08-17-2017, 12:11 AM
What is a peer to peer network?
A peer to peer network is a network that relies on the computing power & bandwidth of the participants on the network.
P2p networks are typically used for connecting nodes via largely ad_hoc connections.
Such networks are useful for sharing content files containing audio,video ,data & anything in digital format.
File Download / TransferTraditional Client-Server Downloading
Peer to peer file sharing
Traditional Client-Server Downloading You open a Web page and click a page link to download a file to your computer.
The Web browser software on your computer (the client) tells the server (a central computer that holds the Web page and the file you want to download) to transfer a copy of the file to your computer
The transfer is handled by a protocol (a set of rules), such as FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol).
Peer-To-Peer File Sharing
You run peer-to-peer file-sharing software (for example, a Gnutella program) on your computer and send out a request for the file you want to download
To locate the file, the software queries other computers that are connected to the Internet and running the file-sharing software.
When the software finds a computer that has the file you want on its hard drive, the download begins
Others using the file-sharing software can obtain files they want from your computer's hard drive.
P2P Computing Applications
File sharing
Process and cycle sharing
Collaborative environments
Metadata exchange - Semantic Web
P2P Process Sharing Applications
For large-scale computations
Data analysis, data mining, scientific computing
E.g., SETI@Home, Folding@Home, distributed.net, World-Wide Computer
P2P Collaborative Applications
For remote real-time human collaboration.
Instant messaging, virtual meetings, shared whiteboards, teleconferencing, tele-presence.
E.g., talk, IRC, ICQ, AOL Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, Jabber, MS Netmeeting, NCSA Habanero, Games
Groove networks, Mybook Project
P2P File Sharing Applications
Improves data availability
Replication to compensate for failures.
E.g., Napster, Gnutella, Freenet, KaZaA (FastTrack), BitTorrent
The Shawn Fanning Theory
Search engine: Dedicated to finding MP3 files only
File sharing: The ability to trade MP3 files directly, without having to use a centralized server for storage
Internet Relay Chat (IRC): A way to find and chat with other MP3 users while online
You needed:
A copy of the Napster utility installed on your computer
A directory on your computer that has been shared so that remote users can access it Some type of Internet connection
The provider of the song needed:
A copy of the Napster utility installed on his computer
A directory on his computer that has been shared so that someone else could access it
Some type of Internet connection that was "on"
A copy of the song in the designated, shared directory
There are two big differences between Gnutella and the old Napster:
There is no central database that knows all of the files available on the Gnutella network. Instead, all of the machines on the network tell each other about available files using a distributed query approach.
There are many different client applications available to access the Gnutella network.
KazzaUses a fast track protocol.
Designates computers as supernodes and nodes.
When the computer sends out a request for files the user wants to download or upload, the request is funneled through the supernode. The supernode communicates with other supernodes, which in turn connect to regular nodes that in turn connect to even more regular nodes
Fast downloading of large files using minimum Internet bandwidth
Maximizes transfer speed by gathering pieces of the file you want and downloading these pieces simultaneously from people who already have them.
Bit-torrent is an open source software.
Designed using python and GTK+.