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ppt on smart crawler

A web crawler is systems that go around over internet Internet storing and collecting data in to database
for further arrangement and analysis. The process of web crawling involves gathering pages from the web. After
that they arranging way the search engine can retrieve it efficiently and easily. The critical objective can do so
quickly. Also it works efficiently and easily without much interference with the functioning of the remote
server. A web crawler begins with a URL or a list of URLs, called seeds. It can visited the URL on the top of the
list Other hand the web page it looks for hyperlinks to other web pages that means it adds them to the existing
list of URLs in the web pages list. Web crawlers are not a centrally managed repository of info.
The web can held together by a set of agreed protocols and data formats, like the Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP), Domain Name Service (DNS), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML).Also the robots exclusion protocol perform role in web. The large volume information
which implies can only download a limited number of the Web pages within a given time, so it needs to
prioritize its downloads. High rate of change can imply pages might have already been update. Crawling policy
is large search engines cover only a portion of the publicly available part. Every day, most net users limit their
searches to the online, thus the specialization in the contents of websites we will limit this text to look engines.
A look engine employs special code robots, known as spiders, to make lists of the words found on websites to
find info on the many ample sites that exist. Once a spider is building its lists, the application is termed net
crawling. (There are unit some disadvantages to line a part of the web the globe Wide net -- an oversized set of
arachnid - centric names for tools is one among them.) So as to make and maintain a helpful list of words, a look
engine's spiders ought to cross - check plenty of pages. We have developed an example system that's designed
specifically crawl entity content representative. The crawl method is optimized by exploiting options distinctive
to entity -oriented sites. In this paper, we are going to concentrate on describing necessary elements of our
system, together with question generation, empty page filtering and URL deduplication.

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