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cost for lpg gas kit for two wheeler

LPG is the third-most widely used fuel across the globe, after diesel and petrol. About eighteen million vehicles globally are already reaping the benefits of running on Auto LPG.

LPG as an automotive fuel in the country was introduced in year 2001. The actual retailing of Auto LPG thru an Auto LPG Dispensing Station (ALDS) could commence only in late 2002 with the introduction of approved LPG conversion kits. It has been more than 10 years since, and during this period, the Auto LPG Industry has been treading a path of steady progress, consolidation and above all, safety. However past two years have not yielded expected level of growth in Auto LPG business in India. This has been due to several factors including high international prices of Auto LPG, increased penetration of CNG, increased diversion of domestic LPG in Auto sector, etc.
The stagnated growth however provided an opportunity to Indian Auto LPG industry to look beyond the conventional demand segments and thus came the idea of large scale conversion of 2 Wheelers to Auto LPG. The objective was to provide Auto LPG kits to the 2 Wheeler customers at affordable price so as to make Auto LPG a preferred fuel for 2 Wheelers in the future. The objective was not only to cut the fuel budget for the customer but also to make the environment greener as Auto LPG out-performs gasoline and diesel as well as some other alternative fuels in the majority of studies comparing environmental performance.
A Project named Project Green Stroke was initiated by Indian Auto LPG Coalition (IAC) which is a non-profit organization and regarded as a nodal body for ALPG industry in India. A Project Group comprising of various stakeholders was constituted which worked along with M/s Rohan BRC the conversion kit manufacturer, for developing the 2 Wheeler conversion kit at the affordable price.
Market surveys were carried out to get feedback on customers expectation as earlier efforts by some vendors to launch 2 Wheeler Kits had failed as these Kits were not only costly but the design was also with back fitment of tank resulting in inconvenience to customers.

After detailed consultations and series of meetings with kit component vendors, success was achieved in developing the 2 Wheeler Conversion Kit at an affordable price of about Rs 5000-5500 and with side fitment of LPG Tank. The Type Approval for this kit has been obtained from International Centre for Automotive technology (ICAT) and the same has been approved by Transport Authorities in the states of Gujarat & Maharashtra.
The Kit has been launched in several cities of Gujarat & Maharashtra and has been successful in drawing the attention of the customers in these markets. The sales have been constantly increasing since launch of the kits. The kit includes an Explosives Deptt. (PESO) approved Auto LPG tank of about 5 Litres water capacity, fitted on the side. A Multifunction Valve has been provided on the tank to provide enhanced safety. The performance (Pick up and Mileage) is comparable to petrol. The two wheeler remains on duel fuel (can run on petrol & Auto LPG).

It is estimated that the sales of such kits would constantly increase with enhanced awareness & knowledge on this product by the customers. This can be achieved by carrying out a series of promotional campaigns. The task has already been initiated by Auto LPG Marketing Companies under the aegis of IAC. A series of programs have already been launched at Retail Outlets of Oil Marketing Companies in various cities of Gujarat & Maharashtra to apprise the 2 Wheeler customers on the cost & environment benefits of using Auto LPG in two wheelers. Posters & Banners are displayed at various prominent points in the Outlet premises and leaflets containing the information regarding Kits are distributed. Special feature of the promotional campaign has been positioning of a demo bike fitted with Auto LPG kit at the Retail Outlet. Two wheeler customers coming to fill Petrol at the Retail Outlet are encouraged to test drive this demo vehicle kept to gain first-hand experience and their queries answered by experts. Facility on booking of such kits is provided at the RO itself. More such promotional campaigns are planned to be launched in other cities.
The Auto LPG Industry firmly believes that the 2 Wheeler conversion process has huge prospects in India. This is supported by the fact that the 2 Wheelers population in country exceeds 5.75 Crores which is more than 75% of the vehicle population. Synergized & dedicated efforts by all stakeholders including ALDS Dealers could lead to huge success of the project which in turn can result in making this program a real GAME CHANGER for the entire Auto LPG industry.

An attempt has been made in this project to use alternative fuel in two stroke Gasoline engine. Our fore most aim in selecting this project is to use non conventional fuel against conventional fuel which is becoming scarce and costly now days. With this air is less polluted than conventional fuels. It is also good with regard to economical considerations.

In our project we have installed LPG fuel system to two stroke vehicle where in we can use both gasoline and LPG. The alternations made to install LPG in the vehicle are discussed. LPG from storage tank comes to the adjustable regulator through a primary delivery valve fitted at the mouth of the LPG cylinder.

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