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a) Microcontroller Based Automatic Ticket Dispensing Machine
b) Microcontroller based voice recorder and play back system
c) SMS based D.C motor speed controlling system
d) Speed drive for single phase induction motor 4)
e) Microcontroller based ball printing robot
f) SMS based automatic weather report information system
g) Microcontroller Based Voltage and Current monitoring and control system
h) Microcontroller based wireless Electric bill reading system
i) SMS based home appliances controlling system
j) RFID based production security system
k) Micro controller Based smart card reader and writer
l) Industrial furnace monitoring system through mobile phone
m) Speed control of PMDC motor by using fuzzy logic
n) Microcontroller based automatic Power theft identifier
o) Microcontroller Based Voltage and Current monitoring system
p) SMS Based DC Motor Speed Controller
q) RFID based banking system
r) Microcontroller Based Closed Loop Pressure Control System
s) Microcontroller Based Automatic Packing control Machine
t) Microcontroller based automatic visitor guided vehicle
u) Finger print based banking system
v) Microcontroller Based SMS controlled moving robot
w) Microcontroller based digital gear level indicator
x) SMS based banking security system
y) PC based wireless stepper motor speed controlling system
z) Security breach information for unauthorized entry based on mobile technique
aa) Microcontroller Based cash register
bb) SMS based industrial disaster system
cc) Microcontroller based transformer monitoring and production system
dd) Intelligent fire monitoring using blue tooth technology
ee) RFID R/W based prepaid energy meter
ff) Remote control of industrial machines based on GSM technology
gg) Microcontroller based PC to PC wireless data transfer system
hh) Microcontroller Based Power Management System
ii) Microcontroller Based Railway track crack Detecting Vehicle
jj) Artificial Intelligent Based Automatic Path finding Cum Video Analyzing Robot
kk) Microcontroller Based Voice Controlled Robot
ll) Microcontroller Based Stepper Motor Speed Controlling System Using Cell Phone
mm) Microcontroller Based Multi-Channel acquisition and control
nn) Microcontroller based automatic vehicle speed measuring system using IR Rays
oo) Microcontroller Based automatic industrial time management system with display
pp) SMS Based Banking Security System
qq) Microcontroller Based motor speed and frequency monitoring system
rr) Microcontroller based digital advertisement display using LED
ss) Microcontroller based maximum demand controller for industry
tt) Microcontroller Based Incubator
uu) Microcontroller Based digital temperature measurement system
vv) AC Motor Speed Controlling System Using PWM Techniques
ww) Microcontroller Based Unaided Guided Vehicle (UGV)
xx) Digital energy with volt, current & power factor monitor
yy) Microcontroller based automatic paint marking machine
zz) Microcontroller Based Double Axis crane
aa) Microcontroller Based mono rail system
bb) Microcontroller Based Solar Powered Automated Guided vehicle (Solar AGV)
cc) Gas leakage detector & auto dialing controller system
dd) Microcontroller Based Railways Accident Avoiding System
ee) Microcontroller Based Sensor operated Automatic Track Guided vehicle (ATGV)
ff) Microcontroller Based Automatic Vehicle Accident information system
gg) Microcontroller Based Digital locking system (Password) for Two wheeler
hh) Microcontroller based digital energy meter
ii) Microcontroller Based speed and frequency monitoring and controlling system
jj) Micro controller Based 104 keyboard interface (PS/2)
kk) Microcontroller Based Intelligent Braking System
ll) High Way High Speed Sensing and Automatic Speed Controlling System
mm) Microcontroller Based Automatic temperature controller with cooling system
nn) Computerized Pick and place sequence operated Robot
oo) Sensor Operated Paper Counting Machine
pp) Microcontroller Based Conveyor Automation
qq) Material Dimensions Analysing Robot
rr) Sensor Based Automatic steering control system for Automobile
ss) Microcontroller Based Automatic Electro-Plating Coating System
tt) Microcontroller Based Automatic Water Level Indicator and Controlling System
uu) Microcontroller Based Automatic Traffic and Street Light Controlling System
vv) Microcontroller Based Multi-Channel Fire Alarm System
ww) Microcontroller Based motor speed monitoring and controlling system
xx) Microcontroller Based Remote Motor Speed Controlling System
yy) Microcontroller Based automatic glucose flow rate controller
zz) Microcontroller Based telephone Answering And Recording Machine
aa) Microcontroller Based Sensor Operated Path Finder Vehicle
bb) Microcontroller Based Automatic Moisture and Light control System for Garden
cc) Automatic Vehicle Over Speed Indication and Controlling System
dd) Microcontroller Based Railways Accident Avoiding System
ee) Microcontroller based pick and place spray painting sequence robot
ff) Microcontroller Based Industry Safety Control System
gg) Microcontroller Based Automatic college bell with announcement System
hh) Microcontroller Based Ball Printing Robot
ii) Microcontroller based automatic dam shutter open/close system
jj) Microcontroller Based Automatic car Over taking System
kk) Microcontroller Based Phase sequence indicator and controlling System
ll) Microcontroller Based Multi-channel temperature monitor for surgery
mm) Microcontroller Based Multi-Device Digital Code Locking System
nn) Advertising Display using LED & LCD
oo) DSP based signal analyzer
pp) PC based wireless pick and place crane
qq) PID controller for D.C motor
rr) Microcontroller Based Automatic Railways Signaling System
ss) Microcontroller Based Automatic Humidification system
tt) Microcontroller Based Self centering Four-jaw Chuck
uu) Microcontroller Based Simple indexing by stepper motor in Shaping Machine
vv) Microcontroller Based Fire Fighting AGV
ww) Microcontroller Based Mini Robot car
xx) Microcontroller Based Industrial temperature Analyzing Robot
yy) Microprocessor Controlled Thermometer
zz) Microcontroller Based Automatic medicine announcement system
aa) Microcontroller Based velocity and pressure monitoring and controlling system
bb) Microcontroller Based Digital password car parking system for apartment
cc) Automatic attendance monitoring and Light ON/OFF system
dd) Phase failure manager (or) Identifier
ee) Automatic Accident avoiding system in Machine
ff) Telephone Answering and Home appliances Control system through Cell Phone
gg) Telephone line based Audio Muting and Light ON/OFF Control System
hh) Microcontroller Based Automatic Railway Gate Controller
ii) Microcontroller Based Mini Robo Car
jj) Microcontroller based automatic power factor controlling system
kk) Microcontroller Based Moving Message Display
ll) Micro controller Based humidity controller
mm) Microcontroller Based Electrical Appliances Controlling System Using Cell Phone
nn) Microcontroller based temperature analyzing system for industrial control
oo) Microcontroller Based Temperature and Respiration Monitoring System
pp) Microcontroller Based Digital Fuel Level Indicator
qq) Microcontroller based intelligent bank security system
rr) Dish Antenna Rotating System
ss) Microcontroller Based Multi-channel Fire (or) Smoke Detector
tt) Microcontroller Based Humidity Controller
uu) Microcontroller Based Blood/Glucose flow rate controller
vv) Microcontroller Based Automatic Packing Machine by using sensors
ww) Microcontroller Based Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV)
xx) Microcontroller Based Capacitance and Resistance Measurement Meter
yy) Microcontroller Based Automatic Power factor Controller
zz) Microcontroller Based Path Sensing(Finding) Robot
aa) Microcontroller Based Water Level Indicator
bb) Microcontroller Based voice controlled Machines
cc) Microprocessor Based Token Number display for Bank with Speech Facility
dd) Telephone Line Based Generic Switching System by using Microcontroller
ee) Microcontroller Based personal remainder system
ff) Microcontroller Based battery level monitoring system
gg) Microcontroller Based Motor Speed Monitoring System
hh) Microcontroller Based Industrial Power Saving and Automatic Attendance System
ii) Microcontroller Based Dam water level Indicator and Controlling System
jj) Microcontroller Based Fire Fighting Robot
kk) Microcontroller based automatic car parking system
ll) Microcontroller Based velocity and pressure monitoring system
mm) Microcontroller Based Two Wheeler Automation with Security System
nn) Microcontroller Based Home Automation with Security System
oo) Micro controller Based dish antenna tracking system

a) Patient Health monitoring and Information System
b) Automatic Air Breaker System
c) Blind Person Eye
d) Self-Powered Wireless Repeater
e) Cell phone SMS for World through Internet
f) Solar Electricity Generation
g) Biogas Hybrid Electricity Generation
h) Embedded Based Autonomous Robotic
i) Autonomous Electronic Robot
j) Automotive Injection Systems in ICU Patient
k) Intelligent Sensor Systems
l) Intelligent Multi-sensor System for Control of Boilers and Furnaces
m) Automated Highway System
n) Automated Driving on Highways
o) GPS-Based Vehicle Navigation Systems
p) Vehicles with Intelligent Systems for Transport Automation (VISTA)
q) Integrate a PLC with a motor control and a sensor network
r) Cane Object Detector (COD) (Blind Stick)
s) Automatic Gear controller
t) Real-time Collection of Biological Signals with Microcontroller
u) GPS Navigation System
v) Secure Army Data Collection System
w) Industrial Monitoring Robot
x) Satellite Survey Robot
y) Fault Prediction in Quasi-Steady System with SCADA
z) Intelligent House Security System
aa) Unmanned Military Surveillance robot
bb) Bluetooth Protocol Decoding
cc) Intelligent Robot Navigation in a Realistic Environment
dd) Intelligent Sensor Security Technology
ee) Smart Card Application in Co-Operate Sector
ff) Industrial damage Monitoring & Indication Using Advanced Sensor
gg) Power Distribution Management System using WAP
hh) PC Based Global Positioning System
ii) Embedded PIC Microcontroller based Controlling of devices thro Telephone Lines
jj) Wireless based Medicare system used in a hospital with WAP
kk) Wireless fire fighting Robot with Artificial Intelligence with Model and WAP.
ll) Wireless Heart Beat Rate Monitoring System with WAP
mm) Wireless Home Automation System Using Telephone Lines with WAP.
nn) Wireless Multi Axis Robotics with Model and WAP.
oo) Wireless Encryption and Decryption message transfer system for military applications.
pp) Mobile Wireless Sensor Network
qq) Automated Vehicle Control Developments in the PATH Program
rr) Vehicle Trajectory Generation for Optimal Driving Guidance
ss) Mobile Satellite Communications
tt) Electric wheel chair
uu) Mobile Jammer
vv) Remote data acquisition module
ww) Intelligent Control of Voltage and Power in Industrial
xx) Voltage Monitoring and Control in Electric Power Systems
yy) A Remotely Computer-Controlled Vehicle
zz) Intelligent Mobile Robot.
aa) Unmanned Ground Vehicles
bb) Mobile Autonomous Robot
cc) Embedded System Based Highway Monitoring System and Control
dd) Elements used in an Intensive Care Unit with Graph & WAP
ee) Embedded controller based level measurement and flow control
ff) Microcontroller based Conveyor system
gg) Pc based electronic weighing scale with set point.
hh) Encoding and decoding technique for secured data communication
ii) Pc based attendance cum visitor management system.
jj) Multi-parameter measurement system with true graphs and SCADA
kk) Multi-parameter measurement system with true graphs and SCADA using HITECH C.
ll) Artificial Intelligence placed in a fire fighting Robot with WAP
mm) Protected data communication for military application
nn) Pc based emergency ambulance caller.
oo) Code Modulation With PC Interface
pp) Pc based data scanner/ logger for 8 channel
qq) Robot controlled using Cell Phone
rr) Microcontroller based Surveillance Robot for a Military Application
ss) Multi-Parameter Measurement System and Control with Graphs with Voice Indication.
tt) Two Axis Stepper Controller / Driver with Opto-Isolation with Model.
uu) Multi Axis Stepper Controller / Driver with Opto-Isolation with Model
vv) Two Axis Robotics with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Model
ww) Three Axis Robotics With Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Model
xx) Microcontroller based Position Control for Stepper Motor.
yy) SCADA for PLC
zz) Industrial Safety Measures System with Sensors and Web Cam.
aa) Industrial Safety Measures System with Sensors.
bb) Industrial Safety Measures System with Sensors with Voice Indication.
cc) Categorized Alarm Annunciator using Embedded System
dd) Intelligent guided vehicle for collision prevention
ee) Embedded controller for traffic controls with PC interface and WEB CAM
ff) Microcontroller based Dedicated PID Controller for Temperature.
gg) Hardware Design for Pick and Place Robot.
hh) Battery Voltage and Current Monitoring for 8 Batteries.
ii) Medicare System for Hospitals.
jj) Prepaid Electricity Billing Automation.
kk) Fire Fighting Robotics With AI (Artificial Intelligence) with Model
ll) Master / Slave Control System for Process Industries.
mm) Attendance Marker System with IRC Reader
nn) Attendance Marker System with IRC Reader and Face indicator
oo) Electrical Station Variables Reader/Controller with True Graph and SCADA
pp) Electrical Station Variable Reader/Controller with True Graph.
qq) IR based human radiation detection online
rr) Pc based speed, light and level measurement system
ss) Automated car parking system
tt) Locker security system using PIC
uu) Multi-Parameter Measurement System and Control with Graphs.
vv) Power Factor Correction Using Multiple Capacitor Banks.
ww) Electricity Billing Automation.
xx) Digital Counter using Proximity Sensor.
yy) Digital Energy meter using Embedded Controller
zz) Remote Digital RPM Indicator using Proximity or Magnetic Pick up with SCADA
aa) Electronic Voting System
bb) Power Transmission through RS232.
cc) Length counter using embedded system.
dd) SCADA For PowerStation with Seven Segment Display
ee) SCADA For PowerStation through Rs232
ff) Multi Channel Voltage Scanner with SCADA.
gg) Categorized Alarm Annunciator using Embedded System with controls.
hh) Categorized Alarm Annunciator with Voice using Embedded System with controls.
ii) PC Based Medicare system used in a hospital with WAP
jj) PC Based Programmable Temperature Controller for Furnaces
kk) PC Based Programmable Temperature Controller for Cement Plant.
ll) Motor speed control using PC for mines application
mm) Temperature based AC machine using Thermocouple
nn) PH measurement and control
oo) SCADA for Instrumentation
pp) Battery Voltage and Current Monitoring for 8 Batteries.
qq) Wireless based Remote Monitoring of Electrical parameters
rr) Thermal overload protection for transformer
ss) Temperature adaptation for railway coaches
tt) Microcontroller based Medicare for hospital system
uu) Microcontroller based Medicare for hospital system with WAP
vv) Microcontroller based Sun tracking solar cell
ww) Microcontroller based Boiler Management System
xx) Power Sharing of Transformers.
yy) Energy Saver for Auditoriums
zz) Protected Data communication for military application
aa) Microcontroller based Home Automation with PC Interface
bb) Heart Beat Rate Monitoring System
cc) Wireless Heart Beat Rate Monitoring System
dd) Wireless Heart Beat Rate Monitoring System With WAP
ee) Energy Saving System Using PC
ff) ECG Analysis
gg) Boiler Management System
hh) Microcontroller based Signal Jammer
ii) Microcontroller based Multiple starter with overload potation
jj) Microcontroller based Monitoring Instrumentation parameter
kk) Mobile Traffic Information System
ll) Image Transmission from PC to PC through RF Wireless Using Microcontroller
mm) LPS (local positioning system) Embedded Security System.
nn) Network Surveillance System Using CAM and Sensor.
oo) Microcontroller based Annunciator system
pp) Microcontroller based Load cell digital weighting machine
qq) Microcontroller based Life cycle testing
rr) Computer Keyboard dual controller for switching electrical devices
ss) Microcontroller based Anaesthesia control with saline
tt) PC based Maximum demand indicating controller
uu) Microcontroller based Power transmission through RS232
vv) Master / Slave Control System for Process Industries.
ww) Pc based speed, light and level measurement system
xx) Traffic Conditioning System Using Microcontroller
yy) A Radio Frequency (RFID) Tag Application for Asset and people Tracking.
zz) Automation of Electrical Devices Using PC to PC Wireless communication.

1. Robust and Efficient Password-Authenticated Key Agreement using Smart Cards For Campus Management
2. Group Elevator Scheduling with Advance Information for Normal and Emergency modes in Building Management Systems
3. Implementation Of a CAN-Based Multi Controller Digital Driving System for a Vehicle
4. Patient Monitoring using GSM and ZIGBEE for Hospitals and Old age Homes
5. Performance of an Industrial Data Communication Protocol on Ethernet Network
6. Development of pedestrian-to-vehicle communication system prototype for pedestrian safety using both wide-area and direct communication
7. Automated Vehicles For Physically and Visually Challenged
8. A tactile System for Informing the Blind on Direction of a Walk
9. Efficient Cost-Based Tracking of Scheduled Vehicle Journeys
10. Low-Cost and High Sensitive Microcontroller Based Data Acquisition System for Renewable Energy Sources
11. Intelligent Residential Security Alarm and Remote Control System Based On Single Chip Computer
12. Scalable and Efficient Approach for Obtaining Measurements in CAN-Based Control Systems
13. Design and Implementation of Control Mechanism for Standby Power Reduction in Home Appliances.
14. Remote Sensing and Control of an Irrigation System using a Distributed Wireless Sensor Network
15. Study and Application of Integrated Monitoring System for Disaster and accident Prevention in Railway Passenger-Dedicated Lines
16. Distributed intelligent control of car lighting system with fault detection
17. An Expert Fuzzy Controller for Vehicle Lateral Control
18. Application of Sun Protection Factor and Ultra Violet in Alarming Hat
19. A Microcontroller Based on Multi Sensors Data Fusion and Artificial Intelligent Technique for Gas Identification
20. Experimental Analysis of a Time-Triggered Network Designed for Train Communications
21. Interactive User Interface for Visual Inspection System
22. Smart Pin - An Automated Multi-Function Liquid Dispensing System
23. Route Selection for Vehicle Navigation and Control
24. An Infant Monitoring System Using CO2 Sensors.
25. The Electronic Passport and Feature of Government Issued RF-ID Based Identification
26. Secure Biometric Recognition method in Home Network
27. Integrated Smart Car Navigation and Voice Control System Design
28. An Inertially Stabilized Vehicle Camera System - Hardware, Algorithms, Test Drives
29. Application of Sun Protection Factor and Ultra Violet in Alarming Hat
30. Industrial Communication Systems in Technology Control for Public Transport Vehicles
31. Distributed Bayesian Decision-Making for Urban Traffic Control
32. A Novel Time Independent Asynchronous Communication Protocol & Its application
33. A Distributed approach to the Remote Control and Programming Improvement
34. PH Neutralization through Internet
35. Smart Micro sensor with RF Transmitter for Intelligent Human sensing system
36. Signature system on SMART card with key generated by Fingerprint
37. Ant Colony Based Algorithm to Identify Alarm Patterns For Equipment Failures
38. Integrated Ultra-Wideband Transmitter and Receiver for Sensor, Positioning and Identification Network
39. Human Adaptive Assist Planning for Tele Operation
40. Remote Target Monitoring in Embedded Systems Lab Courses using Sensor Network
41. Real Time Driving-Aid System for Different Lighting Conditions, on Board a Road Vehicle
42. Wireless Vehicle Communication for Traffic Control in Urban Areas
43. Urban Traffic Incident Detection Based On Fuzzy Logic
44. Fingerprint Matching Based on Inter-minutiae Constraint Network
45. Observer-Based Drive-Control for Self-Balanced Vehicles
46. Attaining Operational Survivability in an Autonomous Unmanned Ground Surveillance Vehicle
47. Design and Development of New Controller Suitable to Neighborhood Electric Vehicle Propulsion Control
48. Development of a Yarn Evenness Measurement and Hairiness Analysis System
49. CAN Application Profile for Control Optimization in Networked Embedded system
50. Measurement Error Analysis of Autonomous Decentralized Load Tracking system
51. Proposal and Evaluation of Outdoor Localization based on IEE 802.11


Fingerprint Based Electronic Voting Machine
FingerPrint Based Security System
Fire Fighting Robot (AT89S52)
Gates Emulator (AT89C2051)
Home Security System(AT89S52)
Infrared Interruption counter (AT89C2051)
InfraRed Remote Switch (6 devices + 1 fan) -AT89S52
InfraRed Remote Switch (AT89C2051)
Auto Control of three phase Induction motor (AT89S52)
Automatic College Bell (AT89S8252 & DS1307)
Automatic plant Irrigation (AT89C2051)
Automatic Room light Controller with Visitor Counter (AT89S52)
Device control through Bluetooth from Symbian OS Mobiles
Device Controlling through PC (Visual Basic)
Digital Calendar (AT89C2051)
Digital Countdown Timer (AT89C2051)

Digital IC Tester for 74 series
Digital Visitor Counter (AT89C2051)
DS1620 Based Temperature Controller (AT89S52)
DS1820 Based High Precision Temperature Indicator
Electronic Cash Register (ECR)
Electronic Voting Machine (AT89S8252)
Electronics Components Tester (AT89C52)
Interactive Voice Response System For College Automation (IVRS)
Line Following Robot (AT89C2051)
Microcontroller Based Caller ID (AT89C2051)
Microcontroller Based Digital Clock with Alarm
Microcontroller Based Digital code Lock (AT89C2051)
Multipattern Running Lights (AT89C2051)
Parallel Telephone with auto secrecy (AT89C2051)
Password Based Door Locking (AT89C2051)
PC -MC communication (AT89C2051 + Tx/Rx)
PC Based Digital IC Tester
PC Based GPS
PC Based Robot (AT89C2051)
PC Remote Control
Prepaid Energy Meter (AT89S52)
Remote Controlled Digital Clock with DS1307 & AT89C2051
RF based Automatic meter reading
RF Based Remote control (AT89C2051)
RFID Based Attendance System (AT89S52 + RFID)
RFID Based Security System (AT89S52 + RFID)
SMS through Telephone (AT89S8252)
Solar tracking System (AT89C2051)
Telephone Controlled Motor
Telephone controlled Remote switch (AT89S52)
Temperature controlled Fan (AT89S52)
Traffic Light Controller (AT89C2051)
Two Line Intercom (AT89C2051)

1. Artificial intelligent solar power generation
2. A testing method for PIR detectors system
3. A mobile - agent based distributed intelligent control system architecture for home automation
4. A multi agent multi sensor based security system for intelligent building
5. Industrial energy saver
6. A novel optimum point tracker of the solar cell power supply system
7. Train collision detection
8. Humidity monitoring and pumping system
9. Alcohol detection with vehicle controlling
10. Automated restaurant for efficient maintenance
11. RF based human movement monitoring
12. Smoke alert system for industries
13. Intelligent guard alert system
14. Auto-image monitoring using CCTV camera
15. Path planning system for blind
16. Digital energy meter with auto limiting of load
17. Intelligent fire detection and fighting robot
18. Temperature level monitoring and automatic control in boiler
19. Self guided vehicle
20. Automated conveyor system
21. Modern car parking system
22. Ozone gas generator for water purifier
23. Aeronautical collision prevention system
24. Automated bus-stop alert for passengers
25. Bus identification system for blind
26. Eye blink with more explanation
27. Wireless motor control system
28. Chopper based dc motor controller
29. PWM based solar tracking system with sine wave inverter
30. PWM based single phase ac induction motor with close loop controller
31. PWM based three phase ac induction motor with close loop controller
32. Single axis solar panel tracking system
33. Double axis solar panel tracking system
34. Solar based lighting system
35. Solar agro sprayer
36. Coil winding machine

to get information about based on microcontroller full report ,ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow

i m in final yr. ece student. now its time for doing some projects i.e. mini and major. but i m in cofusioun in project. i haven't got any idea that which project is better mean haven't idea about project. so any one plz help me to suggest any project.

thanks & regards
pulkit jain

plese send the abstracts on
1. micro controller based sensor operated automatic track guided vehicle.
2. micro controller based automatic vehicle accident information system.
3. micro controller based digital locking system for two wheelers

visit this thread for report on microcontroller based digital code lock :

I want all details (project report on unmanned military surveillance robot(with web cam) which sends data to PC & has voice control.

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