify the document, which is not possible with manual system even without content management.
2) Searching functionally for the document is provided so that searching for the document can be done easily. Otherwise in searching for the document can be havoc. Giving partial information if the complete information is unknown can search similar documents.
3) Different classes are provided so that the documents are stored according class. If the class is different and all the other information is same about document than even it is consider document. Different classes can be created for these different organizations. Earlier a separate database has to maintain for this, which has very time consuming and difficult task.
4) Data is stored at a common server so that documents are not scattered in the different places.
5) This project provides the facility of new user facility so that only only user concerned with it can access data.
Economical Feasibility: -
1) Reduced processing time, which results in saving man-hours and processing.
2) This system not prone to errors; if the error arises then they are detected and interpreted accordingly, so this given more accuracy.
3) Thus system being more users friendly, as it is menu driven and thus does not require a special operator and this also resulting in saving of man-hours.
4) Software can be modified according to need of company, and can be sold accordingly.
5) The system uses advance technology it is a long life system.
6) It is very easy to modify the system and adding new features.
7) This software can use for any organization need for any content management.
8) It is highly secured system trapping the system is almost impossible and it adds the security of the organization.

External hardware used: -
One D/600 JCT 2EI (PCI-LSD) for EI Lines
One D/120 JCT (LSD): -Twelve ports PCI analog voice processing board for making multimedia communication possible.
MSI /80 LSI (PCI): -for connecting 8 channels of analog telephone devices directly into computer telephony system.
Breakout Box for D/120 JCT card to connect to different agents.
Operational Feasibility: -
1) Creation of documents of the different types is very easy. Otherwise the user should fill the form manually.
2) Users face problem with managing the different versions of document, but with this project it is not so.
3) It is generally a cumbersome task to manage the document, which is processed by many users, but this project provides the checkout facility.
4) To manage a document many users use this.
5) Creating, updating is very easy with this project
6) Security to data stored is provided.

Feasibility analysis report: -
Feasibility analysis report is a formal document for management use and is prepared by system analyst after feasibility study. The report generally contains the following sections:

COVERING LETTER: It is formally presents the report with a brief description of the project problem solving with recommendation to be considered.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: It lists the section of feasibility study report along with their page numbers.

OVER VIEW: It presents the overview of the projects problem along with the purpose and scope of the project.

DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING SYSTEM: A brief description of the existing system along with its deficiencies is presented in this section.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENT: The system requirements, which are either derived from the existing system or from the discussion with the users, are presented in this section.

DESCRIPTION OF PROCESSED SYSTEM: It presents a general description of the proposed system, highlighting its role in solving the problem.

DEVELOPMENT PLAN: It presents a detailed plan with starting and completion dates for different phase of SDLC.A complementary plan is also needed for hardware and software evaluation, purchase and installation.

TECHANICAL FEASIBILITY FINDINGS: It presents the finding of technical feasibility study along with recommendations.

COST AND BENEFITS:The detailed finding of cost and benefits analysis is presented in this section.

OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY FINDINGS: It presents the findings of operational feasibility along with the human resource requirements to implement the system.

ALTERNATIVE (CONSIDERATION / REJECTED): The different alternatives that an analyst usually considers and rejects during feasibility study should also be included in the feasibility study report.

Since cost plays quite an important role in deciding the new system. It must be identified and estimated properly. Costs vary by type and consist of various distinct elements. Benefits are also of different and can be grouped on the basis of advantages they provide to the management. The benefits of a project include four types:

Cost saving benefits
Cost avoidance benefits
Improved service level benefits
Improved information benefits
Cost saving benefit lead to reduction in administration and operational costs. A reduction in the size of the clerical staff used in the support of an administrative is an example of a cost saving benefit.

Cost avoidance benefits are those, which eliminates future administrating and operational cost. No need to hire additional staff in future to handle an administrative activity is an example of cost-avoidance benefits.
Improved service level benefits are those where the performance of system is improved by a new computer based method.

Improved information benefit is where computer based methods lead to better information for decision making. For example a system that reports the most improved fifty customers as measured by an increase in sale is improved information. This information makes it easier to provide better service to major customers.

The cost associated with the system is the expenses, outlays or losses arising from development and using a system. But the benefits are the advantages received from installing and using the system.
Costs and benefits can be classified as follows: -
Tangible or intangible
Fixed or variable
Direct or indirect


In the system design process, the primary objectives is to identify user requirement and to build a system that satisfy these requirement. Design of system is largely the logical design. The logical design can be sketched on a paper or on a computer terminal. the design, also includes the physical design element, describe the data to be inputted, the processes involved in the manipulation of data and output.

Following are the main point involved in the system design: -

1) Total number of students taking admission in the institution and their full description.
2) The entire faculty employed within the institution.
3) Details about different courses, fee structure.


Testing: -
Testing is a major quality control measure used during software development. Its basic function is to detect errors in the software. During requirements analysis and design the output is a document that is usually textual and non-executable after the coding phase, computer programs are available that can be executed for testing purposes. This implies that testing not only has to uncover errors introduced during coding, but also errors introduced during the previous phase. Thus the goal of testing is to be uncovering requirement, design and coding errors in the programs. Consequently, different levels of testing are used.
The starting point of testing is Unit testing. In this, a module is tested separately and is often performed by the coder himself simultaneously along with the coding of the module. The purpose is to exercise the different parts of the module code to detect coding errors. After this, the modules are gradually integrated into subsystem, which are then integrated eventually from the entire system. During integration of modules, integration testing is performed to detect design errors by focusing on testing the interconnection between modules.

After the system is put together, system testing is performed; here the system is tested against system requirements to see if all the requirements are met and if the system performs as specified by the requirement. Finally real life data of the client is the operation of the system.

Testing is extremely critical and time-consuming activity. It requires proper planning of the overall testing processes. Frequently the testing process start with a test plan that identifies all the testing related activities that must be performed and specifies the schedule allocates the resources and specifies guidelines for testing. The test plan specifies condition that should be tested, different units is to be tested, and the manner in which the modules will be integrated together. Then for different test units, a test case specification document is produces, which lists all the different test cases, together with expected outputs.

During the testing of the unit, the specified test cases are executed and the actual result compared with the expected outputs. The final output of the testing phase is the test report and the error report, or a set of reports. Each test reports contain the set of test cases and the result of executing the code with these test cases. The errors report describes the error encountered and the action taken to remove the errors.

Unit testing: -
Unit testing deals with testing a unit as a whole. This would test the interaction of many functions but confine the test within one unit. The exact scope of a unit is left to interpretation. Supporting test code, sometimes called scaffolding, may be necessary to support an individual test. The architecture and implementation teams drive this type of testing. This focus is also called black box testing because only the details of the interface are visible to test. Limits that are global to a unit are tested here.
In the construction industry scaffolding is a temporary, easy to assemble and disassemble, frame placed around a building to facilitate the construction of the building. The construction workers first build the scaffolding and then the building. Later the scaffolding is removed, exposing the completed building.

System testing: -
System testing has flow of data through entire system. Data flows from and between tables were checked. The entire system was checked with test data. The authentication and security problems were also tested, the system was found effective after test data, which was prepared for testing.

Testing Strategies: -
A testing is general approach for the testing process rather than a method of devising particular system or component test. There are various testing strategies such as
Top down testing
Bottom up testing
Thread Testing
Stress Testing

Back-to-Back Testing.

In general many systems are usually tested using mixture if testing strategies rather than any single approach. In top down testing program is represented as a single abstract component with such components in the top down testing are soon as it is coded. By using this technique unnoticed designed errors are detected at any early stage in testing process. As those errors are usually structured early detecting means that they are corrected without incurring undue costs. Early detecting means that extensive re design and re implementation can be avoided. Another advantage that top down testing offers is that a limited working system is available at an early stage in development. It also demonstrates the feasibility of management. Bottom up testing involves testing modules is testing modules at lower levels in hierarchy of modules until the final module is tested. Bottom-up testing of critical low level system. Components are almost always necessary. Also in bottom up testing approach the objects are tested and once they are integrated into system, collections of objects are put to test once again.

Conversion is the process of changing from the old system to new one. It must be properly planned and executed. Four methods are common in use. They are parallel system, direct conversion, pilot system and system phase-in. Each method should be considered in the light of the opportunities that it offers and problems that it may create.
However, it may be possible that sometimes, we are forced to apply one methods may be more beneficial. In general system conversion should be accomplished in shortest possible time. Long conversions periods create problems for all persons involved including both analyst and users.

The most secure method of converting from an old system to new system is to run both in parallel. Under this approach, users continue to operate the old system in usual manner but they also start using the new system. This method is safest one because it ensures that in case of any problems in using the new system, the organization still fall back to the old system without loss of time money.
The disadvantages of the parallel system approach are:
It doubles operating cost.
The new system may not get fair trial.

This method converts from the old to the new system abruptly, sometimes over a weekend. The old system is used until a planned conversion day, when it is replaced by the new system. There are no parallel activities. The organization relies fully on the system. The main disadvantages of this approach are: no other system to fall back on, if difficulties arise with new system.
Secondly wise and carefully planning is required.

This approach is often preferred in the case of the new system, which involves new techniques or some drastic changes in organization performance. In this method a working version of the system is implemented in one part of organization, such as a single work area of department. The users in this area are aware that they are piloting a new system and that changes are made and the system is installed in the remaining departments of the organization, either all at once direct method. This approach provides experience and live test before implementation.

This method is used when it is not possible to install a new system throughout an organization at once. The conversion of files, training of personnel or arrival of equipment may force the staging of implementation over a period of times, raging from weeks to months. It allows some users of new system early. Also it allows tanning and installation without unnecessary use of resources.


Thanks so much for this wonderful project. U did a very good job and thanks for posting it on the web to help others.

i would like to have the complete source code of student management system[/font]

i need any project along with source code..please send it asap..

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