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agarbatti making formula in pdf marathi

Agarbatti making business can be initiated as small scale or large scale basis. Agarbatti is considered as household goods having a great market potential. The burning of agarbatti or incense in religious and social functions has been practiced in India since early times. Agarbatti an aromatic powder or paste is burnt in Indian homes as a fragrant fumigant and is reputed to possess insecticidal and antiseptic properties. The burning time of an agarbatti varies from 15 minutes to 3 hours according to quality and size.

Agarbattis are used by all communities in India, Sri Lanka, Burma and by Indians residing abroad. As on today about 90 foreign countries are using agarbattis. The demand of Incense Stick is found all throughout the year and it increase on festive seasons. Agarbatti Industry is one of the labour intensive cottage type of traditional industries in India and Karnataka State leads in this industry, the main centers of manufacture being Mysore and Bangalore. Moreover, it is an export-oriented industry also. In fact, this is one the items considered for boosting exports. Owing to the low level of technology involved in this industry, agarbatti making business can be initiated with simple machinery and moderate capital investment.


In starting agarbatti making business, you will need to register your business first with ROC (Register of Companies). By doing this, you will get investors confidence and also get other necessary license and permits easily. Apply for Trade License from the local authority. Obtain business Pan Card. Open a current bank account. You may register your business as SSI Unit. Apply for Vat Registration. Commercial large-scale manufacturing units need to have Factory License and NOC from Pollution Control Board.


The major raw materials for agarbatti are bamboo sticks and different powder. According to the size, you will need to purchase sticks. Also, you can produce sticks at your works by having the sticks making machine. Other materials are Charcoal dust, Jigat Powder, Nargis Powder, Wood Incense Powder, Joss Powder and several essential oils. According to the fragrance, you need to select the right formula. Pay attention to the packaging. A fragrance lock packaging system is important in agarbatti making.


According to the desired output entrepreneurs need to select the right machinery for agarbatti making business. As far as the project feasibility is concerned, selecting the right machinery is one of the most vital deciding factors. Agarbatti making business is profitable and several different types of machinery are available in the market.

Broadly there three types of agarbatti making machines are available. Those are Manual, Automatic and High speed automatic agarbatti making machines. Apart from these, you can also consider to purchase agarbatti raw material mixer machine and drying machine to get better production output.


Manual agarbatti making machine (Single and double Pedal Type), is very easy operating machine with high production, low price, durable, Improved quality, which has no power required. These are easy to maintain with very affordable price. You can make good production and fine quality agarbatti from these machines.


To get more uniformed production with high volume output automatic agarbatti making machine is a perfect choice. These machines are available in attractive patterns, designs and sizes as per the exact requirements. By this type of machines, you will get a production output of 150-180 sticks/minute. Round and square both types of sticks can be used.


agarbatti makingYou will find different types of fully automatic agarbatti making machines those required less manpower to operate. By these types of machines, you will get desired output with minimum labour engagement. These machines generally produce 300 450 sticks per minute production. You will also adjust the length from 8 to 12 .


Different types of agarbatti drying machine with different models are available. It hardly costs Rupees 4-5/ kg when drying machines are used in commercial production. You will get a production output of 160 kgs / 8 Hours.


In starting a commercial large scale agarbatti making project you can consider having a powder mixer or blender machine to get uniform mixing quality with less labour input. These machines are normally well capable of mixing up two type of powders that can be both wet and dry powder. These machines are generally custom made available in various sizes, shapes and capacity. Production capacity normally varies from 10kg-20kg/10min.


Mainly two types of agarbatti commercially manufactured. One is perfumed agarbatti and another one is masala agarbatti. In manufacturing perfumed agarbattis powders of charcoal, Gigatu, White chips, etc. are mixed with water to have a semi-solid paste. This composition is taken on a wooden plank and applied to sticks by rolling with hands or in an automatic agarbatti making machine. Then raw sticks are dipped in suitable perfumery compound diluted with white oil or other solvents like diethyl phthalate (D.E.P.) and dried and packed.

For Women, I think there are many schemes from Government based on the scale of business appropriate schemes shall be selected. Even Women Self development schemes also in progress where sufficient inputs can be generated.

Traditional Agarbatti Making
Agarbathi making is one of the oldest and prominent cottage industries providingemployment to weaker sections of both urban and rural people, especially women Totalproduction of agarbathi in the country during 1992-93 in terms of value was about Rs. 150crores. Exports of Agarbathi fetched Rs. 49.1 crores during 1994-95 of which 80% is fromSouthern region. Production and export performance of agarabathi industry depends onavailability of forest based raw materials viz., bamboo, charcoal, "Jigat" sandalwood,Halmaddi etc. Indiscriminate collection is leading to overexploitation and shortage of rawmaterials particularly, "Jigat"- the basic binding material which is the bark of slow growingevergreen tree
Machilus macrantha.
Amongst the various plant materials screened, Lanneacoromandelica syn. Odina wodier (Moyna or Jinghan) gum in combination with "Jigat" in 1:1ratio was found to be a good partial substitute and agaribathis rolled using this mixturecosts 20 percent less than those rolled with pure "Jigat".Jigat; halmaddi; white chips and powder; coconut shell, coconut shell powder
Incense at present
:Today Incense sticks are broadly classified as either Dipped incense or MasalaIncense. Dipped incense are prepared by dipping/soaking the raw charcoal based incensesticks in a diluted perfume compound known as R.T.D. ( Ready to dip compound). R.T.D isprepared by mixing a fixed part of concentrated perfume compound with a diluter eg.Diethyl Phthalate, White oil etc. The sticks suitable for dipping process are essentially madeusing bamboo sticks, Finely powdered Charcoal, Jigat, Sandal wood powder and Nargispowder (optional).The mixture of Charcoal powder and Jigat is called a mix.The masala batthi is made using Halmaddi as a base and finely powdered naturalherbs as chief ingredients.Charcoals are also used. Here no dipping may be carried out andthe herbs alone are provided in the mix in such proportions and the strong aroma theyspread on burning can hardly be matched by any dipped incense sticks.
Agarbatti Manufacture Jigat technology
:Agarbathi making is one of the oldest cottage industries generating 30-35 millionman-days of work for the sections of the society, particularly women. The binding materialin agarbathi manufacture is Jigat. Jigat in Kannada and Telugu means sticky. Jigat is tradename of powdered barks of Machilus macrantha and Litsea chinensis.The bark of Machilus macrantha (Lauraceae) ,a large tree, found in Bihar and theDeccan Peninsula has been of importance for the survival of the agarbathi (incense stick)industry in India.Powdered bark of M. macrantha known as JIGAT in trade, functions as an adhesiveor binder in agarbathi manufacture. When mixed with water it forms an ideal material tobind wood charcoal, aromatic roots and herbs to the bamboo splint. Besides good bindingproperties, it combines well with other raw materials and does not influence the naturalaroma of perfumed sticks. Over the years, the expansion of agarbathi industry has inflatedthe demands for Jigat, thereby leading to indiscriminate onslaught on Machilus trees fortheir bark. The result is high mortality of this species which is a valuable component of theevergreen and semi-evergreen forests of the western ghats and the north-eastern states.
Various organisations and Institutes were engaged for sometime on finding asubstitute for Jigat, Finally the search has borne fruits and the Forest Research Institute hasbeen able to find a substitute for "Jigat" which is not at all related with any forest product,but otherwise also economically competitive and abundantly available. The substitutedeveloped is an agro-based biopolymer (93-95%). Laboratory trials with the substituteindicate that the new binder is better than Jigat. Samples were sent to leading agarbathimanufacturers for their assessment trials and overwhelming reports are pouring in that it isvery much suitable for agarbathi making. The technology for the manufacture of thesubstitute is simple and can easily be translated to industrial production. It is hoped that inthe near future after the transfer of technology, impending threat for the survival of Machilus macrantha / Litsea Chinensis and pressure on natural forests shall be overcome.

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Traditional Agarbatti Making
Agarbathi making is one of the oldest and prominent cottage industries providingemployment to weaker sections of both urban and rural people, especially women Totalproduction of agarbathi in the country during 1992-93 in terms of value was about Rs. 150crores. Exports of Agarbathi fetched Rs. 49.1 crores during 1994-95 of which 80% is fromSouthern region. Production and export performance of agarabathi industry depends onavailability of forest based raw materials viz., bamboo, charcoal, "Jigat" sandalwood,Halmaddi etc. Indiscriminate collection is leading to overexploitation and shortage of rawmaterials particularly, "Jigat"- the basic binding material which is the bark of slow growingevergreen tree
Machilus macrantha.
Amongst the various plant materials screened, Lanneacoromandelica syn. Odina wodier (Moyna or Jinghan) gum in combination with "Jigat" in 1:1ratio was found to be a good partial substitute and agaribathis rolled using this mixturecosts 20 percent less than those rolled with pure "Jigat".Jigat; halmaddi; white chips and powder; coconut shell, coconut shell powder
Incense at present
:Today Incense sticks are broadly classified as either Dipped incense or MasalaIncense. Dipped incense are prepared by dipping/soaking the raw charcoal based incensesticks in a diluted perfume compound known as R.T.D. ( Ready to dip compound). R.T.D isprepared by mixing a fixed part of concentrated perfume compound with a diluter eg.Diethyl Phthalate, White oil etc. The sticks suitable for dipping process are essentially madeusing bamboo sticks, Finely powdered Charcoal, Jigat, Sandal wood powder and Nargispowder (optional).The mixture of Charcoal powder and Jigat is called a mix.The masala batthi is made using Halmaddi as a base and finely powdered naturalherbs as chief ingredients.Charcoals are also used. Here no dipping may be carried out andthe herbs alone are provided in the mix in such proportions and the strong aroma theyspread on burning can hardly be matched by any dipped incense sticks.
Agarbatti Manufacture Jigat technology
:Agarbathi making is one of the oldest cottage industries generating 30-35 millionman-days of work for the sections of the society, particularly women. The binding materialin agarbathi manufacture is Jigat. Jigat in Kannada and Telugu means sticky. Jigat is tradename of powdered barks of Machilus macrantha and Litsea chinensis.The bark of Machilus macrantha (Lauraceae) ,a large tree, found in Bihar and theDeccan Peninsula has been of importance for the survival of the agarbathi (incense stick)industry in India.Powdered bark of M. macrantha known as JIGAT in trade, functions as an adhesiveor binder in agarbathi manufacture. When mixed with water it forms an ideal material tobind wood charcoal, aromatic roots and herbs to the bamboo splint. Besides good bindingproperties, it combines well with other raw materials and does not influence the naturalaroma of perfumed sticks. Over the years, the expansion of agarbathi industry has inflatedthe demands for Jigat, thereby leading to indiscriminate onslaught on Machilus trees fortheir bark. The result is high mortality of this species which is a valuable component of theevergreen and semi-evergreen forests of the western ghats and the north-eastern states.
Various organisations and Institutes were engaged for sometime on finding asubstitute for Jigat, Finally the search has borne fruits and the Forest Research Institute hasbeen able to find a substitute for "Jigat" which is not at all related with any forest product,but otherwise also economically competitive and abundantly available. The substitutedeveloped is an agro-based biopolymer (93-95%). Laboratory trials with the substituteindicate that the new binder is better than Jigat. Samples were sent to leading agarbathimanufacturers for their assessment trials and overwhelming reports are pouring in that it isvery much suitable for agarbathi making. The technology for the manufacture of thesubstitute is simple and can easily be translated to industrial production. It is hoped that inthe near future after the transfer of technology, impending threat for the survival of Machilus macrantha / Litsea Chinensis and pressure on natural forests shall be overcome.


Agarbatti making business can be initiated as small scale or large scale basis. Agarbatti is considered as household goods having a great market potential. The burning of agarbatti or incense in religious and social functions has been practiced in India since early times. Agarbatti an aromatic powder or paste is burnt in Indian homes as a fragrant fumigant and is reputed to possess insecticidal and antiseptic properties. The burning time of an agarbatti varies from 15 minutes to 3 hours according to quality and size.

Agarbattis are used by all communities in India, Sri Lanka, Burma and by Indians residing abroad. As on today about 90 foreign countries are using agarbattis. The demand of Incense Stick is found all throughout the year and it increases on festive seasons. Agarbatti Industry is one of the labour intensive cottage type of traditional industries in India and Karnataka State leads in this industry, the main centers of manufacture being Mysore and Bangalore. Moreover, it is an export-oriented industry also. In fact, this is one the items considered for boosting exports. Owing to the low level of technology involved in this industry, agarbatti making business can be initiated with simple machinery and moderate capital investment.


In starting agarbatti making business, you will need to register your business first with ROC (Register of Companies). By doing this, you will get investors confidence and also get other necessary license and permits easily. Apply for Trade License from the local authority. Obtain business Pan Card. Open a current bank account. You may register your business as SSI Unit. Apply for Vat Registration. Commercial large-scale manufacturing units need to have Factory License and NOC from Pollution Control Board.


The major raw materials for agarbatti are bamboo sticks and different powder. According to the size, you will need to purchase sticks. Also, you can produce sticks at your works by having the sticks making machine. Other materials are Charcoal dust, Jigat Powder, Nargis Powder, Wood Incense Powder, Joss Powder and several essential oils. According to the fragrance, you need to select the right formula. Pay attention to the packaging. A fragrance lock packaging system is important in agarbatti making.


According to the desired output entrepreneurs need to select the right machinery for agarbatti making business. As far as the project feasibility is concerned, selecting the right machinery is one of the most vital deciding factors. Agarbatti making business is profitable and several different types of machinery are available in the market.

Broadly there three types of agarbatti making machines are available. Those are Manual, Automatic and High speed automatic agarbatti making machines. Apart from these, you can also consider to purchase agarbatti raw material mixer machine and drying machine to get better production output.


Mainly two types of agarbatti commercially manufactured. One is perfumed agarbatti and another one is masala agarbatti. In manufacturing perfumed agarbattis powders of charcoal, Gigatu, White chips, etc. are mixed with water to have a semi-solid paste. This composition is taken on a wooden plank and applied to sticks by rolling with hands or in an automatic agarbatti making machine. Then raw sticks are dipped in suitable perfumery compound diluted with white oil or other solvents like diethyl phthalate (D.E.P.) and dried and packed.

Agarbatti is the popular merchandise that has great market potential. The burning of agarbatti or incense in religious and social functions has been practiced in India since early times. Agarbatti an aromatic powder or paste is burned in homes in India as a perfumed fumigant and is reputed to possess insecticidal and antiseptic properties. The cooking time of an agarbatti varies from 15 minutes to 3 hours depending on the quality and size.
Agarbattis are used by all communities in India, Sri Lanka, Burma and by Indians residing abroad. Just as today about 90 foreign countries are using agarbattis. There is the demand for incense stick is all year round and increases in festive seasons.
Agarbatti industry is one of the types of labor intensive home of traditional industries in India. And the state of Karnataka leads this industry, being the main manufacturing centers Mysore and Bangalore. In addition, it is an export-oriented industry as well. In fact, this is one of the elements considered to boost exports. Due to the low level of technology involved in this industry, business agarbatti can be started with simple and moderate capital investment machinery.

Raw material for manufacturing Agarbatti

The main raw materials for agarbatti are bamboo sticks and different powder. Depending on the size, you will need to buy sticks. Also, you can produce bats in your works by having sticks making the machine. Other materials are coal dust, Jigat powder, Nargis powder, wood incense powder, Joss powder and various essential oils. According to the fragrance, you must select the correct formula. Pay attention to the packaging. A fragrance blocking packing system is important in the manufacture of agarbatti.

Agarbatti Machinery Manufacturing

According to the desired output entrepreneurs need to select the right machinery for agarbatti do business. As for the feasibility of the project, selecting the right machinery is one of the most important decisive factors. Agarbatti doing business is cost effective and several different types of machinery are available in the market.

Widely there are three types of agarbatti making machines are available. They are manual, automatic and high speed automatic agarbatti making machines. Apart from these, you can also consider buying agarbatti mixing machine for raw materials and drying machine to get better production.

Agarbatti Manual Manufacturing Machinery

The manual agarbatti making machine (single and double pedal type), is very easy working machine with high production, low price, durable, improved quality, which does not have energy required. These are easy to maintain with a very affordable price. You can make good production and fine quality agarbatti of these machines.

Automatic Agarbatti Making Machine

To obtain a more uniform production with automatic high volume output machine is a perfect choice. These machines are available in attractive designs, designs and sizes according to the exact requirements. For this type of machines, you will get a production of 150-180 sticks / minute. Round and square both types of sticks can be used. Generally, these machines run on electricity. And this type of machine requires an individual dedicated to continuously feed the machine with bamboo sticks.

( ) ROC . , . . . . . . - .

. . , . , Jigat , , , Joss . , . . .

. , . .

. , . , .

( - ) , , , , , . . .

. , . , 150-180 / . .

makingYou . , . 450 - : 300. 8 "12" .


. 4-5 / . 160 / 8 .


GenericName . . , . 10kg-20kg / 10min .

. . , Gigatu, , , . . (D.E.P.) solvents diluted diethyl phthalate dipped .

, . , : .


send me pdf file urgent send me dgsodvwjdjdowhwhwjdhfhwkqppsbdb s

Hi am Manoj i want to know how to make agarbatti formula in pdf marathi.


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