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Biometric Technology


Chapter 1
Introduction and History
1.1 Introduction:-
The term "biometrics" is derived from the Greek words bio means life and metric means to measure.
BIOMETRICS refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his physiological / behavioral characteristics. This method of identification is preferred for various reasons; the person to be identified is required to be physically present at the point of identification; identification based on biometric techniques obviates the need to remember a password or carry a token.
A biometric is a unique, measurable characteristic or trait for automatically recognizing or verifying the identity of a human being. Biometrics is a powerful combination of science and technology that can be used to protect and secure our most valuable information and property.
With the increased use of computers or vehicles of information technology, it is necessary to restrict access to sensitive or personal data. By replacing PINs, biometric techniques can potentially prevent unauthorized access to fraudulent use of ATMs, cellular phones, smart cards, desktop PCs, workstations, and computer networks. PINs and passwords may be forgotten, and token based methods of identification like passports and driver s licenses may be forged, stolen, or lost .Thus biometric systems of identification are enjoying a renewed interest.
Recognisation requires the system to look through many stored sets of characteristics and pick the one that matches the unknown individual being presented. Various types of biometric systems are being used for real time identification; the most popular are based on face recognition and fingerprint matching. However there are other biometric systems that utilize iris and retinal scan, speech, gesture recognisation, and hand geometry.
Biometric technologies are becoming the foundation of an extensive array of highly secure identification and personal verification solutions. The basic idea behind biometrics is that our bodies contain unique properties that can be used to distinguish us from others. A biometric system is essentially a pattern recognition system, which makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioral characteristics possessed by the user.
An important issue in designing a practical system is to determine how an individual is identified. Depending on the context, a biometric system can be either a verification (authentication) system an identification system. Verification involves confirming or denying a person s claimed identity. In identification one has to establish a person s identity. Identification systems based on biometrics are important building blocks in simplifying our interaction with the myriad digital systems and devices that we
are all using in increasing numbers.
There are levels of security from the most basic to the most robust with biometrics being the most secure:
Something that you have - such as an ID badge with a photograph on it.
Something that you know - such as a password or PIN number.
Something which you are - such as biometric data fingerprints, iris, voice or face scans.
Figure 1: Explains the meaning of definition
Biometrics is rapidly evolving technology, which is being used in forensics such as criminal identification and prison security, and has the potential to be used in a large range of civilian application areas. Biometrics can be used transactions conducted via telephone and Internet (electronic commerce and electronic banking). In automobiles, biometrics can replace keys with key -less entry devices.
1.2 History:-
When we talk about biometric history, we would realize that since time immemorial people always tried their best to use some way or the other so that they could identify one person from another, whether it was through footprints or tattoos or photos. Biometric history indicates that the science did not originate at a single place. People all over the world were using the basics for mainly identifying individuals from each other.
The ancient Egyptians and the Chinese played a large role in biometrics' history. Although biometric technology seems to belong in the twenty-first century, the history of biometrics goes back thousands of years. Possibly the most primary known instance of biometrics in practice was a form of finger printing being used in China in the 14th century, as reported by explorer Joao de Barros. Barros wrote that the Chinese merchants were stamping children's palm prints and footprints on paper with ink so as to differentiate the young children from one another. This is one of the most primitive known cases of biometrics in use and is still being used today.
Bertillon developed a technique of multiple body measurements which later got named after him Bertillonage. His method was then used by police authorities throughout the world, until it quickly faded when it was discovered that some people shared the same measurements and based on the measurements alone, two people could get treated as one. After the failure of Bertillonage, the police started using finger printing, which was developed by Richard Edward Henry of Scotland Yard, essentially reverting to the same methods used by the Chinese for years.
Commercial advancements for biometric devices began in the 1970s when a system called Identimat which measured the shape of the hand and length of the fingers was used as part of a time clock at Shearson Hamill, a Wall Street investment firm. Subsequently, hundreds of Identimat devices were used to establish identity for physical access at secure facilities run by Western Electric, U.S. Naval Intelligence, the Department of Energy, and U.S. Naval Intelligence and like organizations.
Chapter 2
Block Diagram of Biometric System
Biometric devices consist of a reader or scanning device, software that converts the gathered information into digital form, and a database that stores the biometric data for comparison with previous records. When converting the biometric input, the software identifies specific points of data as match points. The match points are processed using an algorithm into a value that can be compared with biometric data in the database.
The biometric feature must have the following characteristics:-
(a) Universality, which means that every person should have the characteristic,
(b) Uniqueness, two persons should not have the same term or measurement of Characteristic.
© Permanence, the characteristic should be invariant with time.
(d) Measurability, the characteristic can be quantified that is the origin of the Cameras used in biometric systems are generally either CCD (charge couple device) or CMOS (combined metal oxide semiconductor) image sensors. CCD is comparatively more costly than CMOS.
Figure 2: Basic block diagram of biometrics system
The main operations a system can perform are enrollment and test. During the enrollment, biometric information from an individual is stored. During the test, biometric information is detected and compared with the stored information. Note that it is crucial that storage and retrieval of such systems themselves be secure if the biometric system is, robust.
The first block (sensor) is the interface between the real world and the system; it has to acquire all the necessary data. Most of the times it is an image acquisition system, but it can change according to the characteristics desired. A sample of the biometric trait is captured, processed by a computer, and stored for later comparison.
The second block performs all the necessary pre-processing: it has to remove artifacts from the sensor, to enhance the input (e.g. removing background noise), to use some kind of normalization, etc.
In the third block features needed are extracted. This step is an important step as the correct features need to be extracted and the optimal way. A vector of numbers or an image with particular properties is used to create a template. A template is a synthesis of all the characteristics extracted from the source, in the optimal size to allow for adequate identifiability. All Biometric authentications require comparing a registered or enrolled biometric sample (biometric template or identifier) against a newly captured biometric sample.
If enrollment is being performed where the biometric system identifies a person from the entire enrolled population by searching a database for a match based solely on the biometric. For example, an entire database can be searched to verify a person has not applied for entitlement benefits under two different names. This is sometimes called one-to-many matching.
If a verification phase is being performed, the biometric system authenticates a person s claimed identity from their previously enrolled pattern. This is also called one-to-one matching. The obtained template is passed to a matcher that compares it with other existing templates. The matching program will analyze the template with the input. This will then be output for any specified use or purpose.
Chapter 3
Classification of Biometrics
Biometrics encompasses both physiological and behavioral characteristics. A physiological characteristic are related to the shape of a body. A relatively stable physical feature such as finger print, hand geometry, iris pattern or facial features. These factors are basically unalterable without trauma to the individual.
Behavioral tracts, on the other hand, are related to the behavior of a person. The most common trait used in identification is a person s signature. Other behaviors used include a person s keyboard typing, gait and speech patterns. Most of the behavioral characteristics change over time.
Some of physical biometrics is
Fingerprint - analyzing fingertip patterns.
Facial Recognition - measuring facial characteristics.
Hand Geometry - measuring the shape of the hand.
Iris recognition - analyzing features of colored ring of the eye.
Some of behavioral biometrics is
Speaker Recognition - analyzing vocal behavior.
Signature Recognisation - analyze the physical activity of signing.
Gesture Recognisation - analyzing the motions of body.
3.1 Fingerprint:-
Humans have used fingerprints for personal identification for many centuries and the matching accuracy using fingerprints has been shown to be very high. Fingerprinting is probably the best-known biometric- method of identification used for 100 years. There are a few variants of image capture technology available for such commercially oriented fingerprint sensor, including optical, silicon, ultrasound, thermal and hybrid.
Among all the biometric techniques, fingerprint-based Identification is the oldest method that has been successfully used in numerous applications. Everyone is known to have unique, immutable fingerprints. A fingerprint is made of a series of ridges and furrows on the surface of the finger as shown in the fig 3.1.1. The uniqueness of a fingerprint can be determined by the pattern of ridges and furrows as well as minutiae points. Minutiae points are the local ridge characteristics that occur either at a ridge ending or a ridge bifurcation. A ridge ending is defined as the point where the ridge ends abruptly and the ridge bifurcation is the point where the ridge splits into two or more branches.
When a user places their finger on the terminals scanner the image is electronically read, analyzed, and compared with a previously recorded image of the same finger which has been stored in the database. The imaging process is based on digital holography, using an electro-optical scanner about the size of a thumbprint. The scanner reads three-dimensional data from the finger such as skin undulations, and ridges and valleys, to create a unique pattern that is composed into a template file.
Figure 3: Fingerprint classification of 6 categories (a) arch, (b) tented arch, © right loop, (d) left loop, (e) whorl, and (f) twin loop
An algorithm is developed to classify fingerprints into five classes, namely, whorl, right loop, arch and tented arch as shown in figure 3. Critical points in a finger print, called core and delta are marked on one of the fingers as shown in figure 3 ©. The core is the inner point, normally in the middle of the print, around which swirls, loops, or arches center. It is frequently characterized by a ridge ending and several acutely curved ridges. Deltas are the points, normally at the lower left and right hand of the fingerprint, around which a triangular series of ridges center. The algorithm separates the number of ridges present in four directions (o degree, 45 degree, 90 degree and 135 degree) by filtering the central part of a fingerprint with a bank of Gabor filters. This information is quantized to generate a finger code which is used for classification. To avoid fake-finger attacks, some systems employ so-called liveness detection technology, which takes advantage of the sweat activity of human bodies. High-magnification lenses and special illumination technologies capture the finger s perspiration and pronounce the finger dead or alive.
3.1.1 Advantages:-
Fingerprint recognition equipment is relatively low-priced compared to other biometric system.
Fingerprints are unique to each finger of each individual and the ridge arrangement remains permanent during one's lifetime.
3.1.2 Disadvantages:-
Some people have damaged or eliminated fingerprints.
Vulnerable to noise and distortion brought on by dirt and twists.
3.2 Face Recognisation:-
Face recognition technology analyze the unique shape, pattern and positioning of the facial features. Face recognition is very complex technology and is largely software based. Face recognition starts with a picture, attempting to find a person in the image. This can be accomplished using several methods including movement, skin tones, or blurred human shapes. The face recognition system locates the head and finally the eyes of the individual. A matrix is then developed based on the characteristics of the individual s face. The method of defining the matrix varies according to the algorithm (the mathematical process used by the computer to perform the comparison). This matrix is then compared to matrices that are in a database and a similarity score is generated for each comparison.
Despite the fact that there are more reliable biometric recognition techniques such as fingerprint and iris recognition, these techniques are intrusive and their success depends highly on user cooperation, since the user must position her eye in front of the iris scanner or put her finger in the fingerprint device. On the other hand, face recognition is non-intrusive since it is based on images recorded by a distant camera, and can be very effective even if the user is not aware of the existence of the face recognition system. The human face is undoubtedly the most common characteristic used by humans to recognize other people and this is why personal identification based on facial images is considered the friendliest among all biometrics.
Face has certain distinguishable landmarks that are the peaks and valleys that sum up the different facial features. There are about 80 peaks and valleys on a human face. The following are a few of the peaks and valleys that are measured by the software:
Distance between eyes
Width of nose
Depth of eye sockets
Jaw line
These peaks and valleys are measured to give a numerical code, a string of numbers, which represents the face in a database. This code is called a face print. Face recognition involves the comparison of a given face with other faces in a database with the objective of deciding if the face matches any of the faces in that database.
Figure 4: Face nodal points
Image matching usually involves three steps:
1. Detection of the face in a complex background and localization of its exact position,
2. Extraction of facial features such as eyes, nose, etc, followed by normalization to align the face with the stored face images, and
3. Face classification or matching.
In addition, a face recognition system usually consists of the following four modules:
1. Sensor module, which captures face images of an individual. Depending on the sensor modality, the acquisition device maybe a black and white or color camera, a 3D sensor capturing range (depth) data, or an infrared camera capturing infrared images.
2. Face detection and feature extraction module. The acquired face images are first scanned to detect the presence of faces and find their exact location and size. The output of face detection is an image window containing only the face area. Irrelevant information, such as background, hair, neck and shoulders, ears, etc are discarded.
3. Classification module, in which the template extracted during step 2, is compared against the stored templates in the database to generate matching scores, which reveal how identical the faces in the probe and gallery images are. Then, a decision-making module either confirms (verification) or establishes (identification) the user s identity based on the matching score. In case of face verification, the matching score is compared to a predefined threshold and based on the result of this comparison; the user is either accepted or rejected. In case of face identification, a set of matching scores between the extracted template and the templates of enrolled users is calculated. If the template of user X produces the best score, then the unknown face is more similar to X, than any other person in the database. To ensure that the unknown face is actually X and not an impostor, the matching score is compared to a predefined threshold.
4. Sometimes, more than one template per enrolled user is stored in the gallery database to account for different variations. Templates may also be updated over time, mainly to cope with variations due to aging.
Face detection algorithms can be divided into three categories according to
1. Knowledge-based methods are based on human knowledge of the typical human face geometry and facial features arrangement. Taking advantage of natural face symmetry and the natural top-to-bottom and left-to-right order in which features appear in the human face, these methods find rules to describe the shape, size, texture and other characteristics of facial features (such as eyes, nose, chin, eyebrows) and relationships between them (relative positions and distances). A hierarchical approach may be used, which examines the face at different resolution levels. At higher levels, possible face candidates are found using a rough description of face geometry. At lower levels, facial features are extracted and an image region is identified as face or non-face based on predefined rules about facial characteristics and their arrangement.
2. Feature invariant approaches aim to find structural features that exist even when the viewpoint or lighting conditions vary and then use these to locate faces. Different structural features are being used: facial local features, texture, and shape and skin color. Local features such as eyes, eyebrows, nose, and mouth are extracted using multi-resolution or derivative filters, edge detectors, morphological operations or thresholding. Statistical models are then built to describe their relationships and verify the existence of a face. Neural networks, graph matching, and decision trees were also proposed to verify face candidates.
3. Template-based methods. To detect a face in a new image, first the head outline, which is fairly consistently roughly elliptical, is detected using filters or edge detectors. Then the contours of local facial features are extracted in the same way, exploiting knowledge of face and feature geometry.
More recently, techniques that rely on 3D shape data have been proposed. 3D face recognition is a modality of facial recognition methods in which the three-dimensional geometry of the human face is used. 3D face recognition has the potential to achieve better accuracy than its 2D counterpart by measuring geometry of rigid features on the face. This avoids such pitfalls of 2D face recognition algorithms as change in lighting, different facial expressions, make-up and head orientation.
4.2.1 Advantages:-
No contact required.
Commonly available sensors (cameras).
4.2.2 Disadvantages:-
Face can be obstructed by hair, glasses, hats, scarves etc.
Difficult to distinguish between twins.
Sensitive to changes in lighting, expression, and poses faces changeover time.
3.3 Hand Geometry:-
Hand geometry recognition systems are based on a number of measurements taken from the human hand, including its shape, size of palm, and lengths and widths of the fingers. The technique is very simple, relatively easy to use, and inexpensive. Environmental factors such as dry weather or individual anomalies such as dry skin do not appear to have any negative effects on the verification accuracy of hand geometry-based systems. The geometry of the hand is not known to be very distinctive and hand geometry based recognition systems cannot be scaled up for systems requiring identification of an individual from a large population. Further, hand geometry information may not be invariant during the growth period of children. In addition, an individual's jewelry (e.g., rings) or limitations in dexterity (e.g., from arthritis), may pose further challenges in extracting the correct hand geometry information. The physical size of a hand geometry-based system is large, and it cannot be embedded in certain devices like laptops.
Figure 5: Hand geometry system
3.3.1 Advantages:-
Easy to capture.
The major advantage is that most people can use it and as such, the acceptance rate is good.
Believed to be a highly stable pattern over the adult lifespan.
3.3.2 Disadvantages:-
Use requires some training.
System requires a large amount of physical space.
3.4 Iris Recognisation:-
The iris of each eye of each person is absolutely unique. In the entire human population, no two irises are alike in their mathematical detail. This even applies to identical twins. The iris of each eye is protected from the external environment. It is clearly visible from a distance, making it ideal for a biometric solution. Image acquisition for enrolment and recognition is easily accomplished and most importantly is non-intrusive.
The Iris Code creation process starts with video-based image acquisition. This is a purely passive process achieved using CCD (Charge Coupled Device) Video Cameras. This image is then processed and encoded into an Iris Code record, which is stored in an Iris Code database. This stored record is then used for identification in any live transaction when an iris is presented for comparison.
Figure 6 : Iris scan process
The iris-scan process begins with a photograph. A specialized camera, typically very close to the subject, no more than three feet, uses an infrared imager to illuminate the eye and capture a very high-resolution photograph. This process takes only one to two seconds and provides the details of the iris that are mapped, recorded and stored for future matching/verification.
Eyeglasses and contact lenses present no problems to the quality of the image and the iris-scan systems test for a live eye by checking for the normal continuous fluctuation in pupil size.
The inner edge of the iris is located by an iris-scan algorithm which maps the iris distinct patterns and characteristics. An algorithm is a series of directives that tell a biometric system how to interpret a specific problem. Algorithms have a number of steps and are used by the biometric system to determine if a biometric sample and record is a match.
Iris is composed before birth and, except in the event of an injury to the eyeball, remains unchanged throughout an individual s lifetime. Iris patterns are extremely complex, carry an astonishing amount of information and have over 200 unique spots. The fact that an individual s right and left eyes are different and that patterns are easy to capture, establishes iris-scan technology as one of the biometrics that is very resistant to false matching and fraud.
The false acceptance rate for iris recognition systems is 1 in 1.2 million, statistically better than the average fingerprint recognition system. The real benefit is in the false-rejection rate, a measure of authenticated users who are rejected. Fingerprint scanners have a 3 percent false-rejection rate, whereas iris scanning systems boast rates at the 0 percent level.
3.4.1 Advantages:-
Iris recognition is very accurate with very low false acceptance rate
3.4.2 Disadvantages:-
Complex procedure.
High cost.
3.5 Speaker Recognition:-
Speaker, or voice, recognition is a biometric modality that uses an individual s voice for recognition purposes. The speaker recognition process relies on features influenced by both the physical structure of an individual s vocal tract and the behavioral characteristics of the individual. A popular choice for remote authentication due to the availability of devices for collecting speech samples and its ease of integration, speaker recognition is different from some other biometric methods in that speech samples are captured dynamically or over a period of time, such as a few seconds. Analysis occurs on a model in which changes over time are monitored.
Voice recognition technology utilizes the distinctive aspects of the voice to verify the identity of individuals. Voice recognition is occasionally confused with speech recognition, a technology which translates what a user is saying (a process unrelated to authentication). Voice recognition technology, by contrast, verifies the identity of the individual who is speaking. The two technologies are often bundled speech recognition is used to translate the spoken word into an account number, and voice recognition verifies the vocal characteristics against those associated with this account.
Voice recognition can utilize any audio capture device, including mobile and land telephones and PC microphones. The performance of voice recognition systems can vary according to the quality of the audio signal as well as variation between enrollment and verification devices, so acquisition normally takes place on a device likely to be used for future verification. During enrollment an individual is prompted to select a passphrase or to repeat a sequence of numbers. Voice recognition can function as a reliable authentication mechanism for automated telephone systems, adding security to automated telephone-based transactions in areas such as financial services and health care. Certain voice recognition technologies are highly resistant to imposter attacks, means that voice recognition can be used to protect reasonably high-value transactions.
Figure 7: Voice Sample
Speech samples are waveforms with time on the horizontal axis and loudness on the vertical access. The speaker recognition system analyzes the frequency content of the speech and compares characteristics such as the quality, duration, intensity dynamics, and pitch of the signal.
Voice recognition techniques can be divided into categories depending on the type of authentication domain.
Fixed text method is a technique where the speaker is required to say a predetermined word that is recorded during registration on the system.
In the text dependent method the system prompts the user to say a specific word or phrase, which is then computed on the basis of the user s fundamental voice pattern.
The text independent method is an advanced technique where the user need not articulate any specific word or phrase. The matching is done by the system on the basis of the fundamental voice patterns irrespective of the language and the text used.
3.5.1 Advantages:-
Simple and cost-effective technological application.
Can be used for remote authentication.
3.5.2 Disadvantages:-
Voice and language usage change over time (e.g. as a result of age or illness).
3.6 Signature Recognisation:-
Biometric signature recognition systems measure and analyze the physical activity of signing. Important characteristics include stroke order, the pressure applied, the pen-up movements, the angle the pen is held, the time taken to sign, the velocity and acceleration of the signature. Some systems additionally compare the visual image of signatures, though the focus in signature biometrics lies on writer-specific information rather than visual handwritten content. While it may appear trivial to copy the appearance of a signature, it is difficult to mimic the process and behavior of signing.
Figure 8: Signature trait
Signature data can be captured via pens that incorporate sensors or through touch-sensitive surfaces which sense the unique signature characteristics. Touch-sensitive surfaces are increasingly being used on ICT devices such as screens, pads, mobile phones, laptops and tablet PCs.
3.6.1 Advantages:-
Main uses of signature biometrics include limiting access to restricted documents and contracts, delivery acknowledgement and banking/finance related applications.
3.6.2 Disadvantages:-
A person s signature changes over time as well as under physical and emotional influences.
3.7 Gesture Recognisation System:-
Gesture is the use of motions of the limbs or body as a means of expression, communicate an intention or feeling. Gesture recognition enables humans to interface with the machine (HMI) and interact naturally without any mechanical devices. Using the concept of gesture recognition, it is possible to point a finger at the computer screen so that the cursor will move accordingly. This could potentially make conventional input devices such as mouse, keyboards and even touch-screens redundant. The ability to track a person's movements and determine what gestures they may be performing can be achieved through various tools. Although there is a large amount of research done in image/video based gesture recognition, there is some variation within the tools and environments used between implementations. In order to capture human gestures by visual sensors, robust computer vision methods are also required, for example for hand tracking and hand posture recognition or for capturing movements of the head, facial expressions or gaze direction. The input devices of gesture recognisation system are
Depth-aware cameras: Using specialized cameras such as time-of-flight cameras, one can generate a depth map of what is being seen through the camera at a short range, and use this data to approximate a 3d representation of what is being seen. These can be effective for detection of hand gestures due to their short range capabilities.
Stereo cameras: Using two cameras whose relations to one another are known, a 3d representation can be approximated by the output of the cameras. To get the cameras' relations, one can use a positioning reference such as an infrared emitters.
Controller-based gestures: These controllers act as an extension of the body so that when gestures are performed, some of their motion can be conveniently captured by software. Mouse gestures are one such example
Single camera: A normal camera can be used for gesture recognition where the resources/environment would not be convenient for other forms of image-based recognition. Although not necessarily as effective as stereo or depth aware cameras, using a single camera allows a greater possibility of accessibility to a wider audience.
4.8.1 Advantages:-
A new interactive Technology.
Eliminates the use of mechanical devices.
4.8.2 Disadvantages:-
High costs
3.8 Multimodal Biometrics System:-
Multimodal biometric systems are those that utilize more than one physiological or behavioral characteristic for enrollment, verification, or identification. A biometric system which relies only on a single biometric identifier in making a personal identifications often not able to meet the desired performance requirements. Identification based on multiple biometrics represents on emerging trend. A multimodal biometric system is introduced which integrates face recognition, fingerprint verification, and speaker verification in making a personal identification. This system takes advantage of the capabilities of each individual biometric. It can be used to overcome some of the limitations of a single biometrics.
Chapter 4
System Accuracy and Comparison
4.1 System Accuracy:-
Accuracy or performance of biometric systems is measured with three factors:
1. False acceptance rate (FAR)
2. False rejection rate (FRR)
3. Equal Error Rate (EER)
1. False Acceptance Rate:-
False acceptance rate is also known as Type I error. It measures the percentage of impostors being incorrectly accepted as genuine user. Since almost all biometric systems aim to achieve correct identity authentication, this number should be as low as possible.
2. False Rejection Rate:-
False rejection rate is also known as Type II error, this measures the percentage of genuine users being incorrectly rejected. In order to minimize inconveniences (or embarrassment) to the genuine user, this number should also be low.
3. Equal Error Rate:-
FAR and FRR are inversely related and a consolidation of the FAR and FFR is the point at which accept and reject errors are equal. This is described as the equal error rate (EER), sometimes also known as the cross-over error rate (CER). Low EER scores generally indicate high levels of accuracy. This is illustrated in Figure 9. FAR and FFR can often be adjusted by changing system parameters (rejection thresholds) or better control of conditions under which systems are used (dust free, good lighting and so on).
Figure 9: System Accuracy Curve
4.2 Comparison of Biometric Technologies:-
Biometrics Universality Uniqueness Permanence Collectability Performance Acceptability Circumvention
Fingerprint M H H M H M H
Face H L M H L H L
Hand geometry M M M H M M M
Iris H H H M H L H
Voice M L L M L H L
H-High, M-Medium-Low
Table 1: Comparison of Biometrics Technology
In the above table, universality indicates how common the biometric is found in each person; uniqueness indicates how well the biometric separates one person from the other; permanence indicates how well the biometric resist the effect of aging; while collectability measures how easy it is to acquire the biometric for processing. Performance indicates the achievable accuracy, speed and robustness of the biometrics while acceptability indicates the degree of acceptance of the technology by the public in their daily life and circumvention indicates the level of difficulty to circumvent or fool the system into accepting an impostor.
Chapter 5
5.1 Eye Gaze System:-
The Eye gaze Edge uses the pupil-center/corneal-reflection method to determine where the user is looking on the screen. An infrared-sensitive video camera, mounted beneath the System's screen, takes 60 pictures per second of the user's eye. A low power, infrared light emitting diode (LED), mounted in the center of the camera's lens illuminates the eye. The LED reflects a small bit of light off the surface of the eye's cornea. The light also shines through the pupil and reflects off of the retina, the back surface of the eye, and causes the pupil to appear white. The bright-pupil effect enhances the camera's image of the pupil so the system's image processing functions can locate the center of the pupil. The Edge calculates the person's gaze point, i.e., the coordinates of where he is looking on the screen, based on the relative positions of the pupil center and corneal reflection within the video image of the eye. Typically the Eye gaze Edge predicts the gaze point with an average accuracy of a quarter inch or better. Prior to operating the eye tracking applications, the Eye gaze Edge must learn several physiological properties of a user's eye in order to be able to project his gaze point accurately. The system learns these properties by performing a
Figure 10: Display Panel of Eye-gazed System
calibration procedure. The user calibrates the system by fixing his gaze on a small circle displayed on the screen, and following it as it moves around the screen. The calibration procedure usually takes about 15 seconds, and the user does not need to recalibrate if he moves away from the Eye gaze Edge and returns later. A user operates the Eye gaze System by looking at rectangular keys that are displayed on the control screen. To "press" an Eye gaze key, the user looks at the key for a specified period of time. The gaze duration required to visually activate a key, typically a fraction of a second, is adjustable. An array of menu keys and exit keys allow the user to navigate around the Eye gaze programs independently.
5.2 Television Controlled by Hand Gestures:-
Hitachi launched a high-end TV panel working with the Canesta 3D sensor, which allows viewers interact with the TV controls via hand gestures. While the TV displays 3D images we can wave our hand to power up the TV or move our hand circularly to change the channel. Canesta s 3D sensor is immune to lighting extremes and works in any environment, whether it is indoors or outdoors, with the condition that we have to be within the 3-meter working range. It also distinguished between one hand and two hands and offers multiple commands depending on your hand s motion. As we move our hands, the 3D sensor developed with CMOS chip technology sends a stream of 3D data at 30 frames per second to the TVs micro-controller, where the gesture-recognition software translates the depth maps into gestures and then into commands.
5.3 Mimi Switch:-
Mimi switch uses infrared sensors to measure movements inside the ear, which are triggered by various facial expressions, and then transmits signals to a micro-computer that controls electronic devices. It s pretty much a hands-free remote control for anything electronic. It stores and can even interpret data, allowing it to customize itself to individual users, if it judges that we aren t smiling enough, it may play a cheerful song. In addition to its usefulness in controlling music devices or cell phones, it can also be used as a safety measure, providing hearing aids for the elderly, or health monitors: It could measure, say, how often someone sneezes, and if it senses a serious health problem, it could send a warning message to relatives.
5.4 Controller Free Gaming:-
Project Natal is the code name for a "controller-free gaming and entertainment experience" by Microsoft for the Xbox 360 video game platform. Project Natal enables users to control and interact with the Xbox 360 without the need to touch a game controller through a natural user interface using gestures, spoken commands or presented objects and images. The depth sensor consists of an infrared projector combined with a monochrome CMOS sensor, and allows the Project Natal sensor to see in 3D under any ambient light conditions. The sensing range of the depth sensor is adjustable, with the Project Natal software capable of automatically calibrating the sensor based on game play and the player's physical environment, such as the presence of chairs.
Project Natal is likely based on software technology developed internally by Microsoft and 3D camera technology by Israeli developer Prime Sense, which interprets 3D scene information from a continuous infrared pattern. It was initially reported that the hardware was acquired from time-of-flight camera developer 3DV Systems. Project Natal enables advanced gesture recognition, facial recognition, and voice recognition. The skeletal mapping technology was capable of simultaneously tracking up to four users for motion analysis with a feature extraction of 48 skeletal points on a human body at a frame rate of 30hertz. Depending on the person's distance from the sensor, Project Natal is capable of tracking models that can identify individual fingers.
Figure 11: Project Natal by Microsoft
Biometrics is basically used in door lock systems and can be used to prevent unauthorized access to ATMs, cellular phones, desktop PCs. It has largely used in access control and identity verifications, including time and attendance
Conclusion and Future Works
Biometric is an emerging area with many opportunities for growth. Biometrics is widely being used because of its user friendliness, flexibility in specifying required security level and long term stability. The technology will continue to improve and challenges such as interoperability solved through standardization. This will lead to increase in the market adoption rate and the technology will proliferate. Possibly in the near future, you will not have to remember PINs and passwords and keys in your bags or pockets will be things of the past.
Future works:-
The future of biometrics holds great promise for law enforcement applications, as well for private industry uses. Biometrics future will include e-commerce applications for extra security on the checkout page, and biometrics will guard against unauthorized access to cars and cell phones. In the future, biometric technology will further develop 3-D infrared facial recognition access control, real-time facial recognition passive surveillance, and visitor management authentication systems. Already A4Vision, a provider of 3-D facial scanning and identification software uses specialized algorithms to interpret the traditional 2-D camera image and transfer it into a 3-D representation of a registered face. This makes it almost impossible to deceive the biometric system with still photos or other images. Strengthening existing biometric innovations for future growth all of these security innovations will make biometric technology more accurate and make its usage more widespread.
1. S. Prabhakar, S. Pankanti, and A. K. Jain, Biometric Recognition: Security and Privacy Concerns, IEE Security and Privacy Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 33-42, 2003.
2. Jain, A. K.; Ross, Arun; Prabhakar, Salil (January 2004), "An introduction to biometric recognition", IEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 14th (1): 4 20, doi:10.1109/TCSVT.2003.818349
3. N. K. Ratha, J. H. Connell, and R. M. Bolle, "Enhancing security and privacy in biometrics-based authentication systems," IBM systems Journal, vol. 40, pp. 614-634, 2001.
4. A. Jain et al: BIOMETRICS: Personal Identification in NetworkedSociety, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, ISBN0-7923-8345-1.
5. M.Pantic and L.J.M. Rothkrantz, 'Towards an Affect-Sensitive Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction '. In: Proceedings of the IEE, vol. 91, no. 9, pp. 1370-1390, September 2003
6. A. Mehrabian, Communication without words, Psychol. Today, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 53 56, 1968.
7. Jain, A., Bolle, R. and Pankanti S. (1999). BIOMETRICS: Personal Identification in Networked Society. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
8. http:// biometrics


Presented By:

Biometrics refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his/her physiological or behavioral characteristics such as finger scan, retina, iris, voice scan, signature scan etc. This method of identification is preferred over traditional methods involving passwords and PIN numbers for various reasons: the person to be identified is required to be physically present at the point-of-identification; identification based on biometric techniques obviates the need to remember a password or carry a token. With the increased use of computers as vehicles of information technology, it is necessary to restrict access to sensitive/personal data. By replacing PINs, biometric techniques can potentially prevent unauthorized access to or fraudulent use of ATMs, cellular phones, smart cards, desktop PCs, workstations, and computer networks.
A biometric system is essentially a pattern recognition system, which makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological, or behavioral characteristics possessed by the user. An important issue in designing a practical system is to determine how an individual is identified. Depending on the context, a biometric system can be either a verification (authentication) system or an identification system.
Biometrics is a rapidly evolving technology, which is being widely used in forensics such as criminal identification and prison security, and has the potential to be used in a large range of civilian application areas. Biometrics can be used to prevent unauthorized access to ATMs, cellular phones, smart cards, desktop PCs, workstations, and computer networks. It can be used during transactions conducted via telephone and Internet (electronic commerce and electronic banking). In automobiles, biometrics can replace keys with key-less entry devices
Biometrics technology allows determination and verification of one's identity through physical characteristics. To put it simply, it turns your body into your password. These characteristics can include face recognition, voice recognition, finger/hand print scan, iris scans and even retina scans. Biometric systems have sensors that pick up a physical characteristic, convert it into a digital pattern and compare it to stored patterns for identification
A person's identity can be resolved in two ways: identification and verification. The former involves identifying a person from all biometric measurements collected in a database and this involves a one-to-many match also referred to as a 'cold search'. "Do I know who you are?" Is the inherent question this process seeks to answer. Verification involves authenticating a person's claimed identity from his or her previously enrolled pattern and this involves a one-to-one match. The question it seeks to answer is, "Are you claim to be?"
Verification requires comparing a person's fingerprint to one that pass previously recorded in the system database. The person claiming an identity provided a fingerprint, typically by placing a finger on an optical scanner. The computer locates the previous fingerprint by looking up the person's identity. This process is relatively easy because the computer needs to compare two-fingerprint record (although most systems use two fingerprints from each person to provide a safety factor). The verification process is referred as a 'closed search' because the search field is limited. The second question is "who is this person?" This is the identification function, which is used to prevent duplicate application or enrollment. In this case a newly supplied fingerprint is supplied to all others in the database. A match indicates that the person has already enrolled/applied.
The identification process, also known as an 'open search', is much more technically demanding. It involves many more comparisons and may require differentiating among several database fingerprints that are similar to the objects.
A biometric system is a combined hardware/software system for biometric identification or verification. Therefore the system should be able to:
Receive biometric samples from an enrollee or candidate
Extract biometric featured from the sample
Compare the sample of the candidate with stored templates from individuals
Indicate identification or verification upon the result of the previous comparison Biometric devices have three primary components:
One is an automated mechanism that scans and captures a digital of analog image of a living personal characteristic
The second handles compression of the image with the stored data.
The third interfaces with application systems
These pieces may be configured to suit different situations. A common issue is where the stored images reside: on a card presented by the person being verified or at host computer. Recognition occurs when an individual's is matched with one of a group of stored images.
Biometric accuracy is the system's ability of separating legitimate matches from imposters. There are two important performance characteristics for biometric systems
False rejection is the situation when a biometric system is not able to verify the legitimate claimed identity of an enrolled person.
False acceptance is a situation when a biometric system wrongly verifies the identity by comparing biometric features from not identical individuals.
False Rejection Rate (FRR) refers to the statistical probability that the biometric system is not able to verify the legitimate claimed identity of an enrolled person, or fails to identify an enrolled person.
False Acceptance Rate (FAR) refers to the statistical probability of False Acceptance or incorrect verification. In the most common context, both False Rejection and False Acceptance represent a security hazard.
Iris recognition leverages the unique features of the human iris to provide an unmatched identification technology. So accurate are the algorithms used in iris recognition that the entire planet could be enrolled in an iris database with only a small chance of false acceptance or false rejection. The technology also addresses the FTE (failure to enroll) problems, which lessen the effectiveness of other biometrics. The tremendous accuracy of iris recognition allows it, in many ways, to stand apart from other biometric technologies. All iris recognition technology is based on research and patents held by Dr. John Daugman.
3.1 The Iris
Iris recognition is based on visible (via regular and/or infrared light) qualities of the iris. A primary visible characteristic is the trabecular meshwork (permanently formed by the 8th month of gestation), a tissue that gives the appearance of dividing the iris in a radial fashion. Other visible characteristics include rings, furrows, freckles, and the corona, to cite only the more familiar. Expressed simply, iris recognition technology converts these visible characteristics into a 512 byte IrisCode™, a template stored for future verification attempts. 512 bytes is a fairly compact size for a biometric template, but the quantity of information derived from the iris is massive. From the iris' 11mm diameter, Dr. Daugman's algorithms provide 3.4 bits of data per square mm. This density of information is such that each iris can be said to have 266 unique "spots", as opposed to 13-60 for traditional biometric technologies. This '266' measurement is cited in all iris recognition literature; after allowing for the algorithm's correlative functions and for characteristics inherent to most human eyes, Dr. Daugman concludes that 173 "independent binary degrees-of-freedom" can be extracted from his algorithm - an exceptionally large number for a biometric.
3.2 The Algorithms
The first step is location of the iris by a dedicated camera no more than 3 feet from the eye. After the camera situates the eye, the algorithm narrows in from the right and left of the iris to locate its outer edge. This horizontal approach accounts for obstruction caused by the eyelids. It simultaneously locates the inner edge of the iris (at the pupil), excluding the lower 90 degrees . because of inherent moisture and lighting issues.
The monochrome camera uses both visible and infrared light, the latter of which is located in the 700-900 nm range (this is in the lower range of IR; the American Academy of Ophthalmology uses similar ranges in their studies of macular cysts). Upon location of the iris, as seen above, an algorithm uses 2-D Gabor wavelets to filter and map segments of the iris into hundreds of vectors (known here as phasors). Understanding in detail the 2-D Gabor phasor encoders requires a degree in advanced mathematics, but they can be summarized as follows. The wavelets of various sizes assign values drawn from the orientation and spatial frequency of select areas, bluntly referred to as the "what" of the sub-image, along with the position of these areas, bluntly referred to as the "where." The "what" and "where" are used to form the IrisCode. Not all of the iris is used: a portion of the top, as well as 45 degree of the bottom, is unused to account for eyelids and camera-light reflections (see below). Essential to the understanding of the technology is that it provides exceptional detail, well beyond what any pictorial or point-based representation could provide (some filters actually span as much as 70degree of the iris). Remember also that for future identification, the database will not be comparing images of irises, but rather hexadecimal representations of data returned by wavelet filtering and mapping.
3.3 Accuracy
The Iris Code constructed from these complex measurements provides such a tremendous wealth of data that iris recognition offers levels of accuracy orders of magnitude higher than other biometrics. Some statistical representations of the accuracy follow:
The odds of two different irises returning a 75% match (i.e. having a Hamming Distance of 0.25): 1 in 1016
Equal Error Rate (the point at which the likelihood of a false accept and false reject are the same): 1 in 1.2 million
The odds of 2 different irises returning identical Iris Codes: 1 in 1052
Other numerical derivations demonstrate the unique robustness of these algorithms. A person's right and left eyes have a statistically insignificant increase in similarity: 0.00048 on a 0.5 mean. This serves to demonstrate the hypothesis that iris shape and characteristics are phenotypic - not entirely determined by genetic structure. The algorithm can also account for occlusion (blocking) of the iris: even if 2/3 of the iris were completely obscured, accurate measure of the remaining third would result in an equal error rate of 1 in 100,000.
Iris recognition can also account for those ongoing changes to the eye and iris, which are defining aspects of living tissue. The pupil's expansion and contraction, a constant process separate from its response to light, skews and stretches the iris. The algorithm accounts for such alteration after having located the boundaries of the iris. Dr. Daugman draws the analogy to a "homogenous rubber sheet" which, despite its distortion, retains certain consistent qualities. Regardless of the size of the iris at any given time, the algorithm draws on the same amount of data, and its resultant IrisCode is stored as a 512-byte template. A question asked of all biometrics is their ability to determine fraudulent samples. Iris recognition can account for this in several ways: the detection of papillary (pupil) changes; reflections from the cornea; detection of contact lenses atop the cornea; and use of infrared illumination to determine the state of the sample eye tissue.
3.4 Enrollment and Identification
The entire process is very brief. The iris is normally located within 1/4 second, the IrisCode generated within 1 second. Database search times are very swift, with hundreds of thousands of records analyzed per second, notwithstanding some debate as to whether a search on a truly large number of irises (tens of millions) could be conducted as quickly as is generally claimed. At this and other points, use of the algorithm actually runs into the limits of available technology. Processor speed is one bottleneck on massive searches, in addition to whatever network or hardware issues may arise. Also, the iris captures process runs into limitations of gray-scale (monochrome) imaging technology, where the darkest shades of iris coloration are difficult to distinguish from the pupil. The algorithm's robustness actually allows for significant variations in image quality. The same iris may, at different times, produce IrisCodes which vary by as much as 25% (0.25 Hamming distance from zero); this may sound like a fatal flaw, but the odds of a randomly selected IrisCode coming within even 10% of this number are exceptionally small.
Iris identification technology is a tremendously accurate biometric. Only retinal scan can offer nearly the security that iris scan offers, and the interface for retina scan is thought by many to be more challenging and intrusive. More common biometrics provides reasonably accurate results in verification schematics, whereby the biometric verifies a claimed identity, but they cannot be used in large-scale identification implementations like iris recognition.
3.5 An example-Verieye
Neurotechnologija, Ltd. offers VeriEye, the system for person identification using the eye iris image taken by a video camera. VeryEye implements new eye iris recognition technology and are based on our original method of feature set definition. VeriEye is available in the form of software development kit (SDK), and can be easily integrated into a customer's access control or identification/verification system.
VeriEye SDK includes:
l.VeriEye dynamic page link library for Windows (DLL file).
2. C source code of the example program using VeriEye DLL).
3. Software description.
4. Description of eye iliumination and positioning equipment for iris scan
VeriEye technical specifications
False rejection rate < 3 %
False acceptance rate < 0.0001 %
Recognition time 0.7 s
Size of one record in the database about 2 Kb
Database size unlimited
Requirements to the image quality
1. The size of iris in the scanned image must be between 200x200 and 640x480 pixels, image resolution 200 dpi.
2. The image should be free of the bulb reflections in the iris area. However, it may contain small reflections in the pupil area.
3. The scanned slip must contain at least 30 % of the iris area not damaged by reflections, shadows or eyelashes.
4. The eye center must be in the slip.
5. During the eye scanning head tilt must be less than 14 degrees with respect to vertical axis.
4.0 Fingerprint verification
4.1 Introduction
FINGERSCAN is an authentication terminal, which verifies a person's identity from their finger image. When a user places their finger on the terminals scanner the image is electronically read, analyzed, and compared with a previously recorded image of the same finger, which has been stored in the FINGERSCAN database.
Users call up their finger image by keying in an identification number. This id number does not need to be classified as it is not part of the security system it simply retrieves the image that will be compared to the users finger scan.
FINGERSCAN contains its own database of finger images (called templates), user privileges and authorities, and maintains a log of every transaction and message, which it records. The system can be accessed through a laptop, networked to a PC, or connected via a modem to a remote host computer.
4.2 The Technology Behind FINGERSCAN
FINGERSCAN is a biometrics product, which involves using some unique biological characteristic or physical property of an individual to verify that persons claimed identity. Biometrics-based identification replaces systems, which rely on something a person has in their possession, such as a key or id card, or something a person knows, such as a password or privileged information.
The imaging process is based on digital holography, using an electro-optical scanner about the size of a thumbprint. The scanner reads three-dimensional data from the finger such as skin undulations, and ridges and valleys, to create a unique pattern, which is composed into a template file and recorded in the FINGERSCAN database.
The pattern is not a fingerprint and a fingerprint cannot in any way be created from the template.
A template can only be compared with a newly presented live finger image and not with other templates. One reason for this is that the data capture process used to create a template is random. If two templates were created one after another for the same finger, each template would be different. This eliminates the possibility of database matching and enhances users privacy.
4.3 System Functions
The major FINGERSCAN functions are:
Time zones
Door access
Template management Enrolment
Enrolment is the process of scanning a finger to create an image, which is stored as a template. Each time the user places his or her finger on the scanner the image is compared to the one represented by the template to verify their identity.
A user with enrolment authority carries out enrolment at designated FINGERSCAN units. The process takes approximately 25 seconds and the resultant template may be stored in various places: in the unit itself, on a personal computer, in a mainframe computer, on a smart card, and so on.
Each user enrolled is allocated a unique id number, which they use to call up their template before scanning their finger. No id number is required where the template is stored on a smart card.
Up to three fingers can be enrolled against the same id number to provide users with more than one verification option. Ideally, one finger on each hand should be enrolled so that if the user injures the finger they usually use for verification an alternate image is available.
This feature also provides for multi-person control, for example, if verification from two users is required to open a safe. In this situation FINGERSCAN can be programmed to require up to four fingers with different id numbers to be verified before access is granted.
Verification is carried out when a user either enters their id number, or inserts their smart card in a smart card reader, and then immediately places their finger on the reader platen. Verification takes about .5 of a second.
Verification for individual users can be set at various threshold levels to account for users who may have very fine, worn, or damaged fingers. In this event reducing their verification threshold can enhance the ease of use.
The overall system verification threshold can be lowered in situations where little or no security is required, for example, time and attendance applications. In this situation it may be more acceptable to give a false acceptance than a false rejection.
Time Zones
Up to thirty global or individual time zones can be defined in FINGERSCAN. Each user can have up to two active time zones at any time. Users are allocated a default time zone at enrolment, which can be changed by the system supervisor or from the host computer.
Door Access
A door access list defines which users have access to the facilities controlled by the FINGERSCAN unit. The list can be used in conjunction with time zones to restrict access at certain times.
The host computer system can control and manage the door access list and the distribution of templates to each FINGERSCAN unit.
Template Management
Templates can be stored in the FINGERSCAN unit, and/or a host computer, and/or a smart card. Each FINGERSCAN unit has 512Kbytes of non-volatile memory, which stores up to 300 templates. The memory can be expanded to 1.5Mbytes, which will store more than 1100 templates.
Templates are stored with a last used date status. If the memory becomes full, the last used templates will be held locally in the FINGERSCAN unit and the main template database will be held in the host computer. The host will transmit templates to individual units if the requested template is not found locally.
Templates can be deleted by a user with Manager or Supervisor status either from the host computer or locally at each FINGERSCAN unit. Templates can be exchanged between a FINGERSCAN unit and the host computer over fixed communications or modem links, or locally to and from a laptop. A template created by the FINGERSCAN unit can be used on any other unit when loaded.
4.4 Management Control
FINGERSCAN has four levels of management control: User
A user submits a finger for verification after entering an id number
An enroller has user status and can also enroll users onto the system Supervisor
A supervisor has enroller status and can also perform initial system set up procedures, set time zones, set alarm codes, and add and delete templates
A manager has supervisor status and can also perform a total system reset, and disable the supervisor's ability to change the setup
Transaction Log
A transaction log records every use of a FINGERSCAN unit, the time it was used, and the result. The log will hold at least the last 1000 transactions and will wrap around when it becomes full.
The transaction log cannot be erased except on a total system reset by a user with Manager authority. Each transaction is allocated a consecutive audit number that does not wrap around. The number will only be reset to 1 on a total system reset.
4.5 Security
FINGERSCAN provides an audit trail of the date and time a user accessed the unit, the reason for access, and the result. With a 0.0001% probability of a false acceptance FINGERSCAN provides a level of security, which cannot be achieved by any knowledge or token, based system.
Template Security
Before a user can do any action on a template such as enroll, delete, or transfer, they must first have their identity verified by FINGERSCAN in the usual way. In doing this, a record is added to the transaction log. Only users with Supervisor or Manager authority levels can access the template database.
Software Security Control
A password option in the communications setup secures the data flow to a host computer. When the remote host initializes each FINGERSCAN unit, the host will generate and download to the unit a unique Computer Generated Access Code (CGAC) of at least six digits. For all subsequent communications the host will check the CGAC before starting the session and then change the CGAC immediately prior to logging off.
A Manager or Supervisor finger verification can always override the CGAC. This is only likely to be required if the FINGERSCAN unit is being accessed via a laptop PC.
Hardware Security Control
The processor board in the processor unit is located inside a metal box which can be fitted with a tamper alarm if required. The processor unit should always be located inside the secure area in locations where FINGERSCAN is providing access or other security control.
FINGERSCAN controls the activation of electric locks or strikes from the processor board so the unit cannot be hot-wired from outside.
Alarms Control
FINGERSCAN can be used to monitor and control external building alarm inputs and outputs such as door alarms, and building management functions.
Send an alarm directly to a monitoring company, dialer, modem, siren, and so on, and allow authenticated users to cancel and reset zone alarms and activate and deactivate building services such as air conditioning and lighting.
Record alarms in the FINGERSCAN transaction log.
.-Support a request to exit (REX) verification, which allows users to open a door from the inside. This can be used to monitor door-forced alarms.
Door Lock Control
FINGERSCAN can directly control a door lock strike after verification of a user. Real Time Clock
FINGERSCANs real time clock is protected by a lithium battery, and features a day-of-week register and leap year correction
4.6 "Verifinger"-A software example
Neurotechnologija, Ltd. has developed fast, compact and reliable fingerprint identification engine VeriFinger, intended for system integrators who need powerful fingerprint identification algorithm for their biometric security systems. VeriFinger is available as a software development kit (SDK) for MS Windows 9x, 2000 and NT (current version 3.3) and Linux (current version 3.1). It can be easily integrated into a customer's security system. VeriFinger fingerprint recognition engine, integrated with the data management system, is used in our other product, person identification system FingerPoint
VeriFinger SDK includes the followings components:
1. VeriFinger dynamic page link library ( DLL file ) for Windows 9x/2000/NT, or library file for Linux.
2. C source code of the example program using the library provided functions.
3. Visual Basic source code of the example program using the library provided functions (not available in Linux version).
4. Delphi source code of the example program using the library provided functions (not available in Linux version).
5. Software description.
Access tools (DLLs) for Compaq and U.are.U fingerprint scanners and source code of the sample programs, where VeriFinger 3.3 engine is used with these scanners, are optionally available.
VeriFinger test results and technical specifications:
VeriFinger was tested with 2400 fingerprints, captured with four different scanners. Each fingerprint was compared with all other fingerprints (5,760,000 comparisons). The average test results as well as other specifications are presented below:
False rejection rate < 3 %
False acceptance rate < 0.001 %
Required fingerprint resolution > 250 dpi
Fingerprint processing time 0.35 second
Matching speed 5000* fingerprints/second
Size of one record in the database About 150 Bytes
Maximum database size unlimited
Program occupied array size 250 kb
5.0 Voice Scan
5.1 Introduction
The speaker-specific characteristics of speech are due to differences in physiological and behavioral aspects of the speech production system in humans. The main physiological aspect of the human speech production system is the vocal tract shape. The vocal tract is generally considered as the speech production organ above the vocal folds, which consists of the following: (i) laryngeal pharynx (beneath the epiglottis), (ii) oral pharynx (behind the tongue, between the epiglottis and velum), (ii) oral cavity (forward of the velum and bounded by the lips, tongue, and palate), (iv) nasal pharynx (above the velum, rear end of nasal cavity), and (v) nasal cavity (above the palate and extending from the pharynx to the nostrils). The shaded area in figure 1 depicts the vocal tract.
5.2 Pattern Matching
The pattern matching process involves the comparison of a given set of input feature vectors against the speaker model for the claimed identity and computing a matching score. For the Hidden Markov models discussed above, the matching score is the probability that the model generated a given set of feature vectors.
5.3 A Speaker Verification System:
6.0 Retina scanning
Retina scan is an exceptionally accurate biometric technology having been established as an effective solution for every demanding authentication scenarios
Biometrics the automated measurement of a physiological or behavioral aspect of the human body for authentification or identification is a rapidly growing industry. Biometric solutions are used successfully in fields as varied as e-commerce, network access. Biometrics' ease of use, accuracy, reliability, and flexibility are quickly establishing them as the premier authentification
An established technology where the unique patterns of the retina are scanned by a low intensity light source via an optical coupler. Retinal scanning has proved to be quite accurate in use but does require user to look in to a receptacle and focus on a given point. This is not particularly convenient if you are a spectacle wearer or have some intimate contact with the reading device. For these reasons retinal scanning has a few user acceptance problems although the technology itself can work well.
Face recognition is one of the newest technologies. Specialized recognition software coupled with video camera allows these systems to recognize people's faces. There are various methods by which facial scan technology recognize peoples. All share some commonalities, such as emphasizing those sections of the face which are less susceptible to alteration, including the upper outlines of the eye sockets, the areas surrounding one's cheekbones, and the sides of the mouth. Most technologies are resistant to moderate changes in hairstyle, as they do not utilize areas of the face located near the hairline. All of the primary technologies are designed to be robust enough to conduct enough to conduct 1-to -many searches, that is to locate a single face out of a data base of thousands of faces.
Facial scan Process Flow-Sample capture, Feature extraction, template comparison, and matching -define the process flow of facial scan technology. The following applies to one to one verification. The sample capture will generally consist of a 20-30 second enrollment process whereby several pictures are taken of one's face. Ideally the series of pictures incorporate slightly different angles and facial expressions, to allow for more accurate searches. After enrollment distinctive features are extracted, resulting in the creation of a template. The templates are much smaller than the image from which it is drawn.
Authentification follows the same protocol. The user claims an identity such as a login name or a PIN, stands or sits in front of the camera for a few seconds, and is either verified or rejected. This comparison is based on the similarity of the newly created "live" template against the template or templates on file. The degree of similarity required for verification also known as the threshold can be adjusted for different personnel, PC's, time of day and other factors One variant of this process is the use of facial scan technology in forensics. Biometric templates taken from static photographs of known criminals are stored in large databases. These records are searched, 1-to-many, to determine if the detainee is using an alias when being booked.
8.0 A Multimode Biometric System
Identification based on multiple biometrics represents an emerging trend. We introduce a multimode biometric system, which integrates face recognition, fingerprint verification, and speaker verification in making a personal identification. This system takes advantage of the capabilities of each individual biometric. It can be used to overcome some of the limitations of a single biometrics. Preliminary experimental results demonstrate that the identity established by such an integrated system is more reliable than the identity established by a face recognition system, a fingerprint verification system, and a speaker verification system
9.0 Future Applications
There are many concerning potential biometric applications, some popular examples being;
9.1 ATM machine use.
Most of the leading banks have been experimenting with biometrics of ATM machines use and as general means of combining card fraud. Surprisingly, these experiments have rarely consisted of carefully integrated devices into a common process, as could be achieved with certain biometric devices. Previous comments in this paper concerning user psychology come to mind here one wonder why we have not seen a more professional and carefully considered implementation from this sector. The banks will of course have a view concerning the level of fraud and cost of combating it via technology solutions such as biometrics. They will also express concern about potentially alienating customers with such as approach. However, it still surprises many in the biometric industry that the banks and financial institutions have so far failed to embrace this technology with any enthusiasm.
9.2 Workstation and network access.
For a long time this was an area often discussed but rarely implemented until recent developments aw the unit price of biometric devices fall dramatically as well as several designs aimed squarely at this application. In addition, with household names such as Sony, Compaq, KeyTronics, Samsung and others entering the market, these devices appear almost as a standard computer peripheral. Many are viewing this as the application, which will provide critical mass for biometric industry and create the transition between sci-fi device to regular systems component, thus raising public awareness and lowering resistance to the use of biometrics in general.
There are many in this industry who have the vision of a multi application card for travelers which, incorporating a biometric, would enable them to participate in various frequent flyer and border controls systems as well as paying for their air ticket, hotel rooms, hire care etc, all with one convenient token.
Technically this is eminently possible, but from a political and commercial point of view there are many issues to resolve, not the least being who would own the card, be responsible for administration and so on. These may not be insurmountable problems and perhaps we may see something along these lines emerge. A notable challenge in this respect would be packaging such an initiative in a way that would be truly attractive for users.
Many immediately of think of on line transactions as being an obvious area for biometrics, although there are some significant issues to consider in this context. Assuming device cost could be brought down to level whereby a biometric (and perhaps chip card) reader could be easily incorporated into a standard build PC, we still have the problem of authenticated enrollment and template management, although there are several approaches one could take to that. Of course, if your credit already incorporated a biometric this would simplify things considerably. It is interesting to note that certain device manufactures have collaborated with key encryption providers to provide an enhancement to their existing services. Perhaps we shall see some interesting developments in this area in the near future.
9.5 Telephone transactions.
No doubt many telesales and call center managers have pondered the use of biometrics. It is an attractive possibility to consider, especially for automated processes. However, voice verification is a difficult area of biometrics, especially if one does not
have direct control over the tranducers, as indeed you wouldn't when dealing with the general public. The variability of telephone handsets coupled to the variability of line quality and the variability of user environments presents a significant challenge to voice verification technology, and that is before you even consider the variability in understanding among users.
The technology can work well in controlled closed loop conditions but is extraordinarily difficult to implement on anything approaching a large scale. Designing in the necessary error correction and fallback procedures to automated systems in a user-friendly manner is also not a job for the faint hearted.
Perhaps we shall see further developments, which will largely overcome these problems. Certainly there is a commercial incentive to do so and I have no doubt that much research is under way in this respect.
9.6 Public identity cards.
A biometric incorporated into a multi purpose public ID cards would be useful in a number of scenarios if one could win public support for such a scheme. Unfortunately, in this country as in others there are huge numbers of individuals who definitely do not want to be identified. This ensures that any such proposal would quickly become a political hot potato and a nightmare for the minister concerned. You may consider this a shame or a good thing, depending on your point of view. From a dispassionate technology perspective it represents something of a lost opportunity, but this is of course nothing new. It's interesting that certain local authorities in the UK have issued 'citizen' cards with which named cardholders can receive various benefits including discounts at local stores and on certain services. These do not seem to have seriously challenged, even though they are in effect an ID card.
10.0 Conclusion
The ultimate form of electronic verification of a person's identity is biometrics; using a physical attribute of the person to make a positive identification. People have always used the brain's innate ability to recognize a familiar face and it has long been known that a person's fingerprints can be used for identification. The challenge has been to turn these into electronic processes that are inexpensive and easy to use.
Banks and others who have tested biometric-based security on their clientele, however, say consumers overwhelmingly have a pragmatic response to the technology. Anything that saves the information-overloaded citizen from having to remember another password or personal identification number comes as a welcome respite
Biometrics can address most of the security needs, but at what cost? Surprisingly, the benefits quickly outweigh the costs. Like so many technological developments, innovative people have found new ways to implement biometric systems, so prices have come down dramatically in the last year or two. As prices have come down, the interest level and the knowledge about how to effectively utilize these systems have increased. So the investment is decreasing and the recognizable benefits are increasing. Biometrics, when properly implemented, not only increase security but also often are easier to use and less costly to administer than the less secure alternatives. Biometrics can't be forgotten or left at home and they don't have to be changed periodically like passwords.


BIOMETRICS refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his or her physiological or behavioral characteristics like fingerprint, or iris pattern, or some aspects of behaviour like handwriting or keystroke patterns. Biometrics is being applied both to identity verification. The problem each involves is somewhat different. Verification requires the person being identified to lay claim to an identity. So the system has two choices, either accepting or rejecting the person s claim. Recognition requires the system to look through many stored sets of characteristics and pick the one that matches the unknown individual being presented. BIOMETRIC system is essentially a pattern recognition system, which makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioral characteristics possessed by the user.
Biometrics is a rapidly evolving technology, which is being used in forensics Such as criminal identification and prison security, and has the potential to be used in a large range of civilian application areas. Biometrics can be used transactions conducted via telephone and Internet (electronic commerce and electronic banking. In automobiles, biometrics can replace keys with key-less entry devices
BIOMETRICS refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his physiological / behavioral characteristics. This method of identification is preferred for various reasons;the person to be identified is required to be physically present at the point of identification; identification based on biometric techniques obviates the need to remember a password or carry a token. With the increased use of computers or vehicles of information technology, it is necessary to restrict access to sensitive or personal data. By replacing PINs, biometric techniques can potentially prevent unauthorized access to fraudulent use of ATMs, cellular phones, smart cards, desktop PCs, workstations, and computer networks. PINs and passwords may be forgotten, and token based methods of identification like passports and driver s licenses may be forged, stolen, or lost .Thus biometric systems of identification are enjoying a renewed interest. Various types of biometric systems are being used for real time identification ; the most popular are based on face recognition and fingerprint matching. However there are other biometric systems that utilize iris and retinal scan, speech, facial thermo grams, and hand geometry.
A biometric system is essentially a pattern recognition system, which makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioral characteristics possessed by the user. An important issue in designing a practical system is to determine how an individual is identified. Depending on the context, a biometric system can be either a verification (authentication) system or an identification system. There are two different ways to resolve a person s identity : Verification and Identification. Verification ( Am I whom I claim I am ?) involves confirming or denying a person s claimed identity. In Identification one has to establish a person s identity (whom am I?). Each one of these approaches has its own complexities and could probably be solved best by a certain biometric system.
Biometrics is rapidly evolving technology, which is being used in forensics such as criminal identification and prison security, and has the potential to be used in a large range of civilian application areas . Biometrics can be used transactions conducted via telephone and Internet (electronic commerce and electronic banking) . In automobiles, biometrics can replace keys with key -less entry devices.
Biometrics dates back to the ancient Egyptians, who measured people to identity them. But automated devices appeared within living memory. One of the first commercial devices introduced less than 30 years ago. The system is called the indentimat . The machine measured finger length and installed in a time keeping system. Biometrics is also catching on computer and communication system as well as automated teller machines (ATM s).
Biometrics devices have three primary components. One is an automated mechanism that scans and captures a digital / analog image of a living personal characteristics. Another handles compression, processing, storage and comparison of image with the stored data . The third interfaces with application systems. These pieces may be configured to suit different situations . A common issue is where the stored image resides:on a card, presented by the person being verified or at a host computer.
Recognition occurs when an individual s image is matched with one of a group of stored images . This is the way the human brain performs most day to day identifications. For the brain this is a relatively quick and efficient process, where as for computers to recognise that a living image matches one of many it has stored, the job can be time consuming and costly.

Biometrics encompasses both physiological and behavioural characteristics. This is illustrated in Figure 1. A physiological characteristic is a relatively stable physical feature such as finger print, hand silhouette , iris pattern or facial features. These factors are basically unalterable with out trauma to the individual.
A behavioral tract, on the other hand, has some physiological basis, but also reflects person s physiological makeup. The most common trait used in identification is a person s signature. Other behaviours used include a person s keyboard typing and speech patterns. Because of most behavioural characteristics change over time, many biometrics machine not rely on behavior. It is required to update their enrolled reference template may differ significantly from the original data, and the machine become more proficient at identifying the person. Behavioral biometrics work best with regular use.
The difference between physiological and behavioral methods is important. The degree of intrapersonal variation is smaller in physical characteristics than in a behavioral one. Developers of behaviour-based systems, therefore have a tougher job adjusting for an individual s variability. However, machines that measure
physical characteristics tend to be larger and more expensive, and more friendly. Either technique affords a much more reliable level of identification than passwords or cards alone.

4.1 HAND
The three dimensional shape of a person s hand has several advantages as an identification device. Scanning a hand and producing a result takes 1.2 seconds. It requires little space for data storage about 9 bytes which can fit easily magnetic strip credit cards.
Hand geometry is the grand daddy of biometrics by virtue of its 20 year old history of live application. Over this span six hand-scan products have been developed but one commercially viable product currently available, the ID3D hand key is given below. This device was developed by Recognition Systems Inc.
The user keys, in an identification code, is then positions his or her and on a plate between a set of guidance pins. Looking down upon the hand is a charge-coupled device (CCD) digital camera, which with the help of mirror captures the side and top view of the hand simultaneously.
The black and white digital image is analysed by software running on a built in HD 64180 microprocessor. ( This a Z-80 base chip ) to extract identifying characteristics from the hand picture. The software compares those features to captured when the user was enrolled in the system, and signals the result-match or no match. Analysis is based on the measurement and comparison of geometric. The magnification factor of the camera is known and is calibrated for pixels per inch of real distance. Then the dimensions of parts of the hand, such as finger length, width and area are measured, adjusted according to calibration marks on the platen and used to determine the identifying geometric of the hand.

A strong correlation exists between the dimension of the hand. For example if the little finger is long, the index finger will most likely also be along. Some 400 hands were measured to determine these interrelationships, and the results are integrated into the system as a set of matrices are applied to measured geometric to produce the 9 byte identity feature vector that is stored in the system during enrolment, with this amount of data compression, the current 4.5 kg unit with single printed circuit board can store 2000 identities.
Enrolment involves taking three hands reading and averaging the resulting vectors. Users can enrol themselves with minimal help. When used for identification the 9-byte vector is compared to the stored vector and score based on the scalar difference is stored. Low scores indicate a small difference, high scores mean a poor match. The recognition systems product fine-tunes the reference vector a small increment at a time, in case the original template was made under less than perfect conditions.
There are so many other systems for hand recognition. One was an effort by SRI international, to take pictures of unconstrained hands help in free space. This system was introduced in 1985. Biometrics Inc., Tokyo s Toshiba Corp. Identification corp. etc are some companies which developed biometrics systems.
Perhaps most of the work in biometrics identification has gone into the fingerprint For general security and computer access control application fingerprints are gaining popularity.

The fingerprint s stability and uniqueness is well established. Based upon a century of examination, it is estimated that the change of two people, including twins, having the same print is less than one a billion. In verifying a print, many devices on the market analyze the position of details called minutiae such as the endpoints and junctions of print ridges. These devices assign locations to the minutiae using x, y, and directional variables. Some devices also count the number of ridges between minutiae to form the reference template. Several companies claim to be developing templates of under 100 bytes. Other machine approach the finger as an image processing problem and applying custom very large scale integrated chips,neural networks, fuzzy logic and other technologies to the matching problem.
The fingerprint recognition technology was developed for some 12 years before Being matched in 1983 by Identix Inc.
The Identix system uses a compact terminal that incorporates light and CCD image sensors to take high-resolution picture of a fingerprint. It based on 68000 CPU with additional custom chips, but can also be configured as a peripheral for an IBM PC. It can operate as a standalone system or as part of a network.
To enrol a user is assigned a personal identification number and then puts a single finger on the glass or Plexiglas plate for scanning by a CCD image sensor. The 250-KB image is digitalized and analyzed, and the result is approximately 1-KB mathematical characterization of the fingerprint. This takes about 30 seconds. Identity verifications take less than 1 second . The equipment generally gives the user three attempts for acceptance or finds rejection. With the first attempt the false rejection is around 2-3 percent and false acceptance is less than 0.0001 per cent. Each standalone unit cab stores 48 fingerprint templates which may be expanded to 846 by installing an additional memory package.
Fingerprints have overcome the stigma of their use in law enforcement and military applications. Finger print recognition is appropriate for many applications and is
familiar idea to most people even if only from crime dramas on television. It is non-intrusive, user friendly and relatively inexpensive.
4.3. FACE
Biometrics developers have also not lost sight of fact that humans use the face as their primary method of telling who s who. More than a dozen effort to develop automated facial verification or recognition systems use approaches ranging from pattern recognition based on neural networks to infrared scans of hot spots on the face.
Using the whole face for automatic identification is a complex task because its appearance is constantly changing. Variations in facial expressions, hair styles and facial hair, head position, camera scale and lighting create image that are usually different from the image captured on a film or videotape earlier. The application of advanced image processing techniques and the use of neural networks for classifying the images, however, has made the job possible.
Artificial neural networks are massively connected parallel networks of simple computing elements. Their design mimics the organization and performance of biological neural networks in the nervous system and the brain. They can learn and adapt and be taught to recognize patterns both static and dynamic. Also their interconnected parallel structure allows for a degree of fault tolerance as individual computing elements become inoperative. Neural networks are being used for pattern recognition function approximation, time series analysis and disk control.
There is only one system available on the market today. The system is developed by Neuro Metric Vision system Inc. this can recognize faces with a few constraints as possible, accommodating a range of camera scales and lighting environments, along with changes in expression and facial hair and in head positions. The work sprang from the realisation that such techniques as facial image comparisons, measurement of key facial structure and the analysis of facial geometry could be used in face recognition system. Any of these approaches might employ rule-based logic or a neural network for the image classification process.
The Nuerometric system operates on an IBM-compatible 386 or 486 personal computer with a maths co-processor, a digital signal processing card and a frame grabber card to convert raster scan frames from an attached camera in to pixel representations. The system can capture images from black and white video cameras or vide recorders in real time.
Software running on the DSP card locates the face in the video frame, scales and rotates if necessary, compensating for lighting differences and performs mathematical transformations to reduce the face to a set of floating point feature vectors. The feature vector set is input to the neural network trained to respond by matching it to one of the trained images in as little as 1 seconds.
The system s rejection level can be tuned by specifying the different signal to noise ratios for the match a high ratio to specify a precise match, and a lower one to allow more facial variation. In a tightly controlled environment, for example, the system could set up to recognise a person only when looking at the camera with same expression he or she had when initially enrolled in the system.
To enrol someone in the Neuro Metric system, the face is captured, the feature vectors extracted, and the neural network is trained on the features. Grayscale facial images may be presented from live video or photographs via videodisk. The neural network is repeatedly trained until it learns all the faces and consistently identifies every image. The system uses neural network clusters of 100-200 faces to build its face recognition database. If multiple clusters are required they can be accessed sequentially or hierarchically. When faces are added to or detected from the database, only the affected clusters must be retrained, which takes 3-5 minutes.
4.4 EYE

The other method of identification involves the eye. Two types of eye identification are possible, scanning the blood vessel pattern on the retina and examining the pattern of the structure of the iris. Now we can look through a detailed description of each type below.
4.4 1 RETINA
Retina scans, in which a weak infrared light is directed through the pupil to the back of the eye, have been commercially available since 1985. The retinal pattern is reflected back to a charge-coupled device (CCD) Camera, which captures the unique pattern and represents it in less than 35 bytes of information. Retina scans are one of the best biometrics performers on the market, with low false reject rates and nearly 0 present false accept rate. The technology also offers small data templates provides quick identity confirmations, and handles well the job of recognizing individuals in a database of under 500 people. The toughest hurdle for retinal scan technology is user resistance. People don t want to put their eye as close to the device as necessary. Only one company, Eyedentyfy Inc., produces retinal scan products.
4.4 2 IRIS
Once it was the whites of their eyes that counted. Retinal pattern recognition has been tried but found uncomfortable because the individual must touch or remain very close to a retinal scanner. Now the iris is the focus of a relatively new biometrics means of identification. Standard monochrome video or photographic technology in combination with robust software and standard video imaging techniques can accept or reject an iris at distance of 30-45 cm.
A device that examines the human iris is being developed by Iriscan Inc. The technique s big advantage over retinal scans is that it does not require the user to move close to the device and focus on a target because the iris pattern is on the eye s surface. In fact the video image of an eye can be taken at distance of a metre or so, and the user need not interact with device at all.

The technology being implemented by Iriscan Inc., is based on principles developed and planted by ophthalmologists Leonard Flom and Aran Safir and on mathematical algorithms developed by John Daugman. In their practice, Flom and Safir observed that every iris had highly detailed and unique texture that remains stable over decades of life. This part of the eye is one of the most striking features of the face. It is easily visible from yards away a s a coloured disk, behind the clear protective window of the cornea, surrounded by the white tissue of the eye. Observable features include contraction furrows striations, pits, collagenons fibres, filaments, crypts, serpentine, vasculature, rings and freckles. The structure of iris is unique, as in fingerprint, but it boasts more than six times as many distinctly different characteristics as the finger print. This part of the eye, moreover cannot surgically modified without damage to vision. It is produced from damage or internal changes by the cornea and it responds to light, a natural test against artifice.
Another biometrics approach that is attractive because of its acceptability to users is voice verification. All the systems used in analyzing the voice are rooted in more broadly based speech processing technology. Currently, voice verification is being used in access control for medium security areas or for situations involving many people as in offices and lab. There are two approaches to voice verification. One is using dedicated hardware and software at the point of access .The second approach is using personal computer host configurations that drives a network over regular phone lines.
One of the latest implementation of the technology is the recently demonstrated AT&T Smart Card used in an automatic teller system. The AT&T prototype stores an individual s voice pattern on a memory card, the size of a credit card. In brief, someone opening an account at a bank has to speak a selected two or three-syllable word eight items. The word can be chosen by the user and belong to any language or dialect.
Another approach being as an alternative to the algorithms discussed is based on Hidden Markov Models, which consider the probability of state changes and allow the system to predict what the speaker is trying to say. This capability would be crucial for speaker independent recognition. Storing voice templates on a card and receiving and processing voice information at a local device, such as ATM, eliminated variations due to telephone connection and types of telephones used.
The speaker- specific characteristics of speech are due to differences in physiological and behavioral aspects of the speech production system in humans. The main physiological aspect of the human speech production system is the vocal tract shape. The vocal tract is generally considered as the speech production organ above the vocal folds, which consists of the following: (a) laryngeal pharynx ( beneath the epiglottis), (b) oral pharynx ( behind the tongue, between the epiglottis and velum ), ( c) oral cavity ( forward of the velum and bounded by the lips, tongue, and palate ), (d) nasal pharynx ( above the velum, rear end of nasal cavity ), and (e) nasal cavity (above the palate and extending from the pharynx to the nostrils ). The shaded area in figure 4 depicts the vocal tract.
Figure 4

The vocal tract modifies the spectral content of an acoustic wave as it passes through it, thereby producing speech. Hence, it is common in speaker verification systems to make use of features derived only from the vocal tract. In order to characterize the features of the vocal tract, the human speech production mechanism is represented as a discrete-time system of the form depicted in figure 5.
Figure 5.

The acoustic wave is produced when the airflow from the lungs is carried by the trachea through the vocal folds. The source of excitation can be characterized as phonation, whispering, friction, compression, vibration, or a combination of these. Phonated excitation occurs when the airflow is modulated by the vocal folds. Whispered excitation is produced by airflow rushing through a small triangular opening between the arytenoids cartilage at the rear of the nearly closed vocal folds. Friction excitation is produced by constrictions in the vocal tract. Compression excitation results from releasing a completely closed and pressurized vocal tract. Vibration excitation is caused by air being forced through a closure other than the vocal folds, especially at the tongue. Speech produced by phonated excitation is called voiced, that produced by phonated excitation plus friction is called mixed voiced, and that produced by other types of excitation is called unvoiced.
It is possible to represent the vocal-tract in a parametric form as the transfer function H (z). In order to estimate the parameters of H (z) from the observed speech waveform, it is necessary to assume some form for H (z) . Ideally, the transfer function should contain poles as well as zeros. However, if only the voiced regions of speech are used then an all-pole model for H (z) is sufficient. Furthermore, linear prediction analysis can be used to efficiently estimate the parameters of an all-pole model. Finally, it can also be noted that the all-pole model is the minimum-phase part of the true model and has an identical magnitude spectra, which contains the bulk of the speaker-dependent information.
4.6.1 Integrating Faces and Fingerprints for Personal Identification
An automatic personal identification system based on fingerprints or faces is often not able to meet the system performance requirements. Face recognition is fast but not reliable while fingerprint verification is reliable but inefficient in database retrieval. A prototype biometric system is developed which integrates faces and fingerprints. The system overcomes the limitations of face recognition systems as well as fingerprint verification systems. The integrated prototype system operates in the identification mode with an admissible response time. The identity established by the system is more reliable than the identity established by a face recognition system. In addition, the proposed decision fusion schema enables performance improvement by integrating multiple cues with different confidence measures. experimental results demonstrate that our system performs very well. It meets the response time as well as the accuracy requirements.
4.6.2 A Multimodal Biometric System Using Fingerprint, Face
and Speech
A biometric system which relies only on a single biometric identifier in making a personal identifications often not able to meet the desired performance requirements. Identification based on multiple biometrics represents on emerging trend. A multimodal biometric system is introduced (figure given below ), which integrates face recognition, fingerprint verification, and speaker verification in making a personal identification.
This system takes advantage of the capabilities of each individual biometric. It can be used to overcome some of the limitations of a single biometrics. Preliminary experimental results demonstrate that the identity established by such an integrated system is more reliable than the identity established by a face recognition system, a fingerprint verification system and a speaker verification system.

Figure 6
A range of biometric systems are in developments or on the market because no one system meets all needs. The trade off in developing these systems involve component cost, reliability, discomfort in using a device, the amount of data needed and other factors. But the application of advanced digital techniques has made the job possible. Further experiments are going all over the world. In India also there is a great progress in this field. So we can expect that in the near future itself, the biometric systems will become the main part in identification purposes.


I express my sincere thanks to Prof. M.N Agnisarman Namboothiri (Head of the Department, Computer Science and Engineering, MESCE), Mr. Zainul Abid (Staff incharge) for their kind co-operation for presenting the seminars.
I also extend my sincere thanks to all other members of the faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Department and my friends for their co-operation and encouragement.

Chapter Title page




4.1 HAND 6

4.3 FACE 11
4.4 EYE 13

4.5 SPEECH 15



networks. It can be used during transactions conducted via telephone and Internet (electronic commerce and electronic banking). In automobiles, biometrics can replace keys with key-less entry devices
Biometrics technology allows determination and verification of one's identity through physical characteristics. To put it simply, it turns your body into your password. These characteristics can include face recognition, voice recognition, finger/hand print scan, iris scans and even retina scans. Biometric systems have sensors that pick up a physical characteristic, convert it into a digital pattern and compare it to stored patterns for identification.
A person's identity can be resolved in two ways: identification and verification. The former involves identifying a person from all biometric measurements collected in a database and this involves a one-to-many match also referred to as a 'cold search'. "Do I know who you are" Is the inherent question this process seeks to answer. Verification involves authenticating a person's claimed identity from his or her previously enrolled pattern and this involves a one-to-one match. The .question it seeks to answer is, "Are you claim to be"
Verification requires comparing a person's fingerprint to one that pass previously recorded in the system database. The person claiming an identity provided a fingerprint, typically by placing a finger on an optical scanner. The computer locates the previous fingerprint by looking up the person's identity. This process is relatively easy because the computer needs to compare two-fingerprint record (although most systems use two fingerprints from each person to provide a safety factor). The verification process is referred as a 'closed search' because the search field is limited. The second question is "who is this person" This is the identification function, which is used to prevent duplicate application or enrollment. In this case a newly supplied fingerprint is supplied to all others in the database. A match indicates that the person has already enrolled/applied.
The identification process, also known as an 'open search', is much more technically demanding. It involves many more comparisons and may require differentiating among several database fingerprints that are similar to the objects.
A biometric system is a combined hardware/software system for biometric identification or verification. Therefore the system should be able to:
Receive biometric samples from an enrollee or candidate.
Extract biometric featured from the sample.
Compare the sample of the candidate with stored templates from individuals.
Indicate identification or verification upon the result of the previous comparison.
Biometric devices have three primary components:
One is an automated mechanism that scans and captures a digital of analog image of a living personal characteristic.
The second handles compression of the image with the stored data.
The third interfaces with application systems
These pieces may be configured to suit different situations. A common issue is where the stored images reside: on a card presented by the person being verified or at host computer. Recognition occurs when an individual's is matched with one of a group of stored images.
Biometric accuracy is the system's ability of separating legitimate matches from imposters. There are two important performance characteristics for biometric systems
False rejection is the situation when a biometric system is not able to verify the legitimate claimed identity of an enrolled person.
False acceptance is a situation when a
,4. biometric system wrongly verifies the identity by
comparing biometric features from not identical individuals.
False Rejection Rate (FRR) refers to the statistical probability that the biometric system is not able to verify the legitimate claimed identity of an enrolled person, or fails to identify an enrolled person.
False Acceptance Rate (FAR) refers to the statistical probability of False Acceptance or incorrect verification.
In the most common context, both False Rejection and False Acceptance represent a security hazard.
Static Biometric methods
It ' is also called physiological method. It involves authentication based on a feature that is always present. Examples of Static methods are:
Fingerprint Identification.
Retinal scan.
Iris scan.
Hand geometry.
Dynamic Biometric Methods
It is also called behavioral method. It involves authentication based on a certain behavior pattern. Examples of Dynamic Methods are:
Signature recognition.
* Speaker recognition.
Keystroke dynamics
Major components of a biometric system are:
o Data collection,
o Signal processing,
o Matching,
o Decision,
o Storage,
o Transmission.
=> Data collection subsystem
It is also called data acquisition system. It comprises of input device or sensor that reads the biometric information from the user. It then converts biometric information into a suitable form for processing by the remainder of the biometric system. Examples of data collection subsystems are video camera, fingerprint scanner, microphone, etc. Various requirements for data collection involves the following
Sampled biometric characteristic must be similar to the user's enrolled template.
The users may require training.
Adaptation of the user's template or reenrollment may be necessary to accommodate changes in physiological characteristics.
Sensors must be similar, so that biometric features are measured consistently at other sensors.
Various changes that can happen in the biometric system are the following:
The biometric feature may change.
The presentation of the biometric feature at the sensor may change.
The performance of the sensor itself may change.
The surrounding environmental conditions may change.
=> Signal processing subsystem
This subsystem is used mainly for feature extraction. It receives the biometric data from the data collection subsystem and transforms the data into the form required by the matching subsystem. It is in this subsystem the discriminating features are extracted from the raw biometric data and also filtering may be applied to remove noise.
=> Matchingsubsystem
The matching subsystem plays the key role in the biometrics system. It receives processed biometric data from signal processing subsystem and biometric template from the storage subsystem. It then measures the similarity of the claimant's sample with the reference template. The result is a number known as match score.
=> Decision subsystem
The decision subsystem interprets the match score from the matching subsystem. A threshold is defined. If the score is above the threshold, the user is authenticated. If it is below, the user is rejected. Typically a binary decision yes or no may require more than one submitted samples to reach a decision. The subsystem may reject a legitimate claimant or accept an imposter.
=> Storage subsystem
The storage subsystem maintains the templates for enrolled users. There will be one or more templates for each user. The templates may be stored in physically protected storage within the biometric device or conventional database or portable tokens such as a smartcard.
=> Transmission subsystem
Subsystems are logically separate units. Some subsystems may be physically integrated. Usually, there are separate physical entities in a biometric system. The biometric data has to be transmitted between the different physical entities as the biometric data is vulnerable during transmission.
=> Enrolment
Enrolment involves data collection and feature extraction. It is the process through which the user's identity is bound with biometric template data. Biometric template is stored in a database or an appropriate portable token. There may be several iterations of this process to refine biometric template.
=> Security 6f enrolment
Requirements for enrolment:
Secure enrolment procedure.
Binding of the biometric template to the enrollee.
Check of template quality and matchability.
A genuine individual is accepted.
A genuine individual is rejected (error).
An impostor is rejected.
An impostor is accepted (error).
There are mainly two types of errors. They are:
Type I: system fails to recognize valid user ('false non-match' or 'false rejection')
Type II: system accepts impostor ('false match' or 'false acceptance')
There are several components to a system that uses fingerprints to identify or verify the identity of an individual. Figure 1 illustrates the most common basic model for use of fingerprints in government-based identification applications, incorporating the five functions performed by information systems to manage and utilize fingerprint files. An individual submits fingerprint samples either through a live scan or card scan system. The fingerprint images are processed into digital data files, These files are transmitted to a centralized database, where they are compared to a stored database of images also processed into digital data files. In order to explain the finger print identification system, the finger print identification system used for border security is explained below.
Figure 1: Fingerprint processing model.
There are several methods to capture fingerprint images, and the choice has typically been determined by the. specific requirements of the application and the constraints of a particular environment. In government applications, where collection of a fingerprint sample is sometimes a step in the legal process, the priority is collecting as much data from the fingers as possible, and processing time is rarely a factor. This is why the FB! takes full ten print, rolled fingerprints, despite the longer time it takes to collect these prints. Such a large sample also increases accuracy, as each individual fingerprint increases the amount of data collected.
Alternatively, where the INS is required to process large volumes of individuals quickly, they have traditionally placed a greater priority on speed of process. This is why in the past the INS has collected impressions of only two index fingers.
For either application, storage of biometric images in WSQ format is crucial to preserving the interoperability of the biometric system. This is important in ensuring the usability of the fingerprints by new systems and techniques as they are developed in the future. The extractions of features and patterns from a fingerprint image rely on proprietary methods, making true interoperability between different systems difficult. Capturing and storing a high quality image ensures that any system or technology can make use of all images in a database perpetually.
Two ways to capture fingerprints are live scan and card scan. A live scan approach involves the use of optical scanners designed specifically for capture of fingerprints. They are used by placing and/or rolling the fingers onto'a glass platen. Scanning technology below the platen creates an image of the finger(s), and the image is processed using software residing on an associated PC or local computer network.
A card scan approach involves the use of consumer-grade scanners designed for document and photograph scanning. These can be used by first impressing fingers onto a card, using ink or inkless paper, and then placing the card in the scanner. The scanner then takes the image of the card, and software residing on an associated PC or iocai computer network processes the image. For state and federal system usage, the FBI maintains a rigorous image quality testing and certification program that every live scan and card scan system must pass before a particular make and model can be used.
6.2 PROCESS: Minutiae Extraction
Minutiae extraction is the process of converting an image of a fingerprint to a set of data points that can be subsequently compared numerically to other data sets. These data "points of interest" are called minutiae, and are comprised of two primary features of fingerprints: ridge endings and ridge bifurcations. (See Figure 2)
Minutiae files'are smaller than image files and are ideal for storage at the point of application, but are not typically interoperable between equipment from different vendors. To ensure future usability of the biometric, the image must be stored. It remains to be seen whether a standardized minutiae template model will be widely adopted.
In a typical system, type, location, and angle are recorded for each point of interest. Proposed standards specify that a Cartesian coordinate system is used to represent the iocation of a minutia, in units of pixels. Image resolution is also required. Also specified by the proposal, the origin of the coordinate system is located in the upper left, with values increasing in value to the right and downward.
An important area of work for standards groups such as INCITS M1 and ISO JTC 1 SC37 is to standardize the definition of minutiae locations and angles. Only then will biometric data extracted by different equipment be effectively compared and matched.
Matching of fingerprints lies at the heart of a fingerprint system. !t is the process by which mathematical algorithms are used to compare a data set of minutiae of a single fingerprint to another or several others. These matching algorithms typically generate a match "score", and then compare this score to a threshold that is associated with some level of confidence that the two prints belong to the same finger.
6.4 STORING (compressing)
WSQ (wavelet scalar quantization) is the fingerprint image compression algorithm that is the standard for the exchange of fingerprint images across government biometric systems, as defined in the ANSI/NIST Data Format For The Interchange Of Fingerprint, Facial, and Scar/Mark/Tattoo
Information published in 1993 and updated in 2000. WSQ is specified as required by the FBI's EFTS (Electronic fingerprint Transmission Specification). WSQ is designed to allow the interchange of fingerprint and other identification information between law enforcement agencies in the USA and the FBI centralized Integrated Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS). The IAFIS started accepting ten print records that comply with this standard from law enforcement agencies in July of 1S9S and from civilian agencies shortly thereafter.
Optical sensors.
Ultrasound sensors.
Chip-based sensors.
Thermal sensors.
For identification - AFIS systems.
For verification.
Figure 3: Fingerprint recognition sensors
Optical fingerprint sensor Electro-optical sensor
[Fingerprint Identification Unit FIU-001/500 by Sony]
Capacitive Sensor
Thermal Sensor
Figure 4: Fingerprint recognition: integrated system
Japanese Handset
ID Mouse
Travel Mate 740 by Compaq and Acer
7.3 "VERIFINGER"-A software example
Neurotechnologija, Ltd. has developed fast, compact and reliable fingerprint identification engine VeriFinger, intended for system integrators who need powerful fingerprint identification algorithm for their biometric security systems. VeriFinger is available as a software development kit (SDK) for MS Windows 9x, 2000 and NT (current version 3.3) and Linux (current version 3.1). It can be easily integrated into a customer's security system. VeriFinger fingerprint recognition engine, integrated with the data management system, is used in our other product, person identification system Finger Point.
VeriFinger SDK includes the folio wings components:
s VeriFinger dynamic page link library (DLL file) for Windows 9 x/2000/NT
or library files for Linux. s C source code of the example program using the library provided
s Visual Basic source code of the example program using the library provided functions (not available in Linux version).
s Delphi' source code of the exampfe program using the library provided functions (not available in Linux version).
s Software description.
Access tools (DLLs) for Compaq and U.are.U fingerprint scanners and source code of the sample programs, where VeriFinger 3.3 engine is used with these scanners, are optionally available.
VeriFinger test results and technical specifications:
VeriFinger was tested with 2400 fingerprints, captured with four different scanners. Each fingerprint was compared with all other fingerprints (5,760,000 comparisons). The average test results as well as other specifications are presented below:
False rejection rate < 3 %
False acceptance rate < 0.001 %
Required fingerprint resolution > 250 dpi
Fingerprint processing time 0.35 second
Matching speed 5000* fingerprints/second
Size of one record in the database About 150 Bytes
Maximum database size Unlimited
Program occupied array size 250 kb
There are many concerning potential biometric applications, some popular examples being;
Most of the leading banks have been experimenting with biometrics of ATM machines use arid as general means of combining card fraud. Surprisingly, these experiments have rarely consisted of carefully integrated devices into a common process, as could be achieved with certain biometric devices. Previous comments in this paper concerning user psychology come to mind here one wonder why we have not seen a more professional and carefully considered implementation from this sector. The banks will of course have a view concerning the level of fraud and cost of combating it via technology solutions such as biometrics. They will also express concern about potentially alienating customers with such as approach. However, it still surprises many in the biometric industry that the banks and financial institutions have so far failed to embrace this technology with any enthusiasm.
For a long time this was an area often discussed but rarely implemented until recent developments aw the unit price of biometric devices fall dramatically as well as several designs aimed squarely at this application. In addition, with household names such as Sony, Compaq, KeyTronics, Samsung and others entering the market, these devices appear almost as a standard computer peripheral. Many are viewing this as the application, which will provide critical mass for biometric industry and create the transition between sci-fi device to regular systems component, thus raising public awareness and lowering resistance to the use of biometrics in general.
There are many in this industry that have the vision of a multi application * card for travelers which, incorporating a biometric, would enable them to participate in various frequent flyer and border controls systems as well as paying for their air ticket, hotel rooms, hire care etc, all with one convenient token. Technically this is eminently possible, but from a political and commercial point of view there are many issues to resolve, not the least being who would own the card, are responsible for administration and so on. These may not be insurmountable problems and perhaps we may see something along these lines emerge. A notable challenge in this respect would be packaging such an initiative in a way that would be truly attractive for users.
Many immediately think of on line transactions as being an obvious area for biometrics, although there are some significant issues to consider in this context. Assuming device cost could be brought down to level whereby a biometric (and perhaps chip card) reader could be easily incorporated into a standard build PC, we still have the problem of authenticated enrollment and template management, although there are several approaches one could take to that. Of course, if your credit already incorporated a biometric this would simplify things considerably. It is interesting to note that certain device manufactures have collaborated with key encryption providers to provide an enhancement to their existing services. Perhaps we shall see some interesting developments in this area in the near future.
No doubt many telesales and call center managers have pondered the use of biometrics. It is an attractive possibility to consider, especially for automated processes. However, voice verification is a difficult area of biometrics, especially if one does not have direct control over the transducers, as indeed you wouldn't when dealing with the general public. The variability of telephone handsets coupled to the variability of line quality and the variability of user environments presents a significant challenge to voice verification technology, and that is before you even consider the variability in understanding among users.
The technology can work well in controlled closed loop conditions but is extraordinarily difficult to implement on anything approaching a large scale. Designing in the necessary error correction and fallback procedures to automated systems in a user-friendly manner is also not a job for the faint hearted.
Perhaps we shall see further developments, which will largely overcome these problems. Certainly there is a commercial incentive to do so and I have no doubt that much research is under way in this respect.
A biometric incorporated into a multi purpose public ID cards would be useful in a number of scenarios if one could win public support for such a scheme. Unfortunately, in this country as- in others there are huge numbers of individuals who definitely do not want to be identified. This ensures that any such proposal would quickly become a political hot potato and a nightmare for the minister concerned. You may consider this a shame-or a good thing, depending on your point of view. From a dispassionate technology perspective it represents something of a lost opportunity, but this is of course nothing new. It's interesting that certain local authorities in the UK have issued 'citizen' cards with which named cardholders can receive various benefits including discounts at local stores and on certain services. These do not seem to have seriously challenged, even though they are in effect an ID card.
Seminar Report 2005-2006 (BIOMETRICS
The ultimate form of electronic verification of a person's identity is biometrics, using a physical attribute of the person to make a positive identification. People have always used the brain's innate ability to recognize a familiar face and it has long been known that a person's fingerprints can be used for identification. The challenge has been to turn these into electronic processes that are inexpensive and easy to use.
Banks and others who have tested biometric-based security on their clientele, however, say consumers overwhelmingly have a pragmatic response to the technology. Anything that saves the information-overloaded citizen from having to remember another password or personal identification number comes as a welcome respite.
Biometrics can address most of the security needs, but at what cost Surprisingly, the benefits quickly outweigh the costs. Like so many technological developments, innovative people have found new ways to implement biometric systems, so prices have come down dramatically m the last year or two. As prices have come down, the interest level and the knowledge about how to effectively utilize these systems have increased. So the investment is decreasing and the recognizable benefits are increasing. Biometrics, when properly implemented, not only increase security but also often are easier to use and less costly to administer than the less secure alternatives. Biometrics can't be forgotten or left at home and they don't have to be changed periodically like passwords.


The statistical use of the characteristic variations in unique elements of living organisms is known as biometrics.
Why we need biometrics
In order to avoid the problems of forgetting passwords and ID codes, Biometrics based authentication helps us in verifying your finger prints, iris pattern and voice for your identity at A.T.M s, Airports etc.., you can unlock your houses, withdrawing money from a bank with just a blink of an eye, a tap of your finger or by just showing your face.
Biometrics-what is it
Biometrics refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his/her physiological or behavioral characteristics. This method of identification is preferred over traditional methods involving password s and PIN numbers for various reasons:
(i) The person to be identified is required to be physically present at the point of identification.
(ii) Identification based on biometric techniques obviates the need to remember a password or carry a token. By replacing PIN s, biometric techniques can potentially prevent unauthorized access to or fraudulent use of A.T.M s, Smart cards, computer networks.
(ii) PIN s passwords may be forgotten, and token based methods of identification like passwords and driver s licenses may be forged, stolen or lost. A biometric system is essentially a pattern recognition system which makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioral characteristic possessed by the user.
Design issues of biometric systems:
An important issue in designing a practical system is to determine how an individual is identified and are designed by keeping two characteristics in mind, they are:
Physical characteristics Personal traits
- Fingerprint, Handprint - Voice pattern
- Face - Handwriting
- Scent, Thermal image - Acoustic Signature
- Iris Pattern

Depending on the context a biometric system can be either a verification(authentication) system or an identification system
Verification Vs Identification:
There are two different ways to resolve a person s identity: verification and identification. Verification (Am I whom I claim I am) involves confirming are denying a person s claimed identity. In identification, one has to establish a person s identity (Who am I). Each one of these approaches has its own complexities and could probably be solved best by a certain biometric system.
Types of biometric devices and their services:
Now let s see some of the biometric devices being widely used in many areas like computer/network security, government organizations, prisons . They are:
Fingerprint identification.
Face recognition.
Iris recognition.
Hand geometry.
Signature recognition.
Retinal scanning
Voice verification .
And now let s see some of these biometric devices, their services, advantages and disadvantages in detail.
Fingerprint recognition:
Finger prints are unique to each individual and no two fingerprints are alike. Fingerprint recognition is most widely accepted biometric among the technology being used today. Fingerprints contain patterns of ridges and valleys as well as minutiae points. Minutiae points are local ridge characteristics that occur at either the ridge bifurcation or a ridge ending.
There are three methods for scanning finger prints: (1) Optical scanners,
(2) Thermal scanners and
(3) Capacitance (solid state) scanners
Currently, there are two accepted methods for extracting the fingerprint data
(I) Minutia-based and
(II) Correlation-based
Minutia-based is the more microscopic of the two. This method locates the ridge characteristics (branches and endings) and assigns them a XY-coordinate that is then stored in a file.
The correlation-based method looks at the entire pattern of ridges and valleys in the fingerprint. The location of the whorls, loops and arches and the direction that they flow in are extracted and stored. Neither method actually keeps the captured image; only the data is kept, therefore making it impossible to recreate the fingerprints.
Once the scanning is complete, the analysis is done by a comparison of several features of the fingerprint know as minutia. Investigators are systems look at where the ridge lines end or where one ridge splits into two (bifurcation). The scanning system uses complicated algorithms to recognize and analyze the minutia. If two prints have three ridge endings, two bifurcations, and form the same shape with the same dimensions, then it is likely the same person s fingerprints.
High accuracy rate.
Can perform 1-to-many comparisons.
Inexpensive equipment.
Easy to use (samples are easy to capture and maintain).
Most established and oldest of the biometric technology.
Actual finger scan images cannot be recreated from a template image
Users relate fingerprint recognition to criminal activity.
Face (or Facial) recognition:
Face recognition is one of the newer biometrics technologies. The technology analyzes facial characteristics and attempts to match it to database of digitized pictures. This technology is relatively new and has only been commercially available since the 1990 s. Face recognition has received a surge of attention since of disaster of 11/9 for its ability to identify known terrorists and criminals.
Face recognition uses distinctive features of the face including the upper outlines of the eye socket, the areas surrounding the cheekbones, the sides of the mouth, and the location of the nose and ears to perform verification and identification. The first step in the face recognition is to obtain an image of an individual and store it in a database for later use. Usually, several pictures (or video images) at different angles are taken. Individuals may also be asked to make different facial expressions for the data base. Next, the images are analyzed and extracted to create a template. The last step is to verify the individual s identity by matching images to those images that been stored in database.
There are four main methods being used for facial recognition:
Eigenfaces: a tool developed by MIT that extracts characteristics through the use of two-dimensional grayscale imagery.
Feature Analysis (also known as Local Feature Analysis (LFA)): is the most widely used technique because of its ability to accommodate for facial changes and aspect. LFA uses an algorithm to create a face print (84 bytes in size) for comparison.
Neural network: a method that extracts features from the face and create a template of contrasting elements that is then matched to a template in database.
Automated Face Processing (AFP): a technique that looks for distances and ratios between certain facial features, and is more ideal for poorly lit areas.
High accuracy rate.
Can be performed from a distance.
Accepted by most users.
Cannot not always account for the effects of aging.
Sensitive to lighting conditions.
Can perform limited 1-to-many comparisons.
Iris recognition:
No two irises are alike, not even in one individual or in identical twins. The iris consists of over 400 distinguished characteristics. Compared to the 40 or 50 points of distinct fingerprint characteristics, the iris has more than 250 distinct features. Therefore, iris scanning is much more accurate than fingerprints or even DNA analysis of the distinguishing features.
Iris scanning is executed by scanning the measures of the colored circle that surrounds the pupil. With video technology, a camera scans the iris pattern, which consists of corona, pits, filaments, crypts, striations, and radial furrows (page). The system software then digitizes the unique information of the iris and stores it for authentication at a later time. Iris scanning is easy, accurate, and convenient. One significant downfall of Iris recognition is the initial startup costs as they are extremely high.
In identifying one s Iris, there are two types of methods that are used by Iris identification systems, passive and active. The active Iris system method requires that a user be anywhere from six to 14 inches away from the camera. It also requires the user to move back and forth so that the camera can adjust and focus in on the user s iris. The passive system allows the user to be anywhere from one to three feet away from the camera(s) that locate and focus in on the iris.
This technology s main uses are for authentication, identification, and verification of an individual.
High accuracy rate
Imitation is almost impossible
perceived to be intrusive and invasive
Can be done from a short distance
optical readers are difficult to operate requiring advanced training for employees
Hand geometry:
Hand geometry is concerned with measuring the physical characteristics of the user s hand and fingers and it is believed to be sufficiently unique for use as a means of biometric authentication. The technology records various dimensions of the human hand, it is relatively easy to use, and offers a good balance of performance characteristics. Reader configurations vary among a softball-shaped device which the subject grabs in his hand and a flat plate which the subject places his/her hand, a bar which the subject grabs as if opening a door, and a flat plate which the subject places his/her hand on.
Hand geometry readers are developed in a wide range of scenarios, including time and attendance recording where they have proved extremely popular. The methodology may be suitable where there is a large user base or there are users who access the system infrequently. Accuracy can be very high if desired.
Hand geometry readers are relatively large and expensive but the ease of integration into other systems and processes, small template size (only 9 bytes for pure hand geometry template) and ease of use makes it a good choice for many projects.
Hand geometry Vs Fingerprints:
Unlike fingerprints the human hand isn t unique. One can use finger length, thickness and curvature for the purposes of verification but not for identification. For some kinds of access control like immigration and border control, invasive biometrics (e.g., fingerprints) may not be desirable as they infringe on privacy. In such situations it is desirable to have a biometric system that is sufficient for verification. As hand geometry is not distinctive, it is idle choice. Further more, hand geometry data is easier to collect. With fingerprint collection good frictional skin is required by imaging systems, and with retina-based recognition systems, special lighting is necessary. Additionally, hand geometry can be easily combined with other biometrics, namely fingerprint. One can envision a system where fingerprints are used for (in frequent) identification and hand geometry is used for (frequent) verification.
Security concerns:
Biometric systems are not bulletproof. They present a number of security concerns absent in traditional cryptographic systems. The most important of these as follows:
Biometric systems are much more vulnerable spoofing attacks than a cryptographic system. The leakage of biometric data is common by ways photographs, sound recordings and fingerprints left on doorknobs. Vulnerability is essentially unavoidable in biometric systems.
Most biometric systems are unusable by non-negligible percentage of population. An estimate shows, for example, that approximately 2.5% of the population does not have sufficient quality that can be used for authentication purpose. Likewise a number of users have problematic irises. So, it is recommended that a biometric device is used in conjunction with another layer of security; either another type of biometric device or some other means of authentication, like a password or a smart card.
The extensive use of biometrics raises serious privacy issues of anonymity and tracking. In some ways a combination of privacy and freedom of movement allows us to conduct some public transactions without widespread public knowledge.
The appeal of biometrics identifiers lies in their low error rates and automated nature. But regardless of the actual reliability, if the popular perception is that they have virtual infallibility then we may have a serious problem. Because in this case, access to sensitive buildings and computers, high stakes commercial transaction, and criminal and civil litigation may turn on faulty assumptions about this technology.
The uses for biometric security are varied and growing. It was developed in response to a need to associate human action with identity whether conducting a transaction, accessing a computer or a critical information system, or entering secure physical area. Some of the existing and proposed applications in general we use are described below:
Computer/Network security:
Many stand-alone and network computer systems carry valuable and sensitive information. Controlling access to these systems is another major use of biometric authentication systems.
Internet transactions:
Due to growing security requirements that results from the boom in e-commerce, many think of on-line transactions as being an obvious area for biometrics. The biometric authentication generates a greater degree of vendor confidence because he knows that person that the person at the terminal is he who he claims to be.
Physical area security:
Military, Government, and Commercial installations have sufficiently strong confidentiality concerns. The biometric identifiers play a major role in controlling physical access to these installations.
Many leading banks have been experimenting with biometrics for ATM use as a means of combating card fraud. Beginning 2002, some companies will being issuing smart credits cards, with customer s fingerprint information embedded.
A logical use of biometrics is in voting process where eligible politicians are required to verify their identity. This is intended to stop proxy voting.
An interesting use of biometrics is in prisons where the visitors to a prisoner are subjected to verification procedures in order that identities may not be swapped during the visit.
Leading products in biometrics: Biometric is a new but promising technology and therefore a number of companies have appeared in the market in a very short period of time. Some of those products are:

The advances in accuracy and usability and decreasing cost have made the biometric technology a secure, affordable and cost effective way of identifying individuals. Biometric parameters such as fingerprint scanning, iris scanning, retinal scanning, hand geometry, signature verification, voice verification and others are all well established with their own particular characteristics. The limiting factors of speed and band width are now a thing of the past and their practical performance might in many instances be better than expected. Today, it is an efficient and effective method of replacing passwords, tokens and smart cards.
It is important to recognize that although biometric authentication has served extensively in high security applications in defense industry, it is still fledgling technology in commercial world, both in terms of its technical sophistication and current extent of deployment. There are no established standards for biometric system architecture, for template formation, or even for biometric reader testing. It is also not clear as which technology or technologies will dominate the customer market. In the absence of standards and direction, the rapid and wide spread deployment of biometric authentication system could easily facilitate the problematic proliferation of authentication and tracking of the people.
please read for more about biometrics technology seminar report

N.Prema chowdary

The statistical use of the characteristic variations in unique elements of living organisms is known as biometrics.
Why we need biometrics?
In order to avoid the problems of forgetting passwords and ID codes, Biometrics based authentication helps us in verifying your finger prints, iris pattern and voice for your identity at A.T.M s, Airports etc.., you can unlock your houses, withdrawing money from a bank with just a blink of an eye, a tap of your finger or by just showing your face.
Biometrics-what is it?
Biometrics refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his/her physiological or behavioral characteristics. This method of identification is preferred over traditional methods involving password s and PIN numbers for various reasons:
(i) The person to be identified is required to be physically present at the point of identification.
(ii) Identification based on biometric techniques obviates the need to remember a password or carry a token. By replacing PIN s, biometric techniques can potentially prevent unauthorized access to or fraudulent use of A.T.M s, Smart cards, computer networks.
(ii) PIN s passwords may be forgotten, and token based methods of identification like passwords and driver s licenses may be forged, stolen or lost. A biometric system is essentially a pattern recognition system which makes a personal identification by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioral characteristic possessed by the user.
Design issues of biometric systems:
An important issue in designing a practical system is to determine how an individual is identified and are designed by keeping two characteristics in mind, they are:
Physical characteristics Personal traits
- Fingerprint, Handprint - Voice pattern
- Face - Handwriting
- Scent, Thermal image - Acoustic Signature
- Iris Pattern
Depending on the context a biometric system can be either a verification(authentication) system or an identification system
Verification Vs Identification:
There are two different ways to resolve a person s identity: verification and identification. Verification (Am I whom I claim I am?) involves confirming are denying a person s claimed identity. In identification, one has to establish a person s identity (Who am I?). Each one of these approaches has its own complexities and could probably be solved best by a certain biometric system.
Types of biometric devices and their services:
Now let s see some of the biometric devices being widely used in many areas like computer/network security, government organizations, prisons . They are:
Fingerprint identification.
Face recognition.
Iris recognition.
Hand geometry.
Signature recognition.
Retinal scanning
Voice verification .
And now let s see some of these biometric devices, their services, advantages and disadvantages in detail.
Fingerprint recognition:
Finger prints are unique to each individual and no two fingerprints are alike. Fingerprint recognition is most widely accepted biometric among the technology being used today. Fingerprints contain patterns of ridges and valleys as well as minutiae points. Minutiae points are local ridge characteristics that occur at either the ridge bifurcation or a ridge ending.
There are three methods for scanning finger prints: (1) Optical scanners,
(2) Thermal scanners and
(3) Capacitance (solid state) scanners
Currently, there are two accepted methods for extracting the fingerprint data
(I) Minutia-based and
(II) Correlation-based
Minutia-based is the more microscopic of the two. This method locates the ridge characteristics (branches and endings) and assigns them a XY-coordinate that is then stored in a file.
The correlation-based method looks at the entire pattern of ridges and valleys in the fingerprint. The location of the whorls, loops and arches and the direction that they flow in are extracted and stored. Neither method actually keeps the captured image; only the data is kept, therefore making it impossible to recreate the fingerprints.
Once the scanning is complete, the analysis is done by a comparison of several features of the fingerprint know as minutia. Investigators are systems look at where the ridge lines end or where one ridge splits into two (bifurcation). The scanning system uses complicated algorithms to recognize and analyze the minutia. If two prints have three ridge endings, two bifurcations, and form the same shape with the same dimensions, then it is likely the same person s fingerprints.
High accuracy rate.
Can perform 1-to-many comparisons.
Inexpensive equipment.
Easy to use (samples are easy to capture and maintain).
Most established and oldest of the biometric technology.
Actual finger scan images cannot be recreated from a template image
Users relate fingerprint recognition to criminal activity.


No two human beings are alike. Throughout history, man has developed various mechanisms to identify the unique characteristics that go to build each personality. These range from instinctive abilities, as demonstrated by a mother in distinguishing between her twins, to sophisticated tools used in classical forensic sciences. The hallmark of the twenty first century will be the application of cutting edge technology to delineate with microscopic precision, what man has hitherto deduced through observation and instinct.
Today, Biometrics is fast becoming a frontier science, having great relevance in the channels of commerce, banking and trade, security, safety and authorization.
The applications of Biometrics are extensive but they can essentially be divided into the following main groups:
(i) Commercial applications, such as computer network login, electronic data security, e-commerce, Internet access, ATM, cellular phones, PDA, medical records etc.
(ii) Government applications, such as driver s licenses, PAN and social security cards, border and passport control etc.
(ii) Forensic applications, such as corpse identification, criminal investigation, terrorist identification, parenthood determination, missing children etc.
The schemes often employed for such diverse applications include facial pattern recognition, fingerprinting and hand geometry, voice signature identification, retinal and iris scanning, DNA sequencing and signature identification among others. As technology advances, it opens up a plethora of avenues to exploit. Identification systems based on a person s vein patterns, ear shape, body odour and body salinity.

Technology is growing rapidly, but at the same time security breaches and transaction frauds are also in the increase world over. All agencies including Libraries who are in need of security, surveillance and safety have to adopt biometrics. Security is not just about putting big locks on the front door; it also involves making sure all the windows are shut. The Future Depends On What We Do In The Present

Biometrics: A branch of biology that studies biological phenomena and observations by means of statistical analysis
Hitherto: Used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time
Corpse: The dead body of a human being "the end of the police search was the discovery of a corpse"

Plethora: Extreme excess

Avenues: A line of approach

Vein: A blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the heart

Odour: smell

Biometrics and forensics have a lot in common, but they're not exactly the same. Biometrics uses your physical or behavioral characteristics to determine your identity or to confirm that you are who you claim to be. Forensics uses the same kind of information to establish facts in civil or criminal investigations.


Biometrics overview

The security field uses three different types of
Something You Know a password, PIN, or piece
of personal information (such as your mother's
maiden name)
Something You Have a card key, smart card, or
token (like a SecurID card)
Something You Are a biometric.
What is biometrics

Physiological are related to the shape of the body.
Fingerprint, Face recognition, DNA, Iris recognition.
Behavioral are related to the behavior of a person.
Voice, Typing rhythm, Gait.

Types of Biometrics

Fingerprint recognition
Face recognition
Voice recognition
Iris/Retinal recognition
Signature verification

Disadvantage of Biometrics

Affected physical parts
Stealing our biometric
Throat problem( voice does not work )
High expensive

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