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best seminars topic in soil science

History and concepts of soil genesis. 1
Factors of soil formation. 1
Soil forming Processes (active and passive factors). 1
Soil profile and it s Nomenclature, Soil profile development. 1
Soil forming processes responsible for the development of different soil orders
(USDA system).
Classification and nomenclature of soil, Laterization, Podsolization, Gleization 1
Weathering of rocks (Definition and its classification). 1
Weathering of minerals (Definition and its classification). 1
Soil Classification Properties and objectives units of soil classification. 1
Early and modern systems of soil classification. 1
World soil groups, Soils of India and Uttar Pradesh. 1
Soil minerals structure, classification, characterization, distribution. 1
Genesis and classification of clay mineral. 1
Non-crystalline components of soil. 1
Soil horizon and their identification in the field. 1
Color base color and mottling. 1
Mid - Semester Examination
Textural classes, soil structure, nodules and concretions. 1
Voids (pores), horizon boundaries. 1
Horizons continuity with in the pedon. 1
Soil horizon designation, definition and morphology. 1
Lithological discontinuities. 1
Diagnostic horizons for classification. 1
Epipedon. 1
Subsurface diagnostic horizons. 1
Soil micro morphology. 1
Factors of soil formation. 1
Parent material relief, climate, time and organisms. 1
Pedogenic Processes. 1
Internal soil building processes. 1
Soil monolith. 1
Genesis and transformation of clay minerals. 1
History and systems of soil classification. 1
Taxonomy of soil of India and Uttar Pradesh. 1
Total Numbers of Period 34
Identification and characterization of different rocks. 1
Identification and characterization of different minerals. 1
Excavation of soil profile and its study. 1
Preparation of soil monolith. 1
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 8
Identification of soil forming minerals. 1
Methods of sampling disturbed and undisturbed soil for lab studies. 1
Study of soil profile. 1
Collection of profile soil samples. 1
Minerals identification under microscope. 1
Analysis of coarse and fine sand fraction, clay and silt fractions. 1
Determination of pH and EC in soil. 1
Determination of %OC in soil. 1
Determination of Ca and Mg in soil. 1
Determination of Na and K in soil. 1
Determination of Fe and Al. in soil. 1
Visit to different site for study different soil profile. 1
Final practical Examination 1
Total Numbers of Period 17
Boul, S. W., F. B. Hole and R. J. McCracken, 1980. Soil Genesis and Classification. Oxford
and IBH Publishing Co, New Delhi.
Bridges, E. M. 1978. World Soils. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, London
Jenny, H. 1941. Factors of soil Formation A system of quantitative Pedology. McGraw- Hill
book Company INC. New York.
Joffe, J. S. 1936. The ABC of Soils. Pedology Publication, New Jersy.
Joffe, J. S. 1949. Pedology. Rutgers University Press, New Jersy.
Soil Survey staff, 1981. Soil survey manual. UADA Hand Book 18, Soil conservation service,
Buol, S. W., F. D. and McChackeni, R. J. 1995. Soil Genesis and Classification. East West
Press, New Delhi, pp. 360.
Grim, R. E. 1968. Clay Mineralogy. McGraw Hill, New York, pp. 384.
Sehgal, J. 1986. Introductory Pedology, Concepts and application. Kalyani, New Delhi, pp.
USDA 1998. Keys to Soil Taxonomy (8th edn). Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, pp. 326.
Wade, F. A. and Mattox, R. B. Elements of Crystallography and Mineralogy. Oxford and IBH,
New Delhi, pp. 331.
Wilding, L. P., Smeck, N. E. and Holl G. F. 1983. Pedogenesis and soil Taxonomy,II.
The soil Orders. Elsevier Science., Pub., New York, pp 410.
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 9
Course Code: Course Title: Credit Hrs:
SES 701 Inorganic Chemistry 3 (2+1)
Lecture Schedule:
Structure of atom, Rutherford s model, Bohr model of atom. 2
Chemical periodicity 1
Structure and bonding in homo- and heteronuclear molecules, including
shapes of molecules
Concepts of acids and bases 1
Chemistry of the main group elements and their compounds 2
Allotropy, synthesis, bonding and structure 1
Chemistry of transition elements and coordination compounds 1
Bonding theories. 1
Spectral and magnetic properties. 1
Reaction mechanisms. 1
Inner transition elements. 1
Spectral and magnetic properties. 1
Analytical Applications. 1
Organometallic compounds - synthesis, bonding, structure and reactivity. 2
Organometallics in homogenous catalysis 1
Cages and metal clusters 1
Mid - Semester Examination
Analytical chemistry- separation techniques 1
Spectroscopic electro- and thermo-analytical methods 1
Bioinorganic chemistry photosystems, porphyrines, metalloenzymes, oxygen
Electron- transfer reactions. 1
Nitrogen fixation. 1
Physical characterization of inorganic compounds by IR, Raman, NMR, EPR,
M ssbauer, UV-, NQR, MS,
Electron spectroscopy and microscopic techniques. 1
Nuclear chemistry nuclear reactions 1
Nuclear fission and fusion. 1
Radio-analytical techniques and activation analysis. 1
Total Numbers of Period 34
Acid Titration. 1
Base Titration. 1
Oxidation Titration. 1
Reduction Titration. 1
Estimation of calcium in solution. 1
Estimation of Magnesium in solution. 1
Estimation of Iron in solution. 1
Instrumental analysis of inorganic constituents. 1
Principles of spectrophotometer. 1
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 10
Principles of Flame photometer. 1
Analysis of cations in solution. 1
Estimation of iron (II) by photo chemical reduction method. 1
Determination of calcium hardness and magnesium hardness of water sample. 1
Determination of chloride in a sample of water (silver nitrate method). 1
Determination of calcium hardness and magnesium hardness of water sample, 2
Determination of chloride in a sample of water (silver nitrate method). 1
Total Numbers of Period 17
1. Inorganic chemistry, principles of structure and reactivity, 4thEdition by James E. Huheey:
Elleu A. keiter: Richard L. Keiter.
2. Advanced inorganic chemistry by F.A.Cotton and G. Wilkinson.
3. Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry by Day and Selbin.
4. Concepts and Models in Inorganic Chemistry by Doughlas Mc Daniel.
5. Introductory Quantum Chemistry by A.K. chandra (Tata McGrawhill)
6. Chemistry of Lnathanides by T. Healler, chapman and Hall.
7. Chemical Applications of Group Theory by B.A. Cotton.
8. Basic concepts of Nuclear Chemistry by R.T. Overmann.9. Introduction to Nuclear Science
by M.N.Sastri, East West Press, Madras.
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 11
Course Code: Course Title: Credit Hrs:
SES 714 Statistics 1st 3 (2+1)
Lecture Schedule:
Statistical Methods. 1
Measures of Skewness. 1
Measures of Kurtosis. 1
Standard error of mean. 1
Coefficient of variation. 1
Definition and Theory of Probability. 1
Addition and multiplication rules of probability. 2
Conditions of probability. 1
Probability distribution. 1
Normal distribution of Probability. 2
Binomial distribution of Probability. 1
Poisson distributions of Probability. 1
Correlation. 1
Regression. 1
Simple correlation rank. 2
Correlation regression coefficient. 2
Mid - Semester Examination
Multiple and partial correlation regression lines between two variables. 2
Multiple regressions. 1
Test of significant X2 test. 1
Test of significant t- test, t- test one sample. 2
Two sample t-test. 2
Paired t-test. 1
Testing of correlation coefficient. 1
Standard normal variable test. 1
F test. 1
Fisher s 2 transformation. 2
Total Numbers of Period 34
Coefficient of variation 1
SE of mean. 1
Skewness. 1
Kurtosis. 2
Fitting of normal. 2
Binomial distribution. 2
Poisson distribution. 1
Regression lines between two variables. 2
test. 1
t- test. 1
F test. 1
Fisher s 2 transformation. 2
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 12
Total Numbers of Period 17
Reference Books:
Bernard Ostle and R.W. Mensing, Statistics in Research.
C.H. Goulden, Method of Statistical Analysis.
G.W. Snedecor and W.G. Cochran, Statistical Methods.
R.G. Steel and J.H. Torrie, Principles and Procedures of Statistics (with special reference to
Biological Sciences)
R. Rangaswamy., A Text Book of Agricultural Statistics.
Chandel S.R.S, A Text Book of Agricultural Statistics.
W.G. Cochran and G.M.Cox, Experimental Designs.
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 13
Course Code: Course Title: Credit Hrs:
COMP- 705 Computer Application 3(2+1)
Lecture Schedule:
Introduction to computer. 1
Computer organization and peripherals. 2
Hardware. 2
Software. 2
Concept and terminology of hardware and software. 1
Working in DOS. 3
Working in WINDOWS. 2
Environment introduction to network of computers. 2
Algorithms. 2
Mid - Semester Examination
Flow charts. 1
Program development. 1
Steps in development of an application. 1
Information management such as data storage. 1
Information management such as retrieval. 1
Information management such as data validation. 1
Information management such as data security. 1
Information management such as data manipulation. 2
Information management such as data presentation. 1
Information management such report generation. 1
Introduction to commonly used software application packages. 2
Familiarization with commonly used application packages like RDBMS. 1
Familiarization with commonly used application packages like MS-Office. 2
Familiarization with commonly used application packages like Word
Processing etc.
Total Numbers of Period 34
Practicing DOS commands. 3
Running a given application on a computer. 2
Practice with MS-office. 3
Practice with MS-word. 3
Practice with MS-excel. 3
Practice with d BASE. 3
Total Numbers of Period 17
ABCs of Excel 97, Gene Weisskop,
The Compact Guide to Microsoft Office, Ron Mansfield,
Programming languages - Design and implementation, Terrence W. Pratt and Marvin V.
Programming with C, Bryon Gottfried
Let us C, Yashwant Kanetkar
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 14
Course Code: Course Title: Credit Hrs:
SES-29 Soil Chemistry 3(2+1)
Lecture Schedule:
Concept of Chemical equilibria in soils. 1
Soil Colloids. 1
Solubility relationship of important nutrient. 2
Aluminosilicates in soils. 2
Salt dissolution and precipitation. 1
Organic matter and characterization. 1
Clay organic matter interaction. 2
Ion retention mechanism. 1
Chemical and empirical relationships. 2
Chemical and electrochemical properties of submerged soils. 2
Chemistry of acid soils. 1
Chemistry of salt affected soils. 2
Reclamation of acid and salt affected soils. 2
Nutrient dynamics. 2
Ion exchange phenomenon in soils. 2
Ion effect by chemical equilibrium in soil. 2
Mid - Semester Examination
Soil reactions. 1
Buffering Capacity of Soil. 1
Salt dissolution. 1
Oxidation reduction reaction. 2
Soil colloid. 1
Colloids and precipitation. 2
Organic matter. 1
Clay organic matter interaction. 2
Ion retention mechanism. 2
Chemistry of weathering. 2
Calcification and decalcification condition. 1
Chemical process involved effect of carbon dioxide podzolization, laterization. 2
Chemical measurement of Soil pH. 1
Chemical measurement of CEC. 1
Chemical measurement of exchangeable acidity. 2
Chemical measurement of Soil buffering capacity. 2
Surface chemistry. 1
Total Numbers of Period 34
Analysis of equilibrium soil solution for pH. 1
Analysis of equilibrium soil solution for EC. 1
Analysis of equilibrium soil solution for CEC. 1
Analysis of equilibrium soil solution for SAR. 1
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 15
Determination of ion activity. 1
Common ion effects on solubility. 1
Exchange reactions of Na in soils. 1
Exchange reactions of K in soils. 1
Exchange reactions of Ca in soils. 1
Exchange reactions of Mg in soils. 1
Gypsum requirement. 1
Lime requirement. 1
Estimation of chemical properties of clay. 1
Nitrogen fixation by clay. 1
Phosphorus fixation by clay. 1
Potassium fixation by clay. 1
Final practical Examination 1
Total Numbers of Period 17
Reference Books:
Bear, R. E. 1964. Soil Chemistry. Oxford and IBH Pub. Co., New Delhi, pp 515.
Bear, F. E. 1965. Chemistry of Soil. Oxford and IBH Pub. Co., Calcutta.
Frid, M. and Broeshart, H. 1967. Soil plant System , Academic Press, New York, pp.358.
Greenland, D. J. and Hayes, M. H. B. 1978. Chemistry of Soil constituents. John Wiley and
Sons, pp714.
Stevenson, F. J. 1982. Humas Chemistry. John Wiley, New York, pp443.
Van Olphan. H.1977. Introduction to clay colloid chemistry. John Wiley and Sons, New York,
Tan , K. H. 1982. Principles of Soil Chemistry. Marcel Dekker INC., New York.
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 16
Course Code: Course Title: Credit Hrs:
SES-713 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition 3(2+1)
Lecture Schedule:
Forms of macro and micro nutrients in soils. 1
Availability of macro and micronutrients in soils. 1
Mobility of macro and micronutrients in soils. 1
Losses of macro and micronutrients in soils. 1
Nutrient deficiencies in soil. 1
Nutrient toxicities in soil. 1
Recent diagnostic techniques of nutrient toxicity. 1
Recent ameliorative measures of nutrient toxicity. 1
Nutrients and nutrient water interactions. 1
Balanced use of nutrients. 1
Integrated plant nutrient supply. 1
Integrated plant nutrient management. 1
Nutrient uptake mechanisms. 1
Nutrient release and carry over effects. 1
Quantity intensity relationships. 1
Soil fertility evaluation. 1
Mid - Semester Examination
Soil test crop response. 1
Correlations and response functions soil test crop. 1
Essential plant nutrients. 1
Criteria for essentiality of plant nutrients. 1
Soil pH and availability of nutrients. 1
Soil fertility. 1
Soil fertility- concept and evaluation. 1
Ion absorption. 1
Role of plant roots and foliar parts. 1
Mechanism of movement of nutrients in soil. 1
Mechanism of movement of nutrients to plant. 1
Deficiency symptoms of plant nutrients. 1
Diagnostic techniques of nutrient deficiency. 1
Nutrient toxicities. 1
Nutrients release effects. 1
Nutrients carry over effects. 1
Nutrient uptake mechanism. 1
Total Numbers of Period 34
Estimation of N in soil and their critical value in soils. 1
Estimation of P in soil and their critical value in soils. 1
Estimation of K in soil and their critical value in soils and plants. 1
Estimation of N in plant samples and their critical value in plants. 1
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 17
Estimation of P in plant samples and their critical value in plants. 1
Estimation of K in plant samples and their critical in plants. 1
Determination of different pools of macro and micronutrients. 1
Quantity- intensity relations of P and K. 1
Estimation of S in soil. 1
Estimation of Zn in soil. 1
Estimation of B in soil. 1
Estimation of Cu in soil. 1
Estimation of S and Zn in plants. 1
Estimation of B and Cu in plants. 1
Qualitative and quantitative estimation of soil nutrients (N,P andK) in
Fertilizer analysis and quality control. 1
Final practical Examination 1
Total Numbers of Period 17
Reference Books:
Barber, S. A. 1984. Soil nutrient bioavailability. John Wiley, New York, pp389.
Cooke, G. W. 1967. The control of soil fertility . Crossby Lockwood and Sons, London,
Epstein, E. 1978. Mineral Nutrition of Plants- Principles and Perspectives. Wiley Eastern New
Delhi, pp.412
Lindsay, W.L. 1979. Chemical Equilibria in soils. John Wiley, New York, pp 449.
Mengel, K. and Kirkby, E. A 1987. Principles of Plant Nutrition. International Potash Institute,
Switzerland, pp 687.
Mortvedt, J. Shuman, L. M., Cox, F. R. and Weich, R. M. (ed) 1991. Micronutrinents in
Agriculture. Soil Science Society of America, pp 760.
Prasad, R. and Powar, J. F. 1997. Soil Fertility Management for Sustainable Agriculture.CRC
Lewis, Boca Ratoon, USA, pp356.
Singh, Dhyan, Chhonkar, P. K. and Pandey, R. N. 1999. Soil Plant water analysis. A method
manual. Indian agricultural research Institute, New Delhi, pp.160.
Tisdale, S. L. Nelson, W. L., Beaton, J. D. and Havlin, J. L. 1990. Soil fertility and fertilizers
(5th (ed). Macmillan Pub. New York, pp754.
Wild, A. (ed) Soil conditions and plant growth (11th ed) Longman, London, pp. 991.
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 18
Course Code: Course Title: Credit Hrs:
SES-714 Soil Taxonomy 3 (2+1)
Lecture Schedule:
Soil survey. 1
Concept of Soil Survey. 1
Objectives and methods of soil survey. 1
Soil mapping units. 1
Soil maps. 1
Land capability classification. 1
Productivity rating. 1
Cartography. 1
Soil survey reports for land use planning. 1
Land use planning and land use maps. 1
Waste land mapping. 1
Waste land classification. 1
Principal of soil classification. 1
Historical developments of soil classification. 1
Modern soil classification systems. 1
Importance of modern soil classification. 1
Mid - Semester Examination
Soil orders Entisols. 1
Vertisols. 1
Inceptisols. 1
Aridisols. 1
Mollisols. 1
Spodosols. 1
Alfosols. 1
Ultisols. 1
Oxisols. 1
Histosols. 1
Soil taxonomy. 1
Scope and importance of soil grouping. 1
Pedons, Epidons, Polypedons. 1
Classification of soils. 1
Remote sensing. 1
Application of GIS. 1
Cartography with special reference to soil survey. 1
Total Numbers of Period 34
Study of soil profile in selected areas. 2
Preparation of soil survey maps. 2
Soil profile and nomenclature of horizons. 2
Mottlings in sub soil horizons. 1
Soil color description and utility. 1
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 19
Soil pedons for classifications. 1
Visit to cartographic units. 2
Visual interpretation of imaginaries of soil and land use. 2
Preparation of land use maps. 1
Land capability classification. 1
Fertility capability classification. 1
Final practical Examination 1
Total Numbers of Period 17
Reference Books:
Boul, S. W., F. D. Kole and R. J. McCracken. 1975. Soil Genesis and classification. Oxford
and IBH Pub. Co., New Delhi.
Yong, R. N. 1983. Geological environment and Soil Properties. American Society of Civil
Engineers, New York.
Widing, L. P., N. E. Smeck, and G. F. Hall. 1983. Pedogenesis and soil taxonomy. Elsevier
Publishers, New York.
Charles, W and Frinkle, Jr. 1982. Soil Classification. Murohinson Ross Publishing Co.,
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.
Soil survey staff, 1955. Soil Taxonomy- A Basic system of soil classification for making
survey and interpretation. USDA handbook No. 463. Soil conservation service, USDA,
Washington, D. C.
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 20
Course Code: Course Title: Credit Hrs:
SES 714 Statistics 2nd 3 (2+1)
(Design of Experiment and analysis of variance)
Lecture Schedule:
Analysis of variance. 3
Definition and assumptions. 2
One way classification. 3
Two way classifications. 3
Sampling techniques. 2
Random sampling. 2
Stratified random Sampling. 2
Mid - Semester Examination
Systematic sampling. 2
Design Experiments. 3
Randomized block design. 2
Latin square design. 2
Factorial designs. 2
Some p x q factorial experiments. 2
Split plot experiments. 2
Balanced incomplete block design. 2
Total Numbers of Period 34
Analysis variance. 1
Randomized block design. 1
One way classification 2
Two way classifications. 2
Sampling techniques. 1
Random sampling. 1
Stratified random Sampling. 1
Systematic sampling. 1
Design Experiments. 1
Randomized block design. 1
Latin square design. 1
Factorial designs. 1
Some p x q factorial experiments. 1
Split plot experiments. 1
Balanced incomplete block design. 1
Total Numbers of Period 17
Reference Books:
Bernard Ostle and R.W. Mensing, Statistics in Research.
C.H. Goulden, Method of Statistical Analysis.
G.W. Snedecor and W.G. Cochran, Statistical Methods.
R.G. Steel and J.H. Torrie, Principles and Procedures of Statistics (with special reference to
Biological Sciences)
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 21
R. Rangaswamy., A Text Book of Agricultural Statistics.
Chandel S.R.S, A Text Book of Agricultural Statistics.
W.G. Cochran and G.M.Cox, Experimental Designs.
Course Code: Course Title: Credit Hrs:
SES 780 Seminar - 1st 1
Note: Seminar related to subject topics
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 22
Course Code: Course Title: Credit Hrs:
SES-712 Geo- Chemistry 3 (2+1)
Lecture Schedule:
Geo-chemistry, definition and scope. 1
Geological time scale. 1
Weathering definition and types. 1
Weathering of rocks. 1
Weathering of minerals. 1
Environment of weathering. 1
Interior of the earth. 1
Structure of the earth. 1
Materials of the earth crust. 1
Silicate and its classification. 1
Structure of silicate. 1
Structure of clay minerals. 1
Properties of silicate and clay minerals. 1
Hydrolysis of silicates. 1
Charges of Silicate clay. 1
Clays and its classification. 1
Mid - Semester Examination
Charges developed of clays. 1
Charges development on mineral, clay lattice, mineral formation. 1
Phase rule. 1
Minerals formation in Unary system. 1
In two component Nepheline - Tridymite system. 1
In two component Nepheline - Quartz system. 1
In binary system Albite. 1
In binary system Anorthite. 1
Solid solution. 1
Colloids. 1
Physical properties of minerals. 1
Chemistry of Aluminium. 1
Chemistry of Iron and chemistry rock phosphate. 1
Application of geochemistry in agriculture. 1
Application of geochemistry in human health. 1
Mineral deposits (Epigenetic and syngenetic). 1
Suppergene enrichment of ore deposit. 1
Total Numbers of Period 34
Study of petrological microscope and its different parts 2
Identification of different rocks 2
Identification of different minerals 2
M.Sc. Soil Sci. Syllabus, School of Forestry and Environment, SHIATS-DU, Allahabad 23
Identification of different ores 2
Identification of Quartz 1
Identification of Biotite 1
Identification of Muscobite 1
Identification of Albite 1
Identification Labradorite 1
Identification of microcline 1
Identification of Iron oxide etc. Under petrological microscope 2
Final practical Examination 1
Total Numbers of Period 17
Reference Books:
Read, H. H. 1974. Rutleys elements of mineralogy 26th ed. George Allen and Unwin Limited,
museum street London, W. C. L. pp. 560
Berry, L. G., Mason, B. Dietrich, R. V. Mineralogy (concepts, description and determination),
CBS pub. And distributor , Delhi 110032.
Brownlow, A. H., 1979. Geochemistry, pp.498. Printice Hall.
Kranskopf, K. B., 1979. Itroduction to Geochemistry, 2nded. Pp. 617, McGraw Hill Book
Corporation, New York.
Clark, S. P. 1971. Structure of the Earth, pp. 132, Printice Hall.
Ringwood, A. E. 1975. Composition and petrology of the Earth, Maltle pp. 618, McGraw- Hill
Book Co., New York.
Bear, F. E. (ed) Chemistry of the soil (2nd) pp.515, Reinhold Pub. Corp., New York.
Grim, R. E., 1968. Clay mineralogy, 2nded. McGraw Hill Publicator, New York.

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Hi am Anjana i would like to get details on best seminar topic in soil science ..My friend vishnu said best seminar topic in soil science will be available here..

please suggest some latest topics suitable for seminar related to soil science and agricultural chemistry,


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