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nanotechnology paper presentation



Nanotechnology is often termed as a system innovation, implying that it is expected to initiate an increase in number of innovative developments in various sectors of technology, various social areas of applications and economic sectors.

VII Sem Dept of Industrial and Production Engineering

One of the biggest scientific trends of the 21st century has been centered on something incredibly small: nanotechnology. But what is nanotechnology? That is the most difficult question to answer, even though it s all over the news these days. The crux of the problem is that it is beyond the understanding of most people. Unless we have studied it extensively in university (and even then the picture isn t necessarily complete) we won t know what a quantum dot is. We will need to know the underlying science that drives it, the tools we use to apply it, and the potential benefits and dangers of it.
Nanotechnology is a broad term for the application of scientific understanding towards fabricating devices and materials at the nanometer scale. Nanotechnology takes its name from a unit called nanometer-NM, which means it s the one billionth of a meter. [1nm = nanometer (1,000,000,000 nm per m, or 10-9 m)].
Nanotechnology is primarily characterized by its overall dimension: the Nano-world. The Nano-world exists at the level of single molecules and atoms-the size of a millionth of a millimeter. Nanotechnology involves building sophisticated products from the molecular scale. As the molecule is the smallest particle of matter that exists independently, it cannot be ruled by any of us, but the technologists have started ruling the same understanding the molecular world as a tough process. This kind of molecular manufacturing will in fact result in high quality, smart and intelligent products that are 100% efficient, produced at low cost with little environmental impact.
Nanotechnology is expected to have an enormous potential for innovation because it may create effects which have not yet been feasible with any other technologies. The far reaching possibilities of nanotechnology development, which are

currently being assessed according to feasibility, find their echo in partly extreme judgments of the technology.
The specific characteristics of this dimension are that nano-particles show a completely different behavior to their larger, coarser pendants. The relatively big specific surface of nano-particles usually leads to an increase in their chemical reactivity and catalytic activity. The relatively small amount of atoms within nano-particles offsets the quasi-continuous solid state of the particle, leading to new, deviating, optical, electrical and magnetic features. From these basic features and characteristics of nano-technology, a number of possible positive and problematic (negative) effects can be derived.
Characterization of Nanotechnology:
To know about the impact of a technology, we require a familiarity with three basic elements. Viz.,
1. An Agent (the technology, substance etc whose possible effects are to assessed);
2. An impact model (a scientifically verifiable theory on how the agent acts on a potential target)
3. A target entity upon which the agent acts.
One of the basic principles of nanotechnology is positional control. At the molecular scale, the idea of holding and positioning molecules is new. Before discussing the advantages of positional control at the molecular scale, it is helpful to look at the property of self-assembly of molecules. A basic principle in self-assembly is selective stickiness i.e., if two molecular parts have complementary shapes and charge patterns-(one part has a hollow where the other part has a bump, and one part has a positive charge where the other part has the negative charge). Then they will tend to stick together in one particular way. This bigger part can combine in the same way with other parts, letting us build a complex whole from molecular pieces.
While self-assembly is a path to nanotechnology, by itself it would be hard pressed to make the very wide range of products promised by nanotechnology. For ex: we don t know how to self assemble shatterproof diamond without using positional control through nanotechnology. During self-assembly, the parts bounce around and
bump into each other in all kinds of ways, and if they stick together when we don t want them to stick together, we will get unwanted globs of random parts. Many types of parts have this problem. So self-assembly won t work for them. To make diamond, it seems as though we need to use in-discriminatory sticky parts (radicals, carbines and the like). These parts cannot be allowed to randomly bump into each other (or much of anything else, for that matter) because they would stick together when we didn t want them to stick together and form messy blobs instead of precise molecular machines.
We can avoid this problem if we can hold and position the parts. Even though the molecular parts that are used to make diamond are both in-discriminatory and very sticky (more technically, the barriers to bond formation are low and the resulting covalent bonds are quite strong), if we can position them, we can prevent them from bumping into each other in the wrong way. When two sticky parts do come into contact with each other, they will do so in the right orientation because we are holding them in right orientation. In short, positional control at the molecular scale should let us make things which would be difficult or impossible to make without it. Given our macroscopic intuition, this should not be surprising. If we could not use our hands to hold and position parts, we must develop the molecular equivalent of arms and hands.
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for evaluation of nanotechnology application:
Following on from the characterization of nanotechnology and the hitherto existing production methods, we have to next identify the sustainability effects by process monitoring and evaluation of specific examples of nanotechnology applications. The most advanced and standardized procedure for evaluating environmental aspects associated with a product and predicting the product specific environmental impact is the method of life cycle analysis (LCA) which should consist of the following stages:
1. Establishing the objectives and the scope of the assessment.
2. Life cycle inventory.
3. Appraisal of impact.
4. Overall evaluation.
Following is the flowchart which clearly illustrates interdependence of these stages.

The arrows between the individual stages highlight the interactive nature of the procedure with the outcome of a given step always being fed back into the preceding stage and resulting, if necessary, in the repetition of the procedure. The LCA approach also includes methodological deficits: for some of the impact categories there exists no commonly accepted impact model.
Broad Application of Nanotechnology:
Wide areas of application of nanotechnology are found in every field and some of them are mentioned as under:
Industry & Production of goods
Stain resistant and wrinkle free fabrics
Amusement and toys
Nano-energy and,
Nano-medicine and many more..
We will look into the aspects of application in nanotechnology in industry & production of goods for the present:-

Application in Industry & Production of Goods:
Molecular manufacturing is the basis of nanotechnology which will lead to production of smart, reliable and intelligent products. With nanotechnology, industrialists plan to bring thorough control of the structure of matter, and hence will be able to build objects atom by atom specifications. Nanotechnology will hence make possibly a huge range of new products. The products that are available in the market today are not 100% efficient and are worn off when handed roughly. But with the introduction of nanotechnology, we can have better and reliable products because better quality can be achieved by molecular manufacturing. By building things with atom by atom control, flaws can be made rare and non-existent. Nanotechnology will also result in inexpensive production or production cost will be considerably reduced.
Following are few examples of application of nanotechnology in production of goods:
1. Application in Automotive & Transportation Industry:
Micro and Nanotechnologies have already made an impact in the automotive and transportation industry.
In Automobiles,1. Micro chips regulate engines;
2. New technologies control car and truck braking, and
3. Electronic tuning ensures cleaner engine burn.
The automobile is one platform that is beginning to take advantage of nano-composites in diverse components and systems ranging from catalytic converters that more efficiently convert combustion by-products to benign emissions, to economical light weight plastics and coatings that enhance fuel efficiency and vehicle durability.

2. Application in Food-Sector:
Nanotechnology also has applications in the food sector. Many vitamins and their precursors, such as carotinoids, are insoluble in water. However, when skillfully produced and formulated as nano-particles, these substances can easily be mixed with cold water, and their bioavailability in the human body also increases. Many lemonades and fruit juices contain these specially formulated additives, which often also provide an attractive color.
3. Application in Cosmetic Sector:
In the cosmetics sector, BASF has for several years been among the leading suppliers of UV absorbers based on nano-particulate zinc oxide. Incorporated in sun creams, the small particles filter the high-energy radiation out of sunlight. Because of their tiny size, they remain invisible to the naked eye and so the cream is transparent on the skin.
A Future based on Reflection and Responsibility:
As nanotechnology continues to develop, it is likely that the debate over regulation will develop as well. Experience with recombinant DNA indicates that early concerns about safety are likely to be overblown, and that an effective regulatory regime can be based on a combination of consensus and self-regulation. Though there are likely to be some calls for a complete ban on nanotechnology, such a ban is certain to fail, and it s unworkability means that such calls will probably come mostly from anti-technology groups that command little political support. Similarly, efforts to limit nanotechnology to military applications are likely to face technical and political hurdles as knowledge diffuses and the public seeks access to potentially life-saving technologies.
More responsible calls for regulation as well can be met through an approach that will not stifle the development of nanotechnology. Sound knowledge, calm reflection, and an aversion to media hysteria will be key requirements of those dealing with a new and highly technical subject with endless implications.

1. Non-volatile memory from nano-particles:
Researchers from University of California at Los Angeles and ROHM and Haas Electronic material company have devised a potentially low cost, high speed nonvolatile memory from polystyrene and gold nano-particles. This retains information when it is not powered. The memory can be easily manufactured from an inexpensive material making it potentially much cheaper than today s flash memory chips. It can be read to and written electronically, making it potentially much faster than today s CD and DVD s. According to researchers, layers of the film can be stacked making it possible to store even more information in a given area.
2. Boeing Developing Nanotechnologies for New Aircraft:
The Chicago Sun Times has reported that Boeing s Phantom Works, is developing new materials using nanotechnology. The Company is also developing new materials for use in building lighter but stronger aircraft, specialized coatings-that means, planes do not need to be repainted. They are also planning to develop lighter, smaller, more powerful and longer-lasting batteries for satellites.
Therefore, nanotechnology surely promises a brighter future and it will also help produce environment friendly products. Nanotechnology will mean greater control of matter making it easy to avoid pollution. Sophisticated products could even be made from biodegradable materials. Hence, nanotechnology will make it easy to attack the causes of pollution at technical level.
Electronics Today-July 2005.
Engineering Competition Today-December 2002.
read for more about nanotechnology seminar report



Nanotechnology is .. The creation of functional materials, devices and systems through control of matter at the scale of 1 to 100 nanometers, and the exploitation of novel properties and phenomena at the same scale. Engineering on an extremely small scale - a billionth of a meter. Not just an extension of miniaturization, but making clever and novel products with added functionality.

What Does Nano' Mean?
The 'nano' in 'nanotechnology' is often thought of as a shortened form of 'nanometer , which is one billionth (10-9) of a meter. The diameter of one human hair is about 10,000 to 80,000 nanometers. A picture of nanofibrils shown with a human hair for reference

Why Nanotechnology?
By 2010 the population is expected to reach 7 billion. To provide anything remotely approaching the present standard of consumption of the approximately 1 billion inhabitants of the industrialized nations is taxing the planet s resources to breaking point. New technologies, including nanotechnology, may provide a part of the answer on how to create alternative lifestyles for the population that will be in harmony with the planet.

Fantastic Voyage .

In 1962,Isaac Asimov wrote a novel about a fantastic voyage through a human body in which he used a shrinking machine with 3 people inside. It was injected into a human body to cure plague.

Basis of Nanotechnology

Atoms are the building blocks for all matter in our universe. Everything around us are made of atoms. Nature has perfected the science of manufacturing matter molecularly. For instance, our bodies are assembled in a specific manner from millions of living cells. Cells are nature's nanomachines. Imagine if we could manipulate each individual atom of an object. That's the basic idea of nanotechnology.

Why is Nanotechnology in the headlines?

Miniaturization limit reached in current computer technology- Much of impetus for nanotechnology came from integrated circuit industry Promise of new materials stronger, cheaper, faster, more powerful, more durable Possibility of revolutionary medical breakthroughs in detection/treatment Intel s transistors current and near-future.

What is REAL nanotechnology?

1) Nanoscale technology Big machines making small products
2) Molecular manufacturing Small machines making big products Nanogears like these may replace current manufacturing processes.


1. Sunscreens, paints, and varnishes Zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, and

Nan particulate UV absorbers

sun screen iron oxide nanoparticles ( 30 nm) skin
2. Tennis balls and tires e.g., Wilson Double Core Exfoliated clay nanoparticles in butyl rubber microspheres form coating inside tennis ball Coating is barrier to air so tennis balls keep bounce twice as long as before clay platelets butyl rubber Bugbot for traveling and taking photos in human digestive system (Carnegie Mellon University) Nanoparticles that fluoresce and can track poisons, proteins, DNA, and cancer cells (University of Illinois) Iron nanoparticles (with high surface area-to-volume ratio) to clean poisons such as TCE from water (Lehigh University)

Quantum Computers

Most digital computers, like the one you are using to read this article, are based on the Turing Theory. Quantum computers aren't limited to two states; they encode information as quantum bits, or qubits. A qubit can be a 1 or a 0, or it can exist in a superposition that is simultaneously both 1 and 0 or somewhere in between. Qubits represent atoms that are working together to act as computer memory and a processor. Because a quantum computer can contain these multiple states simultaneously, it has the potential to be millions of times more powerful than today's most powerful supercomputers.

Power of Quantum Computers

Quantum computers could one day replace silicon chips.While a normal Turing machine can only perform one calculation at a time, a quantum Turing machine can perform many calculations at once. This superposition of qubits is what gives quantum computers their inherent parallelism. This parallelism allows a quantum computer to work on a million computations at once, while your desktop PC works on one.
They will be extremely useful for decoding and encoding secret information. Quantum computers could also be used to search large databases in a fraction of time that it would take a conventional computer.

A Functional Quantum Computer

Researchers at IBM-Almaden Research Center have developed the most advanced quantum computer developed to date - The 5-qubit quantum computer. The IBM team was able to solve in one step a mathematical problem that would take conventional computers repeated cycles. The problem, called order-finding, involves finding the period of a particular function, a typical aspect of many mathematical problems involved in cryptography. Positioning single atoms with scanning tunneling microscope (Xe on Ni). Eigler, IBM

DNA Computing

Millions of natural supercomputers exist inside living organisms, including your body. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) molecules, the material our genes are made of, have the potential to perform calculations many times faster than the world's most powerful human-built computers.
DNA computing is a form of computing which uses DNA nanotechnology instead of the traditional silicon-based computer technologies.

Power of DNA Computers

There are several advantages to using DNA instead of silicon:
As long as there are cellular organisms, there will always be a supply of DNA. The large supply of DNA makes it a cheap resource. Unlike the toxic materials used to make traditional microprocessors, DNA biochips can be made cleanly. DNA computers are many times smaller than today's computers while at the same time holding more data. . Unlike conventional computers, DNA computers perform calculations parallel to other calculations


Nanomedicine The most important applications of machine-phase nanotechnology will be in medicine. Not only will human health, comfort, safety, and pleasure be vastly improved, but nanomedicine could dramatically extend the lifespan of the individual human being and greatly expand the possibilities of the human form.


3. Complete medical diagnostic laboratories on a single computer chip measuring less than one- inch square i.e., lab on a chip technology preconcentrator that collects chemical vapors for gas-phase analysis surface acoustic wave sensor array miniature gas chromatograph column


Erasable, re-writable paper for books and 1 newspapers Powerful computers that a person can wear Smart buildings that resist earthquakes Long-lasting batteries Molecular machines Pharmaceuticals specifically tailored to the individual Ultra high-speed supercomputers capable of understanding some of the most basic processes of life Inexpensive solar power that allows cities to use roads and windows as energy- collectors.
http://olighttechno_innovations .shtml


Nanotechnology encompasses a range of areas rather than a single discipline It touches medicine, physics, engineering, and chemistry For some, nanotechnology is the next big thing to emerge from science and engineering.
It could offer tremendous Benefits. But does it also present unacceptable risks? Nanobot works on red blood cells nanotechnology/intro.htm

What could nanofactories make?

Lifesaving medical robots Networked computers for everyone in the world Trillions of dollars of abundance Rapid invention of wondrous products
Untraceable weapons of mass destruction Networked cameras so governments can watch our every move A vicious scramble to own everything Weapons development fast enough to destabilize any arms race

Nano Weapons

Easy to build Cheaper and more destructive weapons Easy to deliver Programmable and controllable.


By 2015, nanotechnology is expected to yield new technologies and products worth about $1 trillion per year These technologies and products will occur in a wide range of sectors, including materials, computer sciences, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and aerospace. New technologies and new products will produce new jobs Currently, nanotechnology research and some production employs about 20,000 workers. In 2015, there will be an estimated 2 million new workers in nanotechnology companies.

Final Thoughts

Nothing is stranger than nature itself, and it is exciting to uncover what nature has in store for us
- Dr. Rowland Kawakami, Physics
This work is revolutionary. Working at the interface of biology and nanotechnology is one of the highly emphasized areas of research.
- Dr.Mihri Ozkan, Chemical Engineering, UCR
THE END - But this is just the beginning because THE NEXT BIG THING IS REALLY SMALL !


an overview

Presented By:

PL. Arunachalam,
Diploma in Computer Engineering
Thiagarajar polytechnic college

Automotive industry
Chemical industry
Electronic industry
Synthesis of nanomaterials
Characterization and detection techniques
Concluding remarks
Nanotechnology is the creation of functional materials, devices, and systems through control of matter on an atomic or molecular scale.
The creation and use of structures, devices and systems that have novel properties and functions because of their small and/or intermediate size.
Atomic domains (grains, layers or phases) spatially confined to 100nm in at least one dimension
Zero dimension clusters of aspect ratio 1 to infinity Quantum dots
One dimension Multilayers Nanowires, CNT (Carbon nano tubes)
Two dimension Ultrafine-grained over layers (coatings)
Three dimension Nanophase materials
Grains, pores, interface thickness and defects are of similar dimensions.
Nanomaterials have a large surface area but their volume is very small.
Improve mechanical properties (increased strength, toughness etc.,)
High melting point compounds.
Applications of Nanomaterial
Based Products
Synthesis of Nanomaterials
Essential requirements for the development, manufacturing and commercialization of nanomaterials is their physical, chemical and biological properties on a nanoscale level
For determination of atomic structure and chemical composition of solid or liquid nanomaterials spectroscopic methods, X-ray and Neutron diffraction
For determination of size and shape Electron microcopies (SEM or TEM)
Choice of nanocrystalline or nanostrucured material
Final property requirement
Grain sizes
Choice of a suitable process
Top down or bottom up approach
Economics or viability
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