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Social evils like dowry system, child abuse, drug abuse are the main bane of the society. You, as a part of the society can take steps to prevent them and make the society a better place to live in.

1: Dowry System

Many NGOs have started campaigns against dowry harassment and are keeping a close watch on reported offences. Though law has provided strict measures to check this menace, society and you as a member of the society can do a lot to prevent offences of harassment, dowry death, etc., by taking the following steps:
Start practising dowry prohibition in your family
Educate the members of your family with the provisions of law that demanding and accepting or giving dowry is an offence
A woman is an important member of family and is entitled to all the rights and privileges a man enjoys
Educate the members of your family and your neighbours to respect a woman s rights and privileges
If in any family there is a growing dispute between the in-laws and the lady, try to intervene to sort out the differences and educate them about the evils of dowry system. If they fail to listen to you, please inform the jurisdictional police and counselling centres
Provide support and shelter to the lady in distress. If you cannot, please contact the Women organisations who can provide support in such cases
Gather like-minded people who are fighting against this evil and gather public sympathy and support to ex-communicate the families where the evil persists
In case you have any suspicion of ill treatment of a lady in any house, immediately inform the local Police. Ladies in distress, generally avoid showing their resentment to ill-treatment till it reaches a dangerous point leading to their being burnt to death
Encourage women folk to raise their voice about their rights and to fight against dowry system

2: Child Abuse

Childhood is the pearl of life, where the best qualities like honesty, truthfulness and innocence are present. What one learns in childhood shapes one s future. It is everyone s duty to see that a child is prepared properly to lead a good life. Abuse of a child is not only a crime against society, but a crime against nature. You, as a member of your society can help the child develop itself in the right direction. Childhood here refers to all children below 16 years of age.
Ensure that children are given proper education and not forced to labour. Basic education is free for all children. Do not prevent your children from getting this benefit
If you notice any child being forced into labour, inform the voluntary organisations and the Police, to take custody of such children and to initiate necessary action
If the parents of such children force them to go for work, counsel them and educate them regarding free education and regarding voluntary organisations who look after the welfare of such children
Children are forced to work in bars, tea stalls, and in some undesirable places

The Dowry System

Keywords: Indian Women Gender Issues Female Tradition Daughters Marriage Dowry Brides Gifts

The dowry system is so deeply rooted in Indian culture, that sometimes one feels that there's going to be no way out - at least not for another century.

Even modern, well-educated families start saving up money for their daughter's dowry as soon as she is born, so what can one expect from the uneducated masses, whose only form of education is tradition?

When demands for dowry are not met, the bride is subject to torture, and often even killed. The reason many parents don't want to have daughters is because of the dowry they will have to shell out at her marriage, and the stress they go through due to never ending demands from her in-laws.

Dowry is an evil, evil system and all of us, at some level, condone it and even contribute to it.

Often the boys parents don't demand dowry, but our culture is such that we feel we must give something to the in-laws. In such cases, give as much as you receive. When you go out of your way because you are the parents of the girl, you are contributing to this evil.

Come festivals like Diwali or Holi, and the parents of the daughter flood her in-laws with gifts. If gifts are expected - your daughter is married into the wrong family. If such giving is self-inflicted, you're making a mistake. Give a token present to your daughter. If you want to give her something more, do so, but don't feel pressured to give anything more than you receive to her in-laws. You don't need to if your daughter is happily married and has a supportive husband - so DON'T.

Educate your daughters

An astounding number of parents still don't lay enough emphasis on educating their daughters. They believe their daughters will get married eventually, and husbands will support them, so why push them so hard? Poorer sections of society would rather send their daughters out to work and earn some money, to help them save up for her dowry. Those from regular middle and upper class backgrounds do send their daughters to school, but don't emphasise career options. They view education as a rite of passage. If their daughters do well, it's something to brag about at kitty parties.

Similarly, very wealthy parents will happily support their daughters until they get married. Because of the family status and their ability to fork out a high dowry, they know they will get good matches for their daughter, and don't take their daughters education very seriously.

Get serious about your daughter's education. Encourage her to have a career of her own, no matter what your financial standing. One of the reasons parents of the boy ask for dowry, is that they often expect that their son will be earning and supporting the wife, and it is only fair that she contribute somewhat towards the household by way of dowry. If your daughter is educated and has as good a career as her husband to be, you've got a strong step in your favour.

Instead of giving her dowry so everyone is nice to her at her new home, give her a great career, so they can't help but respect her. So if they treat her badly, she can walk out, as she is not dependent on them.

So they need her monthly contribution to the household expenses and dare not mess with her.

Providing your daughter with a solid education, and encouraging her to pursue a career of her choice is the best dowry any parent can ever give their daughter.

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