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agarbatti dhoop batti making step by step pdf

QUALITY & STANDARDS : As per Customer s specification &

PREPARED BY : MSME - Development Institute,
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises,
Government of India
107, Industrial Estate, Kalpi Road,
Tele. 2295070, 2295071 & 2295073 (EPBAX)
Tele. No. 2295072 (SENET & TRC)
Tele/Fax No.: 0512- 2240143
Email: [email protected]
Quantity : 38,500 Kgs
Value (Rs.) : Rs. 38,70,000/-
In our Indian society, Dhoop, Dhoop Batti, Agarbatti, all these are taken as
synonymous of incense sticks because these are burnt for fragrance. But dhoop or
dhoop batti is not same with agarbatti. And the term incense sticks actually refers to
agarbatti and not for dhoop batti.
Dhoop Batti is prepared from the extracts of the dhoop trees, which are botanically
termed as Vateria Indica and Canarium strictum. The dhoop making extracts is
collected form the tree by tapping the trees just like in case of rubber. Vateria Indica
is the source for saka dhoopa and canarium strictum is the soruce for rala dhoopa.
IN market dhoop batti is available not exactly in stick form but as a bit damp paste
of combustible material, somewhat similar to putting but black in colour. Dhoop batti
paste is a mixture of ghee, herbs and dhoop tree extracts. These pastes are
available in cones or thick sticks. Moreover, now days Dhoop batti are found in
various fragrances like panch dham, kesar, nag campa etc. Where as agarbatti is a
mixture of powdered wood, charcoal, barks, seeds, leaves, roots, rhizomes, flowers
etc. mixed with some essential oil, mineral oil, resins, gums and aromatic chemicals
etc. The paste is applied on to a bamboo core stick and dried up. Dhoop batti
usually forms more smoke than agarbatti. It is mainly used during ritual ceremonies
like havan and all holy occasions. The scent of Dhoop batti is also strong and
creates a spiritual mood. The Dhoop trees are mostly found in eastern India. But
unfortunately these trees are at the verge of being extinct, because of its heavy
deforestation owing to their good market value.
The product Dhoopbatti (Incense sticks) is now-a-days becoming very popular in
ritual ceremonies like havan etc. In market Dhoopbatti is also sold in bulk quantities.
The local vendors do repacking in small quantities. Hence, it is presumed that if this
type of unit is set up in Kanpur or nearby area it will earn good profit.
1. The unit will run on three shifts basis of 8 hours per shift for 300 days per year.
2. The unit will run at 80% capacity utilization.
3. The cost of land & building, plant & machinery, raw materials & finished goods
are as per prevailing market rate.
4. The name and addresses of plant & machinery of raw material suppliers are
neither exclusive nor exhaustive.
Every project requires some specific time for commercial production and are briefly
as under:-
Activity Expected time
Acquisition of land 1 month
Filing of EM-I. 7 days
Building construction 3 months
Financial Arrangements 2 months
Procurement of Machinery 3-5 months
Installation, electrification and commissioning of
machinery and other facilities
1-3 months
NOC from Pollution Control Board 1- 2 months
Trial run From 9 months
i) Production detail & Process of Manufacture:
To manufacture Dhoopbatti, eucalyptus leaves, tulsi leaves are cut with the help
of leaf cutting machines and left them to drying for 1-2 days. After drying leaves
are pulverized and converted in powder form. Guggal, cascalia powder, jigat
powder and dried compound are mixed with D.E.P. in water bath (mixing
machine). Now dhoop wood, charcoal powder, ground net shell powder and
powder leaves are mixed uniformly in powder mixing machine. This material
alongwith rubber solution (plasticizer), perfumery compound is transferred in
edge runner machine. Now material is converted in sticky paste which is
transferred in cutting machine to convert it incense sticks.
These incense sticks are packed in small boxes and in corrugated boxes for
dispatching the material.
ii) Quality Control & Specification:
As such there are no quality specifications for incense sticks. However, good
perfume, burning till last point make incense sticks more popular for sale among
ii) Production Capacity ( per annum )
iv) Motive Power Requirement:
5 KW
(A) Fixed Capital:
i) Land and Building :
Land & Building 200 Sq. Mtrs. (Rent) Rs. 15,000/-
Total: Rs. 15,000/-
a) Quantity : 38,500 Kgs
b) Value (Rs.) : Rs. 38,70,000/-
ii) Plant & Machinery:
Description Qty
Value (Rs.)
1 Roller Mill Machine 1 40,000/-
2 Leaves Cutting Machine 1 25,000/-
3 Water Bath (Mixing Machine) 1 10,000/-
4 Powder Mixing Machine (Ball Mill Machine) 1 50,000/-
5 Edge Runner Machine 1 1,50,000/-
6 Pulverizer 1 1,00,000/-
7 Oil Storage Tanks 10 10,000/-
8 Laboratory Equipments LS 25,000/-
9 Installation of plant & machinery @ 10% 30,000/-
10 Preoperative expenses 10,000/-
Total: 4,50,000/-
Total Fixed Capital Requirement:
1. Land & Building (On Rent basis) -
2. Plant & Machinery 4,50,000/-
Total: 4,50,000/-
(B) Working Capital (Per Month):
i) Staff and Labour ( per month)
Designation No. Rate
1 Purchase Manager 1 9000/- 9,000/-
2 Accountant / Store Keeper 1 7000/- 7,000/-
3 Skilled Workers 2 5000/- 10,000/-
4 Sales Man 1 6000/- 6,000/-
5 Watchman 1 4000/- 4,000/-
6 Helper 2 4000/- 8,000/-
Total 44,000/-
Perquisites @ 15% of salary 6,600/-
Total 50,600/-
ii) Raw Material:
Sl. No. Particulars Quantity
Value (Rs.)
1 Guggal 30 Kg 200/Kg 6,000/-
2 Sandal Wood Powder 30 Kg 125/Kg 3,750/-
3. Dhoop Wood 300 Kg 25/Kg 7,500/-
4. Cascalia Powder 30 Kg 130/Kg 3,900/-
5. Charcoal Powder 150 Kg 30/Kg 4,500/-
6. Groundnut shell 750 Kg 6/Kg 4,500/-
7. Wood Dust/leaves of eucalyptus, tej
patta etc.
1500 Kg 3/Kg 4,500/-
8. DEP 300 Ltrs. 100/Ltr 30,000/-
9. Jigat Powder 90 Kg 25/Kg 2,250/-
10. Compound of Perfumes 60 Kg 500/Kg 30,000/-
11. Plasticizer 30 Kg 30/Kg 900/-
12. Preservative 3 Kg 150/Kg 450/-
13. Packaging Box 75000 Nos. 0.65 /Pc 48,750/-
14. Corrugated Box 600 Nos. 25/Pc 15,000/-
Total 1,61,190/-
ii) Utilities:
Sl. No. Particulars Quantity Rate Value (Rs.)
1 Electricity & Power 1000 units Rs. 7.00/unit 7,000/-
2 Fuel (Diesel) LS 3,000/-
Total 10,000/-
iv) Other Contingent Expenses:
Sl. No. Description Amount in Rs.
1. Rent : 15,000/-
2. Telephone and stationery : 1,000/-
3. Travelling & Transport : 10,000/-
4. Repair & Maintenance : 2,000/-
5. Insurance : 10,000/-
6. Other expenditure : 5,000/-
Total : 43,000/-
v) Total Recurring Expenses (per month)
a. Salary & Wages : 50,600/-
b. Raw material : 161,190/-
c. Utilities : 10,000/-
d. Other contingent expenses : 43,000/-
Total: : 2,64,790/-
Total Working Capital for 3 months = 2,64,790/- X 3 = : Rs.7,94,370/-
Say = Rs. 7,95,000/-
7. Total Capital Investment:
a) Fixed Capital 4,50,000/-
b) Working Capital for 3 months 7,95,900/-
Total: 12,45,000/-
Means of Finance:
i) Promoter s share 25% 3,11,250/-
ii) Loan from Financial Institution 75% 9,33750/-
Total: 12,45,000/-
8. Financial Analysis:
(A) Cost of production (Recurring Expenses) ( per annum )
S. No. Particulars Amount (Rs.)
1. Total Recurring Expenditure 31,77,480/-
2. Depreciation on Machinery & Equipments @ 10%
(Except Electrification & Installation, Trial run)
3. Interest on 75% on loan @ 14% p.a. 1,30,725/-
Total : 33,48,205/-
Say: 33,48,000/-
(B) Turnover (per annum)
Sales proceeds as shown below:
Name of items Quantity (Nos.) Rate (Rs.) Value (Rs.)
1. Dhoopbatti 20 gms 5,00,000 Rs. 2.60/Pkt 13,00,000/-
2. Dhoopbatti 50 gms 3,00,000 Rs. 5.60/Pkt 16,80,000/-
3. Dhoopbatti 100 gms 1,00,000 Rs. 7.50/Pkt 7,50,000/-
4. Dhoopbatti 3500 Kgs 40/Kg 1,40,000/-
TOTAL: 38,70,000/-
© Net Profit (Per Annum):
Turn Over (-) Cost of Production Rs. 5,22,000/- 38,70,000/- (-) 33,48,000/-
(D) Net Profit Ratio (Per Annum):
Profit/annum X 100 5,22,000/-X 100 = 13.48% Sales Per Annum 38,70,000/-
(E) Rate of Return:
Profit/Annum X 100 5,22,000/-X 100 = 41.92% Total Capital Investment 12,45,000/-
Fixed Cost (Per Annum):
1. Depreciation on Plant & Machinery @ 10% p.a. 40,000/-
2. Interest on loan @ 14% p.a. 1,30,725/-
3. 40% salary and wages 2,42,880/-
4. 40% of Utilities 48,000/-
5. 40% of other expenses 2,06,000/-
Total Fixed Cost: 6,67,605/-
Break Even Point:
Fixed Cost X 100 6,67,605/- X 100 = 56.11%
Fixed Cost + Profit 6,67,605/- + 5,22,000/-
9. Names and Addresses of Plant & Machinery and Raw material Suppliers:
1. M/s Piyush Traders,
45/60, GayaPrasad Lane,
Kanpur-208001. Ph. 0512 2365322.
2. M/s United Chemicals,
45/39, Gaya Prasad Lane,
3. M/s B. S. Machines,
44, B. S. Market, Latouche Road,
Kanpur-208001. Ph. 0512 2368776
4. M/s Kanpur Iron & Steel Corporation,
31, Bhagat Singh Market, Latouche road,
Kanpur 208001. Ph. 0512 6451683
5. M/s Sri Kamta Nath Traders,
Nayaganj, Kanpur 2028001.
Mob. 09415222918.

(06-12-2015, 10:29 AM)seminar report asees Wrote: agarbatti dhoop batti making step by step pdf

Here we teach you to make Masala Agarbatti by Hand Rolling on Bamboo sticks with use of Natural items like Dhoop, Ood, Loban, Herbal Powders, Chandan, Camphor etc. Also Herbal Mosquito Repellent Agarbatti is possible by Hand Roll. No side effect. Here we explain & Demonstrate mixing Few materials, proportions & making Dough by mixing water & Hand - Roll on Plain Bamboo sticks to get Masala Agarbatti.

The saying in our Indian Culture is that by burning Masala Agarbatti made from these Natural Powders purify the atmosphere & brings Happiness, Love, Peace, Prosperity & Progress in our life and Vastu & Feng Shui experts & Aroma Therapist also prefer this.

We give you varieties of formulas to make different kind of Masala Agarbattis like - Standard Masalabatti, Chandan - Sandal, Rose - Gulabbatti, Mosquito Repellent Masala Agarbatti, Panadi WET Batti, Dry Batti, Dhoopbatti, Cone & few more varieties.
You can also modify as per your requirement and make your specialty.
Made as per our Ancient Texts with Aromatic Herbs & Aayurvedic Powders.
Ideal for Daily Pooja, Havan, Meditation & Yoga Therapy.
You can also add Natural Essential Oil or Aroma Oil to make it more Prestigious.
You can also make Dhoop Batti by Hand Process with the same material.
You can also to get pure material at Low rate for your own Religious purpose.
DRY Stick & WET Batti idea is provided. One can roll on the stick or can bake stickless batti / cone also when the mixture is wet.

agarbatti dhoop batti making step by step pdf

Here we teach you to make Masala Agarbatti by Hand Rolling on Bamboo sticks with use of Natural items like Dhoop, Ood, Loban, Herbal Powders, Chandan, Camphor etc. Also Herbal Mosquito Repellent Agarbatti is possible by Hand Roll. No side effect. Here we explain & Demonstrate mixing Few materials, proportions & making Dough by mixing water & Hand - Roll on Plain Bamboo sticks to get Masala Agarbatti.

The saying in our Indian Culture is that by burning Masala Agarbatti made from these Natural Powders purify the atmosphere & brings Happiness, Love, Peace, Prosperity & Progress in our life and Vastu & Feng Shui experts & Aroma Therapist also prefer this.

We give you varieties of formulas to make different kind of Masala Agarbattis like - Standard Masalabatti, Chandan - Sandal, Rose - Gulabbatti, Mosquito Repellent Masala Agarbatti, Panadi WET Batti, Dry Batti, Dhoopbatti, Cone & few more varieties.
You can also modify as per your requirement and make your specialty.
Made as per our Ancient Texts with Aromatic Herbs & Aayurvedic Powders.
Ideal for Daily Pooja, Havan, Meditation & Yoga Therapy.
You can also add Natural Essential Oil or Aroma Oil to make it more Prestigious.
You can also make Dhoop Batti by Hand Process with the same material.
You can also to get pure material at Low rate for your own Religious purpose.
DRY Stick & WET Batti idea is provided. One can roll on the stick or can bake stickless batti / cone also when the mixture is wet.

agarbatti dhoop batti making step by step pdf

Incense sticks are used by many communities in the world daily for performing worships and for special occasion. In Asian countries used incense sticks in daily for their puja ceremonies. So it has good demand for this business. This Industry has long history and it can be setup with less investment. You require only low technology for manufacturing. Basically sticks are rolled by hands. If you can invest much money you can buy machines also. There are many different types of incense sticks used for different purposes or on different festive days.

Raw Materials used for making agarbattis

Bamboo sticks - There are two difference sizes 7" and 10"

Wood glue - In Sri Lanka and India used wood power call "patta" , "bummi powder" or Jigat power.

Charcoal powder - burning wood powder

Unburned Wood powder -sawdusts

Sandalwood powder


Perfumes - fragrance oils
Most used fragrance oils are (Perfumes)

Incense sticks are used by many communities in the world daily for performing worships and for special occasion. In Asian countries used incense sticks in daily for their puja ceremonies. So it has good demand for this business. This Industry has long history and it can be setup with less investment. You require only low technology for manufacturing. Basically sticks are rolled by hands. If you can invest much money you can buy machines also. There are many different types of incense sticks used for different purposes or on different festive days.

Raw Materials used for making agarbattis

Bamboo sticks - There are two difference sizes 7" and 10"

Wood glue - In Sri Lanka and India used wood power call "patta" , "bummi powder" or Jigat power.

Charcoal powder - burning wood powder

Unburned Wood powder -sawdusts

Sandalwood powder


Perfumes - fragrance oils
Most used fragrance oils are (Perfumes)

i) Production detail & Process of Manufacture:
To manufacture Dhoopbatti, eucalyptus leaves, tulsi leaves are cut with the help
of leaf cutting machines and left them to drying for 1-2 days. After drying leaves
are pulverized and converted in powder form. Guggal, cascalia powder, jigat
powder and dried compound are mixed with D.E.P. in water bath (mixing
machine). Now dhoop wood, charcoal powder, ground net shell powder and
powder leaves are mixed uniformly in powder mixing machine. This material
alongwith rubber solution (plasticizer), perfumery compound is transferred in
edge runner machine. Now material is converted in sticky paste which is
transferred in cutting machine to convert it incense sticks.
These incense sticks are packed in small boxes and in corrugated boxes for
dispatching the material.

To get full information or details of agarbatti dhoop batti making step by step pdf please have a look on the pages




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Sir i want to start agarbati and dhoop making small scale bizness sir ple tell me formula making of dhoop and agerbatti
Sir i want to start agarbati and dhoop making small scale bizness sir ple tell me formula making of dhoop and agerbatti

my contact no. +91 7065331348

Sir i want to start agarbati and dhoop making small scale bizness sir ple tell me formula making of dhoop and agerbatti.

Sir i want to start agarbati and dhoop making small scale bizness sir ple tell me formula making of dhoop and agerbatti.

(07-20-2014, 11:21 PM)Guest Wrote: Sir i want to start agarbati and dhoop making small scale bizness sir ple tell me formula making of dhoop and agerbatti.

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