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Simpler algorithm for estimating frequency moments of data streams

The problem of estimating the kth frequency moment Fk over a data stream by looking at the items exactly once as they arrive was posed in [1, 2]. A succession of algorithms have been proposed for this problem [1, 2, 6, 8, 7]. Recently, Indyk and Woodru [11] have presented the rst algorithm for estimating Fk, for k > 2, using space O (n1 2=k), matching the space lower bound (up to poly-logarithmic factors) for this problem [1, 2, 3, 4, 13] (n is the number of distinct items occurring in the stream.) In this paper, we present a simpler 1-pass algorithm for estimating Fk.
1 Introduction
Data streaming systems have many natural applica- tions, such as database systems, network monitoring, sensor networks, RF-id data management, etc.. These applications are characterized by rapidly arriving vo- luminous data which makes it di cult to store the data in its entirety for either online processing or post- processing. Therefore, there has been a substantial interest in the design of algorithms that process data streams using single-pass (or online) algorithms that re- quire sub-linear space. We view a data stream as a sequence of arrivals of the form (i; v), where, i is the identity of an item that is a member of the domain D = f0; 1; : : : ;N 1g, and v is the change in the frequency of the item. The value v may be either greater than or less than zero; v 1 signi es v insertions of the item i, and v 1 signi es v deletions of i. The frequency of an item i is denoted by fi and is de ned as the sum of the changes to its frequency since the inception of the stream, that is, fi = P (i;v) appears in stream v. The kth frequency moment of the stream, denoted by Fk, is de ned as Fk = P i fk i . The problem is to design an algorithm, parameterized by accuracy parameter and con dence parameter that returns an estimate ^ Fk of Fk, for k > 2, in a single pass over the data stream, such that, Pr n j ^ Fk Fkj Fk o 1 . Let n denote the number of items in the stream with positive frequencies and let m denote P i2D fi. The problem was introduced in [1, 2] who also present the rst sub-linear space algorithm with space complexity O (n1 1=k). (We say that f(n) is O (g(n)) if f(n) = O 1 O(1) (logm)O(1)(log n)O(1)g(n) .) [6, 8] present algorithms with space complexity O (n1 1=(k 1)) and [7] presents an algorithm with space complexity O (n1 2=(k+1)). A space lower bound of (n1 2 k ) is shown for this problem in a series of contributions [1, 2, 3, 4] (see[13] for a closely related problem). Recently, Indyk and Woodru [11] have presented the rst algorithm for estimating Fk using space O(n1 2=k), matching the space lower bound (up to poly-logarithmic factors) for this problem [4]. The space complexity of the algorithm of Indyk and Woodru has high constants and poly-logarithmic factors. Speci cally, their 2-pass algorithm has space complexity of O( 1 12 n1 2 k (log2 n)(log6m)). The 1-pass algorithm that is derived from this algorithm further multiplies the constant and poly-logarithmic factors. In this paper, we present a simpler algorithm for estimating Fk, for k > 2, whose space complexity is O( k2 2+4=k n1 2 k (log2m)(logm + log n)). Broadly speak- ing, we use the seminal idea of Indyk and Woodru [11] to classify items into groups, based on frequency. How- ever, Indyk and Woodru de ne groups whose bound- aries are randomized; this technique contributes to the complexity of their algorithm. In our algorithm, the group boundaries are deterministic. Our analysis is sim- pler and uses the more traditional approach of directly calculating the expectation and the variance of the es- timator for Fk. Finally, our algorithm is naturally a one-pass algorithm. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we brie y review the Countsketch algorithm[5] and the estimator for the residual second moment [9]. The data structure for the Fk estimator is presented in Section 3. The analysis of the estimator is presented in Section 4. Finally, we conclude in Section 6.

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