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bluetooth technology paper presentation


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The Bluetooth specification was first developed in 1994 by Sven Mattison and Jaap Haartsen, who were working for Ericsson Mobile Platforms in Lund, Sweden

The specifications were formalized by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). The SIG was formally announced on May 20, 1998

The Bluetooth system is named after Harald Blatand, a tenth-century Danish Viking king, who united Denmark and Norway

Bluetooth is a new communication system for electrical devices in the home. A Bluetooth is a wireless system that uses radio waves for communication. It has the ability to communicate with many different devices at once without interference
Bluetooth is an open standard for short-range transmission of digital voice and data that supports point-to-point and multipoint applications
Bluetooth is based on a low-cost, low power, short range radio link. Bluetooth cuts the cord that used to tie up digital devices. when two Bluetooth devices come within 50 meters range of each other , they establish a connection together

It operates at 2.45 GHz which is available globally, although slight variation of location and width of band apply.
The range is set at 10 to100 meters to optimize for target market of mobile and business user. The range can, however, be increased.
Gross data rate is 1Mbit/s, with second generation plans to increase to 2 Mbit/s.
One-to-one connections allow maximum data transfer rate of 723 Kbit/s.
It has low power consumption, drawing only 0.3 mA in standby mode. This enables maximum performance longevity for battery powered devices.


Phones and pagers
LAN access devices
Notebook computers
Desktop and handheld computers
Fax machines
Keyboards & Joysticks


The heart of the Bluetooth specification is the Bluetooth protocol stack By providing well-defined layers of functionality, the Bluetooth specification ensures interoperability of Bluetooth devices and encourages adoption of Bluetooth technology.
Bluetooth is defined as a layered protocol architecture consisting of core protocols, cable replacement and telephony control protocols, and adopted protocols

Radio (RF) protocol

Specifies details of the air interface, the use of frequency hopping, modulation scheme, and transmit power.
Baseband protocol
Concerned with connection establishment within a Piconet, addressing, packet format, timing, and power control
Link Manager protocol (LMP)

Responsible for page link setup between Bluetooth devices and ongoing page link management
Logical page link control and adaptation
protocol (L2CAP)

L2CAP provides both connectionless and connection-oriented services.
Service discovery protocol (SDP)
Device information, services, and the characteristics of the services can be queried to enable the establishment of a connection between two or more Bluetooth devices


It provides connections to multiple devices by relying on L2CAP to handle multiplexing over single connection
Wireless access protocol (WAP)

It supports the limited display size and resolution typically found on mobile devices by providing special formats for Web pages
Object exchange protocol (OBEX)

OBEX is a protocol designed to allow a variety of devices to exchange data simply and spontaneously.
Telephony control protocol
Bluetooth's Telephony Control protocol Specification (TCS) defines how telephone calls should be sent across a Bluetooth page link
Point-to-point protocol (PP)

The point-to-point protocol is an Internet standard protocol for transporting IP datagram over a point-to-point page link

Channel manager
The channel manager is responsible for creating, managing, and destroying L2CAP channels for the transport of service protocols
L2cap resource manager
The L2CAP resource manager block is responsible for managing the ordering of submission of fragments to the baseband
Device manager
The device manager is the functional block in the baseband that controls the general behavior of the Bluetooth enabled device
Link manager
The page link manager is responsible for the creation, modification, and release of logical links
Link controller
The page link controller is responsible for the encoding and decoding of Bluetooth packets

In order to use Bluetooth wireless technology, a device must be able to interpret certain Bluetooth profiles. The profiles define the possible applications
each profile specification contains information on the following topics:
Dependencies on other profiles
Suggested user interface formats
Specific parts of the Bluetooth protocol stack used by the profile. To perform its task, each profile uses particular options and parameters at each layer of the stack .


Non secure mode
No security measures are utilized. Any other Bluetooth device can access the data and services of a device.
Service level enforced security
Enacts security measures based on authorization. In this mode, different trust levels can be defined for each of the services offered by the device
Link level enforced security
Requires both authentication and encryption. The Bluetooth device initiates security procedure before the channel is established.


That the carrier waves used by Bluetooth's transmitters use the same frequency range as microwave Ovens (Bluetooth uses 2.402 GHz to 2.480 GHz).
Actually, the transmitting power is far too weak to be noticeable for humans. When using a wireless phone or a Bluetooth device, some of the emitted RF energy is absorbed by the body. The penetration depth is about 1.5 cm at 2450 MHz which means that the absorption is very superficial.
The radiated output power of Bluetooth devices is low when compared to other widely used mobile devices, so it is assumed that the potential for health risks are also correspondingly lower

One of the 3 IrDA-standards that are used today is called IrDA-Data, and this standard is primarily meant for data transmission. But the main differences as compared to Bluetooth are:
IrDA is not omnidirectional, as is Bluetooth. The IrDA-beam has to be aimed at the receiving antenna.
IrDA must have a free line of sight.
IrDA is point-to-point; only 2 units at a time can communicate

The popular term for a high-frequency wireless local area network. The consumer-friendly name for the 802.11b engineering standard Wi-Fi uses the same radio frequencies as Bluetooth
Bluetooth has generally lower speed than that of 802.11b wireless LANs.
Bluetooth components (chips and radios) and device adapters are cheaper than wireless LAN components and adapters.
Bluetooth chips have lower power consumption - less drain on battery

The hottest new technological wave of the future is Bluetooth. This groundbreaking technology is growing so fast that it will be built in to products. Ease of use combined with increasing availability leads us to believe that Bluetooth will soon become common as big hair.
As Bluetooth technology becomes more main stream, go ahead and take it for a whirl and enjoy a cable less and hands-free environment.

Bluetooth Wireless Technology

Presented By:
roll no 7154

What Is Bluetooth

You're coming back home
after a long, hard day. You've met
some important people and entered notes about the meetings in your PDA. Now, you want to transfer the information to your PC. The traditional way to do this is to pull out the Hotsych cradle, connect the two together, and start the transfer ..
Consider this scenario instead - the moment you enter your room, you touch a button on your PDA, and the data gets transferred to your PC. NO physical connections, no need to start up synchronization software, not even the need to be near your PC. Wouldn't you like that Say hello

INTRODUCTION (Bluetooth = No cables)

Bluetooth is a global de facto standard for wireless connectivity. Based on a low-cost, short-range radio link, Bluetooth cuts the cords that used to tie up digital devices.
When two Bluetooth equipped devices come within 10 meters range of each other, they can establish a connection together. And because Bluetooth utilizes a radio-based link, it doesn't require a line-of-sight connection in order to communicate.

Why the Funny Name

Bluetooth is named after King Harald Bl tand (Bla: dark skinned, tan: great man) of Denmark who united Denmark and Norway in the 10th century.
Bluetooth is similarly expected to unite the worlds of computing and telecom.

Know your History !

1994 - Ericsson releases
Bluetooth specification.
Early 1998 - Bluetooth Special
Interest Group (SIG) was formed.
July 1999 - Bluetooth 1.0 Specification Release.
2000 - 2001 - Ongoing work on Bluetooth 2.0 Specification.

The Bluetooth SIG

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group is an industry group, comprised of leaders in the telecommunications and computing industries that are driving development and promotion of Bluetooth wireless technology and bringing it to market in a broad range of products.
The SIG has over 2500 member companies worldwide.
Bluetooth is an open standard. The Bluetooth standard is available royalty-free at the official Bluetooth website

Bluetooth in Action

Bluetooth can give you a new kind of freedom. You might share information, synchronize data, access the Internet, integrate with LANs or even unlock your car - all by simply using your Bluetooth equipped mobile phone.

Bluetooth Makes Life Easier ..

You arrive at the office and put down your briefcase, while your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) automatically synchronizes with your desktop PC and transfers files, e-mails and schedule information.

While in a meeting, you access your PDA to send your presentation to the electronic whiteboard. You record meeting minutes on your PDA and wirelessly transfer these to the attendees before they leave the meeting.

Upon arriving at your home, the door automatically unlocks for you, the entry way lights come on, and the heat is adjusted to your pre-set preferences.

An alarm notifies you that your toddler has just left the house
You arrive at the airport. A long line is formed for ticketing and seat assignment. You avoid the line, using your PDA to present an electronic ticket and automatically select your seat. The airline's on-line system checks identification via the "ID-tag" feature built into your PDA and confirms your reserved seat.

You arrive at the hotel. As you enter, you are automatically checked in and your room number and electronic key are transferred to your PDA. As you approach the room, the door automatically opens.

As you approach your vehicle, the door unlocks automatically, the radio tunes in your favorite station, and the seat adjusts to your preferred settings.
As you enter your vehicle, you are reminded of the items on your daily calendar and the results of a recent diagnostic test of your vehicle.

You receive a new message en route, which is verbally transmitted to you via the vehicle's speakerphone

Technical Specifications\

Normal range 10 m
Optional range 100 m
Normal transmitting power 1 mw
Optional transmitting power 100 mw
Receiver sensitivity -70 dBm
Frequency band 2.4 GHz
Gross data rate 1Mbps
Max. Data transfer 721 +56 kbit/3 voice channels
Power consumption, standby 20 A
Power consumption, max. 30 A
Packet switching protocol based on a frequency hop scheme with 1600 hops/s

How Do Bluetooth Devices Deal With Interference

Radio waves can pick up noise from nearby devices like microwave ovens especially since the ISM band is unlicensed. This is where a technique called "frequency hopping" comes into the picture.

Bluetooth has chosen to provide an acknowledgment-based scheme with automatic repeat request (ARQ). What is transferred during a Bluetooth communication are packets. With frequency hopping, after the transmission or reception of a packet, the device hops or changes to a different frequency. The signal frequency changes about 1600 times per second.

In addition, it uses smaller packets and the header information in packets which is very critical to the page link operation is protected first by a cyclic redundancy check and further a 1/3 rate Forward Error Check (FEC) is applied, which repeats each bit three times.

Security How Much Is Too Much

The Bluetooth system is intended to be used as a uniform interface to all of a person's information sources and will thus be expected to transfer sensitive personal data. Security of the data is thus an important issue.
Bluetooth devices are expected to be omnipresent and at some places the access to these devices by public users may have to be restricted. This calls for authentication procedures to be provided.
The scheme used by the Bluetooth standard to tackle these issues is referred to as the challenge response scheme.
The application may itself encrypt its data for added security. That can add to the safety of the data, but the most of the authentication is based on the page link level security procedures.

The Dream

You enter a bus and your bus fare is automatically paid by your mobile phone
You could even use your mobile phone to control the locking and alarm on your car, as well as integrate it with the car's stereo so you can talk hands free while you are driving.


Presented By:


Bluetooth wireless technology is an open specification for a low-cost, low-power, short-range radio technology for ad-hoc wireless communication of voice and data anywhere in the world.


What is Bluetooth
@Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communications technology.
Why this name
@It was taken from the 10th century Danish King Harald Blatand who unified Denmark and Norway.
When does it appear
@ 1994 Ericsson study on a wireless technology to page link mobile phones & accessories.
@ 5companies joined to form the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) in 1998.
@First specification released in July 1999.


Bluetooth will support wireless point-to-point and point-to-multipoint (broadcast) between devices in a Pico net.
Point to Point Link
Master - slave relationship
Bluetooth devices can function as masters or slaves
Pico net
It is the network formed by a Master and one or more slaves (max 7)
Each Pico net is defined by a different hopping channel to which users synchronize to
Each Pico net has max capacity (1 Mbps)

Ad-hoc Network the Scatter net

Inter-Pico net communication
Up to 10 Pico nets in a scatter net
Multiple Pico nets can operate within same physical space
This is an ad-hoc, peer to peer (P2P) network


A complete blue tooth system will require the following components:
A RF portion for receiving and transmitting data
A module with a base band microprocessor.
An interface to the host device such as mobile.


Data synchronization range is 10-100 meters.
1 Mbps for Version 1.2 and up to 3 Mbps for Version 2.0 +
Enhanced Data Rate (EDR).
Operates on ISM band at 2.4 to 2.485GHZ.
Divides this frequency into 79 channels 1 MHz apart (from
2.402 to 2.480 GHz).


Security Measures
Link Level Encryption & Authentication.
Personal Identification Numbers (PIN) for device access.
Long encryption keys are used (128 bit keys).
These keys are not transmitted over wireless. Other parameters are transmitted over wireless which in combination with certain information known to the device, can generate the keys.
Further encryption can be done at the application layer.


Blue tooth will be used to replace cables to connect the devices.
Allow devices to find each other and form personal (ad hoc) networks and then share or synchronize data.
Allow devices to access the internet via other devices such as a cell phone, etc.


Inexpensive chips
Low power consumption
Suitable for small devices such as
cordless phones, headsets, etc


Success of Bluetooth depends on how well it is integrated
into consumer products
! Consumers are more interested in applications than the technology
! Bluetooth must be successfully integrated into consumer products
! Must provide benefits for consumer
! Must not destroy current product benefits
Key Success Factors
! Interoperability
! Mass Production at Low Cost
! Ease of Use
! End User Experience


*A new global standard for data and voice
*Eliminate Cables
* Low Power, Low range, Low Cost network devices
*Future Improvements
Master-Slave relationship can be adjusted dynamically for optimal resource allocation and utilization.
Adaptive, closed loop transmit power control can be implemented to further reduce unnecessary power usage.
hey please read and and and for getting more information of blue tooth and related technology

Introduction to Bluetooth Technology

Bluetooth is a radio frequency specification for short range, point to point and point to multi point voice and data transfer. Bluetooth technology facilitates the replacement of cables normally used to connect one device to another by a short range radio link. With the help of blue tooth we can operate our keyboard and mouse without direct connection of CPU. Printers, fax machines, headphone, mouse, keyboard or any other digital devices can be part of Bluetooth system.

In spite of facilitating the replacement of cables, Bluetooth technology works as an universal medium to bridge the existing data networks, a peripheral interface for existing devices and provide a mechanism to form short ad hok network of connected devices away from fixed network infrastructures.

Due to their independence on short range radio link, Bluetooth devices do not require a line of site connection in order to communicate. Therefore a computer can print information on a printer if printer is in inside the room. Two blue tooth devices can talk to each other when they come within range of 10 meters to each other.

Bluetooth technology represents an opportunity for the industry to deliver wireless solutions that are ubiquitous across a broad range of devices.

Why it s name is Bluetooth?

While many new technologies bear technical names, like RS-232 or IEE
802.11b, Bluetooth, the wireless technology, is different.

Bluetooth was named for the 10th Century Viking king , Harald Blatand
(A.K.A., Bluetooth) who peacefully united all the tiny island kingdoms of
Denmark, southern Sweden, and southern Norway into one country . In
keeping with its namesake, Bluetooth, the new low-cost radio technology, is
designed to unite or connect all different types of devices to effectively work
as one. By uniting devices, Bluetooth eliminates the need for cabling in a
wide range of products, including cellular phones, PCs, headphones, audio
equipment, printers, and many more.

Bluetooth Definitions

Piconet: Devices connected in an ad hoc fashion, that is, not requiring predefinition and planning, as with a standard network. Two to eight devices can be networked into a piconet. It is a peer network, that is, once connected, each device has equal access to the others. However, one device is defined as master, and the others as slaves.
Scatternet: Several piconets may form a larger scatternet, with each piconet maintaining independence.
Master unit: The master in a piconet whose clock and hopping sequence synchronizes the other devices.
Slave unit: Devices in a piconet that are not the master.
MAC address: Three bit address that distinguishes each unit in a piconet.
Parked units: Piconet devices that are synchronized but don't have MAC addresses.
Sniff and hold mode: Power-saving mode of a piconet device.

Seminar Report On Bluetooth Technology

This article is presented by:
College Of Engineering & Technology
Dept: Information & Technology

Bluetooth is a radio frequency specification for short range, point to point and point to multi point voice and data transfer. Bluetooth technology facilitates the replacement of cables normally used to connect one device to another by a short range radio link. With the help of blue tooth we can operate our keyboard and mouse without direct connection of CPU. Printers, fax machines, headphone, mouse, keyboard or any other digital devices can be part of Bluetooth system.
In spite of facilitating the replacement of cables, Bluetooth technology works as an universal medium to bridge the existing data networks, a peripheral interface for existing devices and provide a mechanism to form short ad hok network of connected devices away from fixed network infrastructures.
Due to their independence on short range radio link, Bluetooth devices do not require a line of site connection in order to communicate. Therefore a computer can print information on a printer if printer is in inside the room. Two blue tooth devices can talk to each other when they come within range of 10 meters to each other.
Bluetooth technology represents an opportunity for the industry to deliver wireless solutions that are ubiquitous across a broad range of devices.
Why the name is Bluetooth?
While many new technologies bear technical names, like RS-232 or IEE 802.11b, Bluetooth, the wireless technology, is different. Bluetooth was named for the 10th Century Viking king , Harald Blatand (A.K.A., Bluetooth) who peacefully united all the tiny island kingdoms of Denmark, southern Sweden, and southern Norway into one country . In keeping with its namesake, Bluetooth, the new low-cost radio technology, is designed to unite or connect all different types of devices to effectively work as one. By uniting devices, Bluetooth eliminates the need for cabling in a wide range of products, including cellular phones, PCs, headphones, audio equipment, printers, and many more.



Why Bluetooth?

Cable replacement between devices.

Supported by major companies.

Open Specification

Low power consumption

Connection can be initiated without user interaction.
Devices can be connected to multiple devices at the same time.


The technology was born in 1994.

The first version was released July 1999.

The Bluetooth name comes from the Danish Viking Harald Bl tand.


Bluetooth devices operate on 2.4 GHz Industrial Scientific Medical band (ISM band).

Unlicensed in most countries.
Interferences from:

Other radio frequency short-range techniques

Wireless local area networks (IEE 802.11)

Random noise generators (microwave ovens)

Other Bluetooth units


Bluetooth provides security only over the radio link, from each device to all other devices.

Three security specifications:

to get information about the topic Bluetooth Security full report ,ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow

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bude its super project please send it to me ..
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