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free download project in mba marketing in pharmaceutical companies

free download project in mba marketing in pharmaceutical companies

Project Report on Marketing of Pharmaceutical Companies


Introduction to the Project
Introduction to Pharmaceutical Industry
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry
Industry Structure
Major Players
Research Methodology
Analysis & Interpretation
Swot Analysis
Findings & Suggestions
Limitations of the Study


Practical exposure in the form of training is extremely important for it gives a close view of the relatives of the real business issue. For any business student who is striving to perform outstanding it is of paramount importance that apart from theoretical knowledge, he must also gain some practical knowledge. The Project Report deals with providing an opportunity to management students to have some exposure in the real business world.

The project report is concerned with the Comparative Study of Marketing of Different Products of Various Pharmaceutical Companies. During the tenure of Report, I studied the role played by Chemists and Pharmaceutical companies in promoting their product.

During the project I visited various pharmaceutical companies and chemists. I had studied various promotional strategies using by pharmaceutical companies.

Further in the report there is Research Methodology which is including area of study, sample size, data collection methods etc. Then report includes analysis and interpretation and findings and suggestions based on my study.

Introduction to Project Report

Drug abuse is becoming a serious problem in India. Thanks to the easy availability of various addictive substances and inadequate control, drug abuse has assumed an alarming proportion both in the urban and rural areas. Fast-growing unemployment in rural India and the outgoing personality of the average Indian have given a boost to the problem. Many research workers, social scientists and religious organisations have been regularly pointing towards the rising incidence of alcohol and drug abuse.

My project report is based on Analytical and Survey Study through questionnaire. The study deals with the comparative study of various Pharmaceutical Companies that deals in manufacturing commonly used drugs like Antibiotics, Antifungal, Topical Steroids etc. The study is related to study their average sales in comparison with each other, their schemes and brand loyalty of customer.

Besides the study also gives graphical representation for these companies based on the information gathered from some of the dealers chosen for this very study.

Pharmaceutical Industry : An Introduction

Pharmaceuticals are medicinally effective chemicals, which are converted to dosage forms suitable for patients to imbibe. In its basic chemical form, pharmaceuticals are called bulk drugs and the final dosage forms are known as formulations. Bulk drugs are derived from 4 types of intermediates (raw material), namely :

Plant derivatives (herbal products)

Animal derivatives e.g. Insulin extracted from bovine pancreas.

Synthetic Chemicals.

Biogenetic (human) derivatives e.g. Human Insulin.

Doctors, post-diagnosis to cure a disease or disorder in the patient primarily prescribes formulations. To prevent misuse/incorrect administration, most formulations are disbursed by pharmacies only under medical prescription and these are called ethical products.

Executive Summary of Project Report :

The pharmaceutical industry is a knowledge driven industry and is heavily dependent on Research and Development for new products and growth. However, basic research (discovering new molecules) is a time consuming and expensive process and is thus, dominated by large global multinationals. Indian companies have recently entered the area and initial results have been encouraging.

In the global pharmaceutical market, western market are the largest and fastest growing due to introduction of newer molecules at high prices. A well-established reimbursement and insurance system implies that per capita drug expenditure is abnormally high in Western Countries as compared to the developing nations.

The Indian pharmaceutical industry is highly fragmented but has grown rapidly due to the friendly patent regime and low cost manufacturing structure. Intense competition, high volumes and low prices characterize the Indian domestic market. Exports have been rising at around 30% CAGR over last five years. There is a shift in export profile towards value added formulations from low value bulk drugs.

The Drug Pricing Control Order (DPCO) has been the millstone around the neck of Indian industry as it has severally restricted profitability and hence innovation. However, the government has been relaxing controls in a slow but progressive manner. The span of control of DPCO has come down as per the latest proposed changes.

In the domestic market, old and mature categories like anti-infectives, vitamins, analgesics are degrowing or stagnating while new lifestyle categories like cardiovascular, CNS, anti diabetic are growing at double-digit rates. The growth of a company in the domestic market is thus critically dependent on its therapeutic presence.

Indian pharmaceutical industry :

The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry is a vibrant, high technology based and high growth oriented industry - attracting attention the world over for its immense potential to produce high quality drugs and pharmaceutical formulations. The Pharmaceutical Industry is among the most highly R&D intensive industries. In fact, other than drug discovery, marketing has been the most important function in the pharmaceutical industry.

The pharmaceutical marketing environment is perhaps the most challenging one on the Indian industrial scene today. As it approaches a new millennium it is faced, on the one hand, with new opportunities and new prospects, and on the other, with the emergence of a radically ordered pharmaceutical order.

Have you done B.Pharmacy or a graduation in life sciences and now you are at the criss-cross, almost at the verge of getting entry into the world of masters education.
MBA in Pharmaceutical is a good option in front of you after completing the four year pharmacy course. If you have an aptitude to pursue the pharmaceutical management and build your career in various domains of the industry, then surely the course in Pharmaceutical MBA will help you and take you forward in the Pharmaceutical industry
Pharmaceutical MBA colleges in India:
There are various institutes who offer Pharmaceutical MBA courses in India. Some of the good colleges in India who are offering the courses are :
NMIMS University, Mumbai
SIES Mumbai- offers PGDBM in Pharmaceutical MBA
NIPER ,Mohali (Punjab)
D.Y. Patil Insitute of Management,Mumbai
IIHMR Jaipur
JamiaHamdard, New delhi
Scope and future of MBA Pharma
Let me take you through some of the facts of Indian Pharma Industry:
The Indian pharmaceutical market (IPM) is valued at 72,069 crore($15 billion) in 2013 as against 65,654 ($ 13 billion)crore INR in 2012 (
Pharma exports from India are forecasted to increase more than two folds over the next five years . During 2013-2015, opportunities on account of patent expiries will amount to around $ 125 billion creating a large opportunity for Indian Pharma industry
Accounts for over 10 per cent of global pharmaceutical production
Over 60,000 generic brands across 60 therapeutic categories
Manufactures more than 400 different APIs
These numbers in itself tells a lot about the opportunities which the Indian Pharmaceutical industry is providing .The industry not only needs highly qualified researchers, chemist, technical people but also requires skilled managers who can take the industry forward by managing and taking the complex decisions which are imperative for the growth of the industry
The Pharmaceutical MBA course is oriented towards the development of graduates(Pharmacy,life science, others) into a well skilled managers groomed for Pharmaceutical industry in the field of:

1.Sales & Marketing-which grooms the people for taking a challenging role in Sales andProduct management .The career in product management starts from having an hands on experience in sales. All the companies want their managers to have ground experience in sales .So the companies will have a basic sales tenure ranging from 6- 18 months. The sales experience not only provides the hands on experience but also provides a view point to understand the nuances of the marketing strategies.
Consultancy/ Project management: This grooms the students to enter the world of consulting to the life sciences industry. These projects could be related to regulatory compliance, clinical trial management, IT Management(development of Pharma specific tools and softwares) , sales & marketing projects into various domains including digital marketing, patient management etc. Ex: Infosys, Indegene,Wipro,HCL etc.
Business development: This could depend from your role in Licensing/Acquisitions, Portfolio development, Sales, Client acquisition, lead generation .It requires use of the analytical skills and negotiation skills.
Market research: With every company decision being based on market data (company performance, new product launches), research opens a wide field for the students. Example includes IMS, AIOCD Awacs, Pharmarc etc
Market analytics: Analytics involves the decision making in various departments of pharma industry based on the data available to the managers. This decision making could be with respect to product performance, sales forecasting, product portfolio management or risk management. The field provides an immense potential if a student has an interest in analytics and has a knack of data crunching.
Fee structure : The fees structure may range from 2 lac to 8 Lac depending upon the type of college you are planning to enroll into
What are the salary expectation after MBA-Pharma ??
You can expect the salary packages ranging from 3 12 lac .However it depends from recruiters to recruiters and also from college to college
It is not only the course which will take you forward in the industry but it s always important to take a genuine interest in the subject to excel and grow in Pharmaceutical industry

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(03-02-2013, 09:59 AM)Guest Wrote: hi any body has pharma marketing project , no matter which topic, plz do send on [email protected]


(01-06-2013, 12:13 PM)Guest Wrote: [/size][/font]Free project material or report on Pharma suppy chain or distribution.[font=Times New Roman][size=medium]

[/size][/font]Free project material or report on Pharma suppy chain or distribution.[font=Times New Roman][size=medium]

hi any body has pharma marketing project , no matter which topic, plz do send on [email protected]

project in mba marketing in pharmaceutical companies

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