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anchoring script on talent show in hindi

Anchor-1: Good Evening ! Ladies and Gentleman!, The galaxy of intellectuals, your Excellency, invited guests, teachers and my dear friends how different is this evening. Dear audience, you will yourself discover as the colours of cultural feast unfold !

Well, my first and foremost duty - On behalf of the Principal, Teaching Staff and Students, we welcome you all to our ANNUAL DAY FUNCTION

Anchor-2: We fell honored to have with us - The Honourable Chief Guest His Excellency Mr Biren Nanda, the Indian Ambassador To Indonesia, - Sir you hardly need any introduction, you have made all of us proud by your distinguished work in numerous capacities. You are one of the most celebrated foreign services dignitary . Guests of Honour : Mr Dexter Kennedy, the Pro-Vice Chairman of the School, the man of distinct vision and a fountainhead of illuminating ideas, an idol of knowledge and experience and inspiration to all of us. Mr Vipin Kumar, who is .( add yourself)

Anchor-1: Now, we will have our traditional auspicious LAMP-LIGHTENING ceremony as a tribute to Mother Saraswati, the Godess of knowledge. (Mother, we pray for your blessings with all humility give us wisdom to make this world a better place. May all human beings live in harmony with nature and other forms of life. May the truth prevail. May the darkness of ignorance be swept away by the dawn of self-realization.)that the by our honourable Chief Guest His Highness Mr Biren Nanda
Sir Please


Anchor-2 : Next, I would like to call upon our respected Principal, the sculptor of human character, a seasoned scholar and navigator of this flagship of knowledge -- to present a brief agenda and give the school presentation.


Anchor-1: Without taking much of your time, permit us to start the programme. __ do you feel some turbulence around here ?

Anchor-2: Yes, I do the heart beats have gone up and everyone is eager to sink into the depth of music, song, lights and joy. Well, here you are. Today, we will have rainbow of cultural programmes prepared under the able stewardship of our teachers.

First, there will be a FAN DANCE by kids from grade 6 To 8 (This dance is performed with one or more fans and has a Japanese/Korean Origin. It involves various movements, figures and mesmerizing formations which engrosses its audience to the core.)

Anchor-1: That was indeed a lovely performance. How captivating ! poetry of footsteps !! A blend of cosmic tune and divine music !.

Anchor-2: Now HOLD YOUR BREATH FOR another dance performance CANDLE DANCE which perhaps is one of the oldest dance forms of the world. It hearkens back not just centuries but aeons ago. Dancing with flames bring us to a more elemental and archetypical state of mind. This mesmerizing, powerful and alluring candle dance performance requires full body integration.


Anchor-1: I still feel like lost in those melody dipped music notes. ( Anchor-2) Well, come back now. Let s have a change.
Anchor-2: OK, what is next ?
Anchor-1: Wait, wait don t step over the clock ! Come with me to the theatre of life . Now kids of grade 2 to 6 will fetch us centuries back . Yes, behold - we now present a drama PIPED PIPER OF HAMELIN which will be performed by. It is a legend about the abductance of many children from the town of Haemlin, Germany. It is a high-level costume drama.

Anchor-2: Do you know the magic of ankle bells ?
Anchor-1: Magic !
Yes, magic and music both. Here comes a scintillating dance performance which is a BALLET. Its a formalized type of dance performance which is highly technical with its own vocabulary.
Anchor-2: Really ?

Anchor-1: Yes, A blend of meticulous Pointe work, flowing and precise, weightless acrobatic movements.

Anchor-2: Wow ! incredible. The young dancers really held everyone captive. An essay on creativity. Firework of rapid moving steps. Awesome !
Anchor-1: Don t you think kids are more creative than the grown ups.
Anchor-2: How do you mean ?
Anchor-1: I mean the kids are more talented.
Anchor-2: Can you wait a moment.
Anchor-1: What is up?
Anchor-2: Surprise. Suspense. Action. Emotion.
Anchor-1: Come on, what is this puzzle ?
Anchor-2: Now our seniors are going g to unleash a breathtaking stage performance a one-act play FRIENDSHIP FOREVER.
Anchor-1: Here you are.


Anchor-2: Now it is time we acknowledged the talent of our brimming buddies- prize distribution ceremony and annual day report, I request Principle Sir to announce the names of the winners and our hon ble Chief Guest Mr. Biren Nanda to give away the prizes.

Anchor-1: Now I would like to call upon Mr Dexter Kennedy to present the Vote of Thanks


BOTH--A very good afternoon to all of you.

Kavya -I m Kavya

Kapil- and I m Kapil Mahajan

Both- Your host and dost for this afternoon.

Kavya- Before entering into second round, we would like to congratulate you all for your
selections in the second round.

Kapil-This round is called as

and is sub-divided into three parts:-

Kavya- First part of this round comprises a quiz named
who am I?
in which you will be given
some clues to answer and some
to recognize.

Kapil- In second part, one of your team members will be given a product to perform an act on
stage to make the other members guess the product. And name of this round is

Kavya- In the third part of this round, the teams are required to make story boards of certain
products assigned to them. Before the third part starts, you will be given a fair idea of what a
story board is. Name of this round is

Kapil- So are you ready RE YO U READY?????????????

Kapil- Let s find who am I??? I mean to say let s start

Kavya- Now we would like to invite our
quiz master
Pravin Kumar to take this show forward.

Kapil- I must say Kavya that the performance of all the teams was wonderful, magnificent even

Kavya-Now we are heading towards second part of this second round which is ST GE ON

Kapil- We would like to brief you all about the rules and regulations of the second part of this
second round.

Kavya- In this part a team member will come here on the floor and he/she has to pick up a chit
from the box and then has to act so that his/her team members can guess the product within
20 seconds.

Kapil- The person who is going to act will be given 5 seconds to think and then he/ she has to
act. The number of seconds you will save that will be assigned as your group score. For e.g.- if
you guess the product in 10 seconds then your group will awarded as 10 marks.

Kavya- Less the number of seconds you will take, more the number of points you will get.

Kapil- You can t ope n your mouth or move your lips

Kavya- can t draw alphabets/numbers in air or through your fingers which resembles any

Kapil- If you are found to violate any of these restrictions, you will be disqualified and shall be
awarded no marks in this round.

Kavya- Kindly decide among yourself within 10 seconds that who would come on the stage for
(Give 10 seconds for teams to select their representatives)

Kapil- So, let s call the first team s presenter from their team to please come on stage and pick a
chit from the box.
(After the person takes the chit)

Kavya- You have 5 seconds to think and then after the bell, you can start acting with which,
your countdown for marks will start.
Time up!! Or Very nice.
Repeat the event wi th every team.

Kapil- Now, the second team representator please come on stage to perform and score.

Kavya- Your scores will be announced after the final round Now it s time for third and final part
of this round which is STORY BO RD Let s see what is a story board and what you can do in it.
(Play the story board ppt)

Kapil- Now that you have seen what a story board is, every team has to make a storyboard on a
common product for all teams. The rules and regulations are as follows:

Kavya- All the team members have to jointly make the storyboard.
In this round a product will be given to all the teams and the y will be provided paper
and pencils then they have to prepare a storyboard
The time limit for each team to make it is 20 minutes. No extra time is available.
Any query??? You can ask.
Both- Let us welcome our honorable judge for this round Prof. Anil Kumar.

Kapil- To introduce him briefly, he has done PGDM from IIM Ahamedabad, B. Tech from IIT
Kharagpur). He has 3 decades of corporate experience having worked in top organizations
ranging from manufacturing to software and IT and IT enabled services.
(Stationary will be provided to the teams in between)

Kavya- The product for which you have to make story board is
(Show the product)

Kapil- Your countdown begins now and you have 20 minutes from now.

Time Up!!

Kapil- Friends, now please stop drawing and writing on paper. For those who qualify through
the second round, third round will be held tomorrow on the main stage. Very soon your
composite results will be announced but in the mean while, let s see what s there for you

I m honored to be here to congratulate you today. We are very happy to welcome you on the behalf of the whole ..[Name the institution] to this great . Let me just acknowledge the presence of some of our respected and dearest [name few famous respected and dearest] And I want to especially thank to our I also want to acknowledge several members/students of the college/institution, who have great interest in intelligence and so contributed a lot to development of this institution/college. I want to thank .for being here today. Thank you so much. These are extraordinary times for our college/institution. We are facing a range of challenges that will define the way that our college/institution will live in the 21st century. So there's no shortage of work to be done, or responsibilities to bear. And we've begun to make progress. I welcome all the extraordinary work that has been done over the years on these and other issues. . . Today is the day you enter into the real world . For everyone here this evening, it s a very special occasion. And I m delighted to share it with you. Today, as each of you ends one chapter in your young lives and begins another We can do better. We should do better. !!

I now request .to deliver the welcome address.

Anchor_T_two: Thank you very much sir, your thought provoking address set a perfect platform for .. Thank you once again. College is something you complete. Life is something you experience. So we don t have to worry about grades, or the results or success. Success is defined in myriad ways, and you will find it, and people will no longer be grading you, but it will come from your own internal sense of decency which I imagine . Love what you do. Get good at it. Competence is a rare commodity in this day and age. And let the chips fall where they may. I have a great feeling that audience is now bored of our/my talks so now let us call upon our first who are from .. and who is going to Anchor_T_three: Thank you very much sir. I am proud to say that I am leaving an organisation which is in very good shape. Ladies and gentlemen may I now request . to our esteemed audience. Anchor_T_four: Thank you sir for giving your valuable insights on .. Sir, I am sure, your address will help a lot in understanding the . Thank you once again sir. Now, I will beg our indulgence for a couple more minutes while I extend some much needed thanks: First of all, a big thank you to the . Secondly, many thanks to .

Thanks to / supporters who have seen the potential in ..and have taken steps to work with us. And thanks to all of you for coming out on a sunny day to help us mark a significant time in life.

Thank you. Congratulations. I honor you & Good Day

Anchoring Script for the annual function of the annual function is celebrated in many organizations (school/College/Institute/University etc) to complete a successful year. In this article, information about anchor script for an annual function is provided. Welcome ceremony: to start the Script anchor for the annual function of the annual function is celebrated in many organizations (school/College/Institute/University etc) to complete a successful year. In this article, information about anchor script for an annual function is provided. Welcome ceremony: for the startAnchoring Script for the annual function of the annual function is celebrated in many organizations (school/College/Institute/University etc) to complete a successful year. In this article, information about anchor script for an annual function is provided. Welcome ceremony: for the startAnchoring Script for the annual function of the annual function is celebrated in many organizations (school/College/Institute/University etc) to complete a successful year. In this article, information about anchor script for an annual function is provided. Welcome ceremony: for the startAnchoring Script for the annual function of the annual function is celebrated in many organizations (school/College/Institute/University etc) to complete a successful year. In this article, information about anchor script for an annual function is provided. Welcome ceremony: For the startAnchoring Script for the annual function of the annual function is celebrated in many organizations (school/College/Institute/University etc) to complete a successful year. In this article, information about anchor script for an annual function is provided. Welcome ceremony: for the startAnchoring Script for the annual function of the annual function is celebrated in many organizations (school/College/Institute/University etc) to complete a successful year.

The Farewell Party

The Farewell Party (Hebrew: Mita Tova) is a 2014 Israeli drama film about the use of a euthanasia device, directed by Tal Granit and Sharon Maymon. It was nominated for the Ophir Award for Best Film.[1] The film was screened in the Venice Days section of the 71st Venice International Film Festival[2] and has been selected to be screened in the Contemporary World Cinema section at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival.[3] The film was also screened in the 44th edition of the International Film Festival Rotterdam, reaching the second place in the IFFR audience award.[4]


Ze'ev Revach as Yehezkel
Aliza Rosen as Yana
Raffi Tavor as Rafi
Levana Finkelstein as Levana
Ilan Dar as Dr. Daniel

.. [ ] .. .. [ ] .. / / , / .. .For / / 21 , .. .. .. , , .. !!

.. .To

Anchor_T_two: - , .. .. .. , , , , .. / .. .. .. .. .. Anchor_T_three : .. Anchor_T_four: .. .. , , the . , : , .. .. , ..

.. / .. .. ..

hi i am shashank i would like to get details on achoring script of talent show in hindi. my friend said script in hindi will be available here. I need help

hi i am nidhi i would like to get anchoring script on talent show in hindi .talent show include singing ,dancing ,poetry

I need a script in Hindi ..for hosting a talent show

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