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anchoring script for college one day workshop programe in english

What is the Screenwriting Workshop?
The Screenwriting Workshop at the St. John's College Santa Fe Graduate Institute will take a select group of qualified screenwriting students through an intensive four-week, seminar-style workshop in which each student has the opportunity to conceive, outline, write, rewrite, and polish a full-length screenplay over the course of four weeks. The workshop is not-for-credit.

What are the components of the program?
Classes will include a brief daily discussion of techniques and craft, during which a daily topic relevant to the process will be discussed, and students will present their evolving work for table reads and individualized feedback. This process takes the writer along the steps of writing a full script with close mentorship throughout. To insure individual attention, the class will be limited to a maximum of 10 students. Individual mentoring sessions with the course leader will be scheduled within set office hours.

The writing schedule of the weeks will break down into defined expectations, with individual flexibility based on ability and experience. In the first week of the program, the concept of the script will be pitched and locked in, and a detailed outline with four acts will be written.

The program stresses the importance of writing a thorough treatment before script writing begins to ensure solid understanding of the story itself, developing a satisfying beginning, middle and ending; developing character concepts, archetypes and arcs; defining themes; and developing the most effective script architecture, scene progression, and scene writing. In the following weeks writers write an average of five pages a day to complete a 30 page act within five days, leaving time at the end for rewriting and polishes.

A collaborative and inspiring environment is established in the symposium style round table setting, and students learn from each other as well as from their own individual progress. Students will develop the ability to conceive and write fully dimensional characters and learn to write in a distinctive personal voice through close personal mentorship.

The writing program will reference films simultaneously being studied in the Summer Film Institute, as well as referencing examples of screenplays that have been made into films, stressing the importance of not only watching films but also regularly reading screenplays to understand the medium on the page.

Who teaches the class?
The workshop will be led by a professional Hollywood screenwriter with experience conceiving, pitching, writing, and re-writing within the Hollywood system.

How big will the classes be?
Class size is limited to 10 students to ensure a more engaged learning environment.

Class Schedule
The Screenwriting Workshop is held at the St. John's College Santa Fe campus.

Classes will be held Monday through Thursday, from 9am to 12pm.

Who can apply?
College students, graduate or undergraduate, and anyone 18 and older interested in completing a feature-length screenplay.

How do I apply?
Because the goal of this course is to have every student complete a screenplay that is at the level of industry standard writing style and presentation, there is a rigorous application process. Download the application here. The application must also include the following:

A statement of your interest in participating in the workshop, including your personal goals for the workshop and any relevant background experience with other courses at St. John's College or with the Socratic method of discussion
A logline and one page treatment of a script idea (not necessarily the final one)
A 15-20 page writing sample in screenplay format
There is no application fee. All applications will be reviewed by St. John's faculty and the course instructor. In line with the professional goals of the workshop, admission to the workshop is expected to be competitive and is limited to 10 participants.

Return all items to [email protected], or mail to:

Graduate Institute Summer Programs
c/o St. John's College
1160 Camino Cruz Blanca
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Opening and Welcome Speech

Dr Viner, Dr Stevens, Dr Sato, and Dr Sudhichai,
Distinguished participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
It gives me a great pleasure to welcome all of you and chair the Opening Ceremony this
morning to the Advanced Workshop: Review of Drug Development in Clinical Trials jointly
organized by Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation and Food and Drug Administration,
The significance of Drug Clinical Trials and Capacity Building for Drug Regulatory Agencies
are well noticed by several international networks including ASEAN or Association of South
East Asian Nations, APEC or Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, and ICH Global Cooperation
Group. This project has been endorsed by ASEAN Working Group on Technical Cooperation
in Pharmaceutical (AWGTCP), APEC Life Sciences Innovation Forum (LSIF) and ICH Global
Cooperation Group (GCG) since the year 2002, 2006 and 2007, respectively.
By the listed international cooperation, indeed, we have received technical, financial, and
moral supports. Please allow me to recall the last year achievement of hosting 2 training
workshops in Thailand, those are Preliminary Workshop : Review of Drug Development in
Clinical Trials and Basic Workshop on GCP/ Clinical Research Inspection .
The accomplishments of both mentioned courses have brought to the 2nd project
endorsement by APEC in later of the year 2008. Therefore, Thai FDA again is able to
organize the 2nd or advanced phase of the training courses, which include the advanced
course of clinical trial assessment and advanced course of clinical trial inspection.
Today s workshop would include numbers of advanced topics regarding the drug
development in clinical trials and their assessments to ensure quality and safety of the clinical trials and the investigational drugs themselves. This workshop has been designed to
be practical with lectures, examples and exercises to provide skills, encourage participation
and exchange information.
Today s workshop is attended by 4 speakers representing both leading Drug Regulatory
Agencies and Industries, those are Health Canada, Pharmaceutical and Medical Device
Agency (JAPAN), and Novartis, and officers from Drug Regulatory Authorities of 10 different
economies and country including Brunei, Chile, Indonesia, Malaysia, Peru, Philippines, Saudi
Arabia, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, and Thailand. Therefore, this workshop will provide us
not only essential knowledge but also a great opportunity to share experiences both
technical and regulatory issues
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to the organizers and in
particular our honorable speakers. All of them have been working with us since the
beginning of the planning stage and they are still here today for all of us, even though they
are both very busy with their responsibilities at their agencies. We truly appreciate your
dedication. Again, this training program could not have been made possible without APEC,
ICH, ASEAN, Health Canada, PMDA, and Novartis , who foresee the importance of Clinical
Trial Assessment. I hope that everyone would take the results of this program to develop
our regulatory system to ensure the quality and safety of clinical trials and investigational
Finally, this is an opportune time for me to declare the official opening of the Advanced
Workshop: Review of Drug Development in Clinical Trials and I wish all 5 fruitful days of
interesting and beneficial program and also that you have a pleasant stay in Bangkok.
I warmly welcome you again.

Hello guys this is Pravin assistant lecturer I m really very upset bcoz my principal told me anchor on this one day workshop programme for student which is subjected to PO Attainment I don't know how to start the programme like
Principal address
so will you please help me

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