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kerala psc par101 (ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് -13)

Active voice  - Passive voice
Subject                Object
I                            Me
We                        Us
You                       You
They                      Them
He                         Him
She                        Her

 Negative Sentences
*Active voice negative ആണെങ്കിൽ auxiliary verb ന് ശേഷം  “not’ ചേർത്താൽ മതി .
eg: 1. He cannot Write English well (Active Voice)
. English cannot be written well by him 
(Passive voice) 
2. She has not washed my dress (Active voice) 
My dress has not been washed by her (Passive voice)
3. I needn’t type this letter myself (AV) 
This letter need not be typed by myself (PV) 
4. She doesn’t make mistakes (AV)
Mistakes are not made by her (PV) 
5. They didn't write the exam (AV) 
The exam was not written by them (PV)
English decides Rank
Used to + Base form of the verb. 
eg. When I was a child I used to play cricket.

1.Did they cook vegetables? 
(a) Is vegetables cooked by them.
(b) Was vegetables cooked by them. 
© Were vegetables cooked by the them.
(d) Has vegetables cooked by the them.
2.Some People believe in Astrology.
(a) Astrology is believed by some people.
(b) Astrology is being believed in by some people.
© Astrology was believed in by some people
(d) Astrology is believed in by some people.
3.The active form of "The mad man was laughed at by the children' is
 (a) The children laughs at the madman.
 (b) The children laughed at the mad man. 
© The children is laughing at the madman. 
(d) The children are laughing at the madman. 
4.The active form of "Bicycles must not be left in the hall’ is 
(a) People must not leave bicycles in the hall
 (b) People should not leave bicycles in the hall. 
© People are not to leave bicycles in the hall.
 (d) None of these.
5.They use video for teaching the students. 
(a) Video are used for teaching the students.
 (b) Video were used for teaching the students. 
© Video is used for teaching the students. 
(d) Video was used for teaching the students
6.Active Voice of “You are cordially invited”. 
(a) You invite me cordially
 (b) I cordially invite her 
© I cordially invite you 
(d) I cordially invited you
7.Active Voice of “Please be seated' 
(a) Please, seat yourself 
(b) Please, sit yourself 
© Please, sit
 (d) Please, seat you
8.The room------ yesterday. 
(a) was cleaned 
(b) cleaned 
© had cleaned
 (d) is cleaned
9.Passive Voice of “She cast her vote” 
(a) Her vote is casted
(b) Her vote was casted
© Her vote is cast 
(d) Her vote was cast
10.Passive Voice of "Are you going to reveal it?
(a) Is it being gone to reveal?
 (b) Is it going to be revealed?
© Are you going to be revealed it? 
(d) Is it gone to be revealed?

1.C       2.d. 
3. B      4.a
5.c       6.c
7. a     8. A
9.d      10. b

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